
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Julie Whelan

Documents the latest results and opinions on the causes and possible cures for this disorder. Coverage includes retroviral involvement, immunity, pathophysiology and pharmacological treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Novel Diarrhoea Viruses

Julie Whelan

Until recently a neglected disease syndrome, diarrhea is responsible for many millions of infant deaths in developing countries. The result of a 1987 symposium, this volume reflects advances in the aetiology of diarrhea while addressing such puzzling problems as the difficulty of growing viruses in a controlled setting. The volume is deliberately restricted to so-called ``novel'' diarrhea viruses and is not concerned with ``classical'' rotaviruses, which have formed the basis of previous symposia. Articles concentrate on: atypical rotaviruses; the enteric adenoviruses; small round viruses such as astroviruses, caliciviruses and Norwalk virus; and the Berne and Breda viruses, suggested as a new family Toroviridae. The contributions come from an interdisciplinary mix of virologists (both human and veterinary), epidemiologists, molecular biologists, and pathologists.

Intracellular Niches of Microbes

Albert Haas

The book describes the different and exciting pathways which have been developed by pathogenic microbes to manage living inside host cells. It covers intracellular life styles of all relevant pathogenic but also symbiotic microorganisms with respect to the cell biology of the host-microbe interactions and the microbial adaptations for intracellular survival. It features intracellular trafficking pathways and characteristics of intracellular niches of individual microbes. The book also asks questions on the benefits for the microbe with regard to physiological needs and nutritional aspects such as auxotrophy, effects on genome sizes, and consequences for disease and host response/immunity (and the benefits for the host in the cases of symbionts). Additionally, the book includes those pathogens that are medically less important but represent distinct intracellular niches, trafficking behaviours and virulence traits. The individual chapters also point out future challenges of research for the respective organism.

Lecture Notes: Tropical Medicine

Nick Beeching

Lecture Notes: Tropical Medicine is a comprehensive introduction to tropical medicine. The new edition is in full colour throughout with over 40 colour images integrated with the text. There is a new chapter on syndromes of undernutrition (in both children and adults), and the section on non-communicable diseases has been extended to include mental health problems in the tropics. The core information is presented in a clear and concise way, with extensive use of diagrams, algorithms, tables and boxes. All chapters have been updated to reflect current best practice and the annotated bibliographies and lists of web-based resources have been extended. The chapters on HIV, tuberculosis and malaria have undergone particularly extensive revision, reflecting rapid changes in these areas since the last edition. Lecture Notes: Tropical Medicine is particularly aimed at postgraduate doctors attending tropical medicine courses, as well as medical students taking a tropical medicine elective period. It will also be useful to a wide range of other health professionals involved with medicine in the tropics, or imported tropical disease.

Plasminogen-Related Growth Factors

Gregory Bock R.

A timely volume dealing with the evolutionary and structural links between the clotting and fibrinolytic proteins and plasminogen-related growth factors. The role of individual domains for enzymatic proteins and plasminogen-related growth factors is also comprehensively examined.

Functions of the Proteoglycans

David Evered

Presents a comprehensive review of current proteoglycan research, which is providing fresh insights into many major chronic diseases. The proteoglycans are a family of macromolecules which contain one or more glycosaminoglycan chains covalently bound to a core protein. Proteoglycans are a major component of the extracellular matrix of connective tissues and help to determine its volume, resiliency, and organization. They are an important medium through which nutrients, hormones, and other solutes are transported to cells, and they play a significant role in cell-cell interactions. Disturbances in proteoglycans occur in rheumatic and connective tissue disorders, degenerative bone disease, vascular disease, renal disease, and malignant disorders.

Calcium and the Cell

David Evered

This collection of presentations from the Ciba Foundation Symposium of 1985 deals with the central role of calcium in intracellular processes. Discusses control of intracellular calcium as well as control by intracellular calcium, covering such topics as muscle contraction, metabolic processes, hormone and transmitter secretion, membrane transport and permeability, cellular architecture and growth, and the possible contribution of calcium gradients to early embryonic development. Includes carefully edited and extensive (almost half the book) discussions of chapter topics between active workers in the field at the end of each chapter.

Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases

Michel Tibayrenc

Discover how the application of novel multidisciplinary, integrative approaches and technologies are dramatically changing our understanding of the pathogenesis of infectious diseases and their treatments. Each article presents the state of the science, with a strong emphasis on new and emerging medical applications. The Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases is organized into five parts. The first part examines current threats such as AIDS, malaria, SARS, and influenza. The second part addresses the evolution of pathogens and the relationship between human genetic diversity and the spread of infectious diseases. The next two parts highlight the most promising uses of molecular identification, vector control, satellite detection, surveillance, modeling, and high-throughput technologies. The final part explores specialized topics of current concern, including bioterrorism, world market and infectious diseases, and antibiotics for public health. Each article is written by one or more leading experts in the field of infectious diseases. These experts place all the latest findings from various disciplines in context, helping readers understand what is currently known, what the next generation of breakthroughs is likely to be, and where more research is needed. Several features facilitate research and deepen readers' understanding of infectious diseases: Illustrations help readers understand the pathogenesis and diagnosis of infectious diseases Lists of Web resources serve as a gateway to important research centers, government agencies, and other sources of information from around the world Information boxes highlight basic principles and specialized terminology International contributions offer perspectives on how infectious diseases are viewed by different cultures A special chapter discusses the representation of infectious diseases in art With its multidisciplinary approach, this encyclopedia helps point researchers in new promising directions and helps health professionals better understand the nature and treatment of infectious diseases.

Molecular Genetics of Bacteria

Jeremy Dale W.

The Fourth Edition of this highly successful book provides an essential introduction to the molecular genetics of bacteria. Thoroughly revised and updated, Molecular Genetics of Bacteria now includes a much greater coverage of genomics, microarrays and proteomics. An enhanced treatment of the ways in which both classical and modern genetics have contributed to our understanding of how bacteria work is included. The focus of the book remains firmly on bacteria and will be invaluable to those students studying microbiology, biotechnology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and related biomedical sciences. Expanded treatment of the development of bacterial structures, cellular communication, quorum sensing and two-component regulation. Provides a distillation of key concepts of bacterial genetics to enhance student understanding. Includes examples of the applications of genetics focusing on bacterial pathogenicity.

New Strategies Combating Bacterial Infection

Iqbal Ahmad

Combating bacterial infections calls for a multidisciplinary approach and this is what is on offer here. Written by an experienced international team of researchers from various fields ranging from biotechnology to traditional medicine, the book provides complete and comprehensive coverage of topics relevant to new antibacterial drugs. This ready reference and handbook adopts a novel approach, focusing on combating multi-drug resistance in bacteria by developing antibacterials with new target sites, using new advances in drug discovery as well as natural products. Divided into three sections, the first describes the problem of drug resistance and the need for new drugs, while the second treats recent trends and new classes of drugs, including relevant developments in transcriptomics and proteomics leading to new antimicrobial drug discovery, and a new generation of antibiotics and non-antibiotics. The third section on natural products discusses the antibacterial action of phytocompounds, plant extracts, essential oils and honey as well as the role of probiotics in bacterial infections. Invaluable to students of medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, phytomedicine and microbiology and all those wanting to know about the possibilities and limitations of new antibacterial drugs. Furthermore, its coverage of plants and other natural products makes this relevant to the pharmaceutical and herbal industries.