
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Color Atlas of Farm Animal Dermatology

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A practical full-color reference on the recognition and diagnosis of dermatological disease in farm animals Color Atlas of Farm Animal Dermatology, Second Edition is an essential reference for veterinary dermatologists, practitioners, and students alike. Emphasizing recognition and diagnosis, the book combines hundreds of color photographs with clear and concise text highlighting clinical features, differentials, and diagnostic information for each disease. Coverage includes both common and uncommon diseases of cattle, goats, sheep, llamas and alpacas, and pigs. This new edition has been fully updated throughout, and now includes information on llamas and alpacas. Diseases covered include bacterial, fungal, parasitic, viral and protozoal, immunological, congenital and hereditary, environmental, nutritional and miscellaneous diseases, as well as neoplastic and non-neoplastic growths. Offers a practical quick reference to aid in the diagnosis of dermatological conditions in farm animals, including cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, alpacas, and llamas Contains more than 700 full-color images Covers all dermatological disease types, organized by species-specific sections Thoroughly updated and now including coverage of camelids Color Atlas of Farm Animal Dermatology, Second Edition is a must-have book for veterinary dermatologists, practitioners, and students who work on farm animals.

Reproduction in Farm Animals

B. Hafez

When you’re looking for a comprehensive and reliable text on large animal reproduction, look no further! the seventh edition of this classic text is geared for the undergraduate student in Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. In response to reader feedback, Dr. Hafez has streamlined and edited the entire text to remove all repetitious and nonessential material. That means you'll learn more in fewer pages. Plus the seventh editing is filled with features that help you grasp the concepts of reproduction in farm animals so you'll perform better on exams and in practice: condensed and simplified tables, so they're easier to consult an easy-to-scan glossary at the end of the book an expanded appendix, which includes graphic illustrations of assisted reproduction technology Plus, you'll find valuable NEW COVERAGE on all these topics: Equine Reproduction: expanded information reflecting today's knowledge Llamas (NEW CHAPTER) Micromanipulation of Gametes and In Vitro Fertilization (NEW CHAPTER!) Reach for the text that's revised with the undergraduate in mind: the seventh edition of Hafez's Reproduction in Farm Animals.

The Equine Hospital Manual

Kevin Corley

The must-have resource drawing together all aspects of hospital care of the horse and specialist techniques in equine medicine. Written by a team of over 30 international experts working at the cutting edge of equine medicine and surgery. The emphasis is on practical, easy-to-access information, with a sound basis in evidence based medicine and full references for further enquiry. The Equine Hospital Manual covers the range of procedures used on hospitalized adult horses and foals from the simple to the advanced. The book is liberally illustrated with photographs and line drawings. Covering: Basic skills including physical examination, blood collection, and bandaging Advanced skills including mechanical ventilation, lung biopsy and cardiac output measurement Designing and setting up an equine hospital Biosecurity Therapeutic drugs used in horses and their doses Nutrition for hospital patients, including TPN and PPN Fluid therapy – choices, amounts and pitfalls Anaesthesia – equipment, techniques and post-operative care including analgesia Reflecting the substantial trend in recent years to treat horses in a hospital rather than in the field, this book provides all you need to know whether you have facilities to treat one or one hundred horses.

The Horse in Motion

Sarah Pilliner

We all want our horses to be able to perform to the best of their ability and we know that an effective training regime has many facets. The horse must be worked correctly, fed a balanced ration, mentally and physically healthy and well looked after. This book examines a further aspect of the horse’s performance: it is designed to help all horse owners and riders to understand how a horse moves and how its anatomy helps, or hinders, the horse’s athletic ability. First, the book uses sequences of photographs and detailed anatomical drawings to show the systems of support and movement at each phase of each of the horse’s gaits. The walk, trot, canter, gallop and jump are all examined, and the effect of the rider on the horse evaluated so that the rider can take appropriate action to avoid hindering the horse. Tips are provided throughout on ways in which the horse’s life can be made easier, such as saddle fitting, warming up and cooling down procedures.

Equine Neck and Back Pathology

Frances M. D. Henson

A unique reference dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of problems of the equine neck and back Building on the strength of the first edition, Equine Neck and Back Pathology: Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition explores conditions and problems of the horse’s back and pelvis, and has been expanded to include coverage of the neck as well. This book is a vital tool for all those engaged in improving the diagnosis and management of horses with neck or back problems. The only book devoted to the conditions and problems of the equine neck, back and pelvis, it provides comprehensive coverage by international specialists on how to diagnose and treat problems in these areas. This updated and revised edition covers normal anatomy and kinematics, neck and back pathology, diagnosis and treatment of specific conditions, and complementary therapy and rehabilitation. Equine Neck and Back Pathology: Diagnosis and Treatment, Second Edition is a valuable working resource for equine practitioners, specialists in equine surgery, veterinary nurses and allied professionals involved in treating horses. It is also an excellent supplementary text for veterinary students with a keen interest in horses.

Equine Behaviour

Daniel Mills S.

Understanding the flexibility and limits of behaviour is essential to improving both the horse's welfare and its performance. This book tackles the fundamental principles which will enable owners, riders, trainers and students to understand scientific principles and apply them in practice. Subjects covered include the analysis of influences on equine behaviour, the perceptual world of the horse, learning and training techniques including the latest developments in «join-up» and «imprint training».

The Sciences of Animal Welfare

David Mellor

The Sciences of Animal Welfare analyses the diverse, interconnecting subjects which constitute this fascinating multidisciplinary field, whilst also considering the limitations and benefits of those subjects to the development and future of Animal Welfare Science. This book examines past, present and future practices and thinking, including the wide-ranging interests within society that influence attitudes towards animals and conversely how animal welfare scientists may influence those attitudes. Key themes of the book include: • Multi-disciplinary working and its benefits: how we can obtain fresh insights, enliven our thinking and improve animal welfare by operating widely within diverse disciplines • Questioning the fundamental assumptions we each make about animals and their functional capabilities. The authors acknowledge the field’s debt to past successes in animal-based science disciplines, successes that markedly improved animal welfare long before the concept of animal welfare entered common parlance. They also recognise the problems which unexpectedly arose, and anticipate future successes. Suggesting innovative approaches to Animal Welfare Science, and written by world renowned experts, The Sciences of Animal Welfare is essential reading for anyone interested, studying or currently working in Animal Welfare Science. This book is part of the UFAW/Wiley-Blackwell Animal Welfare Book Series. This major series of books produced in collaboration between UFAW (The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare), and Wiley-Blackwell provides an authoritative source of information on worldwide developments, current thinking and best practice in the field of animal welfare science and technology. For details of all of the titles in the series see www.wiley.com/go/ufaw.

Cooperative Veterinary Care

Alicea Howell

Cooperative Veterinary Care puts the focus on preventing and reversing fear and stress in the veterinary setting through preparation, planning, and most importantly training. Offers evidence-based cooperative techniques to prevent fear and calm reactive patients, with concrete guidance for preventing, identifying, and reversing fear and stress in the veterinary setting Provides a unique system for identifying patients and selecting the right technique for each pet Supplies information on safe patient exams and interactions without the need for restraint Covers strategies to successfully implement these new techniques every day and boost client compliance Presents step-by-step detailed training protocols, including photographs and over 100 videos showing how to train patients quickly and effectively

The Elephant's Foot

Blair Csuti

Maintaining the healthy foot condition of captive Asian and African elephants is one of the most important yet most difficult tasks for zookeepers, veterinarians, and researchers. Recognizing the need for a convenient and comprehensive health care manual, Blair Csuti, Eva Sargent and Ursula Bechert present The Elephant's Foot. Born out of a national conference on elephant care and physiology, this book is backed by 46 of the foremost authorities on the subject. After a general overview of the elephant foot's anatomy and physiology, The Elephant's Foot leads practitioners through recognition, prevention, and treatment of a variety of foot problems. From nail infections to foot abcesses, readers will find this text contains solutions for most foot troubles with remedies or additional recommendations. This book will support anyone simply studying elephants or those working with elephants on a daily basis.

A History of Vascular Surgery

Steven G. Friedman, MD

Since the publication of the first edition 15 years ago, vascular surgery has been transformed into a new specialty incorporating endovascular surgery and techniques. These innovations are detailed in this much anticipated second edition. Like the first edition, this new edition of A History of Vascular Surgery paints engaging portraits of the surgeons and scientists whose ideas and practices underlie, and continue to influence, vascular surgery as we know it today. Written for the practitioner and student alike, the second edition provides an in-depth, accessible history of this rapidly changing field.