This book helps evaluate the state of the art of rhizosphere microbial ecology and biotechnology. Experts in the field review methods and strategies applied to the detection, identification and monitoring of microorganisms in the rhizosphere. Major topics treated include: – construction of genetically marked rhizosphere bacteria – detection of marked wildtype and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) – identification of wildtype and GMOs by DNA probes and PCR amplification – rapid typing of non-modified and GMOs by PCR-based techniques – assessment of the role of gene transfer – EU regulations for the use and release of GMOs – biosafety results from field testing of GMOs In addition, technologies for the modifying gene expression and gene products for specific traits of agronomic interest in genetically engineered rhizosphere bacteria are covered.
A comprehensive, edited volume pulling together research on manipulation of the crop microbiome for climate resilient agriculture Microbes for Climate Resilient Agriculture provides a unique collection of data and a holistic view of the subject with quantitative assessment of how agricultural systems will be transformed in coming decades using hidden treasure of microbes. Authored by leaders in the field and edited to ensure conciseness and clarity, it covers a broad range of agriculturally important crops, discusses the impact of climate change on crops, and examines biotechnologically and environmentally relevant microbes. The book encapsulates the understanding of microbial mediated stress management at field level, and will serve as a springboard for novel research findings and new applications in the field. Chapter coverage includes: the role of the phytomicrobiome in maintaining biofuel crop production in a changing climate; the impact of agriculture on soil microbial community composition and diversity in southeast Asia; climate change impact on plant diseases; microalgae; photosynthetic microorganisms and bioenergy prospects; amelioration of abiotic stresses in plants through multi-faceted beneficial microorganisms; role of methylotrophic bacteria in climate change mitigation; conservation agriculture for climate change resilience; archaeal community structure; mycorrhiza-helping plants to navigate environmental stresses; endophytic microorganisms; bacillus thuringiensis; and microbial nanotechnology for climate resilient agriculture. Clear and succinct chapters contributed and edited by leaders in the field Covers microbes' beneficial and detrimental roles in the microbiome, as well as the functions they perform under stress Discusses the crop microbiome, nutrient cycling microbes, endophytes, mycorrhizae, and various pests and diseases, and their roles in sustainable farming Places research in larger context of climate change's effect on global agriculture Microbes for Climate Resilient Agriculture is an important text for scientists and researchers studying microbiology, biotechnology, environmental biology, agronomy, plant physiology, and plant protection.
This is essential reading for everyone who would like to update their knowledge of the pulmonary epithelium. It offers a comparison between laboratory animal models and human lungs, highlighting the differences and the similarities between the two, which will be particularly useful to researchers. –Doody's, April 2009 The past two decades have seen extraordinary advances in our understanding of the role of the pulmonary epithelium in airway health and disease. Our understanding of epithelial biology has expanded exponentially in the past decade. This book provides a unique comprehensive description of the structure of the epithelium, its damage by various agents and the mechanism of epithelial repair. In addition, it's detailed coverage includes not only the multiple ways in which the epithelium contributes to host defence, but also the nature and functional consequences of the interactions of inhaled pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, allergens and pollutants. the role of the epithelium in regulating airway inflammation and structure is also discussed, as is the role of the epithelium as a target for inhaled medications and as a route for novel drug delivery. Containing chapters on multiple aspects of epithelial function in health and disease, each one is written by a leader in the field. This is essential reading for pulmonary researchers and physicians requiring detailed advanced understanding of the epithelium as well as those working in allergy, biomedical and pharmaceutical research.
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
Epithelial cells cover the outer and inner surfaces of the body, forming a selective polarized barrier between the intercellualar space and the 'external' world. Linking the cells of this continuous layer and contributing to epithelial organization and function are specialized membrane domains–desmosomes, gap junctions, and occluding junctions. The contributors to this multidisciplinary symposium volume explore the nature of such junctional structures, focusing on the molecular organization and diversity of their constituent proteins, their formation and control, and interactions with ions and cytoskeletal elements. The physiological significance of cell-cell interaction in epithelia is considered, with reference to cell adhesion, barrier formation and intercellular communication, and to the functional implications for tissue architecture, embryonic development, morphogenesis and carcinogenesis.
Rapid Infectious Diseases is the fourth book to appear in the Rapid series. Each book is designed for short revision covering key facts in a simple and memorable fashion, using well-thought out mnemonics to aid recall This new text provides students in the run-up to exams with a comprehensive review of possible causes for symptoms and conditions as well as the key facts of around 100 diseases, following the Rapid mnemonic. There will also be an appendix giving details of immunisations as well as a list of Further Reading and useful web sites. Clinical students working on Emergency Medicine and General Practice attachments will find this book extremely useful. It may also interest those planning electives abroad. Junior doctors and GPs will find this a handy resource for quick access to information on the symptoms and diseases they may encounter in the clinical setting.
Inspired by the pace of change in the taxonomy of the aerobic endospore-forming bacteria, the «Bacillus 2000» symposium on which this book is based was held in Bruges, Belgium, in August 2000, and was supported by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies, the Belgian Society for Microbiology, and several commercial sponsors. Bringing taxonomists interested in Bacillus and its relatives together with people who work with these organisms in medicine, agriculture, and industry, allowed those attending to appreciate the overlaps and interactions of their areas of expertise, in the absence of any comprehensive treatment of the current systematics of the group. The meeting was a great success, and has resulted in the production of these proceedings, Applications and Systematics of Bacillus and Relatives, providing an up-to-date and comprehensive treatise on the classification, identification and applications of the aerobic endospore-forming bacteria; it is an essential reference for all microbiologists interested in these organisms. Valuable reference work for all those interested in the systematics of Bacillus and its relatives. Produced in response to the successful Bacillus 2000 meeting in Bruges and was supported by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies, the Belgian Society for Microbiology, and several commercial sponsors. Of use to those working in fields as diverse as medicine, agriculture, food and industry. Comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the systematics of these organisms. Includes the application of sophisticated chemotaxonomic and genetic characterization methods.
The 20th century has seen improvements in both public health and disease prevention which, in turn, have had a dramatic impact on our lives. Success in preventing infection by vaccination and treating infection with antibiotics led some to believe that infectious disease was a thing of the past. However, the adaptability of pathogens and the emergence of new diseases has presented microbiologists with a fresh set of challenges as we enter the new millennium. While celebrating past successes and highlighting developing problems, this volume aims to address some of the issues facing microbiologists in the future. Covering a wide range of topics, it will provide an invaluable resource for microbiologists and an excellent reference for advanced students.
Many common human diseases have a multifactorial origin: they are influenced by a person's genetic predisposition as well as by factors in the environment. This volume deals with the application of recombinant DNA techniques to the identification of diseases that have more than one inherited component. Focus is on the polygenic factors responsible for coronary atherosclerosis. Several other disorders having a polygenic origin are also discussed, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, psychiatric diseases, and autoimmune (HLA-related) disorders. Problems raised by the study of different families or different populations are covered, as well as the possibility of applying molecular techniques to disease prevention–for example, through gene therapy. Also, some of the ethical issues that relate to human gene mapping are briefly explored.
This text is an essential study guide for undergraduates studying microbiology modules on degree courses in pharmacy and the pharmaceutical sciences. Written by two pharmacists each with over 30 years experience of teaching, research and publishing in pharmaceutical microbiology, it distills the subject down into the essential elements that pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists need to know in order to practice their profession, and it covers all the microbiology components of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's indicative syllabus that is at the heart of every UK pharmacy degree. Much of the applied microbiology that a pharmacist or pharmaceutical scientist needs to know is unique: topics like the manufacture of microbiologically sterile medicines and their subsequent protection against microbial contamination and spoilage, the detection of hazardous microorganisms in medicines and antibiotics' manufacture and assay are all covered here. Essential Microbiology for Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science Students displays material in an easy to-digest format and concepts are explained using diagrams, tables and pictures wherever possible. The book contains an extensive self-assessment section that includes typical multiple choice, short answer and essay-style examination questions, and a companion website to further test your knowledge from a selection of questions along with further links to relevant sites.