
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Microbial Ecology of the Oceans

David Kirchman L.

I would strongly recommend it for library purchase and the reading list of advanced students in this field. —Microbiology Today, May 2009 Nearly a decade since its landmark publication, this book has been thoroughly revised in this valuable new edition Like the successful first edition, Microbial Ecology of the Oceans, Second Edition is unique and fills a void in the rapidly growing fields of marine microbiology, microbial ecology, and microbial oceanography. Here, a carefully selected team of international experts explores issues of enduring importance to microbial ecologists, including: Genomes and metagenomes of marine microbes Microbial evolution, as revealed by molecular techniques Microbes in carbon budgets and cycles Viruses and grazers of bacteria Microbes and N cycle reactions in sediments The role of microbes in food web dynamics Biogeochemical cycles in the ocean In addition to drawing on the long history of microbiology, the contributors also include discussions of the latest advances in biological and chemical oceanography to examine the role of microbes and viruses in the oceans. Richly illustrated with black-and-white photographs and drawings, and complemented with a comprehensive list of additional reading for each chapter, this important new edition provides readers with current information in the fields of marine microbiology and microbial ecology. It is designed for students and researchers in biological and chemical oceanography, geochemistry, marine chemistry, freshwater ecology, and general microbiology. It is also appropriate for professionals and advanced students in related fields.


Bernd H. A. Rehm

Concise and up-to-date, this handy guide fills a gap in the literature by providing the essential knowledge for everyone with an interest in the topic. The result is a comprehensive overview of the most important model organism in applied microbiology that covers basic biology, pathology and biotechnological applications.


Ulrich Dobrindt

The first book on this young, highly dynamic, and expanding field. This comprehensive, interdisciplinary text focuses on those pathogenic bacteria that are of high scientific and public health interest, yet which also display great potential for the development of new diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic procedures. The authors cover all aspects of pathogenomics, including methods, genomics and applications. In addition, the ongoing development of genome, transcriptome, proteome and bioinformatic analyses of pathogenic microorganisms and their host interactions makes for a comprehensive introduction to the field of modern genomic analysis. This result is invaluable to researchers and students wishing to gain a general overview of microbial functional genome analysis and pathogenesis, while also representing a good starting point for those new to the area.


Hans-Peter Klenk

Introduced by Crafoord Prize winner Carl Woese, this volume combines reviews of the major developments in archaeal research over the past 10–15 years with more specialized articles dealing with important recent breakthroughs. Drawing on major themes presented at the June 2005 meeting held in Munich to honor the archaea pioneers Wolfram Zillig and Karl O. Stetter, the book provides a thorough survey of the field from its controversial beginnings to its ongoing expansion to include aspects of eukaryotic biology. The editors have assembled articles from the premier researchers in this rapidly burgeoning field, including an account by Carl Woese of his original discovery of the Archaea (until 1990 termed archaebacteria) and the initially mixed reactions of the scientific community. The review chapters and specialized articles address the emerging significance of the Archaea within a broader scientific and technological context, and include accounts of cutting-edge research developments. The book spans archaeal evolution, physiology, and molecular and cellular biology and will be an essential reference for both graduate students and researchers.


Kevin Kavanagh

Fungi: Biology and Applications is a comprehensive, balanced introduction of the biology, biotechnological applications and medical significance of fungi. With no prior knowledge of the subject assumed, the opening chapters offer a broad overview of the basics of fungal biology, in particular the physiology and genetics of fungi. Later chapters move on to include more detailed coverage of topics such as proteomics, bioinformatics, heterologous protein expression, medical mycology, anti-fungal drug development and function, fungal biotechnology and fungal pathogens of economically important plants. Carefully structured, each chapter contains self-assessment exercises with answers included at the end of the book to enhance student understanding. * A comprehensive treatment of the medical and economic importance of fungi to everyday life * Chapters include revision sections and problems to reinforce key concepts * Invaluable for undergraduates taking a first course on fungal biology or mycology. * also of interest to those working within the field looking for an up-to-date introduction.


Sarah Clark

Filarial parasites affect over 130 million people in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, causing prolonged and debilitating illnesses ranging from lymphatic inflammation and elephantiasis to skin disease and blindness. This wide-ranging book, the outcome of an international symposium, focuses on the host-parasite interaction in lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis. Papers examine all aspects of the pathological and immunological consequences of infection as well as diagnosis, treatment, and control of filarial disease.


Sarah Clark

A multidisciplinary volume presenting recent research relating to papillomaviruses and their association with certain types of malignant lesions. Presents up-to-date findings on their classification and their molecular biology and cell-virus interactions, including mode of entry, modification of genetic material and pathogenecity; their relationship to various kinds of skin conditions; their association with cervical carcinoma and carcinomas of the bladder and alimenatry tract, with descriptions of in vitro studies; and finally, their immunology and possible therapeutic agents, e.g., interferon and vaccination. The only comprehensive text on the subject, it brings together the work of many of the most prominent researchers in the field.

Bacterial Signaling

Kirsten Jung

Providing a comprehensive insight into cellular signaling processes in bacteria with a special focus on biotechnological implications, this is the first book to cover intercellular as well as intracellular signaling and its relevance for biofilm formation, host pathogen interactions, symbiotic relationships, and photo- and chemotaxis. In addition, it deals in detail with principal bacterial signaling mechanisms – making this a valuable resource for all advanced students in microbiology. Dr. Kramer is a world-renowned expert in intracellular signaling and its implications for biotechnology processes, while Dr. Jung is an expert on intercellular signaling and its relevance for biomedicine and agriculture.

Environmental Microbiology

Eugene Madsen L.

This well-referenced, inquiry-driven text presents an up-to-date and comprehensive understanding of the emerging field of environmental microbiology. Coherent and comprehensive treatment of the dynamic, emerging field of environmental microbiology Emphasis on real-world habitats and selective pressures experienced by naturally occurring microorganisms Case studies and “Science and the Citizen” features relate issues in the public’s mind to the underlying science Unique emphasis on current methodologies and strategies for conducting environmental microbiological research, including methods, logic, and data interpretation

Microbial Diversity

Oladele Ogunseitan

This book offers the first comprehensive, in-depth treatment of microbial diversity for undergraduate and graduate students. Using a global approach, Microbial Diversity illustrates the impact of microorganisms on ecological and Earth system phenomena. Accompanied by a devoted website with resources for both instructors and students: www.blackwellpublishing.com/ogunseitan Uses key ecological and global phenomena to show the continuity of microbial contribution. Illustrates the importance of microbial diversity for the understanding of global physiochemical and biological processes. Presents analyses of microscopic, culture, molecular, and phylogenetic systematic methods. Shows the relevance of microbial diversity to global environmental problems, such as climate change and ozone depletion. Features numerous illustrations, including over 60 4-color photographs of microbes.