
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Practical Procedures in the Management of Tooth Wear

Subir Banerji

New to the Practical Procedures in… series, Practical Procedures in the Management of Tooth Wear demonstrates a wide range of up to date clinical techniques in the practical management of tooth wear. Presented in an accessible and user-friendly format, the book summarises the key points of each procedure, complete with clinical photographs. Chapters outline the principles and procedures for each technique, offer clinical tips and advice, and include full references. Topics include patient assessment and diagnosis, treatment planning for localised and generalised tooth wear, the partially dentate patient, tooth wear monitoring, management, and maintenance. Created by an internationally-recognised team with both clinical and academic expertise, this valuable resource: Presents comprehensive, evidence-based coverage of the management of tooth wear Examines the epidemiology and etiology of tooth wear Covers practical aspects such as record taking, aesthetic evaluation, prevention, clinical occlusion and active monitoring Includes access to high quality instructional videos to further supplement the text. Practical Procedures in the Management of Tooth Wear is a unique source of information for general dental practitioners, senior undergraduate dental students, and postgraduates preparing for higher qualifications and training.

Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology

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A consummate classic with a fresh approach to pediatric dermatology Children´s skin is different. Maturation affects the epidermal barrier, the cutaneous microbiome, adnexal structures, vasculature, and transcutaneous absorption of drugs. The immature skin is more susceptible to pathogens and environmental disruption. Many genetic disorders are either present at birth or manifest early in childhood. Skin diseases thus present differently in children than in adults. Pediatric dermatology has seen significant advances over the last decade, particularly in the field of molecular genetics research, which has furthered our understanding of the pathogenesis of many skin diseases and the development of new approaches to treatment. This fourth edition of the Harper classic provides state-of-the-art information on all aspects of skin disease in children. It covers the diagnosis and treatment of all conditions – both common and rare – with a consistently evidence-based approach. Existing content has been refreshed and fully updated to reflect emerging thinking and to incorporate the latest in research and clinical data – especially at the genetic level. This new fourth edition includes: Greater focus on the genetics behind skin disease, including new genes/genodermatoses, progress in genetic analysis, and stem cell transplants Increased coverage of lasers and other technologies used to treat skin disease More summary tables, learning points, tables of differential diagnosis, and clinical algorithms for diagnosis and management Additional online features, including patient information links and multiple choice questions Harper's Textbook of Pediatric Dermatology delivers crucial clinical insights and up-to-date research information that spans the breadth of the field. As the most comprehensive reference book on this subject available, this revised fourth edition will support and guide the daily practice of both dermatologists and pediatricians across the world.

Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing

Nicola Rogers

Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing offers a complete resource for information about dental sedation nursing. Updated to reflect the current National Examining Board of Dental Nurses (NEBDN) curriculum, the new edition provides essential information on the subject in an accessible format. The book starts by defining conscious sedation and discusses why dental sedation is used before moving on to discuss topics such as the medico-legal aspects, the dental nurse’s role, equipment, patient selection, types of sedation, medical emergencies, and anatomy. Presents essential evidence-based information on dental sedation nursing Reflects the current NEBDN curriculum Supported by images to demonstrate the concepts discussed Basic Guide to Dental Sedation Nursing is a useful manual for sedation nurses undertaking any of the NEBDN sedation qualifications, including the NEBDN Diploma in Dental Nursing, City and Guilds or CACHE Dental Nursing qualifications, as well as for dental hygienists and therapists.

Je Ne Mourrai Point

Gabriel Agbo

Vous n'êtes pas encore au bout du fil: Dieu ne vous a pas encore abandonné. Vous ne mourrez pas encore. Non, pas encore. L'objectif de ce livre est de voue rassurer que Dieu a toujours un plan dans votre vie. Peu importe votre situation actuelle. Vous trouverez ici des chapitres intéressants tels : JE NE MOURRAI POINT, TOUT POUVOIR LUI APPARTIENT, RETOURNER LE LUI DIRE, LA PRIERE, QUE FAITES-VOUS ICI ?, NE VOUS EFFRAYEZ POINT; NE VOUS ENFUYEZ POINT et ALLEZ CHERCHER PLUS DE VAISSEAUX. N'abandonnez pas. Ne vous suicidez pas. Levez-vous dans la foi et l'espoir pour le combat. Ne vous effrayez pas et ne les enfuyez pas. God est venu vous aider. Vous y apprendez aussi à résister à l'esprit de l'échec, du découragement et de la mort. Le taux des suicides augmente, pourquoi ? y a-t-il des solutions ?? Vous n'êtes pas encore au bout du fil. Dieu ne vous a pas encor abandonné. Vous ne mourrez pas. Non, pas encore. Ce livre vous rassure aue Dieu a toujours un plan dans votre vie. Peu importe votre situation actuelle. Vous y trouverez des chapitres intéressants tels : JE NE MOURRAI POINT, TOUT POUVOIR APPARTIENT A DIEU, RETOURNEZ LE LUI DIRE, LA PRIERE, QUE FAITES-VOUS ICI ?, NE VOUS EFFAYEZ POINT, NE VOUS ENFUYEZ POINT et ALLEW CHERCHER PLUS DE VAISSEAUX. N'abandonnez pas. Ne vous suicidez pas. Levez-vous dans la foi et l'espoir pour le combat. Ne vous effrayez pas et ne les enfuyez pas. Dieu est venu vous aider. Vous apprendrez à résister l'esprit de l'échec, du découragement et de la ,ort. Le taux des suicides auge,ente, pourquoi ? Y a-t-il des solutions ??


Emma Barnett

The fierce and funny manifesto from broadcaster Emma Barnett.Myth-debunking and taboo-busting, this is going to be the book that everyone is talking about. Period.At a time when women around the world are raising their voices in the fight for equality, there is still one taboo where there remains a deafening silence: periods.Period. will be an agenda-setting manifesto to remove the stigma and myths continuing to surround the female body.Bold, unapologetic and a crusade to ignite conversation, this is a book for every woman – and man – everywhere.

Zika Virus and Diseases

Fan Cheng

Compiles the most current information on the Zika virus and its associated diseases This comprehensive book provides the most up-to-date information for students, medical students, and scientists on Zika virus and its associated diseases. It includes all the information related to the Zika virus since its discovery in 1947; its epidemic outbreak in 2007-2014; how the epidemiology changed in America in 2015-2016; its mode of transmission; how to prevent and treat it; and associated diseases. Zika Virus and Diseases: From Molecular Biology to Epidemiology offers complete and up-to-date coverage in 10 chapters. It presents information from papers that attempted to associate the virus with diseases in Africa until the first animal experiment; discusses its association with Guillain-Barré syndrome and microcephaly; describes the basic mechanisms for Zika (ZIKV) replication, including important differences between Dengue (DENV), West-Nile virus (WNV), and ZIKV; explains the difference between the strains and discusses the pathogenesis of them; covers the papers that showed all the interferences that Zika can cause, and the pathways which can be modified; and more. The first book since 1947 to put together all the scientific information Compiles all the information received in the last year about Zika virus Clearly demonstrates the origin and discovery of the virus Zika Virus and Diseases: From Molecular Biology to Epidemiology will appeal to graduate students, medical students, basic researchers, clinicians in infectious disease, microbiology, and virology, as well as people in related disciplines interested in learning more about this topic.

Microbial Ecology of the Oceans

David Kirchman L.

The newly revised and updated third edition of the bestselling book on microbial ecology in the oceans The third edition of Microbial Ecology of the Oceans features new topics, as well as different approaches to subjects dealt with in previous editions. The book starts out with a general introduction to the changes in the field, as well as looking at the prospects for the coming years. Chapters cover ecology, diversity, and function of microbes, and of microbial genes in the ocean. The biology and ecology of some model organisms, and how we can model the whole of the marine microbes, are dealt with, and some of the trophic roles that have changed in the last years are discussed. Finally, the role of microbes in the oceanic P cycle are presented. Microbial Ecology of the Oceans, Third Edition offers chapters on The Evolution of Microbial Ecology of the Ocean; Marine Microbial Diversity as Seen by High Throughput Sequencing; Ecological Significance of Microbial Trophic Mixing in the Oligotrophic Ocean; Metatranscritomics and Metaproteomics; Advances in Microbial Ecology from Model Marine Bacteria; Marine Microbes and Nonliving Organic Matter; Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry of Oxygen-Deficient Water Columns; The Ocean’s Microscale; Ecological Genomics of Marine Viruses; Microbial Physiological Ecology of The Marine Phosphorus Cycle; Phytoplankton Functional Types; and more. A new and updated edition of a key book in aquatic microbial ecology Includes widely used methodological approaches Fully describes the structure of the microbial ecosystem, discussing in particular the sources of carbon for microbial growth Offers theoretical interpretations of subtropical plankton biogeography Microbial Ecology of the Oceans is an ideal text for advanced undergraduates, beginning graduate students, and colleagues from other fields wishing to learn about microbes and the processes they mediate in marine systems.

The Nature of Viruses

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

The Rising Trends in Asthma

Gail Cardew

Asthma is a growing health problem throughout the developed world. This volume presents a critical review of all the possible factors for this rising trend and includes research that has not yet been published in the scientific literature. Discusses the basic biology of asthma and addresses genetic influences. Surveys the epidemiological evidence for the worldwide trends in morbidity and mortality.

The GTPase Superfamily

Joan Marsh

Using a multidisciplinary approach, it features contributions and discussions of the latest research from leading scientists working on all aspects of GTPase activity. Covers all known members of the important superfamily of enzymes–the GTPases. Considers numerous key cellular functions and how they are regulated by GTPases. Also describes various regulatory proteins that modulate GTPase activity.