
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging

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Over the last decade, advances in science and technology have profoundly changed the face of light microscopy. Research scientists need to learn new skills in order to use a modern research microscope–skills such as how to align microscope optics and perform image processing. Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging explores the basics of microscope design and use. The comprehensive material discusses the optical principles involved in diffraction and image formation in the light microscope, the basic modes of light microscopy, the components of modern electronic imaging systems, and the image processing operations necessary to acquire and prepare an image. Written in a practical, accessible style, Fundamentals of Light Microscopy and Electronic Imaging reviews such topics as: Illuminators, filters, and isolation of specific wavelengths Phase contrast and differential interference contrast Properties of polarized light and polarization microscopy Fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy Digital CCD microscopy and image processing Each chapter includes practical demonstrations and exercises along with a discussion of the relevant material. In addition, a thorough glossary assists with complex terminology and an appendix contains lists of materials, procedures for specimen preparation, and answers to questions. An essential resource for both, experienced and novice microscopists.

Defining Optimal Immunotherapies for Type 1 Diabetes

Gregory Bock R.

This book is a comprehensive and up-to-date account of where we stand in immunological strategies for preventing or treating type 1 diabetes (T1D). Brings together contributions from the leaders in the arena of clinical immunotherapy, not limited to the diabetes field exclusively, in order to delineate a road-map that would lead to future clinical trials. The book integrates information from human and animal studies. The book considers T1D within the broader context of autoimmune disease. The format contains several discussions, which address specific questions and provides guidelines for future strategies and solutions for discovering a cure.

The Molecular Basis of Smell and Taste Transduction

Joan Marsh

Recent application of the techniques of molecular biology and patch-clamp physiology has led to rapid advances in understanding the molecular events in chemosensory transduction. In this book, the latest results are presented and discussed by leading scientists. The extensive coverage encompasses many important topics, including mucous domains; microchemical heterogeneity in the mucociliary complex of the olfactory epithelium; membrane currents and mechanisms of olfactory transduction, and genetic and pathological taste variation.

New Treatment Strategies for Dengue and Other Flaviviral Diseases

Gregory Bock R.

Dengue virus is a member of the Flaviviridae family, which includes viruses associated with human diseases such as yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis and hepatitis C. Dengue fever is transmitted by mosquitoes, principally Aedes aegypti. There are four serotypes of dengue virus, of which DENV-2 has been the most prevalent in many recent epidemics. Following primary infection, lifelong immunity develops, preventing repeated assault by the same serotype. However, the non-neutralizing antibodies from a previous infection or maternally acquired antibodies are thought to form complexes with a different serotype during a subsequent infection and cause dengue haemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome, which can be fatal. There is no treatment or vaccine available today that can combat this emerging and uncontrolled disease. This book features contributions from the world’s leading researchers working on dengue and related flaviviruses who examine the current state of the art in the molecular biology of the dengue virus. Particular emphasis is placed on the structure and function of the virus and the targeting of virus proteins by potential antiviral agents. The pathogenesis of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever are discussed in detail, especially the target cells and the specific receptors on these cells, thereby developing a clear overview of host and viral factors that contribute to dengue haemorrhagic fever. Finally, the book reviews the therapeutic options, paying particular attention to ways in which vector, host and environment can play a critical role in the spread of this disease. With dengue fever and other emerging viral diseases becoming increasingly prevalent around the world, this book provides valuable insight into the virus that causes this disease and potential ways to manage it. It is essential reading for all those working in tropical diseases, public health and virology. Praise from the reviews: «The book provides an excellent summary of dengue/flavivirus research and is important for individuals and institutions interested in emerging infectious diseases.» MICROBIOLOGY TODAY

Handheld Computers for Doctors

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This is the first book to address the uses of handheld computers within clinical practice and considers the many different possible applications of handheld computers in a medical environment. The book champions the idea that handheld computers have a significant role to play in the future of clinical practice. It shows why and how these devices can help reduce paperwork, and how to use the technology without waiting for the IT department's latest expensive, complicated and overdue solution. The book is in three sections: Explains that handhelds, far from futuristic gadgets, are today's technology benefiting clinicians around the world. The ten chapters guide the user through all possible applications of these machines. Looks at three teams that put the handhelds to different clinical uses. Explains the tools and techniques that are useful in introducing the technology to a group. If you work in hospital or community medicine, you can take advantage of technology that is affordable, powerful, easy and effective. Handheld computers can be used for education, administration and clinical practice, and in association with colleagues to support communication and teamwork.

A Guide to Genetic Counseling

Beverly Yashar

The first book devoted exclusively to the principles and practice of genetic counseling—now in a new edition First published in 1998, A Guide to Genetic Counseling quickly became a bestselling and widely recognized text, used nationally and internationally in genetic counseling training programs. Now in its eagerly anticipated Second Edition, it provides a thoroughly revised and comprehensive overview of genetic counseling, focusing on the components, theoretical framework, and unique approach to patient care that are the basis of this profession. The book defines the core competencies and covers the genetic counseling process from case initiation to completion—in addition to addressing global professional issues—with an emphasis on describing fundamental principles and practices. Chapters are written by leaders in the field of genetic counseling and are organized to facilitate academic instruction and skill attainment. They provide the most up-to-date coverage of: The history and practice of genetic counseling Family history Interviewing Case preparation and management Psychosocial counseling Patient education Risk communication and decision-making Medical genetics evaluation Understanding genetic testing Medical documentation Multicultural counseling Ethical and legal issues Student supervision Genetic counseling research Professional development Genetics education and outreach Evolving roles and expanding opportunities Case examples A Guide to Genetic Counseling, Second Edition belongs on the syllabi of all medical and human genetics and genetic counseling training programs. It is an indispensable reference for both students and healthcare professionals working with patients who have or are at risk for genetic conditions.

The Old Age Psychiatry Handbook

Zuzana Walker

The Old Age Psychiatry Handbook provides a comprehensive but concise overview of psychiatric, medical and practical issues that may arise within the speciality. The book is written in an easy assimilated format, ideal for use in the clinic and on the ward. The Old Age Psychiatry Handbook includes chapters on basic history and mental state examination, specific psychiatric syndromes and prescribing for elderly psychiatric patients. It also discusses the social and legal issues faced by health care practitioners, patients, and their relatives, including mental capacity, financial entitlements and placement. The book is a compact “pocket guide”, with information clearly displayed in concise tables and boxes accompanied by further detail within the text. Written by doctors working in old age psychiatry, this guide is an indispensable reference tool for F1/F2 grades, Senior House Officers in training, General Practitioners, community psychiatric nurses and other members of the multidisciplinary team. It is also of use in preparation for the MRCPsych examinations.

The Mentally Abnormal Offender

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Translational Toxicology and Therapeutics

Claude Hughes L.

Written by leading research scientists, this book integrates current knowledge of toxicology and human health through coverage of environmental toxicants, genetic / epigenetic mechanisms, and carcinogenicity. Provides information on lifestyle choices that can reduce cancer risk Offers a systematic approach to identify mutagenic, developmental and reproductive toxicants Helps readers develop new animal models and tests to assess toxic impacts of mutation and cancer on human health Explains specific cellular and molecular targets of known toxicants operating through genetic and epigenetic mechanisms

Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds

D. Hunter Bruce

Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds provides thorough coverage of major parasite groups affecting wild bird species. Broken into four sections covering protozoa, helminths, leeches, and arthropod parasites, this volume provides reviews of the history, disease, epizootiology, pathology, and population impacts caused by parasitic disease. Taking a unique approach that focuses on the effects of the parasites on the host, Parasitic Diseases of Wild Birds fills a unique niche in animal health literature.