
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Target Discovery and Validation

Raimund Mannhold

The modern drug developers? guide for making informed choices among the diverse target identification methods Target Discovery and Validation: Methods and Strategies for Drug Discovery offers a hands-on review of the modern technologies for drug target identification and validation. With contributions from noted industry and academic experts, the book addresses the most recent chemical, biological, and computational methods. Additionally, the book highlights techologies that are applicable to ?difficult? targets and drugs directed at multiple targets, including chemoproteomics, activity-based protein profiling, pathway mapping, genome-wide association studies, and array-based profiling. Throughout, the authors highlight a range of diverse approaches, and target validation studies reveal how these methods can support academic and drug discovery scientists in their target discovery and validation research. This resource: -Offers a guide to identifying and validating targets, a key enabling technology without which no new drug development is possible -Presents the information needed for choosing the appropriate assay method from the ever-growing range of available options -Provides practical examples from recent drug development projects, e. g. in kinase inhibitor profiling Written for medicinal chemists, pharmaceutical professionals, biochemists, biotechnology professionals, and pharmaceutical chemists, Target Discovery and Validation explores the current methods for the identification and validation of drug targets in one comrpehensive volume. It also includes numerous practical examples.

Clinical Examination Skills in Paediatrics

A. Mark Dalzell

Examining children presents unique challenges for trainees and new doctors in paediatrics. Paediatric patients vary greatly in age and development, often find it difficult to describe their symptoms, and can behave unpredictably in clinical settings. Clinical Examination Skills in Paediatrics helps MRCPCH candidates and other practitioners learn effective history taking and fundamental examination techniques. Clear and concise chapters–with contributions from a team of paediatric specialists–demonstrate the clinical examination and questioning techniques used in daily practice. Emphasis on the intellectual processes involved in decision making assists both trainees preparing for a formal examination as well as new clinicians faced with a difficult diagnostic problem. Topics include cardiovascular and respiratory examination, examining a child with a neuromuscular disorder, musculoskeletal examination, and taking history from a child with diabetes and a rheumatological condition. Includes access to a companion website containing high-quality videos that demonstrate techniques, procedures and approaches Features commentary by experienced practitioners which offer observations and deductions at each stage of the examination process Offers tips for communicating effectively with the patients using appropriate lay terms Helps translate the symptoms and signs experienced by patients into medical-speak Covers all the skills tested in the MRCPCH Clinical exam Clinical Examination Skills in Paediatrics is the perfect study and reference guide for paediatrics trainees, MRCPCH candidates, foundation doctors, allied healthcare professionals, and anyone looking to improve their clinical and communication skills in paediatrics.

Healthcare System Access

Nicoleta Serban

A guide to a holistic approach to healthcare measurement aimed at improving access and outcomes Healthcare System Access is an important resource that bridges two areas of research—access modeling and healthcare system engineering. The book’s mathematical modeling approach highlights fundamental approaches on measurement of and inference on healthcare access. This mathematical modeling facilitates translating data into knowledge in order to make data-driven estimates and projections about parameters, patterns, and trends in the system. The complementary engineering approach uses estimates and projections about the system to better inform efforts to design systems that will yield better outcomes. The author—a noted expert on the topic—offers an in-depth exploration of the concepts of systematic disparities, reviews measures for systematic disparities, and presents a statistical framework for making inference on disparities with application to disparities in access. The book also includes information health outcomes in the context of prevention and chronic disease management. In addition, this text: Integrates data and knowledge from various fields to provide a framework for decision making in transforming access to healthcare Provides in-depth material including illustrations of how to use state-of-art methodology, large data sources, and research from various fields Includes end-of-chapter case studies for applying concepts to real-world conditions Written for health systems engineers, Healthcare System Access: Measurement, Inference, and Intervention puts the focus on approaches to measure healthcare access and addresses important enablers of such change in healthcare towards improving access and outcomes.

Essential Forensic Medicine

Peter Vanezis

Provides an invaluable distillation of key topics in forensic medicine for undergraduate, masters, and postgraduate students Essential Forensic Medicine covers the broad area of the forensic medical sciences, delivering core knowledge in the biomedical sciences, and the law and ethics surrounding them. Concise, accessible chapters cover a wide range of topics from basic forensic identification and examination techniques to forensic toxicology and psychiatry. Written by internationally-recognized experts in the field, this authoritative guide offers complete chapter coverage of the legal system, courts, and witnesses; investigation of the deceased and their lawful disposal; and the duties of a registered medical practitioner and the General Medical Council. It instructs readers on the general principles of scene examination and the medico-legal autopsy including how to interpret the many kinds of injuries one can suffer—including those from blunt impact and sharp force, firearms and explosives, asphyxia and drowning. Further chapters cover sexual offences, child abuse, and using DNA in human identification, mental health, alcohol and drug abuse. A fresh, accessible, up to date textbook on forensic medicine Written by a well-known experts with decades of experience in the field Includes numerous figures and tables, and detailed lists of key information Features numerous case studies to reinforce key concepts and ideas explored within the book Helps students to prepare for examinations and enables practitioners to broaden their understanding of the discipline Part of the “Essential Forensic Science” series, Essential Forensic Medicine is a highly useful guide for advanced undergraduate students, master’s students, and new practitioners to the field.

Common Contact Allergens

John McFadden

How to diagnose allergic contact dermatitis, perform and interpret patch tests, and select the best treatment options Written for a broad range of dermatologic professionals, Common Contact Allergens is a straightforward and useful guide that bridges the gap between detailed reference texts and basic handbooks on contact allergy, making it an ideal addition to general dermatology practices for practical use in the office. The first section of the book leads practitioners through the steps necessary to effectively and accurately perform patch testing. This covers basic immunological knowledge, various ways in which contact allergy can present, patch test techniques, and how to diagnose allergic contact dermatitis. Giving attention to all standard allergens, the second section offers an overview of the current literature on each, with detailed analysis on determining the clinical relevance of a positive patch test reaction. This convenient companion: Offers universally applicable guidance on when and how to perform patch testing, as well as how to interpret test reactions and arrive at accurate diagnoses Characterizes allergens from the Standard ‘Baseline’ Series, the International Series, and the T. R. U. E. Test Series Profiles allergens such as metals, fragrances, medicaments, rubber chemicals, plant chemicals, hair and clothing dyes, excipients, and resins Contains case reports, clinical images, patch test tips, and more Features color-coded exposure templates for easy consultation Provides key pointers on how to take patient histories and handle challenging cases Introduces new concepts such as ‘microhistory’ and ‘microexamination’ Allows access to online supplementary material featuring CAS numbers, toxicology, immunology, prevalence rates, chemical structures, additional case reports, and more Common Contact Allergens is a valuable reference tool for trainee and practicing general dermatologists, dermatology nurses, occupational health physicians, allergists, and other medical professionals with an interest in dermatology.

Essential Endodontology

Dag Orstavik

The authoritative reference that continues to present a systematic analysis of the scientific basis of endodontology The third edition of Essential Endodontology: Prevention and Treatment of Apical Periodontitis has been revised and updated to include the most recent developments in the field, maintaining its position as the major scientific treatise of apical periodontitis. Making an often-complex subject more digestible, the book explores the scientific basis of endodontology, adopting a systematic analysis of the available clinical and laboratory evidence. Promoting apical periodontitis as a disease entity, the comprehensive third edition focuses on its biology and clinical features, enabling the reader to have a better understanding of its diagnosis, prevention and treatment. In addition to thorough updates and full colour illustrations throughout, a new chapter on regenerative endodontics has been added to this edition. Written with a focus on the scientific basis of endodontology Includes a new chapter on regenerative endodontics Presents the most current information and major developments in this fast-moving field Provides helpful learning outcomes in each chapter Contains full colour illustrations, enriching the text Features contributions from a noted panel of international experts, including new contributors from across the globe Regarded as a vital companion to the pursuit of excellence in postgraduate and specialist education, Essential Endodontology is an indispensable and accessible resource for practicing endodontists, postgraduate students of endodontology and those seeking professional certification in endodontology.

Implant Restorations

Carl Drago

The fourth edition of Implant Restorations: A Step-by-Step Guide provides a wealth of updated and expanded coverage on detailed procedures for restoring dental implants. Focusing on the most common treatment scenarios, it offers concise literature reviews for each chapter abd easy-to-follow descriptions of the techniques, along with high-quality clinical photographs demonstrating each step. Comprehensive throughout, this practical guide begins with introductory information on incorporating implant restorative dentistry in clinical practice. It covers diagnosis and treatment planning and digital dentistry, and addresses advances in cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT), treatment planning software, computer generated surgical guides, rapid prototype printing and impression-less implant restorative treatments, intra-oral scanning, laser sintering, and printing/milling polymer materials. Record-keeping, patient compliance, hygiene regimes, and follow-up are also covered. Provides an accessible step-by-step guide to commonly encountered treatment scenarios, describing procedures and techniques in an easy-to-follow, highly illustrated format Offers new chapters on diagnosis and treatment planning and digital dentistry Covers advances in cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT), computer generated surgical guides, intra-oral scanning, laser sintering, and more An excellent and accessible guide on a burgeoning subject in modern dental practice by one of its most experienced clinicians, Implant Restorations: A Step-by-Step Guide, Fourth Edition will appeal to prosthodontists, general dentists, implant surgeons, dental students, dental assistants, hygienists, and dental laboratory technicians.

Biology and Mathematics

Roger Buis

To formalize the dynamics of living things is to search for invariants in a system that contains an irreducible aspect of “fuzziness”, because biological processes are characterized by their large statistical variability, and strong dependence on temporal and environmental factors. What is essential is the identification of what remains stable in a “living being” that is highly fluctuating. The use of mathematics is not limited to the use of calculating tools to simulate and predict results. It also allows us to adopt a way of thinking that is founded on concepts and hypotheses, leading to their discussion and validation. Instruments of mathematical intelligibility and coherence have gradually “fashioned” the view we now have of biological systems. Teaching and research, fundamental or applied, are now dependent on this new order known as Integrative Biology or Systems Biology.

Diseases of Poultry

Venugopal Nair

The most complete and definitive reference to all aspects of poultry diseases, Diseases of Poultry, Fourteenth Edition has been fully revised and updated to offer a comprehensive survey of current knowledge. Updates the definitive reference of poultry health and disease Provides more clinically relevant information on management of specific diseases, contributed by clinical poultry veterinarians Offers information on disease control in organic and antibiotic-free production Presents more concise, streamlined chapters for ease of use Incorporates advances in the field, from new diagnostic tools and information to changes brought about by the increasing globalization and the re-emergence of zoonotic pathogens

Successful Drug Discovery

Christian Klein

Provides unique insider insight into the current drug development process, and what it takes to achieve success In this fourth volume in the series, inventors and primary developers of drugs that made it to the market continue telling the story of the drugs? discovery and development, and discuss the sometimes twisted route from the first drug candidate molecule to the final marketed one. Beginning with a general section addressing overarching topics for drug discovery, the book offers seven chapters that feature selected case studies describing recently introduced drugs or drug classes. These include small molecule drugs as well as biopharmaceuticals and range across different therapeutic fields. Together, they provide a representative cross-section of the present-day drug development effort. Successful Drug Discovery: Volume 4 covers trends in peptide-based drug discovery and the physicochemical properties of recently approved oral drugs. The section on drug class studies looks at antibody-drug conjugates and the discovery, evolution, and therapeutic potential of dopamine partial agonists. Featured case studies examine the discovery of Etelcalcetide for the treatment of secondary hyper-parathyroidism in patients with chronic kidney disease; the development of Lenvatinib Mesylate; the discovery and development of Venetoclax; and more. -Focuses on recently introduced drugs that have not been featured in any textbooks or general references, including Ocrelizumab, a new generation of anti-CD-20 mAb for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, and Venetoclax, a selective antagonist of BCL-2 -Features personal experiences of successful drug developers from industry and academia -Endorsed and supported by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Successful Drug Discovery: Volume 4 provides a fascinating and informative look into the process of drug discovery and would be a great reference for those in the pharmaceutical industry, organic and pharmaceutical chemists, and lecturers in pharmacy.