David Evered

Список книг автора David Evered

    The Biology of Hyaluronan

    David Evered

    Presents state-of-the-art applications in hyaluronan research, from hyaluronan's physicochemical properties to its clinical role as a connective tissue marker and its surgical implications, particularly in ear, eye and orthopaedic surgery. Covers hyaluronan's synthesis and catabolism, its role in cells, its interactions with specific binding proteins, and its role in the embryonic nervous system.

    Cellular Basis of Morphogenesis

    David Evered

    Contributors to this symposium focus on the interface between genes and cells, covering genetic analysis, cloning studies, and the investigation of cell lineages and cellular interactions. They note how the body axes are already determined in the eggs of invertebrates and amphibia, then consider the mechanisms as the egg cleaves, in annelids, arthropods, amphibia, and mice that underlie assignation of cells to specific lineages, which give rise to different tissues in the adult. Closing chapters characterize the molecules that mediate each cell's particular fate, its position in the final body plan as the result of cell sorting or, in some cases, cell migration.

    Functions of the Proteoglycans

    David Evered

    Presents a comprehensive review of current proteoglycan research, which is providing fresh insights into many major chronic diseases. The proteoglycans are a family of macromolecules which contain one or more glycosaminoglycan chains covalently bound to a core protein. Proteoglycans are a major component of the extracellular matrix of connective tissues and help to determine its volume, resiliency, and organization. They are an important medium through which nutrients, hormones, and other solutes are transported to cells, and they play a significant role in cell-cell interactions. Disturbances in proteoglycans occur in rheumatic and connective tissue disorders, degenerative bone disease, vascular disease, renal disease, and malignant disorders.

    Calcium and the Cell

    David Evered

    This collection of presentations from the Ciba Foundation Symposium of 1985 deals with the central role of calcium in intracellular processes. Discusses control of intracellular calcium as well as control by intracellular calcium, covering such topics as muscle contraction, metabolic processes, hormone and transmitter secretion, membrane transport and permeability, cellular architecture and growth, and the possible contribution of calcium gradients to early embryonic development. Includes carefully edited and extensive (almost half the book) discussions of chapter topics between active workers in the field at the end of each chapter.

    Cell and Molecular Biology of Vertebrate Hard Tissues

    David Evered

    Brings together the latest research in the cellular and molecular biology of bones and teeth, including applications to medical and dental practice. An interdisciplinary group of contributors addresses control of bone formation, resorption and remodelling, osteoblast differentiation and osteoclast activity, factors influencing dental extracellular matrix biomineralization, non-collagen proteins in bone and their function, hormonal regulation of bone growth, and more.

    Plant Resistance to Viruses

    David Evered

    Concern about the environmental consequences of the widespread use of pesticides has increased, and evidence of pesticide-resistant virus vectors have continued to emerge. This volume presents a timely survey of the mechanisms of plant resistance and examines current developments in breeding for resistance, with particular emphasis on advances in genetic engineering which allow for the incorporation of viral genetic material into plants. Discusses the mechanisms of innate resistance in strains of tobacco, tomato, and cowpea; various aspects of induced resistance, including the characterization and roles of the pathogenesis-related proteins; antiviral substances and their comparison with interferon; and cross-protection between plant virus strains. Also presents several papers which evaluate the status of genetic engineering as it relates to breeding resistant plants. Among these are discussions of the potential use of plant viruses as gene vectors, gene coding for viral coat protein, satellite RNA, and antisense RNA, and practical issues such as the durability of resistant crop plants in the field.

    Cyanide Compounds in Biology

    David Evered

    Comprises the proceedings of a symposium held at the Ciba Foundation, March 1988. Contributors present an international, interdisciplinary approach to the biology and biological chemistry of cyanide and related compounds. Addressed are the microbial metabolism of HCN and organic nitrile compounds, cyanogenesis in higher plants, qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis of cyanogenic glycosides, and detoxification of hydrogen cyanide by animals.

    Plasticity of the Neuromuscular System

    David Evered

    Presents new information on the mutual interaction of skeletal muscle fibers and motoneurons at all levels, from the physiological to the molecular. Covers genetic, physiological, and hormonal factors affecting skeletal muscle development, control of acetylcholine receptor gene expression, selection and organization of motoneurons, and remodelling and refinement of synaptic inputs under the influence of muscle-derived growth factors. Also discusses the plasticity of the neuromuscular system during regeneration after injury, and in the modification of muscle properties and movement patterns in disease states by changes in sensory input or by electrical stimulation.

    Research and the Ageing Population

    David Evered

    This international symposium focuses on the contributions that biomedical research is making to the provision of proper health care for the increasing numbers of elderly people in all countries, developed and developing. Recent, encouraging developments in the areas of malignancy, dementia, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease are emphasized. Also addresses new ways of planning health care and social support systems for the elderly.

    Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Disease

    David Evered

    This work focuses on the autoimmune processes that have now been proven to underlie a number of serious diseases, including diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Papers explore the rapidly expanding developments in research on immune response and regulation, and their potential in the development of treatments for autoimmune diseases. The wide range of subjects covered here include: the nature of intracellular and cell surface-derived ``self'' antigens; competing theories of the generation of immune tolerance and their implications of current theories for research and treatment; possible links between autoimmunity and genetic complement deficiency; the contributions of interferons and class II HLA antigen expression to autoimmunity; and the potential of monoclonal antibodies and other biotechnological advances in treating human autoimmune conditions.