The new edition of a classic reference incorporating the latest findings and discoveries The Third Edition of this classic reference provides readers with concise, up-to-the-moment coverage of the role of microorganisms in water and wastewater treatment. By providing a solid foundation in microbiology, microbial growth, metabolism, and nutrient cycling, the text gives readers the tools they need to make critical decisions that affect public health, as well as the practical aspects of treatment, disinfection, water distribution, bioremediation, and water and wastewater reuse. The publication begins a discussion of microbiology principles, followed by a discussion of public health issues and concerns. Next, the core of the text is dedicated to a thorough examination of wastewater and drinking water treatment, biosolids, pollution-control biotechnology, and drinking water distribution. The remainder of the text discusses toxicity testing in wastewater treatment plants, and the public health aspects of wastewater disposal and reuse. The many advances in wastewater and drinking water microbiology have all been thoroughly integrated into the publication, including: * A new chapter on bioterrorism and drinking water safety * The latest developments in biofilm microbial ecology and biofilm impact on drinking water quality * New, state-of-the-art detection techniques * Expanded and revised treatment of toxicity testing, including new testing methods and studies on endocrine disrupters in wastewater * Alternatives to conventional wastewater treatment New problem sets, which test readers' knowledge, as well as a list of Internet resources have been added to each chapter. In addition, the publication's extensive references have been thoroughly revised for readers who would like to learn more about the latest findings and discoveries on specialized topics. Finally, the color plate section has been expanded and contains many new illustrations and tables. An authoritative guide for all researchers, administrators, and engineers in the field of microbiology, Wastewater Microbiology, Third Edition is also a valuable reference for civil and environmental engineers, public health officials, and students involved in environmental engineering and science.
The Fourth Edition of Microbial Physiology retains the logical, easy-to-follow organization of the previous editions. An introduction to cell structure and synthesis of cell components is provided, followed by detailed discussions of genetics, metabolism, growth, and regulation for anyone wishing to understand the mechanisms underlying cell survival and growth. This comprehensive reference approaches the subject from a modern molecular genetic perspective, incorporating new insights gained from various genome projects.
Medical Mycology: Cellular and Molecular techniques is a clear and concise overview of the subject that details the techniques essential for ongoing research in the area. Drawing together contributions from both scientists and clinicians working in the field, the text will provide a valuable perspective on the applicability of specific techniques to patient care. A wide range of molecular, immunological and cytological techniques are discussed throughout, with the inclusion of protocol section in each chapter designed to provide both a background a up-to-date account of the applications of each procedure. Every technique is fully referenced and illustrations are provided where required to enhance student understanding. comprehensive introduction to the key techniques critical to the study of medical mycology clear explanation of how each technique is applied in the lab contributions from internationally recognised experts in the field outlines the background to many techniques required for the successful completion of a research project An invaluable reference for students of microbiology, biochemistry and molecular biology as well as postgraduates and researchers in the field of medical mycology looking for an up-to-date overview of the latest laboratory techniques.
This unique textbook takes a broad look at the rapidly expanding field of freshwater microbiology. Concentrating on the interactions between viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi and micro-invertebrates, the book gives a wide biological appeal. Alongside conventional aspects such as phytoplankton characterisation, seasonal changes and nutrient cycles, the title focuses on the dynamic and applied aspects that are not covered within the current textbooks in the field. Complete coverage of all fresh water biota from viruses to invertebrates Unique focus on microbial interactions including coverage of biofilms, important communities on all exposed rivers and lakes. New information on molecular and microscopical techniques including a study of gene exchange between bacteria in the freshwater environment. Unique emphasis on the applied aspects of freshwater microbiology with particular emphasis on biodegradation and the causes and remediation of eutrophication and algal blooms.
Essential Microbiology is a comprehensive introductory text aimed at students taking a first course in the subject. Covering all aspects of microbiology, it describes the structure and function of microbes before considering their place in the the living world. The second half of the book focuses on applied aspects such as genetic engineering, industrial microbiology and the control of microorganisms. Adopting a modern approach and with extensive use of clear comprehensive diagrams, Essential Microbiology explains key topics through the use of definition boxes and end of chapter questions. This book is invaluable for undergraduate students in the biological, food and health sciences taking a first course in Microbiology. comprehensive introduction covering all aspects of this exciting subject. includes numerous examples and applications from a wide range of fields. definition boxes, key points and self-test questions enhance student understanding.
Providing the latest information on preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of tuberculosis and AIDS, this is the only book to place a major emphasis on the increasing coexistence of these two life-threatening diseases in individuals. Edited by outstanding scientists in the field, this ready reference is divided into three main sections covering immunology and vaccination strategies, drugs, and clinical issues. Timely reading for microbiologists, virologists, bacteriologists, immunologists, and pathophysiologists, as well as for the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries.
1st Prize, 'New Authored Books' category, Royal Society of Medicine and Society of Authors Medical Book Awards 2008 “Overall, I am impressed by the up-to date information content and structure provided in Bacteriology of Humans. It is truly an ecological perspective helpful for undergraduate/graduate majors in microbiology and immunology.” –American Society for Microbiology, June 2009 «Wilson provides the reader with an up-to-date, comprehensive census of the indigenous microorganisms that inhabit the human body and in so doing contributes significantly to this rapidly advancing area of study. The narrative is clearly written; the index is excellent; there are numerous bibliographic citations. Each chapter is rich with tables, diagrams, color micrographs, and charts … Highly recommended.» –Choice Reviews «This comprehensive, yet accessible text… is an excellent and informative reference book… it should be on the shelf of every major science and medical library. The content, organization, and presentation make this book a unique resource.» –Doody's Book Reviews Until recently, the indigenous microbiota of humans has been a relatively neglected area of microbiology with most attention being focused on those microbes that cause disease in humans, rather than on those that co-exist with us in the disease-free state. However, in the past decade research has shown that not only is the indigenous microbiota involved in protecting humans from exogenous pathogens but it is also involved in our development and nutrition. Consequently, interest has grown substantially among health professionals and scientists in analyzing and understanding these microbial (largely bacterial) communities. This comprehensive, yet accessible text provides an up-to-date guide to the development, composition and distribution of indigenous microbial communities of humans. With the aid of abundant colour figures, diagrams, tables and maps, it establishes links between the physicochemical factors prevailing at an anatomical site and the types of microbes to be found there. The book includes an introduction to the human-microbe symbiosis as well as an in-depth look at the main systems and organs of the human body that have an indigenous microbiota. Each chapter includes a list of references for further study. This is an excellent and informative reference book that is useful to anyone with an interest in microbiology, medical microbiology, microbial ecology, infectious diseases, immunology, human biology, medicine, dentistry, nursing, health sciences, biomedical sciences or pharmacy – it should be on the shelf of every major science and medical library. Hallmark Features: Provides a comprehensive, yet accessible, reference book on the human microbiota Lavishly illustrated with colour figures, diagrams, tables and maps Each chapter provides a list of references to promote further study Each chapter contains links to key websites Offers an ecological approach that explains why certain organisms are associated with a particular anatomical site
In accordance with its predecessor, the completely revised and expanded Second Edition of Modern Microbial Genetics focuses on how bacteria and bacteriophage arrange and rearrange their genetic material through mutation, evolution, and genetic exchange to take optimal advantage of their environment. The text is divided into three sections: DNA Metabolism, Genetic Response, and Genetic Exchange. The first addresses how DNA replicates, repairs itself, and recombines, as well as how it may be manipulated. The second section is devoted to how microorganisms interact with their environment, including chapters on sporulation and stress shock, and the final section contains the latest information on classic exchange mechanisms such as transformation and conjugation. Chapters include: Gene Expression and Its Regulation Single-Stranded DNA Phages Genetic Tools for Dissecting Motility and Development of Myxococcus xanthus Molecular Mechanism of Quorum Sensing Transduction in Gram-Negative Bacteria Genetic Approaches in Bacteria with No Natural Genetic Systems The editors also cultivate an attention to global regulatory systems throughout the book, elucidating how certain genes and operons in bacteria, defined as regulons, network and cooperate to suit the needs of the bacterial cell. With clear appreciation for the impact of molecular genomics, this completely revised and updated edition proves that Modern Microbial Genetics remains the benchmark text in its field.
Forensic Microscopy: A Laboratory Manual will provide the student with a practical overview and understanding of the various microscopes and microscopic techniques employed within the field of forensic science. Each laboratory experiment has been carefully designed to cover the variety of evidence disciplines within the forensic science field with carefully set out objectives, explanations of each topic and worksheets to help students compile and analyse their results. The emphasis is placed on the practical aspects of the analysis to enrich student understanding through hands on experience. The experiments move from basic through to specialised and have been developed to cover a variety of evidence disciplines within forensic science field. The emphasis is placed on techniques currently used by trace examiners. This unique, forensic focused, microscopy laboratory manual provides objectives for each topic covered with experiments designed to reinforce what has been learnt along with end of chapter questions, report requirements and numerous references for further reading. Impression evidence such as fingerprints, shoe tread patterns, tool marks and firearms will be analysed using simple stereomicroscopic techniques. Body fluids drug and trace evidence (e.g. paint glass hair fibre) will be covered by a variety of microscopes and specialized microscopic techniques.
Photosensitisers in Biomedicine offers clear and comprehensive coverage of the many different photosensitiser types, including information on their many applications that now extend beyond anticancer therapy. These applications now include photoantimicrobial treatments not only in microbial disease, but also in the microbial resistance to conventional drugs, which is circumvented by photomicrobial action. The application of photoantimicrobials in biological fluids is also of considerable importance in the current era of HIV and is discussed in the book. This text offers the most up-to-date coverage of photodynamic therapy including information on how photosensitisers have evolved within the field of cancer therapy and more recently antimicrobial research. There are few books on the market that take the approach of this text, as many are either conference based or focus on the chemistry of photosensitisers. Photosensitisers in Biomedicine is clearly defined into three distinct parts beginning with a clear introduction to the various types of photosensitisers. The book then moves on to discuss the chemistry of photosensitisers and closes with their numerous applications, for example, photodynamic therapy, photodiagnosis, photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) and other non-oncological applications such as optical, arterial plaques and stents.