Tuttle Japanese Business Dictionary Revised Edition. Boye Lafayette De Mente

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Название Tuttle Japanese Business Dictionary Revised Edition
Автор произведения Boye Lafayette De Mente
Жанр Языкознание
Издательство Языкознание
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462911363

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rate 広告料 kōkoku ryō (koe-koe-kuu rio)

       What is the advertising rate for one page? 1ページの広告料はいくらですか。 Ichi pēji no kōkoku ryō wa ikura désu ka? (ee-chee pay-jee no koe-koekuu rio wah ee-kuu-rah dess kah?)

      advertising research 広告調査 kōkoku chōsa (koe-koe-kuu choe-sah)

      advisable 望ましい nozomashii (nohzoh-mah-she-ee)

      advise アドバイス adobaisu (ah-dohby-suu)

       Thank you very much for the advice. アドバイスをどうもありがとうご ざいます。Adobaisu wo dōmo arigato gozaimasu. (ah-doh-by-suu oh dohhmoe ah-ree-gah-toe go-zie-mahss.)

      adviser; advisor カウンセラー kaunserā (coun-say-rahh)

      adviser; advisor (consultant) 相談相手 sōdan-aite (so-dahn-eye-tay); counselor 相談役 sōdan-yaku (so-dahn-yahkuu); legal advisor 法律顧問 hōritsu komon (hoe-ree-t’sue koe-moan); ア ドバイザー adobaizā (ad-by-zah)

       I will introduce you to our company adviser. 当社の相談役をご紹介します。社の相談役をご紹介します。 Tōsha no sōdan-yaku wo go-shōkai shimasu. (toe-shah no so-dahn-yahkuu oh go-show-kye she-mahss.)

      advisory committee 諮問委員会 shimon iinkai (she-moan ee-een kye)

       The advisory committee is meeting tomorrow at ten. 諮問委員会は、明日十 時からです。Shimon iinkai wa asu jū ji kara désu. (she-moan ee-een kye wah ah-sue juu jee kah-rah dess.)

      advisory council 諮問機関 shimon kikan (she-moan kee-kahn); 審議会 shingi kai (sheen-ghee kye)

      advocate 支持者 shijisha (she-jeeshah)

      aerial; antenna アンテナ antena (ahntay-nah)

      aesthetics 美学 bigaku (bee-gah-kuu)

       Aesthetics is very important in Japanese culture. 美学は日本の文化に とって大変重要なものです。Bigaku wa Nihon no bunka ni totte taihen jūyō na mono désu. (bee-gah-kuu wah nee-hone no boon-kah nee toe-tay tie-hane juu-yoe nah moe-no dess.)

      affect; influence 影響する eikyō suru (eh-ee-k’yohh sue-rue)

       That will have no affect. それは影響 しません。Sore wa eikyō shimasen. (soe-ray wah eh-ee-k’yohh she-mahsin.)

      affidavit 宣誓供述書 sensei kyōjutsu sho (sen-say k’yoe-jute-sue show)

      affiliate 系列会社 keiretsu gaisha (kay-rate-sue guy-shah); 関連会社 kanren gaisha (kahn-rayn guy-shah)

      affiliated company 系列会社 keiretsu gaisha (kay-rate-sue guy-shah)

       Do you have any affiliated companies in the U.S.? アメリカに 系列会社がありますか。Amerika ni keiretsu gaisha ga arimasu ka? (ahmay-ree-kah nee kay-rate-sue guyshah gah ah-ree-mahss kah?)

      affiliation 提携 teikei (tay-kay); 関係 kankei (kahn-kay)

      affirm; confirm 確立する kakuritsu suru (kah-kuu-ree-t’sue sue-rue); 確 認する kakunin suru (kah-kuu-neen sue-rue)

      affluent; wealthy 裕福な yūfuku na (yuuu-fuu-kuu nah)

      afford お金がある okane ga aru (ohkah-nay gah ah-rue); 余裕がある yoyū ga aru (yoe-yuu gah ah-rue)

      after-hours trading 時間外取引 jikan gai torihiki (jee-kahn guy toe-reehe-kee)

      after-sale service アフターサービス afutā sābisu (ah-fuu-tah sah-be-sue)

       After-sale service is very important to customers. お客さんへのアフターサ ービスは大切です。O-kyakusan ee no no afutā sābisu wa taisetsu désu. (okyack-sahn eh no ahf-tah sah-bee-sue wah tie-say-t’sue dess.)

      after-tax income 税引後所得 zeibiki go shotoku (zay-bee-kee go show-toe-kuu)

      after-tax loss 税引後損失損失 zeibiki go sonshitsu (zay-bee-kee go soan-sheet-sue)

      after-tax profit 税引後利益 zeibiki go rieki (zay-bee-kee go ree-eh-kee)

      after-tax real rate of return 税引後利 益率 zeibiki go rieki ritsu (zay-beekee go ree-ay-kee ree-t’sue); 実質収益 率 jisshitsu shūeki ritsu (jeesh-sheet-sue shuu-ay-kee ree-t’sue)

      against 反対する hantai suru (hahn-tie); 反 han (hahn)

       I am against it. 反対です。Hantai désu. (hahn-tie dess.)

      against all risks (insurance) 全危険担 保で zen kiken tanpo de (zen kee-ken tahn-poe day)

      agency (government)(行政)機関 (gyosei) kikan ((g’yoe-say) kee-kahn)

      agency fee 代理店手数料 dairi ten tesūryō (dye-ree-ten tay-sue-rio)

      agenda 協議事項 kyōgi jikō (k’yoeghee jee-koe)

      agent; agency (company) 代理店 dairiten (dye-ree-ten)

      agent (person) 代理人 dairinin (dyeree-neen)

      aging population 高齢化 kōrei ka (koe-ray kah)

       The aging population is a serious problem for any developed country. 先進国では、高齢化が深刻な問題で す。Senshin koku de wa kōrei-ka ga shinkoku na mondai désu. (sane-sheen koh-kuu day wah kohh-ray-e kah gah sheen-koh-kuu na mone-die dess.)

      aging society and declining birth-rate 少子高齢化(問題)shoshi koreika (mondai) (show-she koe-ray kah moan-dye)

      agree 賛成する sansei suru (sahn-say sue-rue); 同意する dōi suru (doe-ee sue-rue)

       I cannot agree to that. それには 賛成できません。Sore ni wa sansei dekimasen. (so-ray nee wah sahnsay day-kee-mah-sen.)

      agreement; treaty 協定 kyōtei (k’yoetay); commercial agreement 商業協 定 shōgyō kyōtei (show-g’yoe k’yoetay); contract 契約(書)keiyaku (sho) (kay-yah-kuu show)

       I have reached an agreement with Shinwa Bōeki. 進和貿易との契約がの契約がが 成立しました。Shinwa Bōeki to no keiyaku ga seiritsu shimashita. (sheen-wah boe-eh-kee toe kay-yahkuu gah say-ree-t’sue she-mahshtah.)

      agricultural land 農地 nōchi (no-chee)

       Agricultural land in Japan is rapidly decreasing. 日本の農地は急速に減 少しています。Nihon no nōchi wa kyūsoku ni genshōshite imasu. (nee-hone no no-chee wah cue-so-kuu nee gayn-show-shtay-mahss.)

      agricultural products 農産物 nōsanbutsu (no-sahn-boot-sue)

      agriculture 農業 nōgyō (no-g’yoe)

       Agriculture is an important industry in Japan. 農業は日本で重要な産業です。 Nōgyō wa Nihon de jūyō na sangyō désu. (no-g’yoh wah Nee-hone day juu-yoh nah sahn-g’yoh dess.)

      agriculture and forestry 農林 nōrin (no-reen)

      aid; assistance 援助 enjo (en-joe); 世 話 sewa (say-wah); to aid 援助する