Is the body a mere container of learning processes? Or can we, in a productive way, develop an approach to learning that includes learning as a bodily phenomenon? The authors all work with the development or refinement of theories of 'learning bodies,' and in this anthology they present the state of the art to anybody with an interest in current scientific discussions about the interplay between body, movement and learning. A full understanding of learning in all its complexity requires that the body is taken into account – regardless of whether we are dealing with the neurological foundations of learning processes, skill acquisition, mental health and illness, aesthetics or the physical setting where the learning takes place. Body, movement and senses (in short: corporeality), provide the necessary experiences for change and development in relation to life-long learning. This anthology presents a range of theoretical approaches to learning; neuroscience, psychiatry, sociology, psychology, phenomenology and pedagogy. By presenting this range of approaches, the anthology raises a central question in the philosophy of science: the need for incorporation of different approaches to achieve further insights. The first section of the book, The Learning Body, concerns the learning process from a psychological, neuroscience and phenomenological point of view. In part two, The Encultured Body, gender and aesthetics will be analysed in relation to the body and the community of practice. The third section, The Educated Body, sheds light on various aspects of the body in educational contexts and different body-related conditions for learning. The anthology is of particular interest to researchers and students of education, development, and psychology, and to those interested in body and movement, both biomedical and the relation to social science and the humanities.
The experience economy is a fourth economic field different from commodities, goods and services. Experiences are an economic value added to a product or identical with the product. When you buy an experience, you pay to spend time enjoying a series of memorable events that a company stages to engage the customer in a personal way. The experience dimension has moved into a predominant place since the 1990s, fueled by an expanding global and digital economy. In developed countries, people get richer and more individualized and having met all basic materiel needs, they focus increasingly on personal development and self realization. Demand for experience-based products increases, such as tourism and sports as well as film, music and other contents of media and interactive technologies. Furthermore, the demand for experience values is extended to include any product and dimension of modern societies, such as the design of houses, furniture, clothes, cars, computers, etc. This is not a completely new story. Commercial entertainment and design has been around for a century or so. And in addition, universal values of love, sex, belief, family and the meaning of life have always been vital to human beings. What is new is the fact that capitalism is invading more and more fields of experiences connected with emotions and the extension of life proportions. In all developed countries and increasingly on a global scale, a series of expanding industries have emerged to supply the market with experience-oriented goods. In this book, the business development of markets and industries is covered from tourism, to media and entertainment, and from design to sex, including leading companies and trends in all industries involved.
This book provides insight into the young generations relations and experiences with pornography. Generation P? is based on a unique and comprehensive study giving voice to the words and opinions of the young people themselves. Never before have pornography and sexualized material been so readily available and pervasive in young people's everyday life. TV programmes, advertising, and the music industry exploit and play with pornographic codes and scenarios. The sex industry launches and promotes its products via youth channels and websites.How do young people navigate through this pornographic landscape? Does the omnipresence of pornography breed curiosity or resistance? How does pornography challenge the role of parents and teachers? Generation P? provides answers to these questions and presents a unique body of new research on youth, gender and pornography. The study shows that the vast majority of young people in the Nordic countries have seen porn. But young people do not swallow the pornographic messages without resistance, and some are very critical of or actively opposed to them.It is very seldom that the voices of young people are heard in the public debate on pornography. In Generation P? focus is set on the voices, definitions and experiences with pornography of young people themselves. The book contains contributions from leading researchers from different academic fields: sociology, psychology, media research, social work and public health.
When Yugoslavia was invaded by Nazi Germany and its allies in April 1941, what followed was as much a Yugoslav civil war as a war of occupation and liberation. Several hundred-thousand Yugoslav civilians were killed by other Yugoslavs in large-scale massacres or concentration camps, and the horrific events left the country ruined and deeply divided. Usable History? examines the way in which the history of Yugoslavia's internal problematic past was presented and used politically and ideologically, and asks how a society can cope with such an «unmasterable» history. How did Yugoslav historians and politicians represent and explain their own history and how did these representations interact with the cultural developments, political demands and societal needs? By investigating political documents, historiography and popular representations of history such as films, songs and literature, the book's author reveals a deeply disturbing narrative of historical (mis)inter-pretation and (mis)use.
In this book, anthropologists, criminologists and sociologists analyse different aspects of drug policy. The articles approach drug policy from new angles, focusing in particular on the history and consequences of drug policy in practice. How can we understand and explain the increasingly complex puzzle that we call drug policy? The authors explore in different ways how drug policy has spread into new areas of society, how new players are engaged in drug policy, and what consequences this has for drug users, citizens, or society in general. Taking a point of departure in drug policy as a way of regulating drugs – including control, treatment, prevention and harm reduction – the book shows how drug policy has become increasingly diverse and evident at many levels of society. A very wide range of drug policies are implemented in contemporary societies – not only by governments, but also by local communities, organisations, public institutions, private enterprises, sports clubs etc. Using examples from both Denmark and the USA, drug policy is analysed on an international, national and local level. This book will be of great value to advanced undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in drug policy, as well as to academics, practitioners and policy makers in the drug policy field.
God undervisning handler ikke bare om faglighed, men ogsa om relationer. Eleverne skal mAerke, at lAererne er opmAerksomme pa dem og tager ansvar for den gode stemning i klassen. Det er forudsAetningen for, at born kan lAere mest muligt og samtidig have det godt. Derfor ma lAerere vide, hvordan de handler relationskompetent i praksis.
Jesus er en superstar. Alle kender ham, mange forguder ham, og en del historikere tror, han havde sin gang pa jorden. Om end han nok ikke gik pa vandet. Til gengAeld matte han sluge kamelen og ga fra Herodes til Pilatus blot for at ende pa korset. Men hvorfor skulle en jodisk handvAerker fra UdkantspalAestina overhovedet derop? Var Jesus militant oprorsleder, gudsbenadet storyteller eller slet og ret Guds son? Halleluja for Kasper Bro Larsen, teologisk snushane pa Aarhus Universitet, der har sat sig for at optrevle verdenshistoriens storste kriminalgade.