Hvordan far man skabt en entrepreneuriel videnskultur og et entrepreneurielt samspil mellem universiteter, det etablerede forretningsliv og ivAerksAetterne? Entrepreneurship i vidensamfundet giver svaret. I vidensamfundet skabes samfundsvAerdierne ved at omsAette viden til praksis. Da Danmark befinder sig i toppen af verdenssamfundet, kan danske virksomheder kun konkurrere i kraft af et stadigt hojere videnindhold i produkter og organisationer. Det har for alvor rettet opmAerksomheden mod de videregaende uddannelser. Hvert ar springer tusindvis af ivAerksAettere ud som selvstAendige, men mellem den teoretiske og praktiske verden er der imidlertid fortsat en stor kloft. For at losne op for denne problemstilling folger bogen to spor. Forst folges skridt for skridt videnomraderne. DernAest skildres leddene i forretningsanalysen – lige fra forretningsarenaen til etableringen af en vAekstvirksomhed. Der lAegges vAegt pa, at forrretningspotentialer findes alle vegne, at nye, levedygtige virksomheder i hoj grad udspringer af eksisterende forretningsmiljoer, og at universiteterne isAer skal spille sammen med de storre forretningsmiljoer, hvor Danmark gor sig stAerkt gAeldende i verden.
The experience economy is a fourth economic field different from commodities, goods and services. Experiences are an economic value added to a product or identical with the product. When you buy an experience, you pay to spend time enjoying a series of memorable events that a company stages to engage the customer in a personal way. The experience dimension has moved into a predominant place since the 1990s, fueled by an expanding global and digital economy. In developed countries, people get richer and more individualized and having met all basic materiel needs, they focus increasingly on personal development and self realization. Demand for experience-based products increases, such as tourism and sports as well as film, music and other contents of media and interactive technologies. Furthermore, the demand for experience values is extended to include any product and dimension of modern societies, such as the design of houses, furniture, clothes, cars, computers, etc. This is not a completely new story. Commercial entertainment and design has been around for a century or so. And in addition, universal values of love, sex, belief, family and the meaning of life have always been vital to human beings. What is new is the fact that capitalism is invading more and more fields of experiences connected with emotions and the extension of life proportions. In all developed countries and increasingly on a global scale, a series of expanding industries have emerged to supply the market with experience-oriented goods. In this book, the business development of markets and industries is covered from tourism, to media and entertainment, and from design to sex, including leading companies and trends in all industries involved.