Offering a truly global perspective, this book serves as a road map for service-learning partnerships between information science and nonprofit organizations. It introduces for the first time an essential framework for service learning in CIS, addressing both the challenges and opportunities of this approach for all stakeholders involved: faculty, students, and community nonprofit organizations (NPOs), both domestic and abroad. This volume outlines numerous examples of successful programs from around the world, presenting practical working models for implementing joint projects between NPOs and academia.
This is a systematic, up-to-date exploration of the politics of European integration that includes balanced coverage of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Union. Examines European integration as a contested political process that continues to divide and inspire nations, citizens, and politicians Provides students with the analytical tools to consider why the EU functions as it currently does, whether the EU is sufficiently democratic, the politics behind EU legislation, debates over foreign policy, proposals for institutional reform, and the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis Brings together the latest scholarly research from comparative politics, international relations, law, and democratic theory Accompanied by a range of student resources including chapter-level flashcards and independent study questions – available at
Experiments are the most effective way to learn about the world. By cleverly interfering with something to see how it reacts we are able to find out how it works. In contrast to passive observation, experimenting provides us with data relevant to our research and thus less time and effort is spent separating relevant from irrelevant information. The art of experimentation is often learnt by doing, so an intuitive understanding of the experimental method usually evolves gradually through years of trial and error. This book speeds up the journey for the reader to becoming a proficient experimenter. Organized in two parts, this unique text begins by providing a general introduction to the scientific approach to experimentation. It then describes the processes and tools required, including the relevant statistical and experimental methods. Towards the end of the book a methodology is presented, which leads the reader through the three phases of an experiment: ‘Planning’, ‘Data Collection’, and ‘Analysis and Synthesis’. Experiment! Provides an excellent introduction to the methodology and implementation of experimentation in the natural, engineering and medical sciences Puts practical tools into scientific context Features a number of selected actual experiments to explore what are the key characteristics of good experiments Includes examples and exercises in every chapter This book focuses on general research skills, such as adopting a scientific mindset, learning how to plan meaningful experiments and understanding the fundamentals of collecting and interpreting data. It is directed to anyone engaged in experiments, especially Ph.D. and masters students just starting to create and develop their own experiments.
Architecture, Sustainable Design A comprehensive book on the sustainable design of research laboratories Today's research laboratories are complex and difficult building types to design, and making them sustainable adds more obstacles. Written by members of the well-known firm KlingStubbins, under the guidance of its Directors of Laboratory Planning, Engineering, and Sustainability, Sustainable Design of Research Laboratories represents a multidisciplinary approach to addressing these challenges. With the needs of architects, engineers, construction professionals, and facility owners in mind, this book provides a road map for sustainable planning, design, construction, and operations. The book is valuable both to experienced laboratory designers seeking guidance on sustainable strategies, as well as professionals versed in sustainable design who want insight into laboratory applications. With content rich in guidance on performance strategies, even the most technically oriented reader will find valuable lessons inside. This book: Focuses on the links between best sustainable practices and the specific needs of research laboratories Provides a number of case studies of the best contemporary sustainably designed labs, with a focus on architecture and engineering Explores the challenges in applying rating systems, including LEED, to laboratory buildings Examines unique considerations of sustainable approaches in leased and renovated laboratories Includes contributions by experts on approaches to integrated design, site design, programming, and commissioning This important book shows how theoretical ideas can be applied to real-life laboratory projects to create healthier and more efficient research environments.
Your hands-on guide to teaching adults. . . no matter what the subject In this expanded edition of How to Teach Adults, Dan Spalding offers practical teaching and classroom management suggestions that are designed for anyone who works with adult learners, particularly new faculty, adjuncts, those in community colleges, ESL teachers, and graduate students. This reader-friendly resource covers all phases of the teaching process from planning what to teach, to managing a classroom, to growing as a professional in the field. How to Teach Adults can guide new instructors who are trying to get up to speed on their own or can help teacher trainers cover what their students need to know before they get in front of a class. It is filled with down-to-earth tips and checklists on such topics as connecting with adult students, facilitating discussions, and writing tests, plus everything you need to remember to put into your syllabus and how to choose the right textbook. Dan Spalding reveals what it takes to teach all students the skills they need to learn, no matter what the topic or subject matter. Full of vivid examples from real-world classrooms, this edition: Shows how to get started and tips for designing your course Includes information for creating a solid lesson plan Gives suggestions for developing your teacher persona How to Teach Adults offers the framework, ideas, and tools needed to conduct your class or workshop with confidence.
Um die Gefahrdung der Umwelt durch Chemikalien einschatzen zu konnen, reicht es nicht aus, nur die Schadwirkung, d. h. den Einfluss der Chemikalie auf die Umwelt zu betrachten. Auch der Einfluss der Umwelt auf die Chemikalie spielt eine wichtige Rolle, uber deren Verteilung, Verbreitung und Abbau in den verschiedenen Umweltkompartimenten. Seit etwa 30 Jahren existieren immer wieder verbesserte Modelle, die diese Umweltfaktoren abbilden und eine Vorhersage zu Dauer und Intensitat der Umweltgefahrdung nach Freisetzung eines Schadstoffes ermoglichen. Mit Hilfe dieser Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen des Verhaltens von Chemikalien in der Umwelt wird der Leser in die Lage versetzt, die verfugbaren Rechenmodelle und Simulationen zum Abbau von Chemikalien in Luft, Wasser und Boden sinnvoll einzusetzen und deren Ergebnisse fachgerecht zu interpretieren. Das Buch besteht aus vier Teilen. Der erste Teil dient als Einleitung in die Thematik, der zweite befasst sich mit der Verbreitung und Verteilung von Chemikalien in Luft, Wasser und Boden. Im dritten Teil wird der abiotische und biotische Abbau der Chemikalien betrachtet. Im vierten Teil schlie?lich werden die verschiedenen Verteilungs- und Abbauwege zu einfachen bis komplexen Rechenmodellen zusammengefugt, und die wichtigsten, von nationalen und internationalen Organisationen verwendeten Modelle werden eingehend anhand von Beispielen erlautert.
Minerva’s Night Out presents series of essays by noted philosopher and motion picture and media theorist Noël Carroll that explore issues at the intersection of philosophy, motion pictures, and popular culture. Presents a wide-ranging series of essays that reflect on philosophical issues relating to modern film and popular culture Authored by one of the best known philosophers dealing with film and popular culture Written in an accessible manner to appeal to students and scholars Coverage ranges from the philosophy of Halloween to Vertigo and the pathologies of romantic love
Small structural modifications can significantly affect the pharmacokinetic properties of drug candidates. This book, written by a medicinal chemist for medicinal chemists, is a comprehensive guide to the pharmacokinetic impact of functional groups, the pharmacokinetic optimization of drug leads, and an exhaustive collection of pharmacokinetic data, arranged according to the structure of the drug, not its target or indication. The historical origins of most drug classes and general aspects of modern drug discovery and development are also discussed. The index contains all the drug names and synonyms to facilitate the location of any drug or functional group in the book. This compact working guide provides a wealth of information on the ways small structural modifications affect the pharmacokinetic properties of organic compounds, and offers plentiful, fact-based inspiration for the development of new drugs. This book is mainly aimed at medicinal chemists, but may also be of interest to graduate students in chemical or pharmaceutical sciences, preparing themselves for a job in the pharmaceutical industry, and to healthcare professionals in need of pharmacokinetic data.
This book provides an important new contribution to debates around housing policy and its impact on community cohesion. There has never been a more prescient time to discuss these concepts: the book provides an interpretation of housing, race and community cohesion in a highly politicized and fluid policy context. It is designed to initiate discussion and debate but this should not be esoteric and limited to a group of academics. Rather the objective is to bridge academic and policy audiences in the hope that this fusion provides a basis for a new agenda to discuss these topics. Race and community have been key features of social housing policy over the last 20 years with many high-profile interventions, from the proactive approach by the Housing Corporation to support black and minority ethnic housing associations, to the influential Cantle Report documenting segregation in towns and cities following riots, and the National Housing Federation led Race & Housing Inquiry leading to sector wide recommendations to achieve equality. However, volume of policy interventions and reports has not been matched by academic outputs that co-ordinate, integrate and critically analyse 'race', housing and community. Housing, Race & Community Cohesion is the first systematic overview of 'race', housing and community during this tumultuous period. The material presented is robust and research based but also directly engages with issues around policy and delivery. It is designed to reflect the interests both of the academic research community and policy makers on both sides of the Atlantic. It is not rooted to specific policy interventions that could quickly date but instead focuses on developing new ways to analyse difficult issues that will help both students and practitioners now and in the future.
Dionysus Resurrected analyzes the global resurgence since the late 1960s of Euripides’ The Bacchae. By analyzing and contextualizing these modern day performances, the author reveals striking parallels between transformational events taking place during the era of the play’s revival and events within the play itself. Puts forward a lively discussion of the parallels between transformational eventsduring the era of the play’s revival and events within the play itself The first comparative study to analyse and contextualize performances of The Bacchae that took place between 1968 and 2009 from the United States, Africa, Latin America, Europe and Asia Argues that presentations of the play not only represent liminal states but also transfer the spectators into such states Contends that the play’s reflection on various stages of globalization render the tragedy a contemporary play Establishes the importance of The Bacchae within Euripides’ work as the only extant tragedy in which the god Dionysus himself appears, not just as a character but as the protagonist