The term ‘collateral damage' has recently been added to the vocabulary of military forces to refer to the unintended consequences of armed interventions, consequences that are unplanned but nevertheless damaging and often very costly in human and personal terms. But collateral damage is not unique to the world of armed intervention – it is also one of the most salient and striking dimensions of contemporary social inequality. The inflammable mixture of growing social inequality and the rising volume of human suffering marginalized as ‘collateral' is becoming one of most cataclysmic problems of our time. For the political class, poverty is commonly seen as a problem of law and order – a matter of how to deal with individuals, such as unemployed youths, who fall foul of the law. But treating poverty as a criminal problem obscures the social roots of inequality, which lie in the combination of a consumerist life philosophy propagated and instilled by a consumer-oriented economy, on the one hand, and the rapid shrinking of life chances available to the poor, on the other. In our contemporary, liquid-modern world, the poor are the collateral damage of a profit-driven, consumer-oriented society – ‘aliens inside' who are deprived of the rights enjoyed by other members of the social order. In this new book Zygmunt Bauman – one of the most original and influential social thinkers of our time – examines the selective affinity between the growth of social inequality and the rise in the volume of ‘collateral damage' and considers its implications and its costs.
This book develops concepts and a methodology for a rational description of the organization of three-dimensional flows considering, in particular, the case where the flow is the place of separations. The descriptive analysis based on the critical point theory of Poincaré develops conventional but rather unfamiliar considerations from aerodynamicists, who face the understanding of complex flows including multiple separation lines and vortices. These problems concern industrial sectors where aerodynamics plays a key role, such as aerospace, ground vehicles, buildings, etc. Contents 1. Skin Friction Lines Pattern and Critical Points. 2. Separation Streamsurfaces and Vortex Structures. 3. Separated Flow on a Body. 4. Vortex Wake of Wings and Slender Bodies. 5. Separation Induced by an Obstacle or a Blunt Body. 6. Reconsideration of the Two-Dimensional Separation. 7. Concluding Remarks. About the Authors Jean Délery is a Supaero (French National Higher School of Aeronautics and Space) engineer who has worked at Onera (French national aerospace research center) since 1964. He has participated in several major French and European aerospace programs, is the author of many scientific publications, and has occupied various teaching positions particularly at Supaero, the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin, Ecole polytechnique in France and “La Sapienza” University in Rome, Italy. He is currently emeritus adviser at Onera.
SIMATIC is the worldwide established automation system for implementing industrial control systems for machines, manufacturing plants and industrial processes. Relevant open-loop and closed-loop control tasks are formulated in various programming languages with the engineering software STEP 7. Ladder diagram (LAD) and function block diagram (FBD) use graphic symbols to display the monitoring and control functions similar those used in schematic circuit diagrams or electronic switching systems. Now in its fifth edition, this book describes these graphic-oriented programming languages combined with the engineering software STEP 7 V5.5 for use with both SIMATIC S7-300 and SIMATIC S7-400 automation systems. New functions of this STEP 7 version are especially related to CPU-Webserver and PROFINET IO like for example the application of I devices, shared devices and isochrone mode. It is aimed at all users of SIMATIC S7 controllers. First-time users are introduced to the field of programmable controllers, while advanced users learn about specific applications of the SIMATIC S7 automation system. All programming examples found in the book – and even a few extra examples – are available over the publisher's website under Downloads.
SIMATIC is the worldwide established automation system for implementing industrial control systems for machines, manufacturing plants and industrial processes. Relevant open-loop and closed-loop control tasks are formulated in various programming languages with the programming software STEP 7. Now in its sixth edition, this book gives an introduction into the latest version of engineering software STEP 7 (basic version) . It describes elements and applications of text-oriented programming languages statement list (STL) and structured control language (SCL) for use with both SIMATIC S7-300 and SIMATIC S7-400, including the new applications with PROFINET and for communication over industrial Ethernet. It is aimed at all users of SIMATIC S7 controllers. First-time users are introduced to the field of programmable controllers, while advanced users learn about specific applications of the SIMATIC S7 automation system. All programming examples found in the book – and even a few extra examples – are available at the download area of the publisher's website.
This Task Force report reviews the evidence that the seeds of many adult diseases are sown in utero and in infancy. The report, written by experts in the field, summarises current knowledge in this area. It illustrates how early life nutrition can bring about changes in organ development and function, thus programming risk of disease in adult life. It also considers what might be done in early life to reduce the burden of future ill health. Nutrition and Development: Short- and Long-Term Consequences for Health includes chapters on the history of this topic area, normal growth and development, and current recommendations and practice in relation to nutrition and diet in early life. Chapters exploring the possible mechanisms and pathways of critical windows for development cover the effects of diet and nutrition in early life on organ and skeletal development, the role of sex hormones in programming disease susceptibility, the establishment of gastrointestinal microbiota, and the impact of early life nutrition on cognitive and neurological development. This new report: • describes how development occurs and explores how changes in the fetal and postnatal environment, such as over- or under-nutrition, can result in permanent alterations in function; • explains how diet and nutrition in early life can affect risk of adult disease, with specific chapters on allergic disease and asthma, bone health, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cognitive function, diabetes and obesity; • includes a summary of the key points, as well as recommendations in each chapter to help fill the gaps in our knowledge; • provides an overview of the main messages in a practical question and answer format suitable for lay readers. Nutrition and Development is an important information resource for those involved in research and teaching in the health sciences sector and is also of value to those involved in making decisions about health policy. It will be of interest to a broad range of health professionals, the food industry and those who write and broadcast about the effects of food on health.
Mental health professionals spend their days helping others, but who is there to help them when stress and burnout threaten their own well-being? Filled with self-assessments, journaling exercises, and activities designed to facilitate renewal, growth, and change, this timely book helps clinicians help themselves with coverage of career threatening issues, such as fear of failure, loss of confidence, and the financial stress and loss of autonomy that many clinician's experience as a result of managed care and its constraints.
Migrating to Eurocode 3 is the main topic of the 2011 Steel Structures Yearbook which focusses on joints and connections.
Fur die neue Ausgabe des Stahlbau-Kalenders wurde ein Schwerpunkt gesetzt, der in der Planungspraxis zunehmend eine Rolle spielt. Die Verbundbauweise bietet innovative Tragwerkslosungen fur den Hoch- und Industriebau. Die erfolgreiche Verbreitung im Hochhaus- und Geschossbau in den letzten 20 Jahren ist den zahlreichen Vorteilen dieser Bauweise geschuldet: Wirtschaftlichkeit durch kurze Montagezeiten mit fortschrittlicher Anschlusstechnik, mehr Gestaltungs"freiraum" mit gro?en Spannweiten und geringen Bauhohen. Gegenuber dem reinen Stahlbau ermoglicht der Verbund von Stahl und Beton intelligente ganzheitliche Losungen durch integrierten Brandschutz. Fur den jungeren Gebaudebestand mit Stahl-Glas-Fassaden ergeben sich vor dem Hintergrund der Energieeinsparverordnung (EnEV) Fragen und nicht selten die Notwendigkeit von energetischen Sanierungsma?nahmen. Zukunftig Sanierungsfalle vermeiden und den Bestand untersuchen hilft die neue DASt-Richtlinie 022 «Feuerverzinken von tragenden Stahlbauteilen», deren Hintergrunde ausfuhrlich erlautert werden.
Die Gebäudediagnostik hat sich zum Schlüsselthema der Bauphysik entwickelt – und zwar sowohl für die Bestandsaufnahme und -bewertung als auch für die Inbetriebnahme und das Einfahren von Neubauten und deren planmäßiges langfristiges Monitoring zur Überwachung der Funktionsfähigkeit. Die gewachsenen technischen Möglichkeiten der Gebäudediagnostik mit einer Vielzahl von Mess- und Prüftechniken ermöglichen eine komplexe, ganzheitliche Analyse und Planung und sind somit wesentliche Grundlage für nachhaltiges Bauen. Im neuen Bauphysik-Kalender 2012 mit dem Schwerpunktthema «Gebäudediagnostik» werden zerstörende und zerstörungsfreie Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung von Materialeigenschaften und ihre Anwendung auf alle Bauarten zur Tragwerksdiagnose und Bestimmung der Tragsicherheit praxisgerecht erläutert. Weiterhin werden die Mess- und Analysemethoden zur Untersuchung der Gebrauchseigenschaften und des energetischen Verhaltens (Performance) von Gebäuden, wie z. B. Raumluftqualität, Wärmegewinne und -verluste und Schadstoffemission, aufgeführt. Die praxisgerechten Erläuterungen schließen Beispiele verschiedenster Gebäudetypen bis hin zur Dauerüberwachung denkmalgeschützter Bauwerke ein. Auf aktuellem Stand sind wie immer die Materialtechnischen Tabellen.
Assesses the engineering of renewable sources for commercial power generation and discusses the safety, operation, and control aspects of nuclear electric power From an expert who advised the European Commission and UK government in the aftermath of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl comes a book that contains experienced engineering assessments of the options for replacing the existing, aged, fossil-fired power stations with renewable, gas-fired, or nuclear plants. From geothermal, solar, and wind to tidal and hydro generation, Nuclear Electric Power: Safety, Operation, and Control Aspects assesses the engineering of renewable sources for commercial power generation and discusses the important aspects of the design, operation, and safety of nuclear stations. Nuclear Electric Power offers: Novel, practical engineering assessments for geothermal, hydro, solar, tidal, and wind generation in terms of the available data on cost, safety, environmental damage, capacity factor reliability, and grid compatibility, with some nuclear comparisons Eigenvalues and real frequency response functions to assess the stabilities of reactor power, two-phase channel flow, and a Grid network A non-linear control strategy with simulation results for a Design Base Accident scenario Original analyses with experimental validation of molten fuel coolant interactions and aircraft impacts on rigid structures Analysis of the circumstances that led to the Fukushima disaster Nuclear Electric Power is an important book for all international nuclear power agencies and those who work within the field.