John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    First to File. Patents for Today's Scientist and Engineer

    M. Heines Henry

    Bridges the gap between the realistic needs and questions of scientists and engineers and the legal skills of professionals in the patent field at a level accessible to those with no legal training • Written for inventors in lay terms that they can relate to or easily follow • Lays out the new features of patent law introduced by the America Invents Act of 2012 • Explains the differences between the first-to-invent and first-to-file rules and why the two rules will coexist • Focuses on the growth of new technologies in industry versus the laws protecting them

    Differential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering. Ordinary Differential Equation Applications with R

    William Schiesser E.

    Features a solid foundation of mathematical and computational tools to formulate and solve real-world ODE problems across various fields With a step-by-step approach to solving ordinary differential equations (ODEs), Differential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering: Ordinary Differential Equation Applications with R successfully applies computational techniques for solving real-world ODE problems that are found in a variety of fields, including chemistry, physics, biology, and physiology. The book provides readers with the necessary knowledge to reproduce and extend the computed numerical solutions and is a valuable resource for dealing with a broad class of linear and nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The author’s primary focus is on models expressed as systems of ODEs, which generally result by neglecting spatial effects so that the ODE dependent variables are uniform in space. Therefore, time is the independent variable in most applications of ODE systems. As such, the book emphasizes details of the numerical algorithms and how the solutions were computed. Featuring computer-based mathematical models for solving real-world problems in the biological and biomedical sciences and engineering, the book also includes: R routines to facilitate the immediate use of computation for solving differential equation problems without having to first learn the basic concepts of numerical analysis and programming for ODEs Models as systems of ODEs with explanations of the associated chemistry, physics, biology, and physiology as well as the algebraic equations used to calculate intermediate variables Numerical solutions of the presented model equations with a discussion of the important features of the solutions Aspects of general ODE computation through various biomolecular science and engineering applications Differential Equation Analysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering: Ordinary Differential Equation Applications with R is an excellent reference for researchers, scientists, clinicians, medical researchers, engineers, statisticians, epidemiologists, and pharmacokineticists who are interested in both clinical applications and interpretation of experimental data with mathematical models in order to efficiently solve the associated differential equations. The book is also useful as a textbook for graduate-level courses in mathematics, biomedical science and engineering, biology, biophysics, biochemistry, medicine, and engineering.

    Grid Integration of Wind Energy. Onshore and Offshore Conversion Systems

    Siegfried Heier

    This popular reference describes the integration of wind-generated power into electrical power systems and, with the use of advanced control systems, illustrates how wind farms can be made to operate like conventional power plants. Fully revised, the third edition provides up-to-date coverage on new generator developments for wind turbines, recent technical developments in electrical power conversion systems, control design and essential operating conditions. With expanded coverage of offshore technologies, this edition looks at the characteristics and static and dynamic behaviour of offshore wind farms and their connection to the mainland grid. Brand new material includes: comprehensive treatment of onshore and offshore grid integration updated legislative guidelines for the design, construction and installation of wind power plants the fundamental characteristics and theoretical tools of electrical and mechanical components and their interactions new and future types of generators, converters, power electronics and controller designs improved use of grid capacities and grid support for fixed- and variable-speed controlled wind power plants options for grid control and power reserve provision in wind power plants and wind farms This resource is an excellent guide for researchers and practitioners involved in the planning, installation and grid integration of wind turbines and power plants. It is also highly beneficial to university students studying wind power technology, renewable energy and power systems, and to practitioners in wind engineering, turbine design and manufacture and electrical power engineering.

    Moral Struggle and Religious Ethics. On the Person as Classic in Comparative Theological Contexts

    David Clairmont A.

    Moral Struggle and Religious Ethics offers a comparative discussion of the challenges of living a moral religious life. This is illustrated with a study of two key thinkers, Bonaventure and Buddhaghosa, who influenced the development of moral thinking in Christianity and Buddhism respectively. Provides an important and original contribution to the comparative study and practice of religious ethics Moves away from a comparison of theories by discussing the shared human problem of moral weakness Offers an fresh approach with a comparison of the understanding of the problem of moral weakness between the two key thinkers, Bonaventure and Buddhaghosa Written by a highly respected academic in the dynamic and fast-growing field of comparative religious ethics

    Marine Coastal and Water Pollutions. Oil Spill Studies

    Fr¿d¿ric Muttin

    Identifying efficient solutions to protect coastal regions from marine pollution requires expertise from a range of specialties and strategic approaches. This book gathers information on the impact of oil spills at a coastal level from different experts’ points of view, identifying synergies between domains such as mathematics, numerical modeling, mechanics, biology, economics and law. The collaborative research presented here is based on the 4th International Workshop on Anti-Pollution and Marine Coastal Water Pollution, held in La Rochelle, France at the Engineering School EIGSI, in April 2012. The areas addressed include: materials and structures (fluid-structure and capture interaction, cable and membrane equations, optimization); coastal hydrodynamics (computational fluid dynamics, numerical analysis of shallow water equations, analytical and numerical derivatives); biological impacts (biology, multivariate analysis, indicators); and economics and law (compensation costs, insurance coverage, coastal vulnerability).

    Strahlen und Gesundheit. Nutzen und Risiken

    Jurgen Kiefer

    Strahlen und Gesundheit beschreibt in allgemein verstandlicher Form sowohl die diagnostischen und therapeutischen Moglichkeiten der Strahlenanwendung als auch die Gefahren fur die menschliche Gesundheit. Dabei werden die Erkenntnisse von medizinischer Technik, Strahlenbiologie und -medizin und Strahlenepidemiologie berucksichtigt, ohne sich zu sehr in wissenschaftlichen Details zu verlieren. In einem eher wissenschaftlich orientierten zweiten Teil werden die Grundlagen ausfuhrlicher erlautert und Verweise auf die aktuelle Literatur gegeben. Die Behandlung erstreckt sich nicht nur auf ionisierende Strahlungen wie Rontgen- und Gammastrahlen, sondern auch auf das Ultraviolett und die Anwendungen in der Mobilkommunikation. Ein spezielles Kapitel widmet sich der Strahlung in der Umwelt.

    Alternatives to Animal Testing. New Ways in the Biomedical Sciences, Trends & Progress

    Christoph Reinhardt A.

    Opinion leaders in science and politics examine findings and legislation in alternatives to animal testing! Refine, reduce, replace – These are the three demands that scientists have placed upon themselves in their search for alternatives to animal testing. Indeed much interdisciplinary research is being carried on today, and new fields have emerged, such as in-vitro toxicology. The three R's call for new scientific insights. Moreover, validation and acceptance strategies have to be adapted, a process of much ongoing interest and vital concern to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Researchers need to know exactly what has been achieved and accepted in alternatives to animal testing in science and politics. In this book they have the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of leading researchers and influential representatives of national and international regulatory authorities.

    Interpersonal Boundaries in Teaching and Learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 131

    Harriet Schwartz L.

    While issues of interpersonal boundaries between faculty and students is not new, more recent influences such as evolving technology and current generational differences have created a new set of dilemmas. How do we set appropriate expectations regarding e-mail response time in a twenty-four-hour, seven-day-a-week Internet-connected culture? How do we maintain our authority with a generation that views the syllabus as negotiable? Complex questions about power, positionality, connection, distance, and privacy underlie these decision points. This sourcebook provides an in-depth look at interpersonal boundaries between faculty and students, giving consideration to the deeper contextual factors and power dynamics that inform how we set, adjust, and maintain boundaries as educators. This is the 131st volume of this Jossey-Bass higher education series. New Directions for Teaching and Learning offers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.

    Teaching and Learning from the Inside Out: Revitalizing Ourselves and Our Institutions. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 130

    Margaret Golden

    By reclaiming the passions of our hearts and exploring insights and ideas, we begin a remembering of ourselves. As we begin to reclaim our wholeness, we also have the capacity to renew and revitalize our institutions from within. After a long career of writing and speaking about how living in congruence—without division between inner and outer life—allows for being present with ourselves and those who journey with us, Parker Palmer and colleagues at the Center for Courage & Renewal developed a process of shared exploration. This Circle of Trust® approach encourages people to live and work more authentically within their families, workplaces, and communities. This issue explores the transformative power of engaging in a Circle of Trust. The authors examine its direct applications to teaching and learning, and they explore and discuss the research being done by the facilitators of this work. This is the 130th volume of this Jossey-Bass higher education series. New Directions for Teaching and Learning offers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.

    Inquiry-Guided Learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 129

    Virginia Lee S.

    Is inquiry-guided learning a universal answer for various teaching and learning ills in higher education? With eight institutional case studies drawn from colleges and universities in English-speaking countries, this volume provides a clear description of inquiry-guided learning based on best practice. It also provides a window into the dynamics of undergraduate education reform using inquiry-guided learning, with a helpful final chapter that compares the eight institutions on key dimensions. This issue is a valuable resource for: Institutions attempting undergraduate reform through inquiry-guided learning Practitioners and scholars of inquiry-guided learning Instructors seeking good texts for courses on higher education administration Administrators seeking to understand and lead undergraduate education reform. This is the 129th volume of this Jossey-Bass higher education series. New Directions for Teaching and Learning offers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.