This comprehensive text integrates related aspects of wound management, skin integrity and dermatology into a convenient, one-stop resource. It explores the theories underpinning wound management and skin integrity by reviewing the supporting evidence and making practical recommendations for busy clinicians. Wound Healing and Skin Integrity discusses current and future trends in the management of wounds and maintenance of skin integrity in respect to international healthcare initiatives and summarises the principles of maintaining healthy skin to provide a practical guide that is accessible to clinicians regardless of professional background. The title fulfils the inter-professional learning agenda and will be of interest to a wide range of clinicians, including doctors; wound management, dermatology and palliative care nurse specialists; community nurses; podiatrists; pharmacists; and anyone responsible for managing patients with impaired skin integrity. Key features: A practical, accessible, evidence-based manual on wound care and skin integrity Integrates related aspects of skin integrity, wound management and dermatology previously found in separate texts into one comprehensive resource Written from a broad international perspective with contributions from key international opinion leaders from Australia, UK, Canada and Europe Promotes international practice development in relation to management of skin integrity and chronic wounds Full colour illustrations throughout Defines key terms, relates anatomy and physiology to clinical practice and provides a summary of easily accessible online learning resources Includes practical tips from expert practitioners, commonly presented clinical queries and discussion of professional issues related to skin integrity
Differential protection is a fast and selective method of protection against short-circuits. It is applied in many variants for electrical machines, trans-formers, busbars, and electric lines. Initially this book covers the theory and fundamentals of analog and numerical differential protection. Current transformers are treated in detail including transient behaviour, impact on protection performance, and practical dimensioning. An extended chapter is dedicated to signal transmission for line protection, in particular, modern digital communication and GPS timing. The emphasis is then placed on the different variants of differential protection and their practical application illustrated by concrete examples. This is completed by recommendations for commissioning, testing and maintenance. Finally the design and management of modern differential protection is explained by means of the latest Siemens SIPROTEC relay series. As a textbook and standard work in one, this book covers all topics, which have to be paid attention to for planning, designing, configuring and applying differential protection systems. The book is aimed at students and engineers who wish to familiarise themselves with the subject of differential protection, as well as the experienced user entering the area of numerical differential protection. Furthermore, it serves as a reference guide for solving application problems. For the new edition all contents have been revised, extended and updated to the latest state-of-the-art of protective relaying.
Focusing on the basic principles of semiconductor photocatalysis, this book also gives a brief introduction to photochemistry, photoelectrochemistry, and homogeneous photocatalysis. In addition, the author – one of the leading authorities in the field – presents important environmental and practical aspects. A valuable, one-stop source for all chemists, material scientists, and physicists working in this area, as well as novice researchers entering semiconductor photocatalysis.
This book is intended to serve as a text for an introductory course in geochemistry for undergraduate/graduate students with at least an elementary–level background in earth sciences, chemistry, and mathematics. The text, containing 83 tables and 181 figures, covers a wide variety of topics – ranging from atomic structure to chemical and isotopic equilibria to modern biogeochemical cycles – which are divided into four interrelated parts: Crystal Chemistry; Chemical Reactions (and biochemical reactions involving bacteria); Isotope Geochemistry (radiogenic and stable isotopes); and The Earth Supersystem, which includes discussions pertinent to the evolution of the solid Earth, the atmosphere, and the hydrosphere. In keeping with the modern trend in the field of geochemistry, the book emphasizes computational techniques by developing appropriate mathematical relations, solving a variety of problems to illustrate application of the mathematical relations, and leaving a set of questions at the end of each chapter to be solved by students. However, so as not to interrupt the flow of the text, involved chemical concepts and mathematical derivations are separated in the form of boxes. Supplementary materials are packaged into ten appendixes that include a standard–state (298.15 K, 1 bar) thermodynamic data table and a listing of answers to selected chapter–end questions. Additional resources for this book can be found at:
Explains how GIS enhances the development of chemical fate and transport models Over the past decade, researchers have discovered that geographic information systems (GIS) are not only excellent tools for managing and displaying maps, but also useful in the analysis of chemical fate and transport in the environment. Among its many benefits, GIS facilitates the identification of critical factors that drive chemical fate and transport. Moreover, GIS makes it easier to communicate and explain key model assumptions. Based on the author's firsthand experience in environmental assessment, GIS Based Chemical Fate Modeling explores both GIS and chemical fate and transport modeling fundamentals, creating an interface between the two domains. It then explains how GIS analytical functions enable scientists to develop simple, yet comprehensive spatially explicit chemical fate and transport models that support real-world applications. In addition, the book features: Practical examples of GIS based model calculations that serve as templates for the development of new applications Exercises enabling readers to create their own GIS based models Accompanying website featuring downloadable datasets used in the book's examples and exercises References to the literature, websites, data repositories, and online reports to facilitate further research Coverage of important topics such as spatial decision support systems and multi-criteria analysis as well as ecological and human health risk assessment in a spatial context GIS Based Chemical Fate Modeling makes a unique contribution to the environmental sciences by explaining how GIS analytical functions enhance the development and interpretation of chemical fate and transport models. Environmental scientists should turn to this book to gain a deeper understanding of the role of GIS in describing what happens to chemicals when they are released into the environment.
Anaerobic biotechnology is a cost-effective and sustainable means of treating waste and wastewaters that couples treatment processes with the reclamation of useful by-products and renewable biofuels. This means of treating municipal, agricultural, and industrial wastes allows waste products to be converted to value-added products such as biofuels, biofertilizers, and other chemicals. Anaerobic Biotechnology for Bioenergy Production: Principles and Applications provides the reader with basic principles of anaerobic processes alongside practical uses of anaerobic biotechnology options. This book will be a valuable reference to any professional currently considering or working with anaerobic biotechnology options.
Following the huge success of the first edition, which has become THE reference source for everyone working in the field, this long-awaited, completely updated edition features almost 50% new content. The world-renowned chemist Prof Dennis Hall is joined by a select group of top authors to cover all modern aspects of boronic acid derivatives in one comprehensive handbook. The experimental procedures described make for extremely useful reading. From the reviews of the first edition: «…deserves to be on the bookshelf of all synthetic chemists, whether in discovery or process chemistry.»
A complete guide to freelance graphic design—created specifically for design students Why wait until you graduate? Freelancing is a great way to jumpstart your career in graphic design. It lets you apply what you've been learning in school, close the gaps in your education with real-world experience, enhance your portfolio—and make a little money at the same time. A Graphic Design Student's Guide to Freelance: Practice Makes Perfect covers everything you need to know to begin successfully freelancing as a designer, including how to set up your business, deal with legal and financial issues, find clients, and work with them effectively. This full-color guide is divided into sections that correspond to your particular skill level as a student—beginner, intermediate, or advanced. These sections give you specific tasks and goals to help your freelance design work go smoothly as you progress from your very first professional job to gain experience with a range of projects and clients and prepare to move into a full-time graphic design career once you complete your studies. Complete with sample forms available online (invoices, a proof approval form, job jacket, and more) and 175 color images, including samples of paid work created by students, A Graphic Design Student's Guide to Freelance: Practice Makes Perfect will help you navigate the world of freelance design with confidence. Inside this book, you will learn to: Write a business plan Purchase key equipment Set rates and draw up contracts Find and manage clients Create and show concepts Market your company Expand your business Develop your portfolio And more
An accessible resource to help those in organisational settings ensure that they have taken all possible steps to safeguard the children and young people they are responsible for. Draws on up to date research with people who have committed sexual offences against children in organisational settings, and new developments in interviewing approaches Details recent cases to illustrate points about institutional failures in protecting children Highlights the fact that those who sexually offend against children are a diverse and heterogeneous population, and the approaches taken to protect children must address the range of possible risks Makes a firm commitment to the importance of multi-agency and inter-disciplinary collaboration and is relevant in both community and residential settings Offers clear and practical messages and measures for organisations to act on
An ideal resource for students, industrial engineers, and researchers, Signal Processing with Free Software Practical Experiments presents practical experiments in signal processing using free software. The text introduces elementary signals through elementary waveform, signal storage files and elementary operations on signals and then presents the first tools to signal analysis such as temporal and frequency characteristics leading to Time-frequency analysis. Non-parametric spectral analysis is also discussed as well as signal processing through sampling, resampling, quantification, and analog and digital filtering. Table of Contents: 1. Generation of Elementary Signals. Generation of Elementary Waveform. – Elementary Operations on the Signals. – Format of Signal Storage Files. 2. First tools of Signal Analysis. Measurement of Temporal and Frequency Characteristics of a Signal. Time-Frequency Analysis of a Signal. 3. Non-parametric Spectral Analysis. 4. Signal Processing. Sampling. – Resampling. – Quantification. – “Analog” Filtering. Digital Filtering