John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Organic Electronics II. More Materials and Applications

    Hagen Klauk

    Like its predecessor this book is devoted to the materials, manufacturing and applications aspects of organic thin-film transistors. Once again authored by the most renowned experts from this fascinating and fast-moving area of research, it offers a joint perspective both broad and in-depth on the latest developments in the areas of materials chemistry, transport physics, materials characterization, manufacturing technology, and circuit integration of organic transistors. With its many figures and detailed index, this book once again also serves as a ready reference.

    The Photosynthetic Membrane. Molecular Mechanisms and Biophysics of Light Harvesting

    Alexander Ruban V.

    The proteins that gather light for plant photosynthesis are embedded within cell membranes in a site called the thylakoid membrane (or the «photosynthetic membrane»). These proteins form the light harvesting antenna that feeds with energy a number of vital photosynthetic processes such as water oxidation and oxygen evolution, the pumping of protons across the thylakoid membranes coupled with the electron transport chain of the photosystems and cytochrome b6f complex, and ATP synthesis by ATP synthase utilizing the generated proton gradient. The Photosynthetic Membrane: Molecular Mechanisms and Biophysics of Light Harvesting is an introduction to the fundamental design and function of the light harvesting photosynthetic membrane, one of the most common and most important structures of life. It describes the underlying structure of the membrane, the variety and roles of the membrane proteins, the atomic structures of light harvesting complexes and their macromolecular assemblies, the molecular mechanisms and dynamics of light harvesting and primary energy transformations, and the broad range of adaptations to different light environments. The book shows, using the example of the photosynthetic membrane, how complex biological structures utilize principles of chemistry and physics in order to carry out biological functions. The Photosynthetic Membrane: Molecular Mechanisms of Light Harvesting will appeal to a wide audience of undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as researchers working in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, biophysics, plant science and bioengineering.

    Yeast. Molecular and Cell Biology

    Horst Feldmann

    Finally, a stand-alone, all-inclusive textbook on yeast biology. Based on the feedback resulting from his highly successful monograph, Horst Feldmann has totally rewritten he contents to produce a comprehensive, student-friendly textbook on the topic. The scope has been widened, with almost double the content so as to include all aspects of yeast biology, from genetics via cell biology right up to biotechnology applications. The cell and molecular biology sections have been vastly expanded, while information on other yeast species has been added, with contributions from additional authors. Naturally, the illustrations are in full color throughout, and the book is backed by a complimentary website. The resulting textbook caters to the needs of an increasing number of students in biomedical research, cell and molecular biology, microbiology and biotechnology who end up using yeast as an important tool or model organism.

    Causality in a Social World. Moderation, Mediation and Spill-over

    Guanglei Hong

    Causality in a Social World introduces innovative new statistical research and strategies for investigating moderated intervention effects, mediated intervention effects, and spill-over effects using experimental or quasi-experimental data. The book uses potential outcomes to define causal effects, explains and evaluates identification assumptions using application examples, and compares innovative statistical strategies with conventional analysis methods. Whilst highlighting the crucial role of good research design and the evaluation of assumptions required for identifying causal effects in the context of each application, the author demonstrates that improved statistical procedures will greatly enhance the empirical study of causal relationship theory. Applications focus on interventions designed to improve outcomes for participants who are embedded in social settings, including families, classrooms, schools, neighbourhoods, and workplaces.

    Periodic Structures. Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering

    Ruey-Bing Hwang (Raybeam)

    Provides readers an understanding of the basic physics underlying meta-materials, providing a powerful tool for analyzing their electromagnetic properties Periodic Structures: Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering presents the scattering and guiding characteristics of periodic structures using the mode-matching approach and their applications in electromagnetic engineering. The book is structured so that the first three chapters provide an introduction and prepare the reader for chapters 4 to 6, which expand the formulations to electromagnetic and optical structures applicable to practical device applications. The last chapters cover very recent research topics in electromagnetics and optics. Provides an analytic approach to describing the operation of photonic crystals and related periodic structures Covers guided and leaky mode propagation in periodic surroundings, from fundamentals to practical device applications Demostrates formulation of the periodic system and applications to practical electromagnetic / optical devices, even further to metamaterials Introduces the evolution of periodic structures and their applications in microwave, millimeter wave and THz. Written by a high-impact author in electromagnetics and optics Contains mathematical derivations which can be applied directly to MATLAB programs Ideal for Graduate students and advanced undergraduates in electronic engineering, optics, physics, and applied physics, or researchers working with periodic structures

    Network and Discrete Location. Models, Algorithms, and Applications

    Mark Daskin S.

    Praise for the First Edition This book is refreshing to read since it takes an important topic… and presents it in a clear and concise manner by using examples that include visual presentations of the problem, solution methods, and results along with an explanation of the mathematical and procedural steps required to model the problem and work through to a solution.” —Journal of Classification Thoroughly updated and revised, Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms, and Applications, Second Edition remains the go-to guide on facility location modeling. The book offers a unique introduction to methodological tools for solving location models and provides insight into when each approach is useful and what information can be obtained. The Second Edition focuses on real-world extensions of the basic models used in locating facilities, including production and distribution systems, location-inventory models, and defender-interdictor problems. A unique taxonomy of location problems and models is also presented. Featuring examples using the author’s own software—SITATION, MOD-DIST, and MENU-OKF—as well as Microsoft Office® Excel®, the book provides: • A theoretical and applied perspective on location models and algorithms • An intuitive presentation of the uses and limits of modeling techniques • An introduction to integrated location-inventory modeling and defender-interdictor models for the design of reliable facility location systems • A full range of exercises to equip readers with an understanding of the basic facility location model types Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms, and Applications, Second Edition is an essential resource for practitioners in applied and discrete mathematics, operations research, industrial engineering, and quantitative geography. The book is also a useful textbook for upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and MBA courses.

    Wave Propagation in Fluids. Models and Numerical Techniques

    Vincent Guinot

    This second edition with four additional chapters presents the physical principles and solution techniques for transient propagation in fluid mechanics and hydraulics. The application domains vary including contaminant transport with or without sorption, the motion of immiscible hydrocarbons in aquifers, pipe transients, open channel and shallow water flow, and compressible gas dynamics. The mathematical formulation is covered from the angle of conservation laws, with an emphasis on multidimensional problems and discontinuous flows, such as steep fronts and shock waves. Finite difference-, finite volume- and finite element-based numerical methods (including discontinuous Galerkin techniques) are covered and applied to various physical fields. Additional chapters include the treatment of geometric source terms, as well as direct and adjoint sensitivity modeling for hyperbolic conservation laws. A concluding chapter is devoted to practical recommendations to the modeler. Application exercises with on-line solutions are proposed at the end of the chapters.

    Survival Analysis. Models and Applications

    Xian Liu

    Survival analysis concerns sequential occurrences of events governed by probabilistic laws. Recent decades have witnessed many applications of survival analysis in various disciplines. This book introduces both classic survival models and theories along with newly developed techniques. Readers will learn how to perform analysis of survival data by following numerous empirical illustrations in SAS. Survival Analysis: Models and Applications: Presents basic techniques before leading onto some of the most advanced topics in survival analysis. Assumes only a minimal knowledge of SAS whilst enabling more experienced users to learn new techniques of data input and manipulation. Provides numerous examples of SAS code to illustrate each of the methods, along with step-by-step instructions to perform each technique. Highlights the strengths and limitations of each technique covered. Covering a wide scope of survival techniques and methods, from the introductory to the advanced, this book can be used as a useful reference book for planners, researchers, and professors who are working in settings involving various lifetime events. Scientists interested in survival analysis should find it a useful guidebook for the incorporation of survival data and methods into their projects.

    Nonlinear Distortion in Wireless Systems. Modeling and Simulation with MATLAB

    Khaled Gharaibeh M.

    This book covers the principles of modeling and simulation of nonlinear distortion in wireless communication systems with MATLAB simulations and techniques In this book, the author describes the principles of modeling and simulation of nonlinear distortion in single and multichannel wireless communication systems using both deterministic and stochastic signals. Models and simulation methods of nonlinear amplifiers explain in detail how to analyze and evaluate the performance of data communication links under nonlinear amplification. The book addresses the analysis of nonlinear systems with stochastic inputs and establishes the performance metrics of communication systems with regard to nonlinearity. In addition, the author also discusses the problem of how to embed models of distortion in system-level simulators such as MATLAB and MATLAB Simulink and provides practical techniques that professionals can use on their own projects. Finally, the book explores simulation and programming issues and provides a comprehensive reference of simulation tools for nonlinearity in wireless communication systems. Key Features: Covers the theory, models and simulation tools needed for understanding nonlinearity and nonlinear distortion in wireless systems Presents simulation and modeling techniques for nonlinear distortion in wireless channels using MATLAB Uses random process theory to develop simulation tools for predicting nonlinear system performance with real-world wireless communication signals Focuses on simulation examples of real-world communication systems under nonlinearity Includes an accompanying website containing MATLAB code This book will be an invaluable reference for researchers, RF engineers, and communication system engineers working in the field. Graduate students and professors undertaking related courses will also find the book of interest.

    Financial Statistics and Mathematical Finance. Methods, Models and Applications

    Ansgar Steland

    Mathematical finance has grown into a huge area of research which requires a lot of care and a large number of sophisticated mathematical tools. Mathematically rigorous and yet accessible to advanced level practitioners and mathematicians alike, it considers various aspects of the application of statistical methods in finance and illustrates some of the many ways that statistical tools are used in financial applications. Financial Statistics and Mathematical Finance: Provides an introduction to the basics of financial statistics and mathematical finance. Explains the use and importance of statistical methods in econometrics and financial engineering. Illustrates the importance of derivatives and calculus to aid understanding in methods and results. Looks at advanced topics such as martingale theory, stochastic processes and stochastic integration. Features examples throughout to illustrate applications in mathematical and statistical finance. Is supported by an accompanying website featuring R code and data sets. Financial Statistics and Mathematical Finance introduces the financial methodology and the relevant mathematical tools in a style that is both mathematically rigorous and yet accessible to advanced level practitioners and mathematicians alike, both graduate students and researchers in statistics, finance, econometrics and business administration will benefit from this book.