The Handbook is a compilation of 99 articles on diverse reagents and catalysts that describe the synthesis of heteroarenes, the building blocks of a wide range of chemicals used in pharma and chemical industries. Articles are selected from the e-EROS database and edited to make sure that it includes only the material relevant to the topic of the book and focus on the synthetic aspects. This makes the articles very focused on the needs of readers wanting information on specific syntheses of specific heteroarenes. In addition, the chemistry of each ?parent heteroarene? is also included to ensure that the reader rapidly finds important information. The Handbook is a part of the Handbook of Reagents for Organic Chemistry series, aiming at collecting articles on a particular theme that individual researchers in academia or industry can use on a daily basis.
The new, revised and updated 7th edition of March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry clearly explains the theories and examples of organic chemistry, providing the most comprehensive resource about organic chemistry available. Readers are guided on planning and execution of multi-step synthetic reactions, with detailed descriptions of all the reactions. The first five chapters deal with the structure of organic compounds and discuss important organic chemistry bonds, fundamental principles of conformation, and stereochemistry of organic molecules, and reactive intermediates in organic chemistry. Chapters 6 to 9 are concerned with general principles of mechanism in organic chemistry, including acids and bases, photochemistry, sonochemistry and microwave irradiation, and finally the relationship between structure and reactivity. The last 10 chapters cover the nature and the scope of organic reactions and their mechanisms. The 7th edition proves again it is a must-have desktop reference and textbook for every student and professional working in organic chemistry or related fields. Key features of the 7th edition: Every chapter has been updated with the most recent reaction information with references to both the primary and review literature New to the 7th edition: 5,500 references since the last edition, updates / rewrites of the retained sections, and an updated index in Appendix B Contains more than 1650 reactions and 20,000 valuable references to the primary literature Includes appendices on the literature of organic chemistry and the classification of reactions according to the compounds synthesized Guides the reader on planning and execution of multi-step synthetic reactions, with detailed descriptions of all the reactions. Reviews of the previous edition: «…a favorite general organic chemistry text and an easy-to-use one-volume reference. We are confident that this book will remain a dominant reference and that it will reside on many chemists' personal bookshelves.» –Journal of Medicinal Chemistry «Who can hope to be seriously accepted as a member of the organic chemistry community without being in possession of at least one edition of 'March'?» –Chemistry and Industry
Die pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten von einer hochspezialisierten Wissenschaft zu einer Querschnittdisziplin entwickelt, die fur Pharmazeuten, Mikrobiologen, aber auch Mediziner und Qualitatssicherungsbeauftragte von fundamentaler Bedeutung ist. Michael Rieth, promovierter Mikrobiologe mit langjahriger Erfahrung in mikrobiologischer Qualitatsprufung in der pharmazeutischen Industrie, stellt in diesem Buch umfassend alle unterschiedlichen Aktivitaten, Entwicklungen und Technologien dieses dynamischen Gebiets zusammen. Immer aus dem Blickwinkel der pharmazeutischen Praxis, liegt hier das erste deutschsprachige Buch vor, das den wachsenden Anforderungen an Arzneimittelsicherheit und -qualitat Rechnung tragt und selbstverstandlich Erfordernisse nationaler und internationaler (FDA) Kontroll- und Regulierungsbehorden berucksichtigt. Aus dem Inhalt: *Desinfektion, Sterilisation und aseptische Herstellung *mikrobiologisches und physikalisches Monitoring in der Sterilproduktion *Prozessvalidierungen *Auswertung von Bioindikatoren * mikrobiologische Schnellmethoden, z. B. uber Fluoreszenz und Biolumineszenz *Identifizierung von Mikroorganismen (u. a. PCR, Gaschromatographie und MALDI-TOF Massenspektrometrie)
Women and Poverty analyzes the social and structural factors that contribute to, and legitimize, class inequity and women's poverty. In doing so, the book provides a unique documentation of women's experiences of poverty and classism at the individual and interpersonal levels. Provides readers with a critical analysis of the social and structural factors that contribute to women's poverty Uses a multidisciplinary approach to bring together new research and theory from social psychology, policy studies, and critical and feminist scholarship Documents women's experiences of poverty and classism at the interpersonal and institutional levels Discusses policy analysis for reducing poverty and social inequality
Vital Notes for Nurses: Psychology provides a concise, accessible introduction to key psychological theories and outlines their relevance to nursing practice. Divided into seven chapters, the first offers a preliminary insight into the different perspectives in psychology: Biological, Psychodynamic, Behavioural, Cognitive and Humanistic. These perspectives go on to underpin the topics in all the other chapters. Vital Notes for Nurses: Psychology explores developmental theories, attachment theories, and relationship theories. It discusses issues relevant to nursing practice such as motivation, change, stereotypes, relationships and motivation and looks at issues of suffering, including stress and pain. Illustrated with examples from all branches of nursing practice, this text clearly illustrates the relevance of psychology to nurses. Relates psychological themes specifically to nursing practice Written in a clear, accessible style which assumes no prior knowledge Useful to all nursing students on the common foundation programme as well as newly qualified nurses. Each chapter includes features such as activities, case studies and learning objectives
An Introduction to Modern CBT provides an easily accessible introduction to modern theoretical cognitive behavioral therapy models. The text outlines the different techniques, their success in improving specific psychiatric disorders, and important new developments in the field. • Provides an easy-to-read introduction into modern Cognitive Behavioral Therapy approaches with specific case examples and hands-on treatment techniques • Discusses the theoretical models of CBT, outlines the different techniques that have been shown to be successful in improving specific psychiatric disorders, and describes important new developments in the field • Offers useful guidance for therapists in training and is an invaluable reference tool for experienced clinicians
This monograph for young researchers and professionals looking for a comprehensive reference offers an advanced treatment of the topic that extends beyond an introductory work. As such, it systematically covers the inorganic nanostructures in the breadth needed, while presenting them together with the surface science tools used to characterize them, such as electron spectroscopy and scanning probe techniques. The unique challenges in the fabrication of nanostructures are illustrated, and set into context of controlling structure, dimensionality and electronic properties.
Written by an expert in the field of nanomaterials, composites, and polymers, this book provides up-to-date information on recent advances in various aspects of polymer composites reinforced by carbonaceous nanofillers, including their fabrication and their electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. It also extensively covers applications of these nanocomposites in fuel cells, sensors, electromagnetic interference shielding, human implants and scaffolds.
Vital Notes for Nurses: Promoting Health is a concise, accessible introduction to health promotion and public health for pre-registration nursing students and newly qualified nurses. Promoting the health and well-being of patients is a vital part of the nursing role. This introductory text in the Vital Notes for Nurses series explores issues such as public health priorities, health inequalities, health promotion settings, and the role of the nurse in health promotion roles. Written in a clear, accessible style which assumes no prior knowledge Each chapter includes learning objectives, case studies, scenarios, activities and learning outcomes Includes specific application to nursing practice in every chapter Identifies strategies for promoting health with individuals and communities and for protecting the health of the general population
Back for a new edition, Zoe Draelos' outstanding resource to cosmetic dermatology again provides a highly-illustrated, clinical guide to the full range of cosmetic skin treatments. Bringing together experts from research, industry, surgery and practice, it is structured in four distinct parts for easy navigation by the busy clinician: Basic Concepts – giving an overview of the physiology pertinent to cosmetic dermatology and the delivery systems by which treatments can take effect; Hygiene Products – evaluating cleansing and moisturising products; Adornment – looking at aesthetic techniques such as cosmetics, nail protheses and hair treatment; Antiaging – ie, injectables, resurfacing and skin contouring techniques, and the rapidly growing area of Cosmeceuticals. With over 300 high-quality images and key summary boxes throughout, this new edition incorporates the newest procedural innovations in this rapidly developing field. Perfect for all dermatologists, especially those specialising in cosmetic dermatology and whether hospital-based or in private practice, it provides the complete cosmetic regimen for your patients and will be an indispensable tool to consult over and over again.