John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Ad Hoc Networks. Routing, Qos and Optimization

    Mounir Frikha

    This work presents ad hoc networks and their characteristics. It explains a new protocol of routing with QoS as well as its implementation in a network simulator and compares it with the existing protocols. The book discusses the principle of the load balancing, treats the approaches of optimization of energy, and proposes a new approach with an analytical model that gives a better performance.

    Copernicus, Darwin and Freud. Revolutions in the History and Philosophy of Science

    Friedel Weinert

    Using Copernicanism, Darwinism, and Freudianism as examples of scientific traditions, Copernicus, Darwin and Freud takes a philosophical look at these three revolutions in thought to illustrate the connections between science and philosophy. Shows how these revolutions in thought lead to philosophical consequences Provides extended case studies of Copernicanism, Darwinism, and Freudianism Integrates the history of science and the philosophy of science like no other text Covers both the philosophy of natural and social science in one volume

    Modern Environments and Human Health. Revisiting the Second Epidemiological Transition

    Molly Zuckerman K.

    Written in an engaging and jargon-free style by a team of international and interdisciplinary experts, Modern Environments and Human Health demonstrates by example how methods, theoretical approaches, and data from a wide range of disciplines can be used to resolve longstanding questions about the second epidemiological transition. The first book to address the subject from a multi-regional, comparative, and interdisciplinary perspective, Modern Environments and Human Health is a valuable resource for students and academics in biological anthropology, economics, history, public health, demography, and epidemiology.

    Seen, Heard and Counted. Rethinking Care in a Development Context

    Shahra Razavi

    Contributors analyze the care economy in the developing world, at a moment when existing systems are under strain and new ideas are coming into focus. Offers the first global, regionally diverse study of the “invisible economy” of care, including case studies from diverse regional contexts of Africa, Asia and Latin America Frames the debate on care and highlights policy experimentation and ideas currently in flux Includes new research and data on developing countries, showing how, where care options for the socially disadvantaged are limited, failing to socialize the costs of care exacerbates existing inequalities Comes at a moment when, if not yet marked by a generalized care crisis, the world’s existing systems are under strain and in need of rethinking Features introductory chapters that set out the conceptual framework and findings on individual country studies, and a concluding chapter that draws out the transnational dimensions of care

    Performance-Oriented Architecture. Rethinking Architectural Design and the Built Environment

    Michael Hensel

    Architecture is on the brink. It is a discipline in crisis. Over the last two decades, architectural debate has diversified to the point of fragmentation and exhaustion. What is called for is an overarching argument or set of criteria on which to approach the design and construction of the built environment. Here, the internationally renowned architect and educator Michael Hensel advocates an entirely different way of thinking about architecture. By favouring a new focus on performance, he rejects longstanding conventions in design and the built environment. This not only bridges the gap between academia and practice, but, even more significantly, the treatment of form and function in design. It also has a far-reaching impact on knowledge production and development, placing an important emphasis on design research in architecture and the value of an interdisciplinary approach. Though ‘performance’ first evolved as a concept in the humanities in the 1940s and 1950s, it has never previously been systematically applied in architecture in an inclusive manner. Here Michael Hensel offers Performance-Orientated Architecture as an integrative approach to architectural design, the built environment and questions of sustainability. He highlights how core concepts and specific traits, such as climate, material performance and settlement patterns, can put architecture in the service of the natural environment. A wide range of examples are cited to support his argument, from traditional sustainable buildings, such as the Kahju Bridge in Isfahan and the Topkapí Palace in Istanbul to more contemporary works by Cloud 9, Foreign Office Architects, Steven Holl and OCEAN.

    Using the Weibull Distribution. Reliability, Modeling, and Inference

    John McCool I.

    Understand and utilize the latest developments in Weibull inferential methods While the Weibull distribution is widely used in science and engineering, most engineers do not have the necessary statistical training to implement the methodology effectively. Using the Weibull Distribution: Reliability, Modeling, and Inference fills a gap in the current literature on the topic, introducing a self-contained presentation of the probabilistic basis for the methodology while providing powerful techniques for extracting information from data. The author explains the use of the Weibull distribution and its statistical and probabilistic basis, providing a wealth of material that is not available in the current literature. The book begins by outlining the fundamental probability and statistical concepts that serve as a foundation for subsequent topics of coverage, including: • Optimum burn-in, age and block replacement, warranties and renewal theory • Exact inference in Weibull regression • Goodness of fit testing and distinguishing the Weibull from the lognormal • Inference for the Three Parameter Weibull Throughout the book, a wealth of real-world examples showcases the discussed topics and each chapter concludes with a set of exercises, allowing readers to test their understanding of the presented material. In addition, a related website features the author's own software for implementing the discussed analyses along with a set of modules written in Mathcad®, and additional graphical interface software for performing simulations. With its numerous hands-on examples, exercises, and software applications, Using the Weibull Distribution is an excellent book for courses on quality control and reliability engineering at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. The book also serves as a valuable reference for engineers, scientists, and business analysts who gather and interpret data that follows the Weibull distribution

    The Business of Influence. Reframing Marketing and PR for the Digital Age

    Philip Sheldrake

    Media has most definitely evolved, as have the ways in which we contemplate, design, communicate and execute strategy. And rather than technological evolution, we’re plainly in the midst of a technological revolution. We have no choice then but to reframe marketing and PR in the context of 21st Century technology, 21st Century media and disintermediation, and 21st Century articulation of and appreciation for business strategy. “Today, every organization is in the influence business. We influence customers to buy from us, employees to work for us, and the media to write about us. Gone are the days when you could be your own island. Now, to be successful, you need to live within the influence ecosystem and that requires a change of mindset. Fortunately, Philip Sheldrake will show you how.” David Meerman Scott, bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR and the new hit Real-Time Marketing & PR

    Enterprise Data Governance. Reference and Master Data Management Semantic Modeling

    Pierre Bonnet

    In an increasingly digital economy, mastering the quality of data is an increasingly vital yet still, in most organizations, a considerable task. The necessity of better governance and reinforcement of international rules and regulatory or oversight structures (Sarbanes Oxley, Basel II, Solvency II, IAS-IFRS, etc.) imposes on enterprises the need for greater transparency and better traceability of their data. All the stakeholders in a company have a role to play and great benefit to derive from the overall goals here, but will invariably turn towards their IT department in search of the answers. However, the majority of IT systems that have been developed within businesses are overly complex, badly adapted, and in many cases obsolete; these systems have often become a source of data or process fragility for the business. It is in this context that the management of ‘reference and master data’ or Master Data Management (MDM) and semantic modeling can intervene in order to straighten out the management of data in a forward-looking and sustainable manner. This book shows how company executives and IT managers can take these new challenges, as well as the advantages of using reference and master data management, into account in answering questions such as: Which data governance functions are available? How can IT be better aligned with business regulations? What is the return on investment? How can we assess intangible IT assets and data? What are the principles of semantic modeling? What is the MDM technical architecture? In these ways they will be better able to deliver on their responsibilities to their organizations, and position them for growth and robust data management and integrity in the future.

    Essential Guide to Reading Biomedical Papers. Recognising and Interpreting Best Practice

    Philip Langton D.

    Essential Guide to Reading Biomedical Papers: Recognising and Interpreting Best Practice is an indispensable companion to the biomedical literature. This concise, easy-to-follow text gives an insight into core techniques and practices in biomedical research and how, when and why a technique should be used and presented in the literature. Readers are alerted to common failures and misinterpretations that may evade peer review and are equipped with the judgment necessary to be properly critical of the findings claimed by research articles. This unique book will be an invaluable resource for students, technicians and researchers in all areas of biomedicine. Allows the reader to develop the necessary skills to properly evaluate research articles Coverage of over 30 commonly-used techniques in the biomedical sciences Global approach and application, with contributions from leading experts in diverse fields

    The Marketer's Handbook. Reassessing Marketing Techniques for Modern Business

    Laurie Young

    This book, written by a senior marketer with over thirty years experience of using marketing techniques and concepts, sets out to describe, contextualize and rate them. Its prime emphasis is on understanding their status so that they can be used to direct the use of shareholder funds effectively. Its conclusion is that seasoned professionals must use their judgement about when and how to use them, but they also need to understand them in depth if they are going to make well-rounded, effective investment decisions. Above all it asks: “how useful and relevant is this concept? Will it improve decision making? Does the damn thing have any credibility and does it work?” “This book combines a rigorous review of a wide range of marketing concepts with many practical examples and case studies. It can be read or dipped into both by seasoned professionals and by those just embarking on their marketing career.” Sir Paul Judge, President, Chartered Institute of Marketing “Laurie Young casts an experienced and skeptical eye on many cherished marketing concepts and techniques. He provides an antidote to the tendency to adopt them without understanding their limitations and possibilities.” Professor George Day, The Wharton School, Chairman of the American Marketing Association “Laurie Young has produced nothing less than the A-Z of marketing. He has journeyed far and wide mapping out hundreds of business, marketing and communications models to produce an extremely useful industry atlas. Certainly it will find a well-thumbed home on my bookshelf.” Hamish Pringle, Director General, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising “This book is much needed by marketing. Its value is in challenging concepts, some of which have been the accepted norm for a long time. But as this book shows, some of these may no longer be relevant and appropriate for marketers in today’s consumer environment.” Mike Johnston, CEO, Dairy Council of Northern Ireland and former Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Marketing “Senior marketers, like those who make up the membership of the Marketing Society, hone the methods and techniques they favour as their career develops. Laurie Young clearly did that and an experienced voice shines through this critique. It is heartening to find that so many concepts have a long history of producing real value for businesses but alarming to find so many of the theorists’ favourites to be so groundless.” Hugh Burkitt, CEO, The Marketing Society