The AACC competencies were initially developed to help provide guidance in developing community college leaders because of predictions of a leadership crisis in the two-year college sector. Since their creation, the competencies have been used to direct topics in leadership development programs and to guide future leaders about what skills are critical to master. Yet scant research exists on the use of the competencies in practice or on analysis of the competencies within the changing higher education climate. This issue provides a review of the research on the competencies in the field and posits several strategies for the future use of the competencies and potential changes to the competencies. This is the 159th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Essential to the professional libraries of presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other leaders in today's open-door institutions, New Directions for Community Colleges provides expert guidance in meeting the challenges of their distinctive and expanding educational mission.
Examine the structure and context of identity development in a number of different countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Italy, China, and Japan. While some identity development proceeds in much the same way across national contexts, this issue suggests that there are important nuances in the ways in which identity unfolds in each country. Macrocultural forces, such as permissiveness in Sweden, collective guilt in Germany, and filial piety in China, direct the identity development process in important ways. Expectations regarding obligations and ties to family also direct the identity development process differently in many of the countries included in this volume—such as extended co-residence with parents in Italy, lifelong obligations to follow parents' wishes in China, and democratic independence in Sweden. The various countries are compared and contrasted against the United States, where much of the early identity research was conducted. The volume also reviews specific identity challenges facing immigrant and ethnic-minority individuals in countries that receive large numbers of immigrants—Germany, Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Italy—and suggests many future directions for identity research in various parts of the world. This is the 138th volume in this series. Its mission is to provide scientific and scholarly presentations on cutting edge issues and concepts in child and adolescent development. Each volume focuses on a specific new direction or research topic and is edited by experts on that topic.
In an increasingly interconnected world, a dialogical self is not only possible but even necessary. People are closer together than ever, yet they are confronted with apparent and sometimes even insurmountable differences. While there is a need of increased dialogue between individuals, groups, and cultures, it is equally important to develop of dialogical potentials within the self of the individual person. Elaborating on these concerns, the authors present and discuss a Dialogical Self Theory based on the assumption that the self functions as a society of mind. The self is not simply participating in a “surrounding” society, but functions itself as a mini-society, which is, at the same time, part of the society at large. The authors: Present the theory in detail Explore the developmental origins of the dialogical self Elaborate on the identity development of adolescents growing up in multicultural societies Discuss a striking example of a social movement in India, where individual and collective voices merge in a nationwide protest. This is the 137th volume in this series. Its mission is to provide scientific and scholarly presentations on cutting edge issues and concepts in child and adolescent development. Each volume focuses on a specific new direction or research topic and is edited by experts on that topic.
Disability can affect adults across the life span—and it is the one minority group every person could join. This sourcebook aims to broaden the view of disability from a medical or economic concern to a social justice concern. It examines practical, theoretical, and research aspects of disability—including those who question disability classifications—and situates it as a political and social justice concern, technical and pragmatic concern, and personal experience. The authors present the perspectives of individuals with disabilities, service providers, parents, and teachers and offer analyses that range from the personal to the broadly political. This is the 132nd volume in this Jossey Bass higher education quarterly report series. Noted for its depth of coverage, this indispensable series explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of adult and continuing education settings.
The Architect's Brain: Neuroscience, Creativity, and Architecture is the first book to consider the relationship between the neurosciences and architecture, offering a compelling and provocative study in the field of architectural theory. Explores various moments of architectural thought over the last 500 years as a cognitive manifestation of philosophical, psychological, and physiological theory Looks at architectural thought through the lens of the remarkable insights of contemporary neuroscience, particularly as they have advanced within the last decade Demonstrates the neurological justification for some very timeless architectural ideas, from the multisensory nature of the architectural experience to the essential relationship of ambiguity and metaphor to creative thinking
Embedded systems become more and more complex and require having some knowledge in various disciplines such as electronics, data processing, telecommunications and networks. Without detailing all the aspects related to the design of embedded systems, this book, which was written by specialists in electronics, data processing and telecommunications and networks, gives an interesting point of view of communication techniques and problems in embedded systems. This choice is easily justified by the fact that embedded systems are today massively communicating and that telecommunications and networks constitute the main sector of embedded systems.
The petroleum sector is possibly the largest and most dominant economic sector in the globalized economy. However, for reasons explored in this book, although none of the existing economic development models fit this sector in the past and apply even less today, no satisfactory alternative has presented itself. This book highlights the important reasons why current models fail to predict energy pricing with reasonable accuracy, and ventures into environmental and other problems with oil and gas production and associated economic decisions mounting across both developed as well as developing economies.
The Banggai cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni, is a fascinating species that possesses a series of remarkable biological characteristics making it unique among coral reef fishes. It has been the focus of studies in reproduction, ecology, population genetics and evolution. In addition, since its rediscovery in the late 1990s, it has become tremendously popular in the international ornamental fish trade, and indiscriminate collecting has led to its inclusion in the 2007 IUCN Red List as an endangered species. This book is divided into three main parts: a general introduction to the fish, including a historical synopsis with an overview of the Banggai Archipelago; a comprehensive treatment of the species’ natural history (distribution, morphology, reproduction, embryology, ecology, genetics, systematics and evolution); an account of the conservation of the species, including descriptions of its fishery, attempts to protect it under CITES, and introduction programmes. The book also includes an appendix offering information on captive breeding, juvenile mortality reduction, and common diseases. This book is a unique resource for ichthyology students and researchers working on fish biology, ecology and conservation, and for marine ornamental fish hobbyists and aquarium professionals. Visit to access the figures and tables from the book.
Nonlinear System Identification: NARMAX Methods in the Time, Frequency, and Spatio-Temporal Domains describes a comprehensive framework for the identification and analysis of nonlinear dynamic systems in the time, frequency, and spatio-temporal domains. This book is written with an emphasis on making the algorithms accessible so that they can be applied and used in practice. Includes coverage of: The NARMAX (nonlinear autoregressive moving average with exogenous inputs) model The orthogonal least squares algorithm that allows models to be built term by term where the error reduction ratio reveals the percentage contribution of each model term Statistical and qualitative model validation methods that can be applied to any model class Generalised frequency response functions which provide significant insight into nonlinear behaviours A completely new class of filters that can move, split, spread, and focus energy The response spectrum map and the study of sub harmonic and severely nonlinear systems Algorithms that can track rapid time variation in both linear and nonlinear systems The important class of spatio-temporal systems that evolve over both space and time Many case study examples from modelling space weather, through identification of a model of the visual processing system of fruit flies, to tracking causality in EEG data are all included to demonstrate how easily the methods can be applied in practice and to show the insight that the algorithms reveal even for complex systems NARMAX algorithms provide a fundamentally different approach to nonlinear system identification and signal processing for nonlinear systems. NARMAX methods provide models that are transparent, which can easily be analysed, and which can be used to solve real problems. This book is intended for graduates, postgraduates and researchers in the sciences and engineering, and also for users from other fields who have collected data and who wish to identify models to help to understand the dynamics of their systems.
Ziel nachhaltig wirtschaftender Unternehmen ist es, nicht nur okonomischen, sondern auch sozialen und okologischen Mehrwert zu schaffen. Die in diesem Sinne international erfolgreichsten Unternehmen, darunter auch Siemens, sind im Dow Jones Sustainability Index gelistet. Dabei beschrankt sich Nachhaltigkeit heute nicht mehr allein auf «okologisch korrektes» Verhalten, sondern setzt ganzheitliches und vernetztes Denken voraus: Welchen Beitrag mussen Unternehmen fur eine funktionierende Gesellschaft heute und in Zukunft leisten? Welche schlussige Strategie sollten sie haben, um dauerhaft am Markt zu bestehen? Wie implementieren sie diese Strategie in die Unternehmensprozesse? Uta-Maria Pfeiffer beantwortet diese Fragen am Beispiel der Bahnindustrie und nachhaltiger Mobilitat. Damit bietet das Buch allen Verantwortlichen und ihren Mitarbeitern, die sich mit der Implementierung der Anforderungen von Nachhaltigkeit in Unternehmen beschaftigen, eine praxisorientierte Darstellung, wie sich die standig wachsenden Anforderungen in Bezug auf eine nachhaltige Mobilitat in ihre Geschaftsprozesse einbringen lassen. Umwelt-Unternehmensberater erhalten eine grundlegende Darstellung der Dimensionen von Nachhaltigkeit. Das Besondere an dem Buch ist die einfache Darstellung des komplexen Themas Nachhaltigkeit, das leider noch viel zu wenig umgesetzt wird, weil die Transparenz fehlt und oft kurzfristige wirtschaftliche Interessen unternehmerische Entscheidungen beeinflussen.