Reviews the evolution and theory of Sustainability Footprints e.g. carbon footprint and examines the critical success factors and contributions to small to medium sized enterprises (SME) growth • Assist firms in achieving sustainable growth in four key areas Innovation Impact, Cost Impact, Environmental Impact, and Stakeholder Impact • Identifies the challenges and Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in the use of sustainability footprint methodology within small businesses by the use of case studies • Proposes a strategic model suitable for the deployment of sustainability strategy and initiatives within business
Threats to brand relevance are always lurking around the corner. Your brand is virtually never immune from the risk of fading instead of being energized or being damaged instead of strengthened.—David Aaker From branding guru David Aaker comes Three Threats to Brand Relevance, a provocative new offering in the Jossey-Bass Short Format series. In Three Threats Aaker reveals that the key to an organization's sustained growth is to learn what it takes to bring «big» innovation to market and create barriers to competitors. Aaker also shows how well-established companies can avoid becoming irrelevant in the face of the continuing parade of marketing dynamics led by others. Building on his full-length book Brand Relevance, Aaker offers a guide for confronting the three threats if they emerge and shows how to put in place the strategies that will keep the threats at bay. Threat #1: A decline in category or subcategory relevance. Customers simply no longer want to buy what you are making, despite the fact you are offering a quality product and some customers love it. Threat #2: The loss of energy relevance. Without energy the brand simply does not come to mind as other more visible brands and a decline in energy can create a perception that it is locked in the past, suitable for an older generation. Threat #3: The emergence of a «reason-not-to-buy.» The brand may have a perceived quality problem or be associated with a firm policy that is not acceptable. Whether your brand is just breaking into the marketplace or has a long held place in the hearts of its consumers, any forward-thinking company can implement Aaker's proven methods and strategies as part of their organization's ongoing review of brand strategy with the help of this succinct and to-the-point resource. About the Jossey-Bass Short Format Series Written by thought leaders and experts in their fields, pieces in the Jossey-Bass Short Format Series provide busy, on-the-go professionals, managers and leaders around the world with must-have, just-in-time information in a concise and actionable format.
From Management to Leadership identifies the fundamental interpersonal skills that every health care leader (and aspiring leader) needs to develop in order to be a successful executive or manager. The third edition of the classic text offers suggestions for developing and improving essential health care leadership skills. Written to be a practical guide, the book presents concepts and skills that can be immediately applied to everyday situations. Completely revised and updated, this edition includes new concepts and resources based on the latest research and practices. Praise for the Third Edition of From Management to Leadership «As leaders, we want engagement, commitment, ownership, teamwork, and results. Jo Manion illuminates the interpersonal skills that are pivotal. She provides the how in a way that's convincing, refreshing, mind-stretching, and practical.» —Wendy Leebov, EdD, president, Wendy Leebov and Associates «This third edition continues the tradition of enumerating the incisive and articulate response of leaders to the complexities of the age and of the necessary recalibration of the leader's role. I encourage contemporary leaders to see this text as a must have in their leadership library: I certainly have it in mine!» —Tim Porter-O'Grady, DM, EdD, ScD(h), APRN, FAAN, senior partner, Tim Porter-O'Grady Associates, Inc. and associate professor, College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Arizona State University «Finally, a book that addresses the need for health care leaders and aspiring leaders to be much more than good managers. This book gives practical, concrete, and insightful strategies to becoming a great leader.» —Katherine W. Vestal, RN, PhD, FACHE, FAAN, president, Work Innovations LLC Companion Web site:
Written for department chairs and deans, this well-researched resource offers a practical reference for how to create and sustain a more civil and harmonious departmental culture. Filled with useful information, including relevant case law, the book gives readers what they need to know to enhance the climate, culture, and collegiality in an academic department, as well as the university. Praise for Facilitating a Collegial Department in Higher Education «Bob Cipriano has provided a book that addresses department civility—a critical, ongoing problem in higher education. The book is rich in examples, best practices, and strategies for dealing with individuals as well as ways to build collegial departments?. Not only is the book packed with information, the author also has an engaging writing style and wit.»—Daniel W. Wheeler, higher education consultant; professor emeritus and former head, University of Nebraska-Lincoln «Pull out a fresh highlighter before opening this book! Be prepared to immediately collect practical, usable tools for building civility in your department from an experienced chair and successful workshop presenter.»—Sharon Brookshire, director of conferences, Division of Continuing Education, Kansas State University «Department chairs' greatest job dissatisfaction emanates from colleagues in conflict. Bob Cipriano teaches and guides us, first how to deal with toxic colleagues and then how to turn your department into a collegial environment.»—Walter Gmelch, dean, School of Education, University of San Francisco
All allied health and social care professionals are required to engage in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in order to systematically maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge and skills and so develop the personal qualities and attributes required in their working lives. Extensively updated and revised, this second edition now reflects the latest regulatory requirements of health and social care professionals in the UK, and addresses the needs of health professionals working worldwide, including social workers who are now regulated in the UK by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). In addition, new chapters address the specific needs of support workers and students of the relevant professions. The book discusses the theoretical basis for maintaining competence and offers practical guidance on how to develop a strategy for professional and career development. Ways of developing and maintaining a portfolio and of creating a profile to meet regulatory body requirements are addressed, and there is an emphasis on the development of learning skills, skills of reflection and critical evaluation as central to the CPD process. Attention is given to the specific needs of those professionals working directly with service users in practice, those holding managerial positions, employed in education and undertaking research. The second edition of this practical guide provides invaluable advice for successful continuing professional development for health and social care professionals at all stages of their career. • Provides practical guidance on strategies for lifelong learning and continuing professional development • Addresses the very latest CPD and regulatory requirements for health and social care professionals • Includes specific CPD strategies for students and support workers as well as professionals employed in practice, management, education and research
How can we facilitate more effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable solutions to the problems that confound our communities and world? Social marketing guru R. Craig LeFebvre weaves together multi-level theories of change, research and case studies to explain and illustrate the development of social marketing to address some of society’s most vexing problems. The result is a people-centered approach that relies on insight and empathy as much as on data for the inspiration, design and management of programs that strive for changes for good. This text is ideal for students and professionals in health, nonprofit, business, social services, and other areas. “This is it – the comprehensive, brainy road map for tackling wicked social problems. It’s all right here: how to create and innovate, build and implement, manage and measure, scale up and sustain programs that go well beyond influencing individual behaviors, all the way to broad social change in a world that needs the help.”—Bill Novelli, Professor, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University, former CEO, AARP and founder, Porter Novelli and the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids “I’m unaware of a more substantive treatise on social marketing and social change. Theoretically based; pedagogically focused; transdisciplinary; innovative; and action oriented: this book is right for our time, our purpose, and our future thinking and action.”—Robert Gold, MS, PhD, Professor of Public Health and Former Dean of the School of Public Health at the University of Maryland, College Park “This book – like its author – is innovative and forward-looking, yet also well-grounded in the full range of important social marketing fundamentals.”—Edward Maibach, MPH, PhD, University Professor and Director, Center for Climate Change Communication, George Mason University
Clinical trials tasks and activities are widely diverse and require certain skill sets to both plan and execute. This book provides professionals in the field of clinical research with valuable information on the challenging issues of the design, execution, and management of clinical trials, and how to resolve these issues effectively. It discusses key obstacles such as challenges to patient recruitment, investigator and study site selection, and dealing with compliance issues. Through practical examples, professionals working with medical device clinical trials will discover the appropriate steps to take.
Praise for Social Media for Educators «At last, a book that provides a straightforward discussion of the pedagogical reasons to use social media, and how to effectively use the tools to enhance learning experiences. A practical must-have!»—Rita-Marie Conrad, instructional strategist and technologist, Duke University School of Nursing; coauthor, Engaging the Online Learner and The Online Teaching Survival Guide «This insightful and in-depth exploration effectively makes a case for embracing the best characteristics of social media to foster deeper learning experiences, promote collaboration, and provide timely feedback. This book is a can't-miss for educators.»—Amy M. Collier, associate director for technology and teaching, Center for Teaching and Learning, Stanford University «Thought about using social media in your online courses but don't know where to begin? Joosten's comprehensive hands-on book describes step-by-step how social media can add richness to your course content and have a positive impact on student outcomes.» —Rosemary Lehman and Simone ConceiÇão, eInterface; coauthors, Creating a Sense of Presence in Online Teaching and Managing Online Instructor Workload «Many faculty are hesitant to incorporate social media into their teaching for fear that it will be a distraction or too time consuming. Tanya Joosten has done a remarkable job outlining the benefits—and considerations—of doing so. Faculty who read this book will be able to make informed, educated decisions about the best approach to take.» —John Dolan, director, digital media and pedagogy, College of the Liberal Arts, Penn State University Social Media for Educators This is a down-to-earth resource filled with strategies for designing learning activities that work toward specific outcomes. It illustrates the ways in which social media will improve learning and contains case studies that clearly demonstrate social media's ability to: Increase communication and interactivity in a course Facilitate engaging learning activities Enhance students' satisfaction, learning, and performance
The new edition of a bestseller, now revised and update throughout! This new edition of the unparalleled bestseller serves as a full training course all in one and as the world's largest data storage company, EMC is the ideal author for such a critical resource. They cover the components of a storage system and the different storage system models while also offering essential new material that explores the advances in existing technologies and the emergence of the «Cloud» as well as updates and vital information on new technologies. Features a separate section on emerging area of cloud computing Covers new technologies such as: data de-duplication, unified storage, continuous data protection technology, virtual provisioning, FCoE, flash drives, storage tiering, big data, and more Details storage models such as Network Attached Storage (NAS), Storage Area Network (SAN), Object Based Storage along with virtualization at various infrastructure components Explores Business Continuity and Security in physical and virtualized environment Includes an enhanced Appendix for additional information This authoritative guide is essential for getting up to speed on the newest advances in information storage and management.
A complete guide to cutting-edge techniques and best practices for applying covariance analysis methods The Second Edition of Analysis of Covariance and Alternatives sheds new light on its topic, offering in-depth discussions of underlying assumptions, comprehensive interpretations of results, and comparisons of distinct approaches. The book has been extensively revised and updated to feature an in-depth review of prerequisites and the latest developments in the field. The author begins with a discussion of essential topics relating to experimental design and analysis, including analysis of variance, multiple regression, effect size measures and newly developed methods of communicating statistical results. Subsequent chapters feature newly added methods for the analysis of experiments with ordered treatments, including two parametric and nonparametric monotone analyses as well as approaches based on the robust general linear model and reversed ordinal logistic regression. Four groundbreaking chapters on single-case designs introduce powerful new analyses for simple and complex single-case experiments. This Second Edition also features coverage of advanced methods including: Simple and multiple analysis of covariance using both the Fisher approach and the general linear model approach Methods to manage assumption departures, including heterogeneous slopes, nonlinear functions, dichotomous dependent variables, and covariates affected by treatments Power analysis and the application of covariance analysis to randomized-block designs, two-factor designs, pre- and post-test designs, and multiple dependent variable designs Measurement error correction and propensity score methods developed for quasi-experiments, observational studies, and uncontrolled clinical trials Thoroughly updated to reflect the growing nature of the field, Analysis of Covariance and Alternatives is a suitable book for behavioral and medical scineces courses on design of experiments and regression and the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as an authoritative reference work for researchers and academics in the fields of medicine, clinical trials, epidemiology, public health, sociology, and engineering.