Taking an in-depth look at the mobile communications ecosystem, this book covers the two key components, i.e., Network and End-User Devices, in detail. Within the network, the sub components of radio access network, transmission network, core networks, services and OSS are discussed; component level discussion also features antenna diversity and interference cancellation techniques for smart wireless devices. The role of various standard development organizations and industry forums is highlighted throughout. The ecosystem is strengthened with the addition of the Technology Management (TM) component dealing mostly with the non-technical aspects of the underlying mobile communications industry. Various aspects of TM including technology development, innovation management, knowledge management and more are also presented. Focuses on OFDM-based radio technologies such as LTE & WiMAX as well as MBWA (Mobile Broadband Wireless Access) Provides a vital addition to the momentum of EVDO and its migration towards LTE Emphasis on radio, core, operation, architectural and performance aspects of two next generation technologies – EPS and WiMAX Includes discussion of backhaul technologies and alternatives as well as issues faced by operators switching to 3G and Next Generation Mobile Networks Cutting-edge research on emerging Gigabit Ethernet Microwave Radios and Carrier Ethernet transport technologies Next Generation Mobile Communications Ecosystem serves as a practical reference for telecom associated academia and industry to understanding mobile communications in a holistic manner, as well as assisting in preparing graduate students and fresh graduates for the marketplace by providing them with information not only on state-of-the-art technologies and standards but also on TM. By effectively focusing on the key domains of TM this book will further assist companies with improving their competitiveness in the long run. Importantly, it will provide students, engineers, researchers, technology managers and executives with extensive details on various emerging mobile wireless standards and technologies.
Recent advances in ultra-high-power lasers, including the free-electron laser, and impressive airborne demonstrations of laser weapons systems, such as the airborne laser, have shown the enormous potential of laser technology to revolutionize 21st century warfare. Military Laser Technology for Defense, includes only unclassified or declassified information. The book focuses on military applications that involve propagation of light through the atmosphere and provides basic relevant background technology. It describes high-power lasers and masers, including the free-electron laser. Further, Military Laser Technology for Defense addresses how laser technology can effectively mitigate six of the most pressing military threats of the 21st century: attack by missiles, terrorists, chemical and biological weapons, as well as difficulty in imaging in bad weather and threats from directed beam weapons and future nuclear weapons. The author believes that laser technology will revolutionize warfare in the 21st century.
Glucose syrups (commonly known as corn syrups in North America) are derived from starch sources such as maize, wheat and potatoes. Offering alternative functional properties to sugar as well as economic benefits, glucose syrups are extremely versatile sweeteners, and are widely used in food manufacturing and other industries. They are a key ingredient in confectionery products, beer, soft drinks, sports drinks, jams, sauces and ice creams, as well as in pharmaceuticals and industrial fermentations. This book brings together all the relevant information on the manufacture and use of glucose syrups. Drawing on forty years’ experience in the international glucose industry, the author provides a valuable reference for all those involved in the processing and buying of these syrups, and for scientists involved in the manufacture of a full range of food (and some non-food) products in which the syrups are ingredients. The emphasis is on practical information – recipes are included where relevant in the applications chapters, and appendices offer commonly-used calculations and useful data. Food technologists can use the book to make choices about the most suitable glucose syrup to use in a particular application, and also to adapt recipes in order to replace sugar (sucrose) or other ingredients. A glossary of terms reflecting the international terminology of the industry completes the book.
Brandschutz dient der Sicherheit von Menschen und Sachwerten in Gebauden und Infrastruktureinrichtungen. Umfassende Brandschutzkonzepte und sorgfaltig geplante Brandschutzsysteme dienen dazu, Feuer zu vermeiden und Schaden zu begrenzen. Anpassungen an neue Technologien und Verbesserungen aufgrund neuer Erkenntnisse spielen eine zentrale Rolle fur die langfristige Funktionstuchtigkeit der technischen Brandschutzeinrichtungen. Der «Brandschutz-Wegweiser» richtet sich an Brandschutzplaner, Bauleiter, Feuerwehren, Facility Manager und Brandschutzbeauftragte. Sowohl Neueinsteigern, als auch erfahrenen Fachleuten und Experten bietet er einen Uberblick uber die wesentlichen rechtlichen, technischen und organisatorischen Aspekte des technischen Brandschutzes und unterstutzt sie bei der Auswahl und nachhaltigen Auslegung der Brandschutzsysteme. Das Buch beginnt mit einer Einfuhrung in das Konzept des integralen Brandschutzes. Es folgt eine umfassende Darstellung der Grundlagen der Brandmeldetechnik, einschlie?lich der Funktionsweise von Meldern und Brandmelderzentralen. Weitere Kapitel thematisieren Alarmierung und Evakuierung, automatische Loschsysteme sowie Informations- und Gefahrenmanagement. Der «Brandschutz-Wegweiser» bietet zudem eine Zusammenfassung der fur den Brandschutz relevanten Normen und Richtlinien (EN 54, DIN VDE 0833, VdS 2095), Symbole und Fachbegriffe sowie Tabellen mit Stoffwerten und Brennstoffklassen.
A how-to resource for incorporating social media into training Whether you work in a traditional or virtual classroom, social media can broaden your reach and increase the impact of training. In Social Media for Trainers, e-learning and new media expert Jane Bozarth provides an overview of popular tools, including blogs, wikis, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, SlideShare, Flickr, and others. You'll learn to leverage each medium's unique features and applications to deliver training, facilitate discussions, and extend learning beyond the confines of a training event. This key resource offers a new set of powerful tools for augmenting and enhancing the value of your training. PRAISE FOR SOCIAL MEDIA FOR TRAINERS «Clear explanations and practical examples of the use of social media for learning, make this book essential reading for all workplace trainers.» —Jane Hart, founder, Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies, and founding member of the Internet Time Alliance «… a practical, intelligent book teaching trainers how to effectively utilize technology for real learning outcomes.» —Karl Kapp, professor of Instructional Technology at Bloomsburg University and author of Learning in 3D and Gadgets, Games and Gizmos for Learning «Trainers who want to succeed in the new social learning world should read this book. Jane has made social media easy, practical, and simple to use.» —Ray Jimenez, PhD, Chief Learning Architect, VignettesLearning.com
This book introduces the reader to the basic concepts of the generation and manipulation of synchrotron light, its interaction with matter, and the application of synchrotron light in the “classical” techniques, while including some of the most modern technological developments. As much as possible, complicated mathematical derivations and formulas are avoided. A more heuristic approach is adopted, whereby the general physical reasoning behind the equations is highlighted. Key features: A general introduction to synchrotron radiation and experimental techniques using synchrotron radiation Contains many detailed “worked examples” from the literature Of interest for a broad audience – synchrotrons are possibly one of the best examples of multidisciplinary research Four-colour presentation throughout
A practical guide to establishing positive relationships with hard-to-reach parents. Includes research-based techniques for teachers on how to reach hard-to-reach parents, carers, and guardians Explores the international perspective on successful parental engagement Provides practical help for developing closer relationships between parents and schools
This book provides a broad reference covering important drugs of abuse including amphetamines, opiates, and steroids. It also covers psychoactive plants such as caffeine, peyote, and psilocybin. It provides chemical structures, analytical methods, clinical features, and treatments of these drugs of abuse, serving as a highly useful, in-depth supplement to a general medical toxicology book. The style allows for the easy application of the contents to searchable databases and other electronic products, making this an essential resource for practitioners in medical toxicology, industrial hygiene, occupational medicine, pharmaceuticals, environmental organizations, pathology, and related fields.
Meta-Nanotubes are a new generation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) which result from the chemical transformation of regular CNTs and their subsequent combination with foreign materials (atoms, molecules, chemical groups, nanocrystals) by various ways such as functionalisation, doping, filling, and substitution. These new nanomaterials exhibit enhanced or new properties, such as reactivity, solubility, and magnetism, which pristine CNTs do not possess. Their many applications include electronic and optoelectronic devices, chemical and biosensors, solar cells, drug delivery, and reinforced glasses and ceramics. Carbon Meta-Nanotubes: Synthesis, Properties and Applications discusses these third generation carbon nanotubes and the unique characteristics they possess. Beginning with a general overview of the subject, this book covers the five main categories of meta-nanotubes, namely: Doped Carbon Nanotubes Functionalised Carbon Nanotubes Decorated or Coated Carbon Nanotubes Filled Carbon Nanotubes Heterogeneous Nanotubes Providing unparalleled coverage of these third generation or meta-nanotubes, and possibilities for future development, this book is essential for anyone working on carbon nanotubes.
Since the publication of the successful first edition of the book in 2010, the field has matured and a large number of advancements have been made to the science of polymer nanotube nanocomposites (PNT) in terms of synthesis, filler surface modification, as well as properties. Moreover, a number of commercial applications have been realized. The aim of this second volume of the book is, thus, to update the information presented in the first volume as well as to incorporate the recent research and industrial developments. This edited volume brings together contributions from a variety of senior scientists in the field of polymer nanotube composites technology to shed light on the recent advances in these commercially important areas of polymer technology. The book provides the following features: Reviews the various synthesis techniques, properties and applications of the polymer nanocomposite systems Describes the functionalization strategies for single walled nanotubes in order to achieve their nanoscale dispersion in epoxy matrices Provides insights into the multiscale modeling of the properties of PNT Provides perspectives on the electron microscopy characterization of PNT Presents an overview of the different methodologies to achieve micro-patterning of PNT Describes the recent progress on hybridization modifications of CNTs with carbon nanomaterials and their further applications in polymer nanocomposites Provides details on the foams generates with PNT Provides information on synthesis and properties of polycarbonate nanocomposite. Describes the advanced microscopy techniques for understanding of the polymer/nanotube composite interfaces and properties.