John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Mortal Subjects

    Christina Howells

    This wide ranging and challenging book explores the relationship between subjectivity and mortality as it is understood by a number of twentieth-century French philosophers including Sartre, Lacan, Levinas and Derrida. Making intricate and sometimes unexpected connections, Christina Howells draws together the work of prominent thinkers from the fields of phenomenology and existentialism, religious thought, psychoanalysis, and deconstruction, focussing in particular on the relations between body and soul, love and death, desire and passion. From Aristotle through to contemporary analytic philosophy and neuroscience the relationship between mind and body (psyche and soma, consciousness and brain) has been persistently recalcitrant to analysis, and emotion (or passion) is the locus where the explanatory gap is most keenly identified. This problematic forms the broad backdrop to the work’s primary focus on contemporary French philosophy and its attempts to understand the intimate relationship between subjectivity and mortality, in the light not only of the ‘death’ of the classical subject but also of the very real frailty of the subject as it lives on, finite, desiring, embodied, open to alterity and always incomplete. Ultimately Howells identifies this vulnerability and finitude as the paradoxical strength of the mortal subject and as what permits its transcendence. Subtle, beautifully written, and cogently argued, this book will be invaluable for students and scholars interested in contemporary theories of subjectivity, as well as for readers intrigued by the perennial connections between love and death.

    Smashing HTML5

    Bill Sanders

    Welcome to HTML5 – the future of the Web HTML5 is packed with great new features, including new content-specific elements, audio and video playback, canvas for drawing, and many others. But where to begin? With Smashing HTML5, you have everything you need to get up and running quickly. Bill Sanders is a professional Web developer, information and interface designer, and instructor. His expertise and knowledge shared throughout Smashing HTML5 will help fast-track you toward building next-generation Web sites. Smashing HTML5 provides comprehensive coverage – from how to get started with HTML5 to optimizing media on the Web. You will learn how to use text, graphics, audio, video, and navigation in HTML5 Web pages running in compatible browsers. You will also learn how to: Work with HTML5 tags Design page structure Make site navigation easy for your audience Integrate media including video into HTML5 pages Harness the power of the HTML5 canvas Use HTML 5 forms Create interactivity, store information, and much more Smashing HTML5 is an essential read for Web designers and developers looking to transition to HTML5. With this book, you'll be able to create Web pages that not only look great, but also take advantage of the new features HTML5 has to offer.

    Service Science

    Mark Daskin S.

    A comprehensive treatment on the use of quantitative modeling for decision making and best practices in the service industries Making up a significant part of the world economy, the service sector is a rapidly evolving field that is relied on to dictate the public's satisfaction and success in various areas of everyday life, from banking and communications to education and healthcare. Service Science provides managers and students of the service industries with the quantitative skills necessary to model key decisions and performance metrics associated with services, including the management of resources, distribution of goods and services to customers, and the analysis and design of queueing systems. The book begins with a brief introduction to the service sector followed by an introduction to optimization and queueing modeling, providing the methodological background needed to analyze service systems. Subsequent chapters present specific topics within service operations management, including: Location modeling and districting Resource allocation problems Short- and long-term workforce management Priority services, call center design, and customer scheduling Inventory modeling Vehicle routing The author's own specialized software packages for location modeling, network optimization, and time-dependent queueing are utilized throughout the book, showing readers how to solve a variety of problems associated with service industries. These programs are freely available on the book's related web site along with detailed appendices and online spreadsheets that accompany the book's «How to Do It in Excel» sections, allowing readers to work hands-on with the presented techniques. Extensively class-tested to ensure a comprehensive presentation, Service Science is an excellent book for industrial engineering and management courses on service operations at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. The book also serves as a reference for researchers in the fields of business, management science, operations research, engineering, and economics. This book was named the 2010 Joint Publishers Book of the Year by the Institute of Industrial Engineers.

    Computational Dynamics

    Ahmed Shabana A.

    Computational Dynamics, 3rd edition, thoroughly revised and updated, provides logical coverage of both theory and numerical computation techniques for practical applications. The author introduces students to this advanced topic covering the concepts, definitions and techniques used in multi-body system dynamics including essential coverage of kinematics and dynamics of motion in three dimensions. He uses analytical tools including Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods as well as Newton-Euler Equations. An educational version of multibody computer code is now included in this new edition that can be used for instruction and demonstration of the theories and formulations presented in the book, and a new chapter is included to explain the use of this code in solving practical engineering problems. Most books treat the subject of dynamics from an analytical point of view, focusing on the techniques for analyzing the problems presented. This book is exceptional in that it covers the practical computational methods used to solve «real-world» problems. This makes it of particular interest not only for senior/ graduate courses in mechanical and aerospace engineering, but also to professional engineers. Modern and focused treatment of the mathematical techniques, physical theories and application of rigid body mechanics that emphasizes the fundamentals of the subject, stresses the importance of computational methods and offers a wide variety of examples. Each chapter features simple examples that show the main ideas and procedures, as well as straightforward problem sets that facilitate learning and help readers build problem-solving skills

    Tumor Microenvironment

    Dietmar Siemann W.

    The microenvironment in which a tumor originates plays a critical role in its initiation and progression. Tumor Microenvironment reviews the importance of tumor microenvironment in cancer management. Particular emphasis is placed on discussing how the unique characteristics of the tumor microenvironment not only impact disease progression and response to conventional anticancer therapies, but have also led to the identification of potential new therapeutic targets and treatment possibilities for cancer patients. Tumor Microenvironment also reviews the fundamental basis of target development, preclinical assessment, and the current clinical status of these therapies.

    Computational Photonics

    Salah Obayya

    This book explores the state-of-the art in computational modelling techniques for photonic devices In this book, the author provides a comprehensive coverage of modern numerical modelling techniques for designing photonic devices for use in modern optical telecommunications systems. In addition the book presents the state-of-the-art in computational photonics techniques, covering methods such as full-vectorial finite-element beam propagation, bidirectional beam propagation, complex-envelope alternative direction implicit finite difference time domain, multiresolution time domain, and finite volume time domain. The book guides the reader through the concepts of modelling, analysing, designing and optimising the performance of a wide range of photonic devices by building their own numerical code using these methods. Key Features: Provides a thorough presentation of the state-of-the art in computational modelling techniques for photonics Contains broad coverage of both frequency- and time-domain techniques to suit a wide range of photonic devices Reviews existing commercial software packages for photonics Presents the advantages and disadvantages of the different modelling techniques as well as their suitability for various photonic devices Shows the reader how to model, analyse, design and optimise the performance of a wide range of photonic devices by building their own numerical code using these methods Accompanying website contains the numerical examples representing the numerical techniques in this book, as well as several design examples ( This book will serve as an invaluable reference for researchers, optical telecommunications engineers, engineers in the photonics industry. PhD and MSc students undertaking courses in the areas of photonics and optical telecommunications will also find this book of interest.

    Wireless Communications

    Andreas Molisch F.

    Professor Andreas F. Molisch, renowned researcher and educator, has put together the comprehensive book, Wireless Communications. The second edition, which includes a wealth of new material on important topics, ensures the role of the text as the key resource for every student, researcher, and practitioner in the field. —Professor Moe Win, MIT, USA Wireless communications has grown rapidly over the past decade from a niche market into one of the most important, fast moving industries. Fully updated to incorporate the latest research and developments, Wireless Communications, Second Edition provides an authoritative overview of the principles and applications of mobile communication technology. The author provides an in-depth analysis of current treatment of the area, addressing both the traditional elements, such as Rayleigh fading, BER in flat fading channels, and equalisation, and more recently emerging topics such as multi-user detection in CDMA systems, MIMO systems, and cognitive radio. The dominant wireless standards; including cellular, cordless and wireless LANs; are discussed. Topics featured include: wireless propagation channels, transceivers and signal processing, multiple access and advanced transceiver schemes, and standardised wireless systems. Combines mathematical descriptions with intuitive explanations of the physical facts, enabling readers to acquire a deep understanding of the subject. Includes new chapters on cognitive radio, cooperative communications and relaying, video coding, 3GPP Long Term Evolution, and WiMax; plus significant new sections on multi-user MIMO, 802.11n, and information theory. Companion website featuring: supplementary material on 'DECT', solutions manual and presentation slides for instructors, appendices, list of abbreviations and other useful resources.

    Inorganic Syntheses

    Thomas Rauchfuss

    The Inorganic Syntheses series provides all users of inorganic substances with detailed and foolproof procedures for the preparation of important and timely compounds. Includes complete, up-to-date procedures involving important inorganic substances Contains subject, contributor, and formula indexes

    Art Psychotherapy

    Harriet Wadeson

    The long-awaited new edition of the landmark text defining art therapy Art therapists use the creative process and the issues that surface during art therapy to help their clients increase insight and judgment, cope with stress, work through traumatic experiences, increase cognitive abilities, have better relationships with family and friends, and simply enjoy the life-affirming pleasures of the creative experience. In this highly anticipated revision of the definitive text on art therapy, author and pioneer art therapist Dr. Harriet Wadeson examines the clinical considerations, education, history, and application of art therapy treatment programs for an array of presenting problems. Reflecting current DSM updates since the first edition's publication, the Second Edition has been completely updated, with nine new chapters on trauma, crisis, multicultural considerations, community art therapy, and more. Illustrated with over 150 works of art from clients as well as the author's own personal artwork, and packaged with a companion CD-ROM, which includes more than 100 full-color versions of the illustrations in the book, Art Psychotherapy, Second Edition is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of art therapy. Written by one of the most established experts in the field, this book will be informative for practicing art therapists, other mental health practitioners looking to incorporate art therapy into their mental health practice, students in these disciplines, and those interested in entering the art therapy profession. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

    Microwave Imaging

    Matteo Pastorino

    An introduction to the most relevant theoretical and algorithmic aspects of modern microwave imaging approaches Microwave imaging—a technique used in sensing a given scene by means of interrogating microwaves—has recently proven its usefulness in providing excellent diagnostic capabilities in several areas, including civil and industrial engineering, nondestructive testing and evaluation, geophysical prospecting, and biomedical engineering. Microwave Imaging offers comprehensive descriptions of the most important techniques so far proposed for short-range microwave imaging—including reconstruction procedures and imaging systems and apparatus—enabling the reader to use microwaves for diagnostic purposes in a wide range of applications. This hands-on resource features: A review of the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem formulation, written from an engineering perspective and with notations The most effective reconstruction techniques based on diffracted waves, including time- and frequency-domain methods, as well as deterministic and stochastic space-domain procedures Currently proposed imaging apparatus, aimed at fast and accurate measurements of the scattered field data Insight on near field probes, microwave axial tomographs, and microwave cameras and scanners A discussion of practical applications with detailed descriptions and discussions of several specific examples (e.g., materials evaluation, crack detection, inspection of civil and industrial structures, subsurface detection, and medical applications) A look at emerging techniques and future trends Microwave Imaging is a practical resource for engineers, scientists, researchers, and professors in the fields of civil and industrial engineering, nondestructive testing and evaluation, geophysical prospecting, and biomedical engineering.