Ahmed Shabana A.

Список книг автора Ahmed Shabana A.

    Computational Dynamics

    Ahmed Shabana A.

    A practical approach to the computational methods used to solve real-world dynamics problems Computational dynamics has grown rapidly in recent years with the advent of high-speed digital computers and the need to develop simulation and analysis computational capabilities for mechanical and aerospace systems that consist of interconnected bodies. Computational Dynamics, Second Edition offers a full introduction to the concepts, definitions, and techniques used in multibody dynamics and presents essential topics concerning kinematics and dynamics of motion in two and three dimensions. Skillfully organized into eight chapters that mirror the standard learning sequence of computational dynamics courses, this Second Edition begins with a discussion of classical techniques that review some of the fundamental concepts and formulations in the general field of dynamics. Next, it builds on these concepts in order to demonstrate the use of the methods as the foundation for the study of computational dynamics. Finally, the book presents different computational methodologies used in the computer-aided analysis of mechanical and aerospace systems. Each chapter features simple examples that show the main ideas and procedures, as well as straightforward problem sets that facilitate learning and help readers build problem-solving skills. Clearly written and ready to apply, Computational Dynamics, Second Edition is a valuable reference for both aspiring and practicing mechanical and aerospace engineers.

    Computational Dynamics

    Ahmed Shabana A.

    Computational Dynamics, 3rd edition, thoroughly revised and updated, provides logical coverage of both theory and numerical computation techniques for practical applications. The author introduces students to this advanced topic covering the concepts, definitions and techniques used in multi-body system dynamics including essential coverage of kinematics and dynamics of motion in three dimensions. He uses analytical tools including Lagrangian and Hamiltonian methods as well as Newton-Euler Equations. An educational version of multibody computer code is now included in this new edition www.wiley.com/go/shabana that can be used for instruction and demonstration of the theories and formulations presented in the book, and a new chapter is included to explain the use of this code in solving practical engineering problems. Most books treat the subject of dynamics from an analytical point of view, focusing on the techniques for analyzing the problems presented. This book is exceptional in that it covers the practical computational methods used to solve «real-world» problems. This makes it of particular interest not only for senior/ graduate courses in mechanical and aerospace engineering, but also to professional engineers. Modern and focused treatment of the mathematical techniques, physical theories and application of rigid body mechanics that emphasizes the fundamentals of the subject, stresses the importance of computational methods and offers a wide variety of examples. Each chapter features simple examples that show the main ideas and procedures, as well as straightforward problem sets that facilitate learning and help readers build problem-solving skills