John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Children and the Internet

    Sonia Livingstone

    Is the internet really transforming children and young people’s lives? Is the so-called ‘digital generation’ genuinely benefiting from exciting new opportunities? And, worryingly, facing new risks? This major new book by a leading researcher addresses these pressing questions. It deliberately avoids a techno-celebratory approach and, instead, interprets children’s everyday practices of internet use in relation to the complex and changing historical and cultural conditions of childhood in late modernity. Uniquely, Children and the Internet reveals the complex dynamic between online opportunities and online risks, exploring this in relation to much debated issues such as: Digital in/exclusion Learning and literacy Peer networking and privacy Civic participation Risk and harm Drawing on current theories of identity, development, education and participation, this book includes a refreshingly critical account of the challenging realities undermining the great expectations held out for the internet – from governments, teachers, parents and children themselves. It concludes with a forward-looking framework for policy and regulation designed to advance children’s rights to expression, connection and play online as well as offline.

    Women's Human Rights

    Niamh Reilly

    Women's Human Rights: Seeking Gender Justice in a Globalising Age explores the emergence of transnational, UN-oriented, feminist advocacy for womens human rights, especially over the past three decades. It identifies the main feminist influences that have shaped the movement liberal, radical, third world and cosmopolitan and exposes how the Western, legalist, state-centric, and liberal biases of mainstream human rights discourse impede the realisation of human rights in womens lives everywhere. The book traces the evolution of the womens human rights movement through an examination of its key issues, debates, and practical interventions in international law and policy arenas. This includes efforts to: Develop global gender equality norms via the UN Womens Convention Frame violence against women as a human rights issue Address gender-based crimes in conflict situations, include women in conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction, and challenge new forms of militarism Highlight the gendered human rights dimensions of widening inequalities in a context of neo-liberal globalisation Develop human rights responses to anti-feminist fundamentalist movements with a focus on reproductive and sexual rights Ultimately, Women's Human Rights reaffirms a commitment to critically reinterpreted universal human rights principles and demonstrates the vital role that bottom-up, transnational movements play in making them a reality in women's lives.

    Technology, Literature and Culture

    Alex Goody

    Technology, Literature and Culture provides a detailed and accessible exploration of the ways in which literature across the twentieth century has represented the inescapable presence and progress of technology. As this study argues, from the Fordist revolution in manufacturing to computers and the internet, technology has reconfigured our relationship to ourselves, each other, and to the tools and material we use. The book considers such key topics as the legacy of late-nineteenth century technology, the literary engagement with cinema and radio, the place of typewriters and computers in formal and thematic literary innovations, the representations of technology in spy fiction and the figures of the robot and the cyborg. It considers the importance of broadcast technology and the internet in literature and covers major literary movements including modernism, cold war writing, postmodernism and the emergence of new textualities at the end of the century. An insightful and wide-ranging study, Technology, Literature and Culture offers close readings of writers such as Virginia Woolf, Samuel Beckett, Ian Fleming, Kurt Vonnegut, Don DeLillo, Jeanette Winterson and Shelley Jackson. It is an invaluable resource for students and scholars alike in literary and cultural studies, and also introduces the topic to a general reader interested in the role of technology in the twentieth century.

    Eighteenth Century English Literature

    Charlotte Sussman

    This engaging book introduces new readers of eighteenth-century texts to some of the major works, authors, and debates of a key period of literary history. Rather than simply providing a chronological survey of the era, this book analyzes the impact of significant cultural developments on literary themes and forms – including urbanization, colonial, and mercantile expansion, the emergence of the «public sphere,» and changes in sex and gender roles. In eighteenth-century Britain, many of the things we take for granted about modern life were shockingly new: women appeared for the first time on stage; the novel began to dominate the literary marketplace; people entertained the possibility that all human beings were created equal, and tentatively proposed that reason could triumph over superstition; ministers became more powerful than kings, and the consumer emerged as a political force. Eighteenth-Century English Literature: 1660-1789 explores these issues in relation to well-known works by such authors as Defoe, Swift, Pope, Richardson, Gray, and Sterne, while also bringing attention to less familiar figures, such as Charlotte Smith, Mary Leapor, and Olaudah Equiano. It offers both an ideal introduction for students and a fresh approach for those with research interests in the period.

    Kittler and the Media

    Geoffrey Winthrop-Young

    With books such as Discourse Networks and Gramophone, Film, Typewriter and the collection Literature, Media, Information Systems, Friedrich Kittler has established himself as one of the world's most influential media theorists. He is also one of the most controversial and misunderstood. Kittler and the Media offers students of media theory an introduction to Kittler's basic ideas. Following an introduction that situates Kittler's work against the tumultuous background of German 20th-century history (from the Second World War and the cultural upheaval of the late 1960s to reunification), the book provides succinct summaries of Kittler's early discourse-analytical work inspired by French post-structuralism, his media-related theorising and his most recent writings on cultural techniques and the notation systems of Ancient Greece. This clear and engaging overview of a fascinating theorist will be welcomed by students and scholars alike of media, communication and cultural studies.

    Teach Your Children Tables

    Bill Handley

    Great math skills are a head start to lasting success Teach Your Children Tables is the ultimate guide to improving your child's mathematical abilities. Written by a renowned education expert, this book provides a proven approach to teaching that will help you enable your child to master multiplication tables in less than half an hour, and solve problems like 96 x 97 faster than they could tap it into a calculator! This updated third edition includes new chapters on factors and playing with square numbers, plus tips for learning tables up to fifteen and beyond. Children will learn that numbers can be fun while they improve their thinking skills, boost their confidence and self esteem, learn problem solving strategies, and set themselves up for lasting educational success. People who excel at maths are not necessarily more intelligent, they just use better strategies than the rest of us. This book gives you the perspective and the strategies you need to improve your child's understanding of maths, and introduce them to techniques that will have them performing like geniuses! Imagine helping your child: Perform lightning-quick calculations Discover easy methods of multiplication Learn the basic principles of mathematics Have fun playing with numbers Excellent maths skills present a serious advantage, throughout school and beyond. Children who are good at maths get better grades, higher test scores, and are accepted into better schools. Maths-minded adults are more in demand professionally, in fields that pay better and provide more room for upward mobility. If you could give your child this kind of gift, why wouldn't you? Now you can—Teach Your Children Tables shows you how, and makes it feel like fun.

    Fundamentals of Actuarial Mathematics

    S. Promislow David

    This book provides a comprehensive introduction to actuarial mathematics, covering both deterministic and stochastic models of life contingencies, as well as more advanced topics such as risk theory, credibility theory and multi-state models. This new edition includes additional material on credibility theory, continuous time multi-state models, more complex types of contingent insurances, flexible contracts such as universal life, the risk measures VaR and TVaR. Key Features: Covers much of the syllabus material on the modeling examinations of the Society of Actuaries, Canadian Institute of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society. (SOA-CIA exams MLC and C, CSA exams 3L and 4.) Extensively revised and updated with new material. Orders the topics specifically to facilitate learning. Provides a streamlined approach to actuarial notation. Employs modern computational methods. Contains a variety of exercises, both computational and theoretical, together with answers, enabling use for self-study. An ideal text for students planning for a professional career as actuaries, providing a solid preparation for the modeling examinations of the major North American actuarial associations. Furthermore, this book is highly suitable reference for those wanting a sound introduction to the subject, and for those working in insurance, annuities and pensions.

    Simply Photoshop Elements 8

    Mike Wooldridge

    If you want to get up to speed with Photoshop Elements 8, then this clear, concise guide is the ideal companion for fast and efficient learning. Simply Photoshop Elements 8 contains examples of all the newest features of Photoshop Elements, explaining everything you need to know in plain, jargon-free English with full-colour screen shots and numbered, step-by-step instructions. The simple, yet elegant design features a multitude of images as well as tips & tricks to make this a perfect reference for all ages. Find out how to: import photos from digital cameras and scanners retouch and repair damaged photos compose great group shots enhance digital images change print size, canvas size, and resolution edit images for posting on the Web create a Web photo gallery incorporate graphics into desktop publishing programs. Packed with advice and illustrations, this visual tutorial is excellent value for money. Learn something new today – read it, try it and become your own expert with Simply Photoshop Elements 8!

    Clinical Cases in Periodontics

    Nadeem Karimbux

    Wiley-Blackwell's «Clinical Cases» series is designed to recognize the centrality of clinical cases to the profession by providing actual cases with an academic backbone. Clinical Cases in Periodontics describes the core principles of periodontics and demonstrates their practical, every-day application through a range of representative cases building from the simple to the complex and from the common to the rare. This unique approach supports the new trend in case-based and problem-based learning, thoroughly covering topics ranging from infant oral health to complex pulp therapy. Highly illustrated in full color, Clinical Cases in Periodontics utilizes a format that fosters independent learning and prepares the reader for case-based examinations. The book presents actual clinical cases, accompanied by academic commentary, that question and educate the reader about essential topics in periodontics. The book begins with a set of cases illustrating the most common diagnoses and the key decisions and evaluations leading up to them. Subsequent chapters continue in this style, presenting exemplary cases as the basis of discussing various treatment options including surgical and non-surgical treatment, regenerative therapy, mucogingival therapy, and interdisciplinary treatments. Concluding chapters cover implant site development and general prevention of such periodontal diseases. Clinical Cases in Periodontics's case-based format is particularly useful for pre-doctoral dental students, post-graduate residents and practitioners, both as a textbook from which to learn about the challenging and absorbing nature of periodontology, and also as a reference tool to help with treatment planning when complex cases present in the dental office.

    Manual of Equine Lameness

    Gary Baxter M.

    Manual of Equine Lameness provides essential information on equine lameness diagnostics and treatment in an easy-to-use format ideal for the clinical setting. A clinically relevant distillation of topics from Adams and Stashak's Lameness in Horses, this text offers a quick introduction and fast access to key information. An accompanying DVD includes practical supplements, including additional anatomical images, video clips demonstrating key procedures such as perineural and intrasynovial injections, and examples of lameness conditions in motion. Designed for use in daily practice, the book is presented in brief chapters carefully formatted to maximize the usefulness for practicing veterinarians. Manual of Equine Lameness is an invaluable resource to any veterinarian treating lameness in horses and an ideal reference for veterinary students wanting to learn the fundamentals of lameness.