John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    TMS 2011 140th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Materials Fabrication, Properties, Characterization, and Modeling

    The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)

    Presents the most up-to-date information on the state of Materials Fabrication, Properties, Characterization, and Modeling. It's a great mix of practical applied technology and hard science, which is of invaluable benefit to the global industry.

    Scheduling in Supply Chains Using Mixed Integer Programming

    Tadeusz Sawik

    A unified, systematic approach to applying mixed integer programming solutions to integrated scheduling in customer-driven supply chains Supply chain management is a rapidly developing field, and the recent improvements in modeling, preprocessing, solution algorithms, and mixed integer programming (MIP) software have made it possible to solve large-scale MIP models of scheduling problems, especially integrated scheduling in supply chains. Featuring a unified and systematic presentation, Scheduling in Supply Chains Using Mixed Integer Programming provides state-of-the-art MIP modeling and solutions approaches, equipping readers with the knowledge and tools to model and solve real-world supply chain scheduling problems in make-to-order manufacturing. Drawing upon the author's own research, the book explores MIP approaches and examples-which are modeled on actual supply chain scheduling problems in high-tech industries-in three comprehensive sections: Short-Term Scheduling in Supply Chains presents various MIP models and provides heuristic algorithms for scheduling flexible flow shops and surface mount technology lines, balancing and scheduling of Flexible Assembly Lines, and loading and scheduling of Flexible Assembly Systems Medium-Term Scheduling in Supply Chains outlines MIP models and MIP-based heuristic algorithms for supplier selection and order allocation, customer order acceptance and due date setting, material supply scheduling, and medium-term scheduling and rescheduling of customer orders in a make-to-order discrete manufacturing environment Coordinated Scheduling in Supply Chains explores coordinated scheduling of manufacturing and supply of parts as well as the assembly of products in supply chains with a single producer and single or multiple suppliers; MIP models for a single- or multiple-objective decision making are also provided Two main decision-making approaches are discussed and compared throughout. The integrated (simultaneous) approach, in which all required decisions are made simultaneously using complex, monolithic MIP models; and the hierarchical (sequential) approach, in which the required decisions are made successively using hierarchies of simpler and smaller-sized MIP models. Throughout the book, the author provides insight on the presented modeling tools using AMPL® modeling language and CPLEX solver. Scheduling in Supply Chains Using Mixed Integer Programming is a comprehensive resource for practitioners and researchers working in supply chain planning, scheduling, and management. The book is also appropriate for graduate- and PhD-level courses on supply chains for students majoring in management science, industrial engineering, operations research, applied mathematics, and computer science.

    Does the Richness of the Few Benefit Us All?

    Zygmunt Bauman

    It is commonly assumed that the best way to help the poor out of their misery is to allow the rich to get richer, that if the rich pay less taxes then all the rest of us will be better off, and that in the final analysis the richness of the few benefits us all. And yet these commonly held beliefs are flatly contradicted by our daily experience, an abundance of research findings and, indeed, logic. Such bizarre discrepancy between hard facts and popular opinions makes one pause and ask: why are these opinions so widespread and resistant to accumulated and fast-growing evidence to the contrary? This short book is by one of the world’s leading social thinkers is an attempt to answer this question. Bauman lists and scrutinizes the tacit assumptions and unreflected-upon convictions upon which such opinions are grounded, finding them one by one to be false, deceitful and misleading. Their persistence could be hardly sustainable were it not for the role they play in defending – indeed, promoting and reinforcing – the current, unprecedented, indefensible and still accelerating growth in social inequality and the rapidly widening gap between the elite of the rich and the rest of society.

    Why Some Politicians Are More Dangerous Than Others

    James Gilligan

    Politicians and the political process, even in ostensibly democratic countries, can be deadly. James Gilligan has discovered a devastating truth that has been «hiding in plain sight» for the past century – namely, that when America's conservative party, the Republicans, have gained the presidency, the country has repeatedly suffered from epidemics of violent death. Rates of both suicide and homicide have sky-rocketed. The reasons are all too obvious: rates of every form of social and economic distress, inequality and loss – unemployment, recessions, poverty, bankruptcy, homelessness also ballooned to epidemic proportions. When that has happened, those in the population who were most vulnerable have «snapped», with tragic consequences for everyone. These epidemics of lethal violence have then remained at epidemic levels until the more liberal party, the Democrats, regained the White House and dramatically reduced the amount of deadly violence by diminishing the magnitude of the economic distress that had been causing it. This pattern has been documented since 1900, when the US government first began compiling vital statistics on a yearly basis, and yet it has not been noticed by anyone until now except with regard to suicide in the UK and Australia, where a similar pattern has been described. This book is a path-breaking account of a phenomenon that has implications for every country that presumes to call itself democratic, civilized and humane, and for all those citizens, voters and political thinkers who would like to help their country move in that direction.

    Binary Data Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials with Noncompliance

    Kung-Jong Lui

    It is quite common in a randomized clinical trial (RCT) to encounter patients who do not comply with their assigned treatment. Since noncompliance often occurs non-randomly, the commonly-used approaches, including both the as-treated (AT) and as-protocol (AP) analysis, and the intent-to-treat (ITT) (or as-randomized) analysis, are all well known to possibly produce a biased inference of the treatment efficacy. This book provides a systematic and organized approach to analyzing data for RCTs with noncompliance under the most frequently-encountered situations. These include parallel sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, parallel sampling with subsequent missing outcomes, and a series of dependent Bernoulli sampling for repeated measurements. The author provides a comprehensive approach by using contingency tables to illustrate the latent probability structure of observed data. Using real-life examples, computer-simulated data and exercises in each chapter, the book illustrates the underlying theory in an accessible, and easy to understand way. Key features: Consort-flow diagrams and numerical examples are used to illustrate the bias of commonly used approaches, such as, AT analysis, AP analysis and ITT analysis for a RCT with noncompliance. Real-life examples are used throughout the book to explain the practical usefulness of test procedures and estimators. Each chapter is self-contained, allowing the book to be used as a reference source. Includes SAS programs which can be easily modified in calculating the required sample size. Biostatisticians, clinicians, researchers and data analysts working in pharmaceutical industries will benefit from this book. This text can also be used as supplemental material for a course focusing on clinical statistics or experimental trials in epidemiology, psychology and sociology.

    Option Pricing and Estimation of Financial Models with R

    Stefano Iacus M.

    Presents inference and simulation of stochastic process in the field of model calibration for financial times series modelled by continuous time processes and numerical option pricing. Introduces the bases of probability theory and goes on to explain how to model financial times series with continuous models, how to calibrate them from discrete data and further covers option pricing with one or more underlying assets based on these models. Analysis and implementation of models goes beyond the standard Black and Scholes framework and includes Markov switching models, Lévy models and other models with jumps (e.g. the telegraph process); Topics other than option pricing include: volatility and covariation estimation, change point analysis, asymptotic expansion and classification of financial time series from a statistical viewpoint. The book features problems with solutions and examples. All the examples and R code are available as an additional R package, therefore all the examples can be reproduced.

    LTE, WiMAX and WLAN Network Design, Optimization and Performance Analysis

    Leonhard Korowajczuk

    A technological overview of LTE and WiMAX LTE, WiMAX and WLAN Network Design, Optimization and Performance Analysis provides a practical guide to LTE and WiMAX technologies introducing various tools and concepts used within. In addition, topics such as traffic modelling of IP-centric networks, RF propagation, fading, mobility, and indoor coverage are explored; new techniques which increase throughput such as MIMO and AAS technology are highlighted; and simulation, network design and performance analysis are also examined. Finally, in the latter part of the book Korowajczuk gives a step-by-step guide to network design, providing readers with the capability to build reliable and robust data networks. By focusing on LTE and WiMAX this book extends current network planning approaches to next generation wireless systems based on OFDMA, providing an essential resource for engineers and operators of fixed and wireless broadband data access networks. With information presented in a sequential format, LTE, WiMAX and WLAN Network Design, Optimization and Performance Analysis aids a progressive development of knowledge, complementing latter graduate and postgraduate courses while also providing a valuable resource to network designers, equipment vendors, reference material, operators, consultants, and regulators. Key Features: One of the first books to comprehensively explain and evaluate LTE Provides an unique explanation of the basic concepts involved in wireless broadband technologies and their applications in LTE, WiMAX, and WLAN before progressing to the network design Demonstrates the application of network planning for LTE and WiMAX with theoretical and practical approaches Includes all aspects of system design and optimization, such as dynamic traffic simulations, multi-layered traffic analysis, statistical interference analysis, and performance estimations

    Metaheuristic Optimization for the Design of Automatic Control Laws

    Guillaume Sandou

    The classic approach in Automatic Control relies on the use of simplified models of the systems and reformulations of the specifications. In this framework, the control law can be computed using deterministic algorithms. However, this approach fails when the system is too complex for its model to be sufficiently simplified, when the designer has many constraints to take into account, or when the goal is not only to design a control but also to optimize it. This book presents a new trend in Automatic Control with the use of metaheuristic algorithms. These kinds of algorithm can optimize any criterion and constraint, and therefore do not need such simplifications and reformulations. The first chapter outlines the author’s main motivations for the approach which he proposes, and presents the advantages which it offers. In Chapter 2, he deals with the problem of system identification. The third and fourth chapters are the core of the book where the design and optimization of control law, using the metaheuristic method (particle swarm optimization), is given. The proposed approach is presented along with real-life experiments, proving the efficiency of the methodology. Finally, in Chapter 5, the author proposes solving the problem of predictive control of hybrid systems. Contents 1. Introduction and Motivations. 2. Symbolic Regression. 3. PID Design Using Particle Swarm Optimization. 4. Tuning and Optimization of H-infinity Control Laws. 5. Predictive Control of Hybrid Systems. About the Authors Guillaume Sandou is Professor in the Automatic Department of Supélec, in Gif Sur Yvette, France. He has had 12 books, 8 journal papers and 1 patent published, and has written papers for 32 international conferences.His main research interests include modeling, optimization and control of industrial systems; optimization and metaheuristics for Automatic Control; and constrained control.

    Statistical Methods for Evaluating Safety in Medical Product Development

    A. Gould Lawrence

    This book gives professionals in clinical research valuable information on the challenging issues of the design, execution, and management of clinical trials, and how to resolve these issues effectively. It also provides understanding and practical guidance on the application of contemporary statistical methods to contemporary issues in safety evaluation during medical product development. Each chapter provides sufficient detail to the reader to undertake the design and analysis of experiments at various stages of product development, including comprehensive references to the relevant literature. Provides a guide to statistical methods and application in medical product development Assists readers in undertaking design and analysis of experiments at various stages of product development Features case studies throughout the book, as well as, SAS and R code

    Management of Pregnant and Neonatal Dogs, Cats, and Exotic Pets

    Cheryl Lopate

    Management of Pregnant and Neonatal Dogs, Cats, and Exotic Pets is a comprehensive yet practical reference on small animal neonatology. Covering reproductive physiology of pregnancy and parturition, normal neonatology, and neonatal disorders in dogs, cats, and small exotic mammals, the book gives special emphasis to fetal well-being, parturition, normal physical parameters, behavior, common disorders and defects, emergency care, and orphan management. Information on nutritional and environmental considerations for both the dam and offspring is included, as well as guidance on offering advice to breeders providing neonatal care at home. Well illustrated throughout, Management of Pregnant and Neonatal Dogs, Cats, and Exotic Pets is a complete resource for the successful management of pregnant and newborn pets. Veterinary practitioners, students, technicians, and professional breeders all will find the book’s how-to, clinically relevant approach to small animal neonatology invaluable.