A rich and engrossing account of 'sexual outlaws' in the Hausa-speaking region of northern Nigeria, where Islamic law requires strict separation of the sexes and different rules of behavior for women and men in virtually every facet of life. The first ethnographic study of sexual minorities in Africa, and one of very few works on sexual minorities in the Islamic world Engagingly written, combining innovative, ethnographic narrative with analyses of sociolinguistic transcripts, historical texts, and popular media, including video, film, newspapers, and song-poetry Analyzes the social experiences and expressive culture of ‘yan daudu (feminine men in Nigerian Hausaland) in relation to local, national, and global debates over gender and sexuality at the turn of the twenty-first century Winner of the 2009 Ruth Benedict Prize in the category of «Outstanding Monograph»
The 2nd Edition of Who Owns You, David Koepsell’s widely acclaimed exploration of the philosophical and legal problems of patenting human genes, is updated to reflect the most recent changes to the cultural and legal climate relating to the practice of gene patenting. Lays bare the theoretical assumptions that underpin the injustice of patents on unmodified genes Makes a unique argument for a commons-by-necessity, explaining how parts of the universe are simply not susceptible to monopoly claims Represents the only work that attempts to first define the nature of the genetic objects involved before any ethical conclusions are reached Provides the most comprehensive accounting of the various lawsuits, legislative changes, and the public debate surrounding AMP v. Myriad, the most significant case regarding gene patents
Enhance learners' interest and understanding with visual design for instructional and information products No matter what medium you use to deliver content, if the visual design fails, the experience falls flat. Meaningful graphics and a compelling visual design supercharge instruction, training, and presentations, but this isn't easy to accomplish. Now you can conquer your design fears and knowledge gaps with Visual Design Solutions: a resource for learning professionals seeking to raise the bar on their graphics and visual design skills. This informal and friendly book guides you through the process and principles used by professional graphic designers. It also presents creative solutions and examples that you can start using right away. Anyone who envisions, designs, or creates instructional or informational graphics will benefit from the design strategies laid out in this comprehensive resource. Written by Connie Malamed, an art educator and instructional designer, this book will help you tap into your creativity, design with intention, and produce polished work. Whereas most graphic design books focus on logos, packaging, and brochures, Visual Design Solutions focuses on eLearning, presentations, and performance support. Visual Design Solutions includes practical guidelines for making smart design choices, ways to create professional-looking products, and principles for successful graphics that facilitate learning. Ideal for instructional designers, trainers, presenters, and professors who want to advance from haphazard to intentional design, this book will help them realize their design potential. Gain the knowledge and confidence to design impressive, effective visuals for learning Increase learner comprehension and retention with visual strategies offered by an expert author Serves as a reference and a resource, with a wealth of examples for inspiration and ideas Addresses an intimidating topic in an informal, friendly style In four parts, the book provides a thorough overview of the design process and design concepts; explores space, image, and typography; and presents workable solutions for your most persistent and puzzling design problems. Get started and begin creating captivating graphics for your learners.
When beer starts to flow, philosophical discussions naturally follow. Philosophy on Tap takes pub philosophy to the next level, pairing 48 of life's greatest philosophical questions with 48 of the world's best beers. Features a unique presentation of philosophical puzzles, paradoxes, and debates by considering 48 of life's biggest questions in the context of 48 distinctive beers from around the world Provides a highly engaging and sociable approach to the classic philosophical problems as well as a unique look at the conundrums that directly affect the beer drinker Combines a philosopher's insights with thematic humor and trivia to explore issues such as free will, God's existence, the nature of the soul, time travel, the aesthetics of taste, the role of beer in the good life, and the infamous «beer goggles» paradox For beer drinkers who enjoy philosophy, philosophers who enjoy beer, and anyone who has ever pondered the meaning of life over a pint of ale
A unique, hands-on guide to interactive modeling and simulation of engineering systems This book describes advanced, cutting-edge techniques for dynamic system simulation using the DESIRE modeling/simulation software package. It offers detailed guidance on how to implement the software, providing scientists and engineers with powerful tools for creating simulation scenarios and experiments for such dynamic systems as aerospace vehicles, control systems, or biological systems. Along with two new chapters on neural networks, Advanced Dynamic-System Simulation, Second Edition revamps and updates all the material, clarifying explanations and adding many new examples. A bundled CD contains an industrial-strength version of OPEN DESIRE as well as hundreds of program examples that readers can use in their own experiments. The only book on the market to demonstrate model replication and Monte Carlo simulation of real-world engineering systems, this volume: Presents a newly revised systematic procedure for difference-equation modeling Covers runtime vector compilation for fast model replication on a personal computer Discusses parameter-influence studies, introducing very fast vectorized statistics computation Highlights Monte Carlo studies of the effects of noise and manufacturing tolerances for control-system modeling Demonstrates fast, compact vector models of neural networks for control engineering Features vectorized programs for fuzzy-set controllers, partial differential equations, and agro-ecological modeling Advanced Dynamic-System Simulation, Second Edition is a truly useful resource for researchers and design engineers in control and aerospace engineering, ecology, and agricultural planning. It is also an excellent guide for students using DESIRE.
Building on ethnographic fieldwork and extensive historical evidence, Crying Shame analyzes lament across thousands of years and nearly every continent. Explores the enduring power of lament: expressing grief through crying songs, often in a collective ritual context Draws on the author’s extensive ethnographic fieldwork, and unique long-term engagement and participation in the phenomenon Offers a startling new perspective on the nature of modernity and postmodernity An important addition to growing literature on cultural globalization
Klassisches Marketing ist nicht selten gepragt durch eine systembedingte Tragheit, unzureichende Beachtung der Kundenerwartungen, zentralistische Strukturen, wunschbasierte Planzahlen oder unzureichende Koordination mit internen Partnern. All dies fuhrt dazu, dass Unternehmen nicht oder zumindest weniger erfolgreich sind, als sie es sein konnten. Marketing muss sich neu erfinden, wenn die Unternehmen eine Zukunft haben wollen. Eine Komponente ist das dezentrale Marketing, bei dem Entscheidungen und Initiativen denjenigen uberlassen werden, die sich in der Nahe der Kunden befinden. Dazu gehoren kurze Reaktionszeiten, kompetentes Nutzen von Social Networks, Ubernahme von direkter Verantwortung durch diejenigen, die Marketingma?nahmen praktizieren, kurze Entscheidungswege, Open Innovation und Crowdsourcing oder erweiterte Serviceorientierung. Hans-Jurgen Borchardt zeigt Unternehmen, welche Elemente des Marketing in den nachsten Jahren relevant sein werden und worauf Unternehmen achten mussen, wenn sie dauerhaft Erfolg haben wollen. Marketingabteilungen, Unternehmenseinheiten und Filialen, aber auch Klein- und mittelstandische Unternehmer konnen ihre aktuellen Strategien, Strukturen und Prozesse daran spiegeln und Ideen fur neue Konzepte gewinnen.
LTE-Advanced is the new Global standard which is expected to create a foundation for the future wireless broadband services. The standard incorporates all the latest technologies recently developed in the field of wireless communications. Presented in a modular style, the book provides an introductory description for beginners as well as practical guidelines for telecom specialists. It contains an introductory module that is suitable for the initial studies of the technology based on the 3GPPRelease 10, 11 and beyond of LTE and SAE. The latter part of the book is suitable for experienced professionals who will benefit from the practical descriptions of the physical core and radio network planning, end-to-end performance measurements, physical network construction and optimization of the system. The focus of the book is in the functioning, planning, construction, measurements and optimization of the radio and core networks of the Release 10 and beyond of the 3GPP LTE and SAE standards. It looks at the practical description of the Advanced version of the LTE/SAE, how to de-mystify the LTE-Advanced functionality and planning, and how to carry out practical measurements of the system. In general, the book describes «how-to-do-it» for the 4G system which is compliant with the ITU-R requirements.
Fast-Tracking Your Career provides engineers and IT professionals with a complete set of soft skills they can use to become more effective on the job and gain recognition from management and colleagues. The 11 core skills covered here are accompanied by more than 40 detailed guidelines on how to master those skills. The book offers first-rate advice on how to go about acquiring communication skills, people skills, presentation skills, time management skills, and others. Specific examples about current situations are discussed, exploring the impact of the Facebook phenomenon and the subprime mortgage crisis. Visit the author's website for more information: www.FastTrackingCareers.com
Fachwissen ist das gro?te Kapital von Ingenieuren. Aber zur Fachkompetenz gehort mehr. Erst die Fahigkeit zur Kommunikation und unmissverstandlichen Argumentation macht den Ingenieur zu einem guten Manager. Oder anders ausgedruckt: Wissen muss man auch verkaufen konnen. Und dazu braucht man Verhandlungsgeschick und Uberzeugungsfahigkeit. Vom Projektleiter bis zum Vertriebsingenieur, vom Mitglied im Forschungsteam bis zur wissenschaftlichen Fuhrungskraft: Von dieser Regel gibt es keine Ausnahme. Als Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieur sind Sie auch im Management unschlagbar, wenn Sie es verstehen, fachlich zu fuhren, effizient zu argumentieren und so zu kommunizieren, dass Sie auch verstanden werden. Dieses Buch hilft Ihnen, mehr aus Ihrem Fachwissen zu machen, selbst dann, wenn Sie nur wenige Argumente vorbringen konnen. Sie lernen, Entscheider einzuschatzen und durch geschickte Verhandlungstaktiken selbst schwierige Diskussionen zu fuhren und zu gewinnen. Daten und Fakten allein sind oft wenig uberzeugend, erst die richtige Argumentation offnet Turen. Gewusst wie: mit diesem Buch! «Wenn es die Aufgabe der Wissenschaft ist, bei allem Geschehen in der Natur oder im menschlichen Leben nach gesetzlichen Zusammenhangen zu suchen, so ist, wie wohl jeder zugeben mu?, eine unerla?liche Voraussetzung dabei, da? ein solcher gesetzlicher Zusammenhang wirklich besteht, und da? er sich in deutliche Worte fassen la?t.» (Max Planck)