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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited


    Rachel Jones

    The work of French Philosopher Luce Irigaray has exerted a profound influence on feminist thinking of recent decades and provides a far-reaching challenge to western philosophy's entrenched patriarchal norms. This book guides the reader through Irigaray's critical and creative transformation of western thought. Through detailed analysis of her most important text, Speculum of the Other Woman, Rachel Jones carefully examines Irigaray's transformative readings of such icons of the western tradition as Plato, Descartes, Kant and Hegel. She shows that these readings underpin Irigaray's claim that western philosophy has been dependent on the forgetting of both sexual difference and of our singular beginnings in birth. In response, Irigaray seeks to recover a positive account of sexual difference which would release woman from her traditional position as the 'other' of the subject and allow her to speak as a subject in her own right. In a sensitive reading of Irigaray's work, Jones shows why this distinctively feminist project necessarily involves the transformation of the fundamental terms of western metaphysics. By foregrounding Irigaray's approach to questions of otherness and alterity, she concludes that, for Irigaray, cultivating an ethics of sexuate difference is the condition of ethical relations in general. Lucidly and persuasively written, this book will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars seeking to understand Irigaray's original contribution to philosophical and feminist thought.


    Michael Nest

    A decade ago no one except geologists had heard of tantalum or 'coltan' – an obscure mineral that is an essential ingredient in mobile phones and laptops. Then, in 2000, reports began to leak out of Congo: of mines deep in the jungle where coltan was extracted in brutal conditions watched over by warlords. The United Nations sent a team to investigate, and its exposé of the relationship between violence and the exploitation of coltan and other natural resources contributed to a re-examination of scholarship on the motivations and strategies of armed groups. The politics of coltan encompass rebel militias, transnational corporations, determined activists, Hollywood celebrities, the rise of China, and the latest iGadget. Drawing on Congolese and activist voices, Nest analyses the two issues that define coltan politics: the relationship between coltan and violence in the Congo, and contestation between activists and corporations to reshape the global tantalum supply chain. The way production and trade of coltan is organised creates opportunities for armed groups, but the Congo wars are not solely, or even primarily, about coltan or minerals generally. Nest argues the political significance of coltan lies not in its causal link to violence, but in activists' skillful use of mobile phones as a symbol of how ordinary people and transnational corporations far from Africa are implicated in Congo's coltan industry and therefore its conflict. Nest examines the challenges coltan initiatives face in an activist 'marketplace' crowded with competing justice issues, and identifies lessons from coltan initiatives for the geopolitics of global resources more generally.


    Peter Lassman

    The problem of value pluralism permeates modern political philosophy. Its presence can be felt even when it is not explicitly the central topic under investigation. Political thinkers such as Max Weber, Isaiah Berlin and Stuart Hampshire derive pessimistic, sometimes tragic, conclusions from their reflections upon pluralism. On the other hand, there is a more optimistic view represented by John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas that sees value pluralism as a problem that is easier to live with. This book presents the first accessible overview for both post- and undergraduate students of the way in which this problem has been understood and responded to by modern political thinkers.

    Politics as Usual. What Lies Behind the Pro-Poor Rhetoric

    Thomas Pogge W.

    Worldwide, human lives are rapidly improving. Education, health-care, technology, and political participation are becoming ever more universal, empowering human beings everywhere to enjoy security, economic sufficiency, equal citizenship, and a life in dignity. To be sure, there are some specially difficult areas disfavoured by climate, geography, local diseases, unenlightened cultures or political tyranny. Here progress is slow, and there may be set-backs. But the affluent states and many international organizations are working steadily to extend the blessings of modernity through trade and generous development assistance, and it won't be long until the last pockets of severe oppression and poverty are gone. Heavily promoted by Western governments and media, this comforting view of the world is widely shared, at least among the affluent. Pogge's new book presents an alternative view: Poverty and oppression persist on a massive scale; political and economic inequalities are rising dramatically both intra-nationally and globally. The affluent states and the international organizations they control knowingly contribute greatly to these evils – selfishly promoting rules and policies harmful to the poor while hypocritically pretending to set and promote ambitious development goals. Pogge's case studies include the $1/day poverty measurement exercise, the cosmetic statistics behind the first Millennium Development Goal, the War on Terror, and the proposed relaxation of the constraints on humanitarian intervention. A powerful moral analysis that shows what Western states would do if they really cared about the values they profess.

    Private Capital Markets. Valuation, Capitalization, and Transfer of Private Business Interests

    Robert Slee T.

    Praise for Private Capital Markets Valuation, Capitalization, and Transfer of Private Business Interests «In the years since publication of the first edition of Private Capital Markets, the concepts and ideas that it presents have been widely accepted by progressive members of the business valuation community. Now with the Second Edition, author Rob Slee has included empirical data on capital markets for midsized businesses. This book remains a must for everyone involved in appraising, buying, selling, or financing privately owned businesses.»—Raymond C. Miles, founder, The Institute of Business Appraisers «The Graziadio School of Business has used the Private Capital Markets book for several years with great success. This course, along with the Pepperdine Private Capital Markets Survey project, has helped our students better prepare for careers in middle market companies.»—Linda Livingstone, Dean of the Graziadio School of Business and Management,Pepperdine University «Our international association of independent M&A professionals recommends this text as the most comprehensive foundation for understanding the private capital marketplace. This book is essential reading for middle market M&A advisors, investors, and other decision-makers in the private capital markets.» —Mike Nall, founder, Alliance of M&A Advisors A practical road map for making sound investment and financing decisions based on real experiences and market needs Now fully revised and in a second edition, Private Capital Markets provides lawyers, accountants, bankers, estate planners, intermediaries, and other professionals with a workable framework for making sound investment and financing decisions based on their own needs and experiences. This landmark resource covers: Private business valuation Middle market capital sources The business ownership transfer spectrum And much more Private Capital Markets, Second Edition surveys the private capital markets and presents the proven guidance you need to navigate through these uncharted waters.

    Die Invasion der Waschbären. und andere Expeditionen in die wilde Natur

    Michael Groß

    Bald leben mehr als eine Million (!) Waschbaren in unseren Waldern und nicht nur da ? sie kommen uns auch in den Stadten >besuchen<. Die putzigen Kerlchen konnen nichts dafur, denn wir sind an ihrer Verbreitung Schuld, da wir das okologische Gleichgewicht der Natur gestort haben. Doch was genau ist eigentlich Okologie jenseits von Okostrom und Okolabel? Hightech-Ameisen, hochintelligente Krahen und der Urzeit-Ginkgo Alles hangt mit allem zusammen: Gerat ein okologisches Teilsystem aus dem Gleichgewicht, lost das oft eine Kettenreaktion aus. In dem Teil Zusammen leben fragt Michael Gro? u. a., ob Schutzgebiete wirklich die bedrohten Arten schutzen, erzahlt uber die Wanderschaft von Pflanzenschadlingen, die sich durch weltweite Handelsnetze auch global verbreiten, oder stellt einen Uberlebenden der Dinosaurierzeit vor: den Ginkgo. Warum uberlebte er damals das Massensterben der Arten? Kohlendioxidschwaden, Vibrationen, Magnetismus, Pedometer und noch vieles mehr: All das besitzt z. B. ein sehr kleines Lebewesen ? die Ameise. Sie findet mit dieser >Ausstattung< sogar in der Wuste wieder zu ihrem Nest zuruck. Im Teil Aktiv leben stellt uns Gro? diese kleinen tierischen Wunderwerke vor, berichtet aber auch von den hochintelligenten Krahen oder erzahlt, wie das Krokodil seine Zahne bekam. Im Abschnitt Weiter leben gibt er einen Ausblick auf die unmittelbare Zukunft des Lebens auf der Erde, die immer starker von menschlichen Aktivitaten gepragt wird: das Zeitalter des >Anthropozan< ist angebrochen!

    The Jewel on the Mountaintop. The European Southern Observatory through Fifty Years

    Claus Madsen

    Authored by ESO senior advisor Claus Madsen, the present book comprises 576 action-packed pages of ESO history and dramatic stories about the people behind the organisation. This is the ultimate historical account about ESO and its telescopes in the southern hemisphere, but also about a truly remarkable European success story in research. Spanning the range from the first telescopes to the future platforms of the next generation, it shows how the improvement of the telescopes leads to a continuously changing view of the Universe. With 150 photos and illustrations. Produced especially for ESO's 50th anniversary.

    Regulated Bioanalytical Laboratories. Technical and Regulatory Aspects from Global Perspectives

    Michael Zhou

    This book provides useful information for bioanalytical / analytical scientists, analysts, quality assurance managers, and all personnel in bioanalytical laboratories through all aspects of bioanalytical technical and regulatory perspectives within bioanalytical operations and processes. Readers learn how to develop and implement strategies for routine, non-routine, and standard bioanalytical methods and on the entire equipment hardware and software qualification process. The book also gives guidelines on qualification of certified standards and in-house reference material as well as on people qualification. Finally, it guides readers through stressless internal and third party laboratory audits and inspections. It takes account to most national and international regulations and quality and accreditation standards, along with corresponding interpretation and inspection guides. The author elaborates on highly comprehensive content, making it easy not only to learn the subject but also to quickly implement the recommendations.

    Troubleshooting Vacuum Systems. Steam Turbine Surface Condensers and Refinery Vacuum Towers

    Norman Lieberman P.

    Vacuum systems are in wide spread use in the petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries and power generation plants. The existing texts on this subject are theoretical in nature and only deal with how the equipment functions when in good mechanical conditions, from the viewpoint of the equipment vendor. In this much-anticipated volume, one of the most well-respected and prolific process engineers in the world takes on troubleshooting vacuum systems, and especially steam ejectors, an extremely complex and difficult subject that greatly effects the profitability of the majority of the world's refineries.

    Albert Einstein: Akademie-Vorträge. Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 1914 - 1932

    Dieter Simon

    Der vorliegende Band enthalt in Faksimiledruck 47 der von Albert Einstein zwischen 1914 und 1932 in den Sitzungen der Preu?ischen Akademie der Wissenschaften gehaltenen Vortrage, die der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften als Sonderdruck aus den seinerzeitigen Sitzungsberichten der Akademie vorliegen. Einsteins Akademieabhandlungen enthalten die ersten grundlegenden Mitteilungen uber die allgemeine Relativitatstheorie und ihre Folgerungen, einschlie?lich der Vorhersage von Gravitationswellen, seiner Begrundung der relativistischen Kosmologie und der Fundamente der Quantenstatistik. Mitten in die heutigen Hauptprobleme der physikalischen Forschung fuhren Einsteins Diskussionen zu den Grundfragen der Quantenmechanik und der Beziehungen von Materie- und Raumzeitstruktur, von Elementarteilchen und Feldphysik. Die Akademieschriften Einsteins bestimmten im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts weitgehend die Physik und beeinflu?ten sie wesentlich bis heute. Sie gehoren zu den gro?artigsten Dokumenten physikalischen Denkens und Forschens.