Optical computers and photonic integrated circuits in high capacity optical networks are hot topics, attracting the attention of expert researchers and commercial technology companies. Optical packet switching and routing technologies promise to provide a more efficient source of power, and footprint scaling with increased router capacity; integrating more optical processing elements into the same chip to increase on-chip processing capability and system intelligence has become a priority. This book is an in-depth look at modelling techniques and the simulation of a wide range of liquid crystal based modern photonic devices with enhanced high levels of flexible integration and enhanced power processing. It covers the physics of liquid crystal materials; techniques required for modelling liquid crystal based devices; the state-of-the art liquid crystal photonic based applications for telecommunications such as couplers, polarization rotators, polarization splitters and multiplexer-demultiplexers; liquid core photonic crystal fiber (LC-PCF) sensors including biomedical and temperature sensors; and liquid crystal photonic crystal based encryption systems for security applications. Key features Offers a unique source of in-depth learning on the fundamental principles of computational liquid crystal photonics. Explains complex concepts such as photonic crystals, liquid crystals, waveguides and modes, and frequency- and time-domain techniques used in the design of liquid crystal photonic crystal photonic devices in terms that are easy to understand. Demonstrates the useful properties of liquid crystals in a diverse and ever-growing list of technological applications. Requires only a foundational knowledge of mathematics and physics.
This book explores the state-of-the art in computational modelling techniques for photonic devices In this book, the author provides a comprehensive coverage of modern numerical modelling techniques for designing photonic devices for use in modern optical telecommunications systems. In addition the book presents the state-of-the-art in computational photonics techniques, covering methods such as full-vectorial finite-element beam propagation, bidirectional beam propagation, complex-envelope alternative direction implicit finite difference time domain, multiresolution time domain, and finite volume time domain. The book guides the reader through the concepts of modelling, analysing, designing and optimising the performance of a wide range of photonic devices by building their own numerical code using these methods. Key Features: Provides a thorough presentation of the state-of-the art in computational modelling techniques for photonics Contains broad coverage of both frequency- and time-domain techniques to suit a wide range of photonic devices Reviews existing commercial software packages for photonics Presents the advantages and disadvantages of the different modelling techniques as well as their suitability for various photonic devices Shows the reader how to model, analyse, design and optimise the performance of a wide range of photonic devices by building their own numerical code using these methods Accompanying website contains the numerical examples representing the numerical techniques in this book, as well as several design examples (http://www.wiley.com/go/obayya_computational) This book will serve as an invaluable reference for researchers, optical telecommunications engineers, engineers in the photonics industry. PhD and MSc students undertaking courses in the areas of photonics and optical telecommunications will also find this book of interest.
This book explores the state-of-the art in computational modelling techniques for photonic devices In this book, the author provides a comprehensive coverage of modern numerical modelling techniques for designing photonic devices for use in modern optical telecommunications systems. In addition the book presents the state-of-the-art in computational photonics techniques, covering methods such as full-vectorial finite-element beam propagation, bidirectional beam propagation, complex-envelope alternative direction implicit finite difference time domain, multiresolution time domain, and finite volume time domain. The book guides the reader through the concepts of modelling, analysing, designing and optimising the performance of a wide range of photonic devices by building their own numerical code using these methods. Key Features: Provides a thorough presentation of the state-of-the art in computational modelling techniques for photonics Contains broad coverage of both frequency- and time-domain techniques to suit a wide range of photonic devices Reviews existing commercial software packages for photonics Presents the advantages and disadvantages of the different modelling techniques as well as their suitability for various photonic devices Shows the reader how to model, analyse, design and optimise the performance of a wide range of photonic devices by building their own numerical code using these methods Accompanying website contains the numerical examples representing the numerical techniques in this book, as well as several design examples (http://www.wiley.com/go/obayya_computational) This book will serve as an invaluable reference for researchers, optical telecommunications engineers, engineers in the photonics industry. PhD and MSc students undertaking courses in the areas of photonics and optical telecommunications will also find this book of interest.