John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Multilevel Statistical Models

    Harvey Goldstein

    Throughout the social, medical and other sciences the importance of understanding complex hierarchical data structures is well understood. Multilevel modelling is now the accepted statistical technique for handling such data and is widely available in computer software packages. A thorough understanding of these techniques is therefore important for all those working in these areas. This new edition of Multilevel Statistical Models brings these techniques together, starting from basic ideas and illustrating how more complex models are derived. Bayesian methodology using MCMC has been extended along with new material on smoothing models, multivariate responses, missing data, latent normal transformations for discrete responses, structural equation modeling and survival models. Key Features: Provides a clear introduction and a comprehensive account of multilevel models. New methodological developments and applications are explored. Written by a leading expert in the field of multilevel methodology. Illustrated throughout with real-life examples, explaining theoretical concepts. This book is suitable as a comprehensive text for postgraduate courses, as well as a general reference guide. Applied statisticians in the social sciences, economics, biological and medical disciplines will find this book beneficial.

    SIMPLY Office 2010

    Kate Shoup

    Wanting to make the most of Microsoft Office 2010? But not sure exactly what is has to offer? Then look no further as this clear, concise guide is the ideal companion for fast and efficient learning. Simply Office 2010 runs you through the main features of the Office applications with simple, step-by-step instructions that show you how to tackle dozens of Microsoft Office tasks, whilst offering practical examples and advice. The simple, yet elegant design features a multitude of images as well as tips & tricks to make this a perfect reference for all ages and abilities. If you are new to Microsoft Office you will find the gentle approach to the software provides a non-intimidating and easy to follow resource that helps you to get to grips with the application quickly – just follow all instructions on screen at your own speed. Each application in the Office suite is covered, including: Word Excel Outlook Publisher PowerPoint Using Office Internet and graphics tools Packed with advice and screen shots, this full-colour visual tutorial is excellent value for money. Learn something new today – read it, try it and become your own expert with Simply Office 2010!

    Simply Digital Photography

    Rob Sheppard

    If you are serious about digital photography, then this clear, concise guide is the ideal companion for fast and efficient learning. Simply Digital Photography offers techniques that can be used to make better digital photos, prints, and photo-based projects. Full-colour screen shots and numbered, step-by-step instructions show readers how to use their equipment, compose the best shot, and even make edits to photos to create stunning images and produce better photos. The simple, yet elegant design features a multitude of images as well as tips & tricks to make this a perfect reference for all ages – just follow the instructions with your camera and set your own speed. Packed with photos and illustrations, this visual tutorial is excellent value for money. Learn something new today – read it, try it and become your own expert with Simply Digital Photography!

    Simply Windows 7

    Paul McFedries

    If you are serious about getting up to speed with Windows 7, then this clear, concise guide is the ideal companion for fast and efficient learning. The author illustrates the main functions of Windows 7, explaining everything you need to know in plain, jargon-free English with full-colour screen shots and numbered, step-by-step instructions. The simple, yet elegant design features a multitude of images as well as tips & tricks to make this a perfect reference for all ages – just follow the instructions on your own PC. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user in need of a quick grip on the updates in Windows 7, read on for: Windows 7 basics new ways to customize Windows to work for you the new interface and the new and improved Internet Explorer creating movies sharing their computer working with and managing files browsing the Web Packed with advice and illustrations, this visual tutorial is excellent value for money. Learn something new today – read it, try it and become your own expert with Simply Windows 7!

    Condensed Matter Physics

    Michael Marder P.

    Now updated—the leading single-volume introduction to solid state and soft condensed matter physics This Second Edition of the unified treatment of condensed matter physics keeps the best of the first, providing a basic foundation in the subject while addressing many recent discoveries. Comprehensive and authoritative, it consolidates the critical advances of the past fifty years, bringing together an exciting collection of new and classic topics, dozens of new figures, and new experimental data. This updated edition offers a thorough treatment of such basic topics as band theory, transport theory, and semiconductor physics, as well as more modern areas such as quasicrystals, dynamics of phase separation, granular materials, quantum dots, Berry phases, the quantum Hall effect, and Luttinger liquids. In addition to careful study of electron dynamics, electronics, and superconductivity, there is much material drawn from soft matter physics, including liquid crystals, polymers, and fluid dynamics. Provides frequent comparison of theory and experiment, both when they agree and when problems are still unsolved Incorporates many new images from experiments Provides end-of-chapter problems including computational exercises Includes more than fifty data tables and a detailed forty-page index Offers a solutions manual for instructors Featuring 370 figures and more than 1,000 recent and historically significant references, this volume serves as a valuable resource for graduate and undergraduate students in physics, physics professionals, engineers, applied mathematicians, materials scientists, and researchers in other fields who want to learn about the quantum and atomic underpinnings of materials science from a modern point of view.

    Basic Process Measurements

    Cecil Smith L.

    A unique resource for process measurement Basic Process Measurements provides a unique resource explaining the industrial measuring devices that gauge such key variables as temperature, pressure, density, level, and flow. With an emphasis on the most commonly installed technologies, this guide outlines both the process variable being measured as well as how the relevant measuring instruments function. The benefits of each technology are considered in turn, along with their potential problems. Looking at both new and existing technologies, the book maintains a practical focus on properly selecting and deploying the best technology for a given process application. The coverage in Basic Process Measurements enables the practitioner to: Resolve problems with currently installed devices Upgrade currently installed devices to newer and better technologies Add instruments for process variables not previously measurable Evaluate device installations from a perspective of both normal process operating conditions and abnormal conditions Determine the best technology for a given set of process conditions Designed for a wide range of technical professionals, Basic Process Measurements provides a balanced treatment of the concepts, background information, and specific processes and technologies making up this critical aspect of process improvement and control.

    Miniemulsion Polymerization Technology

    Vikas Mittal

    Explains miniemulsion technology and techniques and why they have many distinct advantages over the conventional emulsion polymerization technology Miniemulsion Polymerization Technology comprises 10 papers by many of the world's experts on the subject. It summarizes the recent advances in miniemulsion polymerization technology including the advances on the selection of surfactants and co-surfactants, the expansion of miniemulsion technology in various polymers and co-polymer systems, and the use of miniemulsion polymerization for the synthesis of advanced polymer particle morphologies. There have been a large number of texts on emulsion and other forms of polymerization methods, but miniemulsion polymerization, though it provides unique routes for polymer particle synthesis, has been neglected. This edited volume: Details the use of miniemulsion polymerization in encapsulation, core shell functional particles, nitroxide mediated polymerization, atom transfer radical polymerization or radical addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerization, to generate advanced polymer nanoparticles or organic-inorganic composite particles Examines the wide spectrum of commercial possibilities of miniemulsion polymerization Provides both introductory material as well as deep insights into the synthesis of polymer particles

    Urban School Leadership

    Tom Payzant

    This important book, written by educational expert and urban school leader, Tom Payzant, offers a realistic understanding of what urban school leadership looks like from the inside. Payzant shares his first-hand knowledge of the unique managerial, instructional, and political tasks of this role. Effectively combining practical lessons and research, Urban School Leadership includes in-depth analysis of various leadership concerns. The book covers topics such as improving student achievement, working with unions, building community, and maintaining and developing resources. Most importantly, it offers stories of real school leaders whose successes and missteps reveal the inherent «messiness» of this difficult job. Urban School Leadership is part of the Jossey-Bass Leadership Library in Education series. «This important book provides compelling examples of how effective leaders can have hope, see progress, and achieve success for all children in the schools and districts they lead.»—Richard Riley, former United States Secretary of Education «Tom Payzant is one of the few people who could provide such a comprehensive, useful book for educational leaders at all levels. This very practical book is grounded in the important experiences and impressive judgment of one of our nation's most successful school superintendents»—Jon Schnur, co-founder and CEO, New Leaders for New Schools «Tom Payzant is one of the finest urban educators of our generation. Urban School Leadership is compelling, crisp, and wise—providing a clear path for those dedicated to improving the trajectory of children's lives.»—Timothy F.C. Knowles, executive director, Center for Urban School Improvement, University of Chicago «Urban School Leadership is a must read for anyone interested in the landscape of urban public education in America.»—Beverly Hall, superintendent, Atlanta Public Schools

    Concise Physical Chemistry

    Donald Rogers W.

    This book is a physical chemistry textbook that presents the essentials of physical chemistry as a logical sequence from its most modest beginning to contemporary research topics. Many books currently on the market focus on the problem sets with a cursory treatment of the conceptual background and theoretical material, whereas this book is concerned only with the conceptual development of the subject. Comprised of 19 chapters, the book will address ideal gas laws, real gases, the thermodynamics of simple systems, thermochemistry, entropy and the second law, the Gibbs free energy, equilibrium, statistical approaches to thermodynamics, the phase rule, chemical kinetics, liquids and solids, solution chemistry, conductivity, electrochemical cells, atomic theory, wave mechanics of simple systems, molecular orbital theory, experimental determination of molecular structure, and photochemistry and the theory of chemical kinetics.

    Advanced Concrete Technology

    Zongjin Li

    Over the past two decades concrete has enjoyed a renewed level of research and testing, resulting in the development of many new types of concrete. Through the use of various additives, production techniques and chemical processes, there is now a great degree of control over the properties of specific concretes for a wide range of applications. New theories, models and testing techniques have also been developed to push the envelope of concrete as a building material. There is no current textbook which brings all of these advancements together in a single volume. This book aims to bridge the gap between the traditional concrete technologies and the emerging state-of-the-art technologies which are gaining wider use.