This book provides a detailed description of various multidimensional chromatographic separation techniques. The editor first provides an introduction to the area and then dives right into the various complex separation techniques. While still not used routinely comprehensive chromatography techniques will help acquaint the readers with the fundamentals and possible benefits of multi-dimensional separations coupled with mass spectrometry. The topics include a wide range of material that will appease all interested in either entering the field of multidimensional chromatography and those looking to gain a better understanding of the topic.
Although bioactive compounds in milk and dairy products have been extensively studied during the last few decades – especially in human and bovine milks and some dairy products – very few publications on this topic are available, especially in other dairy species’ milk and their processed dairy products. Also, little is available in the areas of bioactive and nutraceutical compounds in bovine and human milks, while books on other mammalian species are non-existent. Bioactive Components in Milk and Dairy Products extensively covers the bioactive components in milk and dairy products of many dairy species, including cows, goats, buffalo, sheep, horse, camel, and other minor species. Park has assembled a group of internationally reputed scientists in the forefront of functional milk and dairy products, food science and technology as contributors to this unique book. Coverage for each of the various dairy species includes: bioactive proteins and peptides; bioactive lipid components; oligosaccharides; growth factors; and other minor bioactive compounds, such as minerals, vitamins, hormones and nucleotides, etc. Bioactive components are discussed for manufactured dairy products, such as caseins, caseinates, and cheeses; yogurt products; koumiss and kefir; and whey products. Aimed at food scientists, food technologists, dairy manufacturers, nutritionists, nutraceutical and functional foods specialists, allergy specialists, biotechnologists, medical and health professionals, and upper level students and faculty in dairy and food sciences and nutrition, Bioactive Components in Milk and Dairy Products is an important resource for those who are seeking nutritional, health, and therapeutic values or product technology information on milk and dairy products from the dairy cow and speciesbeyond. Areas featured are: Unique coverage of bioactive compounds in milks of the dairy cow and minor species, including goat, sheep, buffalo, camel, and mare Identifies bioactive components and their analytical isolation methods in manufactured dairy products, such as caseins, caseinates, and cheeses; yogurt products; koumiss and kefir; and whey products Essential for professionals as well as biotechnology researchers specializing in functional foods, nutraceuticals, probiotics, and prebiotics Contributed chapters from a team of world-renowned expert scientists
Teaching the fundamental knowledge required for successful dispersion of powders in a liquid, this book covers a host of topics – from recent advances to industrial applications. In 15 chapters it supports formulation chemists in preparing a suspension in a more rational way, by applying the principles of colloid and interface science, while at the same time enabling the research scientist to discover new methods for preparing stable suspensions. Essential reading for those working in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, paint, ceramic and agricultural industries.
This timely book presents new research results on high-energy particle physics related to solar flares, covering the theory and applications of the reconnection process in a clear and comprehensible way. It investigates particle kinetics and dynamics in flaring atmospheres and their diagnostics from spectral observations, while providing an analysis of the observation data and techniques and comparing various models. Written by an internationally acclaimed expert, this is vital reading for all solar, astro-, and plasma physicists working in the field.
This is the third of five books in the Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Synthesis series. Closing a gap in the literature, this is the only series to cover this important topic in organic and biochemistry. Drawing upon the combined expertise of the international «who's who» in amino acid research, these volumes represent a real benchmark for amino acid chemistry, providing a comprehensive discussion of the occurrence, uses and applications of amino acids and, by extension, their polymeric forms, peptides and proteins. The practical value of each volume is heightened by the inclusion of experimental procedures. The 5 volumes cover the following topics: Volume 1: Origins and Synthesis of Amino Acids Volume 2: Modified Amino Acids, Organocatalysis and Enzymes Volume 3: Building Blocks, Catalysis and Coupling Chemistry Volume 4: Protection Reactions, Medicinal Chemistry, Combinatorial Synthesis Volume 5: Analysis and Function of Amino Acids and Peptides This third volume in the series presents an in depth account of recent developments in the (bio-)synthesis of amino acids and peptides. Divided into two parts, the first section deals with amino acids as building blocks, including the generation of alpha-amino acids, beta-lactams, and heterocycles. The second section is devoted to the synthesis of peptides, with the focus on solid phase synthesis. However, solution phase peptide synthesis is covered as well, as are topics such as coupling reagents, chemical ligation, peptide purification and automation. Originally planned as a six volume series, Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins in Organic Chemistry now completes with five volumes but remains comprehensive in both scope and coverage. Further information about the 5 Volume Set and purchasing details can be viewed here.
Written by the world-renowned pioneer in the field of modern sociolinguistics, this volume examines the cognitive and cultural factors responsible for linguistic change, tracing the life history of these developments, from triggering events to driving forces and endpoints. Explores the major insights obtained by combining sociolinguistics with the results of dialect geography on a large scale Examines the cognitive and cultural influences responsible for linguistic change Demonstrates under what conditions dialects diverge from one another Establishes an essential distinction between transmission within the community and diffusion across communities Completes Labov’s seminal Principles of Linguistic Change trilogy
The fifth edition of Bojar's Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery remains the gold standard for management of adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The easily referenced outline format allows health practitioners of all levels to understand and apply basic concepts to patient care–perfect for cardiothoracic and general surgery residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, cardiologists, medical students, and critical care nurses involved in the care of both routine and complex cardiac surgery patients. This comprehensive guide features: Detailed presentation addressing all aspects of perioperative care for adult cardiac surgery patients Outline format allowing quick access to information Chronological approach to patient care starting with diagnostic tests then covering preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care issues Additional chapters discuss bleeding, the respiratory, cardiac, and renal subsystems as well as aspects of care specific to recovery on the postoperative floor Updated references, information on new drug indications and new evidence to support various treatment/management options. Practical and accessible, this new edition of Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery is the essential reference guide to cardiac surgical patient care.
The processes of modern clothing manufacture are explained here, alongside the equipment used. Latest developments are described as well as established methods. Manual, mechanised and automated processes are explained and their comparative advantages for certain purposes are considered as well as the applications of computer control and robotics. The Fourth Edition has been updated throughout to reflect advances in technology and a new chapter is now devoted to colour management and colour technology (including a colour section for the first time). There is a new chapter on trouble-shooting in the sewing room, giving practical solutions to common problems. Other significant additions are alternative methods of joining materials (ultrasonics, RF welding and moulding) and new developments in the traditional areas of garment and machinery technology. Students in clothing and fashion as well as garment technologists in the clothing industry will find this an invaluable resource in their increasingly complex role.
Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 34 Molecular Aspects of Plant Disease Resistance Edited by Jane Parker In recent years, our understanding of the mechanisms involved in plant resistance to disease has seen major advances. This important new volume in Wiley-Blackwell’s Annual Plant Reviews provides cutting edge reviews on major aspects of plant immunity from many of the world's leading researchers in the area. Coverage includes: • Establishment of disease by microbial pathogens • Genomic approaches to understanding host-pathogen interactions • Local and systemic resistance signalling • Activities of small bioactive molecules • Plant-insect ecology This exciting volume is essential reading for all those studying plant-pathogen interactions including plant and agricultural scientists, molecular biologists, geneticists and microbiologists. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological and agricultural sciences are studied and taught should have copies of this important volume on their shelves. About the Editor Dr Jane Parker is a Group Leader in the Department of Plant-Microbe Interactions at The Max-Planck Institute of Plant Breeding Research, Cologne and Associate Professor at The Institute of Genetics, University of Cologne, Germany. Also Available Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 33 Intracellular Signaling in Plants Edited by Zhenbiao Yang Print: 9781405160025 Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 32 Cell Cycle Control and Plant Development Edited by Dirk Inzé Print: 9781405150439 Online: 9780470988923 Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 31 Plant Mitochondria Edited by David Logan Print: 9781405149396 Online: 9780470986592 Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 30 Light and Plant Development Edited by Garry C. Whitelam and Karen J. Halliday Print: 9781405145381 Online: 9780470988893
Aimed at specialists in respiratory medicine, this new book comprehensively reviews the variety of agents currently available for treatment of asthma, COPD, and other airway diseases and covers practical guidelines as well as challenges and complications in their use. Advances in Combination Therapy for Asthma and COPD is the first book to address the complexity of multi-agent therapy and deal with management issues in an integrated fashion. A review of currently available agents and their applications, as well as new therapies soon to become available are outlined. Advantages of combined therapies and additional considerations that arise from multi-agent programs are highlighted.