Young Park W.

Список книг автора Young Park W.

    Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals

    Young Park W.

    No one can deny the fact that the cow is the primary dairy animal species to provide humans with nutritious dairy foods through its abundance of lacteal secretion. The goat or other minor dairy species will never be able to compete with the cow in terms of the volume of milk production. Yet, the contribution of milks from other secondary domesticated dairy species to the survival and well-being of mankind around the world is immense and invaluable. Testament to the importance of non-bovine milk is that more people drink the milk of goats than that of any other single species in the world. In developing and under-developed counties, the secondary dairy species play a crucial role in supplying the food and nutritional needs of the people in those regions. Due to the unavailability of cow milk and the low consumption of meat, the milks of minor species such as goat, buffalo, sheep, and camel are critical daily food sources of protein, phosphate and calcium. Furthermore, because of important and inherent hypoallergenic properties, milks of certain species such as goat milk have been recommended as substitutes in diets for those with cow milk allergies. Editors Park and Haenlein have assembled dairy and nutrition experts from around the world to contribute to the Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals. Secondary dairy species addressed are the goat, sheep, buffalo, mare, camel, yak, deer (reindeer), sow, llama, alpaca, moose, musk ox, caribou, ass, elk, pinniped, polar bear and human. The book comprehensively covers the most important aspects of milk production including: trends and methods of raw milk production in different regions; compositional, nutritional, therapeutic, physico-chemical, and microbiological characteristics of the milks; processing technology; and types, distribution and consumption of the manufactured products from minor species milks. Of special note is coverage comparing specific human health attributes of milk from the various species, including nutritional, allergenic, immunological, and cultural factors. Because secondary dairy species have such a significant impact on human well-being and survival in many parts of the world, the Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals is an essential reference book of leading-edge information for dairy scientists, nutritionists, food chemists, allergy specialists, health professionals, and allied professionals.

    Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals

    Young Park W.

    THE ONLY SINGLE-SOURCE GUIDE TO THE LATEST SCIENCE, NUTRITION, AND APPLICATIONS OF ALL THE NON-BOVINE MILKS CONSUMED AROUND THE WORLD Featuring contributions by an international team of dairy and nutrition experts, this second edition of the popular Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals provides comprehensive coverage of milk and dairy products derived from all non-bovine dairy species. Milks derived from domesticated dairy species other than the cow are an essential dietary component for many countries around the world. Especially in developing and under-developed countries, milks from secondary dairy species are essential sources of nutrition for the humanity. Due to the unavailability of cow milk and the low consumption of meat, the milks of non-bovine species such as goat, buffalo, sheep, horse, camel, Zebu, Yak, mare and reindeer are critical daily food sources of protein, phosphate and calcium. Furthermore, because of hypoallergenic properties of certain species milk including goats, mare and camel are increasingly recommended as substitutes in diets for those who suffer from cow milk allergies. This book: Discusses key aspects of non-bovine milk production, including raw milk production in various regions worldwide Describes the compositional, nutritional, therapeutic, physio-chemical, and microbiological characteristics of all non-bovine milks Addresses processing technologies as well as various approaches to the distribution and consumption of manufactured milk products Expounds characteristics of non-bovine species milks relative to those of human milk, including nutritional, allergenic, immunological, health and cultural factors. Features six new chapters, including one focusing on the use of non-bovine species milk components in the manufacture of infant formula products Thoroughly updated and revised to reflect the many advances that have occurred in the dairy industry since the publication of the acclaimed first edition, Handbook of Milk of Non-Bovine Mammals, 2nd Edition is an essential reference for dairy scientists, nutritionists, food chemists, animal scientists, allergy specialists, health professionals, and allied professionals.

    Milk and Dairy Products in Human Nutrition. Production, Composition and Health

    Young Park W.

    Milk is nature’s most complete food, and dairy products are considered to be the most nutritious foods of all. The traditional view of the role of milk has been greatly expanded in recent years beyond the horizon of nutritional subsistence of infants: it is now recognized to be more than a source of nutrients for the healthy growth of children and nourishment of adult humans. Alongside its major proteins (casein and whey), milk contains biologically active compounds, which have important physiological and biochemical functions and significant impacts upon human metabolism, nutrition and health. Many of these compounds have been proven to have beneficial effects on human nutrition and health. This comprehensive reference is the first to address such a wide range of topics related to milk production and human health, including: mammary secretion, production, sanitation, quality standards and chemistry, as well as nutrition, milk allergies, lactose intolerance, and the bioactive and therapeutic compounds found in milk. In addition to cow’s milk, the book also covers the milk of non-bovine dairy species which is of economic importance around the world. The Editors have assembled a team of internationally renowned experts to contribute to this exhaustive volume which will be essential reading for dairy scientists, nutritionists, food scientists, allergy specialists and health professionals.

    Bioactive Components in Milk and Dairy Products

    Young Park W.

    Although bioactive compounds in milk and dairy products have been extensively studied during the last few decades – especially in human and bovine milks and some dairy products – very few publications on this topic are available, especially in other dairy species’ milk and their processed dairy products. Also, little is available in the areas of bioactive and nutraceutical compounds in bovine and human milks, while books on other mammalian species are non-existent. Bioactive Components in Milk and Dairy Products extensively covers the bioactive components in milk and dairy products of many dairy species, including cows, goats, buffalo, sheep, horse, camel, and other minor species. Park has assembled a group of internationally reputed scientists in the forefront of functional milk and dairy products, food science and technology as contributors to this unique book. Coverage for each of the various dairy species includes: bioactive proteins and peptides; bioactive lipid components; oligosaccharides; growth factors; and other minor bioactive compounds, such as minerals, vitamins, hormones and nucleotides, etc. Bioactive components are discussed for manufactured dairy products, such as caseins, caseinates, and cheeses; yogurt products; koumiss and kefir; and whey products. Aimed at food scientists, food technologists, dairy manufacturers, nutritionists, nutraceutical and functional foods specialists, allergy specialists, biotechnologists, medical and health professionals, and upper level students and faculty in dairy and food sciences and nutrition, Bioactive Components in Milk and Dairy Products is an important resource for those who are seeking nutritional, health, and therapeutic values or product technology information on milk and dairy products from the dairy cow and speciesbeyond. Areas featured are: Unique coverage of bioactive compounds in milks of the dairy cow and minor species, including goat, sheep, buffalo, camel, and mare Identifies bioactive components and their analytical isolation methods in manufactured dairy products, such as caseins, caseinates, and cheeses; yogurt products; koumiss and kefir; and whey products Essential for professionals as well as biotechnology researchers specializing in functional foods, nutraceuticals, probiotics, and prebiotics Contributed chapters from a team of world-renowned expert scientists