Patentrecht, Markenrecht und Designschutz bilden einen Bereich, der standigem Wandel unterworfen ist. Selbst fur Spezialisten ist es zur Herausforderung geworden, Rechte und Forschungsergebnisse zu schutzen in einem internationalen Umfeld, das taglich komplexer wird. Basierend auf dem 1991 erschienenen erfolgreichen Werk «Patentbegriffe von A bis Z» und erganzt um ein dreisprachiges Fachwortverzeichnis, fuhrt das hoch vernetzte Glossar durch den Dschungel der Begrifflichkeiten und berucksichtigt dabei alle aktuellen rechtlichen Anderungen wie: – einheitliche Marken fur die EU – Auswirkung von EU-Richtlinien auf nationale Patentsysteme – EPU ab Dezember 2007 – weltweite Harmonisierung des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes (TRIPS-Abkommen) inklusive Asien unter besonderer Berucksichtigung Japans – Anderung des US-Patentrechts – Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede des Rechts in verschiedenen Landern Mit eingangigen Beispielen und kompetenten Erklarungen werden Begriffe erlautert, mit denen Erfinder und Patentanmelder am haufigsten konfrontiert werden. Tabellen und Formulare im Anhang geben dem Leser einen Uberblick uber den typischen Lebenslauf einer Anmeldung und helfen ihm, das Zahlen- und Begriffswerk auf den Deckblattern von Patentschriften zu verstehen. Den Umgang mit den entscheidenden Begriffen im nationalen und internationalen Umfeld klart ein Verzeichnis von Fachbegriffen in deutscher, englischer und franzosischer Sprache. Ein absolutes Muss beim Studium der internationalen Literatur – fur Wissenschaftler, Erfinder, Patentanwalte, Dokumentations- und Recherchespezialisten, Ubersetzer, Dolmetscher sowie Studenten und Berufsanfanger auf dem Gebiet des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes. Mit diesem Buch werden sich Erfinder leicht tun, ihr Patent anzumelden. Kunststoffe Das Buch ist sicher nicht nur Spezialisten zu empfehlen – gerade Studenten und Berufsanfangern durfte es eine gro?e Hilfe sein. Kunststoff-Journal Eine wesentliche Hilfestellung fur potentielle Patentanmelder, was das Werk uber ein reines Worterbuch hinaushebt und tatsachlich sowohl fur Ubersetzer und Dokumentalisten als auch fur Fachleute ein unentbehrliches Hilfsmittel darstellt. TermNet – Jornal of the International Network for Terminology
The third edition of this popular problem-solving guide for this widely-used method includes eleven completely new examples and several updated ones, adding up to 100 contributions about pitfalls and errors in HPLC. Each example is presented on a double page with the text on the left-hand and a fi gure on the right-hand side, true to the motto 'a picture says more than a thousand words'. In addition, the author presents essential fundamentals as well as helpful strategies, such as equipment tests or quality assurance processes. New in this edition * Variability of the standard deviation * Infl uence of the acid type and concentration in the eluent * Water as an unintentional additive in the mobile phase * Inadequate purity of mobile phase water * Incomplete degassing * Inadequate stabilization of the extraction solvent * Tailing of phosphate compounds in the presence of steel * Different detection properties of diastereomers * Detector overload in ELSD * System suitability test * From repeatability to reproducibility A must-have resource for all users – showing how to use HPLC efficiently and obtain reliable results.
Discussing the technological supremacy of the chemical industry, including pharmaceuticals, and how it will adopt a leading position to solve some of the largest global challenges humans have even seen, this book details how the industry will address climate change, aging populations, resource scarcity, globality, networks speed, pandemics, and massive growth and demand. Following a detailed introduction to some of the megatrends shaping our world over the forthcoming decades, the book goes on to provide several scenarios of how the world could look by 2050, including 'business as usual' and a 'sustainable' one. Chapter 3 gives a comprehensive overview of the current status, while providing a short historical review of the chemical industry, its origins, achievements and fundamentals. The following chapter reviews the potential impact of each of the selected megatrends on the industry, while Chapter 5 proposes how it could look by 2050. Several features of the chemical industry are presented and discussed, including the industrial relevance from an economical, technological and profitability point of view. The largest chemicals markets in absolute and per capita bases and the areas and countries with largest growth potential for chemicals, pharmaceuticals and feedstock. This chapter also reviews the impact of climate change on the chemical industry from a feedstocks and products point of view and, more specifically, the potential costs in reducing CO2 emissions. A final, concluding chapter summarizes the forthcoming megatrends and potential challenges, opportunities and the outlook for the industry as a whole.
Lithium secondary batteries have been key to mobile electronics since 1990. Large-format batteries typically for electric vehicles and energy storage systems are attracting much attention due to current energy and environmental issues. Lithium batteries are expected to play a central role in boosting green technologies. Therefore, a large number of scientists and engineers are carrying out research and development on lithium secondary batteries. The book is written in a straightforward fashion suitable for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as scientists, and engineers starting out in the field. The chapters in this book have been thoroughly edited by a collective of experts to achieve a cohesive book with a consistent style, level, and philosophy. They cover a wide range of topics, including principles and technologies of key materials such as the cathode, anode, electrolyte, and separator. Battery technologies such as design, manufacturing processes, and evaluation methods as well as applications are addressed. In addition, analytical methods for determining electrochemical and other properties of batteries are also included. Hence, this book is a must-have for everyone interested in obtaining all the basic information on lithium secondary batteries.
Addressing one of the biggest riddles in current molecular cell biology, this ground-breaking monograph builds the case for the crucial involvement of lipids and membranes in the formation of amyloid deposits. Tying together recent knowledge from in vitro and in vivo studes, and built on a sound biophysical and biochemical foundation, this overview brings the reader up to date with current models of the interplay between membranes and amyloid formation. Required reading for any researcher interested in amyloid formation and amyloid toxicity, and possible avenues for the prevention or treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. From the contents: * Interactions of Alpha-Synuclein with Lipids * Interaction of hIAPP and its Precursors with Membranes * Amyloid Polymorphisms: Structural Basis and Significance in Biology and Molecular Medicine * The Role of Lipid Rafts in Alzheimer's Disease * Alzheimer's Disease as a Membrane-Associated Enzymopathy of Beta-Amyloid Precursor Protein (APP) Secretases * Impaired Regulation of Glutamate Receptor Channels and Signaling Molecules by Beta-Amyloid in Alzheimer's Disease * Membrane Changes in BSE and Scrapie * Experimental Approaches and Technical Challenges for Studying Amyloid-Membrane Interactions and more
Here, the editor has gathered a team of international experts to present the latest advances in the field of laser imaging and manipulation techniques. The result is broad coverage of the interactions with biological samples to perform novel optical manipulation operations, both on the cellular and tissue levels. Of interest to physicists working and researching laser tissue mechanisms, cell biologists investigating new imaging and manipulation operation on the cellular level, medical doctors working with new laser therapies and diagnostic tools, as well as engineers developing new technologies in the field of optics and lasers.
This book is written for advanced earth science students, geologists, petroleum engineers and others who want to get quickly ‘up to speed’ on the interpretation of reflection seismic data. It is a development of material given to students on the MSc course in Petroleum Geology at Aberdeen University and takes the form of a course manual rather than a systematic textbook. It can be used as a self-contained course for individual study, or as the basis for a class programme. The book clarifies those aspects of the subject that students tend to find difficult, and provides insights through practical tutorials which aim to reinforce and deepen understanding of key topics and provide the reader with a measure of feedback on progress. Some tutorials may only involve drawing simple diagrams, but many are computer-aided (PC based) with graphics output to give insight into key steps in seismic data processing or into the seismic response of some common geological scenarios. Part I of the book covers basic ideas and it ends with two tutorials in 2-D structural interpretation. Part II concentrates on the current seismic reflection contribution to reservoir studies, based on 3-D data.
The Royal Entomological Society (RES) and Wiley-Blackwell are proud to present this landmark publication, celebrating the wonderful diversity of the insects of the British Isles, and the work of the RES (founded 1833). This book is the only modern systematic account of all 558 families of British insects, covering not just the large and familiar groups that are included in popular books, but even the smallest and least known. It is beautifully illustrated throughout in full colour with photographs by experienced wildlife photographers to show the range of diversity, both morphological and behavioural, among the 24,000 species. All of the 6,000 genera of British insects are listed and indexed, along with all the family names and higher groups. There is a summary of the classification, biology and economic importance of each family together with further references for detailed identification. All species currently subject to legal protection in the United Kingdom are also listed. The Royal Entomological Society is one of the oldest and most prestigious of its kind in the world. It is the leading organisation for professional entomologists and its main aim has always been the promotion of knowledge about insects. The RES began its famous Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects in 1949, and new works in that series continue to be published. The Royal Entomological Society Book of British Insects has been produced to demonstrate the on-going commitment of the RES to educate and encourage each generation to study these fascinating creatures. This is a key reference work for serious students of entomology and amateur entomologists, as well as for professionals who need a comprehensive source of information about the insect groups of the British Isles they may be less familiar with.
Actors and Icons of the Ancient Theater examines actors and their popular reception from the origins of theater in Classical Greece to the Roman Empire Presents a highly original viewpoint into several new and contested fields of study Offers the first systematic survey of evidence for the spread of theater outside Athens and the impact of the expansion of theater upon actors and dramatic literature Addresses a study of the privatization of theater and reveals how it was driven by political interests Challenges preconceived notions about theater history
Approaching the topic of digital holography from the practical perspective of industrial inspection, Digital Holography for MEMS and Microsystem Metrology describes the process of digital holography and its growing applications for MEMS characterization, residual stress measurement, design and evaluation, and device testing and inspection. Asundi also provides a thorough theoretical grounding that enables the reader to understand basic concepts and thus identify areas where this technique can be adopted. This combination of both practical and theoretical approach will ensure the book's relevance and appeal to both researchers and engineers keen to evaluate the potential of digital holography for integration into their existing machines and processes. Addresses particle characterization where digital holography has proven capability for dynamic measurement of particles in 3D for sizing and shape characterization, with applications in microfluidics as well as crystallization and aerosol detection studies. Discusses digital reflection holography, digital transmission holography, digital in-line holography, and digital holographic tomography and applications. Covers other applications including micro-optical and diffractive optical systems and the testing of these components, and bio-imaging.