John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Motion Control

    Thor Fossen I.

    The technology of hydrodynamic modeling and marine craft motion control systems has progressed greatly in recent years. This timely survey includes the latest tools for analysis and design of advanced guidance, navigation and control systems and presents new material on underwater vehicles and surface vessels. Each section presents numerous case studies and applications, providing a practical understanding of how model-based motion control systems are designed. Key features include: a three-part structure covering Modeling of Marine Craft; Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems; and Appendices, providing all the supporting theory in a single resource kinematics, kinetics, hydrostatics, seakeeping and maneuvering theory, and simulation models for marine craft and environmental forces guidance systems, sensor fusion and integrated navigation systems, inertial measurement units, Kalman filtering and nonlinear observer design for marine craft state-of-the-art methods for feedback control more advanced methods using nonlinear theory, enabling the user to compare linear design techniques before a final implementation is made. linear and nonlinear stability theory, and numerical methods companion website that hosts links to lecture notes and download information for the Marine Systems Simulator (MSS) which is an open source Matlab/Simulink® toolbox for marine systems. The MSS toolbox includes hydrodynamic models and motion control systems for ships, underwater vehicles and floating structures With an appropriate balance between mathematical theory and practical applications, academic and industrial researchers working in marine and control engineering aspects of manned and unmanned maritime vehicles will benefit from this comprehensive handbook. It is also suitable for final year undergraduates and postgraduates, lecturers, development officers, and practitioners in the areas of rigid-body modeling, hydrodynamics, simulation of marine craft, control and estimation theory, decision-support systems and sensor fusion.

    Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management

    Robert Chapman J.

    Your business reputation can take years to build—and mere minutes to destroy The range of business threats is evolving rapidly but your organization can thrive and gain a competitive advantage with your business vision for enterprise risk management. Trends affecting markets—events in the global financial markets, changing technologies, environmental priorities, dependency on intellectual property—all underline how important it is to keep up to speed on the latest financial risk management practices and procedures. This popular book on enterprise risk management has been expanded and updated to include new themes and current trends for today's risk practitioner. It features up-to-date materials on new threats, lessons from the recent financial crisis, and how businesses need to protect themselves in terms of business interruption, security, project and reputational risk management. Project risk management is now a mature discipline with an international standard for its implementation. This book reinforces that project risk management needs to be systematic, but also that it must be embedded to become part of an organization's DNA. This book promotes techniques that will help you implement a methodical and broad approach to risk management. The author is a well-known expert and boasts a wealth of experience in project and enterprise risk management Easy-to-navigate structure breaks down the risk management process into stages to aid implementation Examines the external influences that bring sources of business risk that are beyond your control Provides a handy chapter with tips for commissioning consultants for business risk management services It is a business imperative to have a clear vision for risk management. Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management, Second Edition shows you the way.

    Stability and Degradation of Organic and Polymer Solar Cells

    Frederik Krebs C.

    Organic photovoltaics (OPV) are a new generation of solar cells with the potential to offer very short energy pay back times, mechanical flexibility and significantly lower production costs compared to traditional crystalline photovoltaic systems. A weakness of OPV is their comparative instability during operation and this is a critical area of research towards the successful development and commercialization of these 3rd generation solar cells. Covering both small molecule and polymer solar cells, Stability and Degradation of Organic and Polymer Solar Cells summarizes the state of the art understanding of stability and provides a detailed analysis of the mechanisms by which degradation occurs. Following an introductory chapter which compares different photovoltaic technologies, the book focuses on OPV degradation, discussing the origin and characterization of the instability and describing measures for extending the duration of operation. Topics covered include: Chemical and physical probes for studying degradation Imaging techniques Photochemical stability of OPV materials Degradation mechanisms Testing methods Barrier technology and applications Stability and Degradation of Organic and Polymer Solar Cells is an essential reference source for researchers in academia and industry, engineers and manufacturers working on OPV design, development and implementation.

    Membership Rules! The Art of Selling What Matters

    Sheri Jacobs

    This short form original eBook is an extension of Sheri's speaking engagements. It opens with an introduction to Sheri's key principles/rules of membership which will be expanded upon in much greater detail with examples in the full-length book publishing in January 2014. This original, 10,000 word, short format piece focuses on the principle of Selling What Matters,

    Medical Imaging Based on Magnetic Fields and Ultrasounds

    Hervé Fanet

    This book describes the different principles and equipment used in medical imaging. The importance of medical imaging for diagnostics is rapidly increasing. A good working knowledge of all the different possible physical principles involved in medical imaging is now imperative. This book covers many of these principles including matter photon interactions, the principles of detectors, detectors and information processing for radiology, X-ray tomography, positron tomography, single photon tomography and optical tomography.

    Diversity and Non-integer Differentiation for System Dynamics

    Alain Oustaloup

    Based on a structured approach to diversity, notably inspired by various forms of diversity of natural origins, Diversity and Non-integer Derivation Applied to System Dynamics provides a study framework to the introduction of the non-integer derivative as a modeling tool. Modeling tools that highlight unsuspected dynamical performances (notably damping performances) in an «integer» approach of mechanics and automation are also included. Written to enable a two-tier reading, this is an essential resource for scientists, researchers, and industrial engineers interested in this subject area. Table of Contents: 1. From Diversity to Unexpected Dynamic Performance. 2. The Robustness of Damping. 3. Fractional Differentiation and its Memory. 4. CRONE Suspension Idea. 5. CRONE Control Idea

    Understanding Educational Statistics Using Microsoft Excel and SPSS

    Martin Abbott Lee

    Utilizing the latest software, this book presents the essential statistical procedures for drawing valuable results from data in the social sciences. Mobilizing interesting real-world examples from the field of education, Understanding Educational Statistics Using Microsoft Excel and SPSS supplies a seamless presentation that identifies valuable connections between statistical applications and research design. Class-tested to ensure an accessible presentation, the book combines clear, step-by-step explanations and the use of software packages that are accessible to both the novice and professional alike to present the fundamental statistical practices for organizing, understanding, and drawing conclusions from educational research data. The book begines with an introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics and then proceeds to acquaint readers with the various functions for working with quantitative data in the Microsoft Excel environment, such as spreadsheet navigation; sorting and filtering; and creating pivot tables. Subsequent chapters treat the procedures that are commonly-employed when working with data across various fields of social science research, including: Single-sample tests Repeated measure tests Independent t-tests One way ANOVA and factorial ANOVA Correlation Bivariate regression Chi square Multiple regression Individual chapters are devoted to specific procedures, each ending with a lab exercise that highlights the importance of that procedure by posing a research question, examining the question through its application in Excel and SPSS, and concluding with a brief research report that outlines key findings drawn from the results. Real-world examples and data from modern educational research are used throughout the book, and a related Web site features additional data sets, examples, and labs, allowing readers to reinforce their comprehension of the material. Bridging traditional statistical topics with the latest software and applications in the field of education, Understanding Educational Statistics Using Microsoft Excel and SPSS is an excellent book for courses on educational research methods and introductory statistics in the social sciences at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It also serves as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the fields of education, psychology, and the social sciences who require a statistical background to work with data in their everyday work.

    Integrated Design by Optimization of Electrical Energy Systems

    Xavier Roboam

    This book proposes systemic design methodologies applied to electrical energy systems, in particular integrated optimal design with modeling and optimization methods and tools. It is made up of six chapters dedicated to integrated optimal design. First, the signal processing of mission profiles and system environment variables are discussed. Then, optimization-oriented analytical models, methods and tools (design frameworks) are proposed. A “multi-level optimization” smartly coupling several optimization processes is the subject of one chapter. Finally, a technico-economic optimization especially dedicated to electrical grids completes the book. The aim of this book is to summarize design methodologies based in particular on a systemic viewpoint, by considering the system as a whole. These methods and tools are proposed by the most important French research laboratories, which have many scientific partnerships with other European and international research institutions. Scientists and engineers in the field of electrical engineering, especially teachers/researchers because of the focus on methodological issues, will find this book extremely useful, as will PhD and Masters students in this field.

    Discrete Event Systems in Dioid Algebra and Conventional Algebra

    Philippe Declerck

    This book concerns the use of dioid algebra as (max, +) algebra to treat the synchronization of tasks expressed by the maximum of the ends of the tasks conditioning the beginning of another task – a criterion of linear programming. A classical example is the departure time of a train which should wait for the arrival of other trains in order to allow for the changeover of passengers. The content focuses on the modeling of a class of dynamic systems usually called “discrete event systems” where the timing of the events is crucial. Events are viewed as sudden changes in a process which is, essentially, a man-made system, such as automated manufacturing lines or transportation systems. Its main advantage is its formalism which allows us to clearly describe complex notions and the possibilities to transpose theoretical results between dioids and practical applications.

    Erosion in Geomechanics Applied to Dams and Levees

    Stephane Bonelli

    Erosion is the most common cause of failures at earth-dams, dikes and levees, whether through overtopping and overflowing, or internal erosion and piping. This book is dedicated to the phenomenon of internal erosion and piping. It is not intended to be exhaustive on the subject, but brings together some of the latest international research and advances. Emphasis is placed on physical processes, how they can be studied in the laboratory, and how test results can be applied to levees and dams. The results from several research projects in Australia, France, the Netherlands and the United States are covered by the authors. Our aim has been to share our most recent findings with students, researchers and practitioners. Understanding the failure of an earth-dam or a levee by erosion in a unified framework, whether internal erosion or surface erosion, requires continuous research in this field. We hope that the reader will gain knowledge from this book that leads to further progress in the challenging field of the safety of levees and dams. Contents 1. State of The Art on the Likelihood of Internal Erosion of Dams and Levees by Means of Testing, Robin Fell and Jean-Jacques Fry. 2. Contact Erosion, Pierre Philippe, Rémi Beguin and Yves-Henri Faure. 3. Backward Erosion Piping, Vera Van Beek, Adam Bezuijen and Hans Sellmeijer. 4. Concentrated Leak Erosion, Stéphane Bonelli, Robin Fell and Nadia Benahmed. 5. Relationship between the Erosion Properties of Soils and Other Parameters, Robin Fell, Gregory Hanson, Gontran Herrier, Didier Marot and Tony Wahl. About the Authors Stéphane Bonelli is a Research Professor at Irstea (French Environmental Sciences and Technologies Research Institute) in Aix-en-Provence, France. He has over 20 years of teaching and research experience, and has been a member of the ICOLD (International Commission on Large Dams) European Working Group on Internal Erosion since 2005. He has participated in 19 large dam reviews in France (visual inspection, monitoring data analysis and numerical modeling). His current activities include research, teaching and consultancy, focusing on soil erosion and the processes of levee breach.