Attempts to provide safer and higher quality fresh and minimally processed produce have given rise to a wide variety of decontamination methods, each of which have been extensively researched in recent years. Decontamination of Fresh and Minimally Processed Produce is the first book to provide a systematic view of the different types of decontaminants for fresh and minimally processed produce. By describing the different effects – microbiological, sensory, nutritional and toxicological – of decontamination treatments, a team of internationally respected authors reveals not only the impact of decontaminants on food safety, but also on microbial spoilage, vegetable physiology, sensory quality, nutritional and phytochemical content and shelf-life. Regulatory and toxicological issues are also addressed. The book first examines how produce becomes contaminated, the surface characteristics of produce related to bacterial attachment, biofilm formation and resistance, and sublethal damage and its implications for decontamination. After reviewing how produce is washed and minimally processed, the various decontamination methods are then explored in depth, in terms of definition, generation devices, microbial inactivation mechanisms, and effects on food safety. Decontaminants covered include: chlorine, electrolyzed oxidizing water, chlorine dioxide, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, peroxyacetic acid, essential oils and edible films and coatings. Other decontamination methods addressed are biological strategies (bacteriophages, protective cultures, bacteriocins and quorum sensing) and physical methods (mild heat, continuous UV light, ionizing radiation) and various combinations of these methods through hurdle technology. The book concludes with descriptions of post-decontamination methods related to storage, such as modified atmosphere packaging, the cold chain, and modeling tools for predicting microbial growth and inactivation. The many methods and effects of decontamination are detailed, enabling industry professionals to understand the available state-of-the-art methods and select the most suitable approach for their purposes. The book serves as a compendium of information for food researchers and students of pre- and postharvest technology, food microbiology and food technology in general. The structure of the book allows easy comparisons among methods, and searching information by microorganism, produce, and quality traits.
Cosmesis of the Mouth, Face and Jaws provides a unique, whole-face approach to cosmetic procedures, focusing on oral, facial and gnathic components. Covering the core repertoire of cosmetic facial and dental procedures, including oral and maxillofacial surgery, cosmetic dentistry, prosthetic dentistry, orthodontics, head and neck surgery, plastic surgery, dermatology and more, this landmark text offers thorough and pragmatic clinical guidance in each area, as well as discussion of the relevant biological and scientific background, evidence (where available) and detection and avoidance of complications. The first book on facial cosmesis written by numerous experts in various specialties, Cosmesis of the Mouth, Face and Jaws acts as a cornerstone for those studying and expanding repertoire into this vast and absorbing area. Clear and precise text is accompanied by a wealth of clinical illustrations and photos in full color throughout, making this a must-have reference for oral and maxillofacial surgeons, specialists, dental and medical students, residents, clinicians and all practitioners interested in facial cosmesis.
Sustainable Stormwater Management introduces engineers and designers to ideas and methods for managing stormwater in a more ecologically sustainable fashion. It provides detailed information on the design process, engineering details and calculations, and construction concerns. Concepts are illustrated with real-world examples, complete with photographs. This guide integrates the perspectives of landscape architects, planners, and scientists for a multi-disciplinary approach. This is an enlightening reference for professionals working in stormwater management, from engineers and designers to developers to regulators, and a great text for college courses.
The 2008 financial crisis highlighted the need for responsible corporate governance within financial institutions. The key to ensuring that adequate standards are maintained lies with effective accounting and auditing standards. Accounting for Investments: Equities, Futures and Options offers a comprehensive overview of these key financial instruments and their treatment in the accounting sector, with special reference to the regulatory requirements. The book uses the US GAAP requirements as the standard model and the IFRS variants of the same are also given. Accounting for Investments starts from the basics of each financial product and: defines the product analyses the structure of the product evaluates its advantages and disadvantages describes the different events in the trade cycle elaborates on the accounting entries related to these events. The author also explains how the entries are reflected in the general ledger accounts, thus providing a macro level picture for the reader to understand the impact of such accounting. Lucidly written and informative, Accounting for Investments is a comprehensive guide for any professional dealing with these complex products. It also provides an accessible text for technology experts who develop software and support systems for the finance industry.
In today’s world, bioplastics are becoming increasingly prominent owing mainly to scarcity of oil, increase in the cost of petroleum-based commodities, and growing environmental concerns with the dumping of non-biodegradable plastics in landfills. This book summarizes the field of bioplastics by illustrating how they form a unique class of research area that integrates pure and applied sciences such as chemistry, engineering and materials science, to initate solutions. Compelling science demystics this complex and often ambiguous branch of study for benefit of all those concerned with bioplastics.
Build an intuitive understanding of the principles behind quantum mechanics through practical construction and replication of original experiments With easy-to-acquire, low-cost materials and basic knowledge of algebra and trigonometry, Exploring Quantum Physics through Hands-on Projects takes readers step by step through the process of re-creating scientific experiments that played an essential role in the creation and development of quantum mechanics. Presented in near chronological order—from discoveries of the early twentieth century to new material on entanglement—this book includes question- and experiment-filled chapters on: Light as a Wave Light as Particles Atoms and Radioactivity The Principle of Quantum Physics Wave/Particle Duality The Uncertainty Principle Schrödinger (and his Zombie Cat) Entanglement From simple measurements of Planck's constant to testing violations of Bell's inequalities using entangled photons, Exploring Quantum Physics through Hands-on Projects not only immerses readers in the process of quantum mechanics, it provides insight into the history of the field—how the theories and discoveries apply to our world not only today, but also tomorrow. By immersing readers in groundbreaking experiments that can be performed at home, school, or in the lab, this first-ever, hands-on book successfully demystifies the world of quantum physics for all who seek to explore it—from science enthusiasts and undergrad physics students to practicing physicists and engineers.
Broad in scope, involving theory, the application of that theory, and programming technology, compiler construction is a moving target, with constant advances in compiler technology taking place. Today, a renewed focus on do-it-yourself programming makes a quality textbook on compilers, that both students and instructors will enjoy using, of even more vital importance. This book covers every topic essential to learning compilers from the ground up and is accompanied by a powerful and flexible software package for evaluating projects, as well as several tutorials, well-defined projects, and test cases.
An ambitious rendering of the digital future from a pioneer of media and cultural studies, a wise and witty take on a changing field, and our orientation to it Investigates the uses of multimedia by creative and productive citizen-consumers to provide new theories of communication that accommodate social media, participatory action, and user-creativity Leads the way for new interdisciplinary engagement with systems thinking, complexity and evolutionary sciences, and the convergence of cultural and economic values Analyzes the historical uses of multimedia from print, through broadcasting to the internet Combines conceptual innovation with historical erudition to present a high-level synthesis of ideas and detailed analysis of emergent forms and practices Features an international focus and global reach to provide a basis for students and researchers seeking broader perspectives
This book reviews chiral polymer synthesis and its application to asymmetric catalysis. It features the design and use of polymer-immobilized catalysts and methods for their design and synthesis. Chapters cover peptide-catalyzed and enantioselective synthesis, optically-active polymers, and continuous flow processes. It collects recent advances in an important field of polymer and organic chemistry, with leading researchers explaining applications in academic and industry R & D.
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
Presents the up-to-date information on the state of materials from electronic, magnetic, and photonic materials, light metals, materials processing and manufacturing, and structural materials which are of invaluable benefit to the global industry.