Unique, multi-level textbook is adaptable to introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels This revolutionary textbook takes a unique approach to electromagnetic theory, comparing both conventional and modern theories. It explores both the Maxwell-Poynting representation as well as the Alternate representation, which the author demonstrates is generally simpler and more suitable for analyzing modern electromagnetic environments. Throughout the text, students and researchers have the opportunity to examine both of these theories and discover how each one can be applied to solve problems. The text is divided into four parts: Part I: Basic Electromagnetic Theory includes Maxwell's equations, quasistatics, power and energy, stress and momentum, and electromagnetic wave theorems and principles Part II: Four-Dimensional Electromagnetism includes four-dimensional vectors and tensors and energy-momentum tensors Part III: Electromagnetic Examples includes statics and quasistatics, accelerating charges, plane waves, transmission lines, waveguides, antennas and diffraction, and ferrites Part IV: Backmatter includes a summary, appendices, and references Designed to accommodate a broad range of interests and backgrounds, the text's companion DVD enables readers to reconfigure the material as an introductory-, intermediate-, or advanced-level text. Moreover, the text and its DVD offer a broad range of features that make it possible for readers to quickly grasp new concepts and apply them in practice: Practice problems provide the opportunity to solve real-world problems using electromagnetic theory Forty animations illustrate electric and magnetic field transients Line drawings and computer-generated mathematical figures clarify complex concepts and procedures. Maxima, a powerful symbolic mathematics program, helps readers explore four-dimensional electromagnetic theory as well as perform numerical and graphical analyses Adaptable to multiple levels, this text can be used for both undergraduate and graduate coursework. It is also recommended as a reference for researchers in such fields as electrical engineering, laser physics, materials science, and biomedical engineering.
Accurately interpret graphic and written construction documents Construction documents are the vital link between the architect's vision and the finished physical structure. Building professionals must accurately read and follow these documents in order to build a given design in the most efficient way possible. Print and Specifications Reading for Construction explains exactly how to interpret construction documents, offering students and professionals a complete package for learning and understanding. The text clearly lays out different graphic and written document types, how they developed, what information they contain, and their current use in residential and commercial construction today. Next, it looks in depth at the documents, revealing how each type works in action through example projects. Alongside the text, online access to three complete sets of sample sheets gives you experience working with prints and specifications. Inside you will discover: How to solve real construction problems in large-scale residential and commercial projects Coverage of architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and civil drawings and specifications Relevant terminology for, and practical applications of, sustainability and Building Information Modeling (BIM) Practice questions and exercises throughout An all-in-one reference that combines clearly written text, complete document sample sets, and up-to-date digital resources, Print and Specifications Reading for Construction is an essential companion for anyone learning or practicing construction or contracting.
This book covers important advances in enzymology, explaining the behavior of enzymes and how they can be utilized to develop novel drugs, synthesize known and novel compounds, and understand evolutionary processes. Advances in Enzymology focuses on enzymes, the primary catalysts of life processes. The explanation of the behavior of enzymes can be found via studies of their chemical mechanisms and can be utilized to develop novel drugs, synthesize known and novel compounds, and understand evolutionary processes. The transglutaminases, first described in 1957, are a large, widely-distributed family of enzymes canonically responsible for the amidation/transamidation of protein side chains. The extraordinary diversity of names associated with various enzymatic activities now recognized and aggregated as transglutaminase bears witness to the remarkable diversity of biological roles associated with the activity, including myriad human diseases.
This book aims to disseminate geometric algebra as a straightforward mathematical tool set for working with and understanding classical electromagnetic theory. It's target readership is anyone who has some knowledge of electromagnetic theory, predominantly ordinary scientists and engineers who use it in the course of their work, or postgraduate students and senior undergraduates who are seeking to broaden their knowledge and increase their understanding of the subject. It is assumed that the reader is not a mathematical specialist and is neither familiar with geometric algebra or its application to electromagnetic theory. The modern approach, geometric algebra, is the mathematical tool set we should all have started out with and once the reader has a grasp of the subject, he or she cannot fail to realize that traditional vector analysis is really awkward and even misleading by comparison. Professors can request a solutions manual by email: [email protected]
Bohdan W. Oppenheim has pulled together experience-based insights of experts across industry, government, and academia into a comprehensive sourcebook for lean systems engineering principles and practices. This book can educate those new to lean engineering, as well as provide new insights and enablers that best-in-class organizations will want to adopt. —Dr. Donna H. Rhodes, Principal Research Scientist, SEAri and LAI, Massachusetts Institute of Technology «Lean for Systems Engineering is targeted at the practitioner who is trying to make systems engineering more effective in her or his organization or program, yet its scholarly underpinnings make the text very suitable for teachers. Educators and trainers who wish to weave lean thinking into their systems engineering curriculum will find this an invaluable text.» —Earll M. Murman, Ford Professor of Engineering Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology "At last, a book that distills years of research and scholarly inquiry into a concise and coherent form for both the student and practitioner. This book will become the favored guide and 'must read' for any engineer and manager trying to establish and maintain lean practices and principles in their systems engineering/product development processes. —J. Robert Wirthlin, PhD, Lt. Col., USAF, Program Director of the Graduate Research and Development Management Program, Air Force Institute of Technology Visiting Faculty, U.S. Air Force Center for Systems Engineering «A vital contribution to linking lean practices to systems engineering. I will definitely use it as a reference for my course and writings on a value approach to product and system development.» —Dr. Stanley I. Weiss, Consulting Professor, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University «Taking the opportunity to develop and refine the Lean Enablers for Systems Engineering provided clear direction for Lean Engineering Accelerated Planning at Rockwell Collins. The Lean Enablers form a solid basis for Lean Product Development. Following this checklist and methodology promotes Lean value and waste elimination—and commonsense best practices.» —Deborah A. Secor, Principal Project Manager and Lean Master, Rockwell Collins «Bo Oppenheim has been at the forefront of lean systems engineering for the better part of the last decade…An ardent advocate of lean systems engineering, the author has offered an honest appraisal of where lean systems engineering stands today. Practitioners interested in lean systems engineering will find the Lean Enablers especially useful.»– Azad M. Madni, PhD, Professor and Director, SAE Program, Viterbi School of Engineering; Professor, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
This book will advance the understanding and application of self-adaptive intelligent systems; therefore it will potentially benefit the long-term goal of replicating certain levels of brain-like intelligence in complex and networked engineering systems. It will provide new approaches for adaptive systems within uncertain environments. This will provide an opportunity to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current state-of-the-art of knowledge, give rise to new research directions, and educate future professionals in this domain. Self-adaptive intelligent systems have wide applications from military security systems to civilian daily life. In this book, different application problems, including pattern recognition, classification, image recovery, and sequence learning, will be presented to show the capability of the proposed systems in learning, memory, and prediction. Therefore, this book will also provide potential new solutions to many real-world applications.
Discover new and emerging applications for microdialysis in drug evaluation Microdialysis is a highly valuable sampling tool that can be used in vivo to measure free, unbound analyte concentrations located in interstitial and extracellular spaces. This book explores the full range of clinical applications for microdialysis, focusing on its use in different organ and tissue systems for pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies. Readers gain a full understanding of the underlying science of microdialysis, current techniques and practices, as well as its many applications in pharmaceutical research. Applications of Microdialysis in Pharmaceutical Science starts with an introduction to basic principles and then covers analytical considerations, pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic studies, clinical aspects, and special applications. Topics include: Role of microdialysis in drug development, including crucial sampling considerations and applications for nervous system diseases Continuous measurement of glucose concentrations in diabetics Applications for clinical evaluation and basic research on organ systems, including monitoring exogenous and endogenous compounds in the lungs Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic evaluation of anticancer drugs Comparison of microdialysis with imaging approaches to evaluate in vivo drug distribution Special applications of microdialysis in studies of cell culture assays, drug-drug interactions, and environmental monitoring Throughout the book, readers will find simple models that clarify complex concepts and easy-to-follow examples that guide them through key applications in pharmaceutical research. In short, this book enables pharmaceutical researchers to take full advantage of microdialysis techniques for the preclinical and clinical evaluation of drugs and much more.
Theodor Adorno’s reputation as a cultural critic has been well-established for some time, but his status as a philosopher remains unclear. In Adorno and the Ends of Philosophy Andrew Bowie seeks to establish what Adorno can contribute to philosophy today. Adorno’s published texts are notably difficult and have tended to hinder his reception by a broad philosophical audience. His main influence as a philosopher when he was alive was, though, often based on his very lucid public lectures. Drawing on these lectures, both published and unpublished, Bowie argues that important recent interpretations of Hegel, and related developments in pragmatism, echo key ideas in Adorno’s thought. At the same time, Adorno’s insistence that philosophy should make the Holocaust central to the assessment of modern rationality suggests ways in which these approaches should be complemented by his preparedness to confront some of the most disturbing aspects of modern history. What emerges is a remarkably clear and engaging re-interpretation of Adorno’s thought, as well as an illuminating and original review of the state of contemporary philosophy. Adorno and the Ends of Philosophy will be indispensable to students of Adorno’s work at all levels. This compelling book is also set to ignite debate surrounding the reception of Adorno’s philosophy and bring him into the mainstream of philosophical debate at a time when the divisions between analytical and European philosophy are increasingly breaking down.
Governments have failed to stem global emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases causing climate change. Indeed, climate-changing pollution is increasing globally, and will do so for decades to come without far more aggressive action. What explains this failure to effectively tackle one of the world's most serious problems? And what can we do about it? To answer these questions, Paul G. Harris looks at climate politics as a doctor might look at a very sick patient. He performs urgent diagnoses and prescribes vital treatments to revive our ailing planet before it's too late. The book begins by diagnosing what’s most wrong with climate politics, including the anachronistic international system, which encourages nations to fight for their narrowly perceived interests and makes major cuts in greenhouse pollution extraordinarily difficult; the deadlock between the United States and China, which together produce over one-third of global greenhouse gas pollution but do little more than demand that the other act first; and affluent lifestyles and overconsumption, which are spreading rapidly from industrialized nations to the developing world. The book then prescribes several «remedies» for the failed politics of climate change, including a new kind of climate diplomacy with people at its center, national policies that put the common but differentiated responsibilities of individuals alongside those of nations, and a campaign for simultaneously enhancing human wellbeing and environmental sustainability. While these treatments are aspirational, they are not intended to be utopian. As Harris shows, they are genuine, workable solutions to what ails the politics of climate change today.
Jetzt in der dritten, uberarbeiteten, erweiterten, deutschsprachigen Auflage! Dieses NMR-Lehrbuch bietet dem Leser eine praxisnahe Hilfe bei der Ubersetzung von NMR-Spektren in die Struktur organischer Verbindungen. Nach einer sehr kurzen theoretischen Einleitung, in der die wichtigsten Begriffe erklart werden, folgt eine Einfuhrung in die Strategie und Taktik der Strukturaufklarung mit NMR-Methoden. Ein Schwerpunkt sind 55 Fallstudien mit Spektren bzw. Spektrenserien abgestuften Schwierigkeitsgrades zum Selbststudium sowie ausfuhrliche Losungsvorschlage zum Nachvollziehen. Neu hinzugekommen sind einige aktuelle zweidimensionale NMR-Experimente der heteronuklearen und homonuklearen Korrelation chemischer Verschiebungen sowie neue Aufgaben zu deren Anwendung. Dieser Klassiker unter den NMR-Lehrbuchern ist unentbehrlich fur jeden, der zur Aufklarung organischer Strukturen die NMR-Spektroskopie anwendet.