Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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n. 1. Alliance, confederation, confederacy, combination, coalition, union.

      2. Three geographical miles.

      League, v. n. Unite, combine, confederate, form a league, form an alliance.

      Leagued, a. United, combined, allied, confederated, confederate, banded.

      Leak, n. Fissure (letting a liquid in or out), chink, crevice, hole.

      Lean, v. n. 1. Incline (from a perpendicular).

      2. Recline, bear, rest.

      3. Tend, have a tendency.

      Lean, v. a. Rest, incline for support.

      Lean, a. 1. Thin, poor, gaunt, emaciated, meagre, lank, skinny, fallen away.

      2. Barren, jejune, tame, prosy, dull.

      3. Scanty, slender, pitiful, inadequate, not full or abundant, not plentiful, not ample, not enough.

      Leaning, n. Bent, inclination, bias, propensity, proneness, tendency.

      Lean-to, n. Penthouse.

      Leap, v. n. Jump, bound, spring, vault, hop, caper.

      Leap, v. a. Jump over, bound across.

      Leap, n. Jump, spring, bound, vault, hop, caper.

      Leap-year, n. Bissextile.

      Learn, v. a. 1. Get a knowledge of, acquire skill in, make one's self acquainted with, make one's self master of.

      2. Be informed of.

      Learn by heart, Memorize, commit to memory, get by heart.

      Learned, a. 1. Erudite, lettered, deep-read.

      2. Knowing, skilled, experienced, well-informed.

      Learning, n. 1. Acquisition of knowledge.

      2. Erudition, scholarship, acquirements, attainments, lore, acquired knowledge.

      Lease, v. a. Let (for a term of years).

      Leash, n. 1. Thong or string (for holding a dog or a hawk).

      2. Three (greyhounds, &c.).

      Leash, v. a. Tie, tie together.

      Least, a. Smallest, minutest.

      Least, ad. In the smallest degree.

      Leathery, a. Tough, coriaceous.

      Leave, n. 1. Permission, liberty, allowance, license.

      2. Withdrawal, retirement, departure.

      Leave, v. a. 1. Quit, vacate, withdraw from, depart from, go away from, retire from, get away from.

      2. Abandon, forsake, desert, relinquish, renounce, put aside, lay aside, give up, give over.

      3. Let alone, let be, suffer to remain undisturbed, forbear to meddle with.

      4. Commit, consign, refer.

      5. Stop, forbear, cease from, desist from, refrain from, leave off, break off, make an end of.

      6. Permit, allow, let, give leave, give permission.

      7. Bequeath, demise, devise, will, give by will.

      Leave, v. n. Desist, stop, cease, forbear, leave off.

      Leave off, (Active.) Forbear, desist from, break off.

      Leave off, (Neuter.) Desist, stop, leave.

      Leave out, Omit.

      Leaven, n. 1. Yeast, ferment, barm, emptyings, fermenting substance.

      2. Pervading influence.

      Leaven, v. a. 1. Produce or excite fermentation in.

      2. Imbue, infect, vitiate, taint.

      Leavings, n. pl. Remains, remnants, relics, fragments, scraps, pieces, refuse, odds and ends.

      Leaves, n. pl. Foliage.

      Lecherous, a. Lewd, lascivious, libidinous, lustful, carnal, salacious, lickerish, concupiscent, prurient, wanton, unchaste, incontinent.

      Lechery, n. Lewdness, lasciviousness, concupiscence, lust, carnal desire, animal appetite.

      Lection, n. Reading, version, interpretation.

      Lecture, n. 1. Discourse, prelection.

      2. Formal censure, lesson.

      Lecture, v. a. 1. Deliver a lecture to.

      2. Reprove formally.

      Ledge, n. 1. Shelf.

      2. Ridge of rocks.

      Lee, a. To leeward (opposed to weather).

      Lee, n. Leeward, lee side, side sheltered from the wind.

      Leer, v. n. Look askance (in contempt).

      Lees, n. pl. Dregs, sediment, settlings, precipitate, dunder.

      Leeward, n. Lee, lee side.

      Legacy, n. Bequest, devise, gift by will.

      Legal, a. Lawful, legitimate, legalized, authorized or sanctioned (by law), according to law.

      Legality, n. Lawfulness, conformity to law.

      Legalize, v. a. 1. Authorize, permit by law.

      2. Sanction, legitimate, legitimize, make legal, confirm by law.

      Legate, n. 1. Ambassador, deputy, envoy, delegate.

      2. The Pope's ambassador.

      Legation, n. Embassy, deputation, body of diplomatists.

      Legend, n. 1. Fable, myth, fiction, doubtful narrative, fictitious story.

      2. Motto (round a coin or a medal).

      Legendary, a. Fabulous, fictitious, mythical.

      Legerdemain, n. Juggle, juggling, sleight of hand.

      Legible, a. 1. Readable, plain, fair.

      2. Manifest, apparent, recognizable, discoverable.

      Legion, n. 1. Army, host, military force, body of troops.

      2. Multitude, great number.

      Legislate, v. n. Make laws, enact laws.

      Legislative, a. Law-making.

      Legislator, n. Lawgiver, lawmaker.

      Legislature, n. Legislative body.

      Legitimacy, n. 1. Legality, lawfulness, accordance with law.

      2. Genuineness.

      Legitimate, a. 1. Legal, lawful, in accordance with law.

      2. Born in wedlock, lawfully begotten.

      3. Genuine, not spurious.

      Legitimate, v. a. Legalize, make legitimate.

      Legitimize, v. a. Legalize, make legitimate.

      Legume, n. (Bot.) Simple pod (of two valves).

      Legumes, n. pl. Pulse, fruit of leguminous plants.

      Leisure, n. Spare hours, spare time, time to spare.

      Lend, v. a. 1. Loan, accommodate with.

      2. Give, grant, afford, furnish, bestow, confer, impart.

      Lend a hand, Render assistance, put one's shoulder to the wheel, hold out a helping hand, give one a lift, give one a turn, do one a favor, help a lame dog over a stile.

      Length, n. 1. Extent, longitude.

      2. Long duration.

      Lengthen, v. a. 1. Elongate, extend (in space), stretch, draw out.

      2. Protract, continue, prolong, extend (in time), spin out.

      Lengthen, v. n. Become longer, grow longer, increase in length.

      Lengthways, ad. Longitudinally.

      Lengthwise, ad. Longitudinally.

      Lengthy, a. Long, lengthened, prolonged, prolix, not short, not brief.

      Lenience, n. Clemency, mildness, lenity, mercy, tenderness,