Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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get at the truth, arrive at the truth, sit in judgment.

      Judge, v. a. 1. Try, doom, pass sentence upon.

      2. Consider, regard, think, esteem, reckon, account, deem, believe, hold, suppose, imagine.

      3. Appreciate, estimate, form an opinion about.

      Judgment, n. 1. Discernment, understanding, intelligence, discrimination, taste, sagacity, penetration, wisdom, brains, prudence, ballast, depth, sense, mother-wit, quick parts, common sense, good sense, long head.

      2. Determination, decision, conclusion, opinion, notion, estimate.

      3. (Law.) Sentence, award, decree.

      Judgment-day, n. Day of judgment, the last day.

      Judgment-seat, n. Tribunal, court, bar, bench.

      Judicature, n. 1. Administration of justice.

      2. Jurisdiction.

      Judicial, a. Juridical, forensic.

      Judiciary, n. Body of judges.

      Judicious, a. Sensible, wise, prudent, discreet, considerate, rational, reasonable, enlightened, sagacious, provident, sober, sound, staid, solid, cool, politic.

      Jug, n. 1. [England.] Pitcher, ewer.

      2. [Colloquial.] Prison, jail, tollbooth, penitentiary, bridewell, workhouse, house of correction.

      Juggle, v. n. Conjure, play tricks, practise jugglery, practise magic or sorcery.

      Juggle, n. Trick, imposture, imposition, deception, cheat, fraud.

      Juggler, n. Sorcerer, magician, seer, conjurer, enchanter, charmer, wizard, necromancer, exorcist, diviner.

      Jugglery, n. Legerdemain, trickery, imposture, deceit sleight of hand.

      Juice, n. Sap, fluid part.

      Juiceless, a. Sapless, dry.

      Juicy, a. Succulent, moist, watery, sappy, lush, full of juice.

      Jumble, v. a. Mix confusedly, throw together in disorder.

      Jumble, n. Disorder, confusion, hodge-podge, hotch-potch, gallimaufry, olio, olla podrida, confused mass, disorderly mixture.

      Jump, v. a. Jump over, leap over, skip over, pass by a leap.

      Jump, v. n. Leap, spring, bound, skip, hop, vault, caper.

      Jump, n. Leap, spring, bound, hop, vault, caper.

      Junction, n. 1. Joining, union, combination, connection, linking, coupling.

      2. Juncture, joint, place of meeting.

      Juncture, n. 1. Joint, junction.

      2. Conjuncture, crisis, exigency.

      June-berry, n. 1. Shad-bush, shad-berry (Amelanchier Canadensis).

      2. Service-berry (the fruit of the shad-bush).

      Jungle, n. Thicket (of brushwood, shrubs, and woods), brake.

      Junior, a. Younger.

      Junket, n. Sweetmeat, delicacy.

      Junto, n. Cabal, faction, combination (against a government), party, coterie, clique, set, gang, league, confederacy, secret council.

      Juridical, a. Judicial, forensic.

      Jurisconsult, n. Jurist, civilian, counsellor, lawyer.

      Jurisdiction, n. Judicature, extent of authority, legal power.

      Jurisprudence, n. Science of law.

      Jurist, n. Civilian, jurisconsult, lawyer, counsellor.

      Juror, n. Juryman.

      Juryman, n. Juror.

      Just, a. 1. Equitable, right, rightful, lawful, reasonable.

      2. Honest, fair, upright, righteous, blameless, pure, conscientious, uncorrupt, virtuous, honorable, impartial, even-handed, straightforward.

      3. Exact, true, proper, accurate, correct, normal, regular.

      4. Deserved, merited, condign, suitable, due.

      Just, ad. Exactly, precisely.

      Just now, Very recently, a moment ago.

      Justice, n. 1. Equity, equitableness, right, justness, fairness, impartiality, rectitude, fair play.

      2. Judge, justiciary.

      Justiciary, n. Judge, justice.

      Justifiable, a. Defensible, warrantable, vindicable, right, fit, proper.

      Justification, n. 1. Vindication, defence, exculpation, exoneration.

      2. (Theol.) Absolution, sanctification, remission of sin.

      Justify, v. a. 1. Vindicate, warrant, defend, maintain, exculpate, excuse, exonerate, set right.

      2. (Theol.) Absolve, acquit, free from sin, clear from guilt.

      3. (Printing.) Adjust.

      Justle, v. a. [Written also Jostle.] 1. Collide, strike against, hit against.

      2. Shake (by hitting), joggle.

      Justness, n. 1. Justice, equity, equitableness, fairness, right.

      2. Exactness, accuracy, propriety.

      Jut, v. n. Project, protrude, stand out, jut out.

      Jut out, v. n. Project, jut.

      Juvenile, a. Young, youthful, childish.

      Juxtaposition, n. Proximity, contiguity, contact.


      Kale, n. Colewort.

      Kamachi, n. Horned-screamer (Palamedea cornuta).

      Kamsin, n. Simoon, simoom, samiel.

      Keen, a. 1. Eager, zealous, ardent, earnest, fervid, vehement.

      2. Sharp, acute, with a fine edge.

      3. Piercing, penetrating, cutting.

      4. Severe, bitter, poignant, acrimonious, caustic.

      5. Shrewd, discerning, quick, sagacious, astute, keen-sighted, keen-eyed, clear-sighted, long-headed.

      Keen-eyed, a. Keen, keen-sighted, sharp-sighted.

      Keenness, n. 1. Ardor, vehemence, eagerness, earnestness, fervor.

      2. Sharpness, acuteness.

      3. Severity, rigor, sternness.

      4. Poignancy, causticity, acrimony, asperity, bitterness.

      5. Shrewdness, sagacity, astuteness.

      Keen-sighted, a. Keen, sharp-sighted, keen-eyed.

      Keep, v. a. 1. Retain, detain, hold, hold fast.

      2. Preserve, maintain, continue.

      3. Restrain, withhold.

      4. Guard, protect, take care of.

      5. Fulfil, observe, adhere to, be faithful to, be true to, stand by.

      6. Celebrate, honor, solemnize, commemorate, do honor to.

      7. Sustain, support, maintain.

      Keep, v. n. 1. Continue, remain.

      2. Stay, abide, lodge, dwell.

      3. Endure, last.

      Keep, n. Stronghold, donjon.

      Keep an eye on, Watch, mark, observe, have an eye on.

      Keep dark, Keep one's own counsel, seal the lips, not breathe a syllable about it, keep the matter to one's self.

      Keep under, Control, restrain, keep in subjection.

      Keeping, n. 1. Care, custody, charge, guardianship.

      2. Support, maintenance, feed.

      3. Harmony, conformity, congruity, consistency, agreement.

      Kelp, n. 1. Barilla, carbonate of soda (impure).

      2. Sea-weed (from which barilla is made).

      Ken, n. View,