Название | Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z |
Автор произведения | Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин |
Жанр | |
Серия | |
Издательство | |
Год выпуска | 2024 |
isbn |
Lightsome, a. 1. Luminous, full of light.
2. Gay, buoyant, lively, cheerful, blithesome, blithe, merry.
Light upon, Light on.
Lign-aloes, n. Agalloch, aloes wood.
Ligneous, a. Woody.
Lignine, n. (Chem.) Woody fibre.
Lignite, n. (Min.) Fossil wood.
Like, a. 1. Similar, resembling, analogous, allied, parallel, cognate, of a piece.
2. Equal, same.
3. Likely, probable.
Like, n. 1. Equal.
2. Preference, partiality, liking.
Like, ad. 1. In the manner of, in the same manner as.
2. Likely, probably.
Like, v. a. 1. Approve, be pleased with, take pleasure in.
2. Relish, enjoy, be fond of.
3. Esteem, fancy, have a regard for, take a liking to, take to, take a fancy to; find to one's mind, taste, or fancy.
Like, v. n. Choose, prefer, elect, list, think fit, be pleased.
Like blazes, [Low.] Furiously.
Likelihood, n. Probability, verisimilitude.
Likely, a. 1. Probable, credible.
2. In a fair way, to be expected.
3. Pleasing, agreeable, that may be liked.
4. [Colloquial, U. S.] Respectable, worthy, estimable, of good reputation.
Liken, v. a. Compare, show the resemblance of.
Likeness, n. 1. Resemblance, similarity, similitude, semblance, form, external appearance.
2. Copy, fac-simile, counterpart, image, representation, portrait, effigy, statue.
Likewise, ad. Also, too, besides, moreover, furthermore, in addition, to boot, in like manner.
Liking, n. 1. Fondness, partiality, desire, wish.
2. Inclination, disposition, tendency, turn, penchant, leaning, bias, propensity, proclivity, proneness, predisposition, appetency.
Liliputian, a. Pygmean, little, small, tiny, puny, dwarfish, diminutive.
Lily of the valley, May lily (Convallaria majalis).
Limb, n. 1. Member.
2. Branch, bough.
Limb of the law, Lawyer, counsellor, counsel, barrister, advocate, attorney, solicitor, attorney-at-law.
Limber, a. Supple, pliable, pliant, flexible, lithe.
Limbo, n. Hell, limbus, infernal regions, shades below.
Limbus, n. [L.] Limbo.
Lime, n. 1. Quicklime, protoxide of calcium.
2. Linden, lime-tree.
Limit, n. 1. Bound, frontier, boundary, confine, bourn, termination, precinct, marches.
2. Restriction, restraint, obstruction, check, hinderance.
Limit, v. a. 1. Bound, circumscribe, define, set bounds to, fix the limits of.
2. Restrain, restrict.
Limitation, n. Restriction, restraint.
Limning, n. Painting (in water colors).
Limp, a. Limber, flaccid, flexile.
Limp, v. n. Halt, hobble, walk lamely.
Limp, n. Halt, limping gait.
Limpid, a. Clear, lucid, pure, bright, transparent, pellucid.
Limpidity, n. Clearness, brightness, purity, transparency, limpidness.
Limpidness, n. Limpidity.
Lin, n. 1. Pool, pond.
2. [Scottish.] Cataract, waterfall.
Linden, n. Lime-tree.
Line, n. 1. Streak, extended mark.
2. Straight direction.
3. Parallel direction.
4. Thread, cord, string, rope.
5. Row, rank.
6. Row of words (across a page).
7. Note, short letter.
8. Equator, equinoctial circle.
9. One twelfth of an inch.
10. Lineage, race, family.
11. Course, method.
12. Occupation, employment, calling, business, pursuit.
Line, v. a. 1. Cover on the inside.
2. Place along the side of.
Lineage, n. Progeny, race, family, house, genealogy, descent, descendants, line, birth, breed, extraction, ancestry.
Lineal, a. 1. In a direct line (from an ancestor).
2. Linear, in the direction of a line.
Lineament, n. Outline (particularly of the face), feature, trait, line.
Linear, a. Lineal, in the direction of a line.
Linen, n. 1. Cloth of flax, flaxen fabric.
2. Under garments.
Linger, v. n. Loiter, delay, tarry, lag, saunter, be slow, wait long, remain long.
Lingering, a. 1. Delaying, loitering.
2. Protracted.
Lingo, n. (Low.) Language, speech.
Linguiform, a. (Bot.) Tongue-shaped, lingulate.
Linguist, n. Adept in languages.
Linguistics, n. Glossology, glottology.
Lingulate, a. (Bot.) Linguiform, tongue-shaped.
Liniment, n. Embrocation, soft ointment.
Link, n. Connective, copula, vinculum, bond.
Link, v. a. Connect, conjoin, join, unite, bind, tie.
Linseed, n. Flaxseed.
Linsey-woolsey, a. 1. Of linen and wool.
2. Vile, mean, worthless.
Linsey-woolsey, n. 1. Cloth of linen and wool.
2. Motley composition.
Lintel, n. Head-piece (of a door-frame or a window-frame).
Lion, n. 1. King of beasts.
2. Object of interest, rare spectacle.
Lion's share, Largest portion, greater part.
Lion-hearted, a. Brave, courageous, intrepid, dauntless, bold, valiant.
Lion-like, a. Leonine.
Lippitude, n. Blearedness, dimsightedness.
Lip, n. Edge or border (of the mouth, &c.).
Liquefaction, n. Melting, dissolving, thawing, fusion, dissolution.
Liquefy, v. a. Melt, dissolve, fuse, make liquid.
Liqueur, n. [Fr.] Cordial, aromatized spirit.
Liquid, a. 1. Fluid.
2. Mellifluous, dulcet, soft, clear, flowing.
Liquid, n. Fluid, liquor, liquid substance.
Liquidate, v. a. Settle, adjust, pay, extinguish, pay off, clear off.
Liquidation, n. Settlement, discharge, adjustment, payment.
Liquidity, n. Fluidity, liquidness.
Liquidness, n. Fluidity, liquidity.
Liquor, n. 1. Liquid, fluid, liquid substance.
2. Spirituous or alcoholic liquid.
Liquor of flints, Soluble glass, silicate of soda