Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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cognizance, sight.

      Kennel, n. 1. Dog-house.

      2. Pack of hounds.

      3. Hole (of a wild animal), haunt.

      4. Gutter.

      Kennel, v. n. Dwell (as a dog), lodge, harbor, take shelter.

      Kestrel, n. Windhover, castrel, stannel (Falco tinnunculus).

      Key, n. 1. Clew, guide, explanation, solution, elucidation, clavis.

      2. Tonic, key-note, fundamental note, first note of the scale.

      Key-note, n. Tonic, key.

      Khan, n. 1. Cham, sovereign prince (of Tartary).

      2. Caravansary.

      Kick the beam, Be outweighed, be overbalanced, be overpoised, be the lighter.

      Kick up a dust, [Colloquial.] Make a commotion.

      Kid, n. 1. Young goat.

      2. Kit, small tub.

      Kidnap, v. a. Abduct (any human being), carry off, steal away, run off with.

      Kidnapping, n. Man-stealing, abduction.

      Kill, v. a. Slay, slaughter, murder, despatch, assassinate, carry off, put to death, deprive of life, make away with, give one one's quietus, give a death-blow to.

      Kilt, n. Fillibeg.

      Kin, n. 1. Relationship (by blood or by marriage), consanguinity, affinity.

      2. Relation, relative, kindred, kinsfolk, connection.

      Kin, a. Related, allied, kindred, akin, congenial, cognate, of the same nature, of the same kind, of the same family.

      Kind, a. Benevolent, beneficent, benignant, humane, gracious, friendly, kindly, complacent, complaisant, generous, obliging, bounteous, accommodating, philanthropic, compassionate, mild, benign, clement, good, amiable, charitable, gentle, lenient, indulgent, forbearing, tender, sympathetic, bland, affectionate, loving, good-natured, tender-hearted, kind-hearted.

      Kind, n. 1. Race, genus, family, breed, species, set, class.

      2. Sort, nature, character, manner, description, style.

      Kind-hearted, a. Kind, tender-hearted.

      Kind-heartedness, n. Kindness, kindliness.

      Kindle, v. a. 1. Light, ignite, enkindle, inflame, set fire to, set on fire.

      2. Excite, rouse, awaken, provoke, incite, stimulate, animate, whet, fire, exasperate, foment, enrage, set on, stir up, work up.

      Kindle, v. n. 1. Take fire.

      2. Get excited, grow warm, fly into a passion.

      Kindliness, n. 1. Benignity, kindness, benevolence, humanity, charity, sympathy, compassion, amiability, kind-heartedness, good-nature, good feeling, fellow-feeling.

      2. Mildness, softness, gentleness.

      Kindly, a. 1. Natural, homogeneal, congenial, kindred, proper, appropriate.

      2. Sympathetic, benevolent, gracious, kind.

      Kindness, n. 1. Benevolence, beneficence, benignity, humanity, generosity, philanthropy, charity, kindliness, sympathy, tenderness, amiability, fellow-feeling, clemency, good feeling.

      2. Kind act, good turn, kind office.

      Kindred, n. 1. Relationship, affinity, consanguinity.

      2. Relations, relatives, kin, kinsfolk, kinsmen.

      Kindred, a. Related, cognate, allied, kin, congenial, akin, of the same kind, of the same nature, of the same family.

      King, n. Sovereign, monarch.

      Kingbird, n. Tyrant fly-catcher (Muscicapa tyrannus or Tyrannus intrepidus).

      King-crab, n. Horse-shoe, horse-foot, horse-shoe crab.

      King cup, n. Buttercup, golden cup.

      Kingdom, n. 1. Sovereignty, empire, dominion, supremacy, dynasty, sovereign power, rule, monarchy, supreme power.

      2. Realm, empire, state, nation.

      3. Tract, region.

      4. Division, department.

      Kingly, a. 1. Royal, regal, monarchical, imperial.

      2. Noble, august, imposing, splendid, magnificent, grand.

      King of terrors, Death.

      King's-English, n. Pure English.

      King's-evil, n. Scrofula, struma.

      Kingship, n. Royalty, monarchy.

      King's-yellow, n. Yellow orpiment, yellow sulphuret of arsenic.

      Kink, n. 1. Twist, knot, entanglement.

      2. Whim, crotchet.

      Kinsfolk, n. Relations, relatives, kin, kindred, kinsmen.

      Kinsman, n. Relative, relation.

      Kiss, v. a. Salute, greet with a kiss.

      Kiss, n. Salute.

      Kit, n. 1. Kid, small tub (as for pickled mackerel).

      2. Small pail.

      3. Outfit, working implements.

      4. Violin (small), fiddle.

      Kleptomania, n. Thievishness, klopemania propensity to steal, mania for stealing.

      Klopemanla, n. Kleptomania.

      Knack, n. 1. Toy, plaything, knick-knack, gimcrack, gewgaw, bawble, trifle, jiggumbob.

      2. Dexterity, adroitness, dexterousness, skill, skilfulness, facility, aptness, aptitude, quickness, readiness, address, expertness.

      Knag, n. Knot (in wood).

      Knaggy, a. Knotty, gnarled.

      Knarl, n. Knot, knob, snag.

      Knarled, a. Knotty, knotted, knurly, gnarled.

      Knave, n. 1. Villain, rascal, scoundrel, rogue, cheat, caitiff, swindler, sharper, trickster, scamp, scapegrace, scalawag.

      2. Jack (of cards).

      Knavery, n. Villany, rascality, fraud, knavishness, dishonesty, criminality, trickery, wickedness.

      Knavish, a. Dishonest, unprincipled, fraudulent, trickish, tricky, roguish.

      Knavishness, n. Knavery, dishonesty, wickedness.

      Kneepan, n. Patella.

      Knick-knack, n. Toy, trifle, plaything, gimcrack, gewgaw, bawble, knack, jiggumbob.

      Knight, n. Cavalier, chevalier, horseman, horse-soldier, equestrian.

      Knight-errantry, n. Chivalry, knighthood.

      Knighthood, n. Chivalry, knight-errantry.

      Knit, v. a. Join, unite, connect.

      Knob, n. Protuberance, boss, bunch, hunch, stud.

      Knock, n. 1. Rap (as at a door), clap.

      2. Blow, slap, cuff, buffet, box.

      Knock, v. n. Rap (as at a door).

      Knock, v. a. Beat, strike, hit, bump, slap.

      Knock down, 1. Fell, prostrate.

      2. Knock off (by auction).

      Knock under, Submit, yield, knuckle, give up, lower one's flag, kiss the rod, lick the dust, eat humble pie, draw in one's horns.

      Knock up, [Colloquial.] Fatigue, beat out, weary, exhaust, tire, fag.

      Knoll, n. Hillock, mound.

      Knot, n. 1. Entanglement, complication.

      2. Tie, connection, bond of union.

      3. Joint, node, knag.

      4. Tuft, bunch.

      5. Group, band, clique, gang, crew, squad, cluster, set, pack.

      6. Nautical mile.

      Knot, v. a. Entangle, tie, complicate.
