Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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n. Landing.

      Landloper, n. 1. Landlubber.

      2. Wanderer, vagrant, traveller, vagabond, nomad.

      Landloping, n. Wandering, travelling.

      Landlord, n. 1. Owner, proprietor.

      2. Host, inn-keeper.

      Landlubber, n. [Sailor's term of contempt.] Landloper.

      Landrail, n. Corn-crake, daker-hen (Orex pratensis).

      Landscape, n. View, prospect, rural scene.

      Land-waiter, n. Tide-waiter.

      Lane, n. Alley, narrow street, narrow passage or way.

      Lang-syne, ad. [Scottish.] Long since, long ago.

      Lang-syne, n. The good old time, past times, days gone by, days of yore.

      Language, n. 1. Speech, tongue, vernacular, idiom, dialect, mother-tongue, vulgar tongue, native tongue, oral speech.

      2. Style, expression, phraseology, diction, form of expression.

      Languid, a. 1. Faint, exhausted, drooping, pining, languishing, flagging, weak, feeble, not strong, not vigorous.

      2. Dull, torpid, listless, spiritless, heavy, inactive, slow, sluggish.

      Languidness, n. 1. Languor, faintness, feebleness, lassitude.

      2. Dulness, listlessness, heaviness.

      Languish, v. n. 1. Droop, pine, faint, fade, wither, decline, fall, become feeble, pine away, waste away.

      2. Look tender, have the air of a lover.

      Languishment, n. 1. Feebleness, decline, weakness.

      2. Look of tenderness.

      Languor, n. 1. Feebleness, debility, languidness, faintness, languishment.

      2. Dulness, torpidness, listlessness, heaviness, ennui.

      Laniate, v. a. Lacerate, tear, rend, sever, mangle, lancinate, claw, tear to pieces, tear asunder.

      Lank, a. Lean, thin, meagre, attenuated, slim, slender, starveling, skinny, scraggy, gaunt, emaciated.

      Lankness, n. Leanness, thinness, slimness, meagreness, slenderness.

      Lanky, a. [Low.] Slim, slender, tall, and thin.

      Lanuginous, a. (Bot.) Downy, woolly.

      Lap, v. a. 1. Fold, turn over, lay over.

      2. Wrap, cover, twist round.

      3. Lick, lick up, take up with the tongue.

      Lap, v. n. Be folded over, be laid over.

      Lapidary, n. Lapidist.

      Lapidescence, n. Lapidification, petrifaction.

      Lapidification, n. Lapidescence, petrifaction.

      Lapidist, n. Lapidary.

      Lapse, n. 1. Flow, gliding, flowing, smooth course.

      2. Fall, decline, declension, falling off.

      3. Slip, fault, error, shortcoming.

      Lapse, v. n. 1. Slip, glide, pass slowly.

      2. Fail in duty, commit a fault, fall from innocence.

      3. (Law.) Become void.

      Lapsus linguæ, [L.] Slip of the tongue.

      Lapwing, n. Pewit (Tringa vanellus or Vanellus cristatus).

      Larboard, n. (Naut.) Port, left-hand side.

      Larceny, n. Theft, stealing, pilfering, robbery, thievery, shoplifting, petty larceny.

      Lard, v. a. 1. Grease.

      2. Intermix, interlay, interlard.

      Large, a. 1. Big, great, bulky, huge, immense, vast, of great size.

      2. Extensive, expanded, spacious, broad, wide.

      3. Abundant, plentiful, ample, full, copious, liberal.

      4. Capacious, comprehensive.

      Large-bellied, a. Abdominous, big-bellied, pot-bellied.

      Largess, n. Bounty, present, donation, gift, endowment, grant, bequest.

      Lariat, n. Lasso.

      Larmier, n. (Arch.) Drip, corona.

      Larum, n. [Contraction of Alarum.] Alarm, alarum, tocsin, alarm-bell.

      Larva, n. Caterpillar, grub.

      Lascivious, a. Lustful, lecherous, libidinous, lickerish, salacious, concupiscent, lewd, prurient, wanton, loose, unchaste, incontinent.

      Lash, n. 1. Thong (of a whip), scourge, whip.

      2. Stroke, stripe.

      Lash, v. a. 1. Scourge, whip.

      2. Beat, beat against.

      3. Bind, tie, tie together.

      4. Censure, satirize, lampoon, abuse.

      Lash the waves, Make vain efforts, try in vain, beat the air, fish in the air, milk the ram.

      Lass, n. Girl, damsel, maiden, lassie, miss.

      Lassie, n. [Scotch.] Girl, lass.

      Lassitude, n. Weariness, exhaustion, fatigue, prostration, languor, languidness, ennui.

      Lasso, n. Lariat.

      Last, a. 1. Latest.

      2. Hindmost.

      3. Final, ultimate.

      4. Highest, greatest, utmost, extreme.

      Last, ad. 1. The last time.

      2. After all the rest.

      3. Finally, in conclusion.

      Last, v. n. 1. Endure, remain, continue.

      2. Hold out, be unexhausted, be unconsumed.

      Lasting, a. Enduring, permanent, durable, of long continuance.

      Lastingness, n. Permanence, durability, continuance, fixedness.

      Lastly, ad. Finally, in fine, at last, at length, in the end, in conclusion.

      Late, a. 1. Slow, tardy, long delayed.

      2. Far advanced.

      3. Recently deceased.

      4. Recent.

      Late, ad. 1. Not early, not promptly, after the proper time, at the eleventh hour, a day after the fair.

      2. Recently, lately, not long ago.

      Lately, ad. Recently, latterly, late, of late, not long ago.

      Latent, a. Concealed, hidden, secret, occult, veiled, unseen.

      Lather, n. Foam (of soap and water), froth.

      Latifoliate, a. (Bot.) Broad-leaved.

      Latifolious, a. (Bot.) Broad-leaved.

      Latin, a. 1. Of the Latins, of ancient Rome, Roman.

      2. Classic, classical, in the manner of the Latins.

      Latin, n. Language of ancient Rome, Latin language.

      Latinism, n. Latin idiom.

      Latinity, n. Latin style.

      Latitude, n. 1. Extent, range, scope, amplitude, compass.

      2. Freedom, liberty, indulgence, free play.

      3. Laxity, loose interpretation, indefinite meaning.

      4. (Geog.) Angular distance from the equator.

      5. (Astron.) Angular distance from the ecliptic.

      Latitudinarian, a. Liberal (in opinion), lax, free, not orthodox, not strict.

      Latitudinarianism, n. Heterodoxy, liberalism.

      Latten, n. Sheet tin, tinned iron-plate.

      Latter, a. 1. Last mentioned (of two).

      2. Recent, modern.

      Latterly, ad. Lately,