Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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n. Dog's-grass, couch-grass, twitch-grass, wheat-grass, dog-wheat (Triticum repens).

      Knotted, a. Knotty, knurly.

      Knotty, a. 1. Knotted, gnarled, full of knots, knaggy, knurly.

      2. Intricate, difficult, perplexing, embarrassing, hard, troublesome.

      Know, v. a. 1. Perceive, apprehend, comprehend, understand, discern, be aware of, be assured of, see through, make out.

      2. Recognize, be acquainted with.

      3. Distinguish, discriminate.

      Know, v. n. 1. Have knowledge.

      2. Be informed, be made aware.

      3. Be sure, feel certain.

      Knowing, a. Intelligent, skilful, competent, qualified, experienced, accomplished, proficient, well-informed.

      Knowledge, n. 1. Apprehension, comprehension, perception, understanding, discernment, judgment.

      2. Learning, erudition, scholarship, enlightenment, lore, acquirements, attainments.

      3. Cognizance, cognition, notice, information.

      Knuckle, v. n. Yield (obsequiously), submit, cringe, stoop, crouch, give up, knock under.

      Knurly, a. Knotty, knotted, knarled.


      Labor, n. 1. Toil, work, exertion, effort, pains, drudgery.

      2. Travail, parturition, childbirth, delivery.

      Labor, v. n. 1. Toll, strive, drudge, work, exert one's self, take pains.

      2. Suffer, be afflicted, be distressed.

      3. Travail, be in travail, be in labor.

      Labored, a. Elaborate, studied, carefully wrought.

      Laborer, n. Workman, operative.

      Laborious, a. 1. Industrious, sedulous, assiduous, diligent, toiling, hard-working, painstaking.

      2. Difficult, arduous, onerous, toilsome, tiresome, wearisome, fatiguing, irksome, hard, Herculean.

      Laboriousness, n. Toilsomeness, difficulty.

      Labor of love, Gratuitous service.

      Labyrinth, n. Maze, perplexity, intricacy.

      Labyrinthian, n. Mazy, confused.

      Lacerate, v. a. Tear, sever, mangle, rend, lancinate, laniate, claw, tear asunder, tear to pieces.

      Laceration, n. Tearing, rending.

      Laches, n. pl. (Law.) Negligence, remissness, neglect of duty.

      Lack, v. a. Want, need, be in want of, be in need of, be destitute of, be without.

      Lack, v. n. 1. Be in want.

      2. Be wanting.

      Lack, n. Need, deficiency, destitution, want, scantiness, insufficiency, scarcity, dearth, default, defectiveness, shortness, shortcoming, deficit.

      Lack-brain, n. Simpleton, dunce.

      Lackadaisical, a. Sorrowful (affectedly), sad, melancholy, gloomy.

      Lackaday, interj. Alas.

      Lackey, n. Footman, footboy, errand-boy.

      Lackey, v. a. Attend (as a servant), wait on, dance attendance on.

      Laconic, a. Short, brief, concise, succinct, compact, sententious, terse, pithy, curt.

      Laconical, a. Short, brief, concise, succinct, compact, sententious, terse, pithy, curt.

      Lacquer, n. Varnish (of shell-lac).

      Lacquer, v. a. Varnish (with lacquer), japan.

      Lactescence, n. Milkiness.

      Lad, n. Boy, stripling, youngster, youth, schoolboy, yonker, young man.

      Lade, v. a. 1. Load, freight.

      2. Dip, bale.

      Lading, n. Freight, cargo, load, burden.

      Lady, n. 1. Mistress, matron.

      2. Woman of rank, woman of distinction.

      3. Woman of refinement, well-bred woman, genteel woman.

      4. Wife, spouse.

      Lady-like, a. Genteel, courtly, refined, well-bred.

      Lady-love, n. Sweetheart, flame.

      Lag, v. n. Loiter, linger, saunter, fall behind, move slowly.

      Laggard, n. Loiterer, lingerer, idler, lagger, saunterer.

      Lagger, n. Loiterer, laggard.

      Lagoon, n. Lake (shallow and communicating with the sea).

      Laic, a. Lay.

      Laical, a. Lay.

      Lair, n. Couch (of a beast), resting place.

      Laity, n. Laymen, body of the people, the people (as distinguished from the clergy).

      Lake, n. Pond, loch, mere, pool, lagoon.

      Lamantine, n. Manatee, sea-cow.

      Lamb, n. Young sheep.

      Lamb of God, Christ, Jesus.

      Lambent, a. Playing about (like the tongue in licking), touching lightly, gliding over.

      Lambkin, n. Little lamb.

      Lame, a. 1. Crippled, halt, hobbling.

      2. Defective, imperfect.

      3. Insufficient, unsatisfactory, weak, feeble, poor.

      Lame, v. a. Cripple, make lame.

      Lame duck, Defaulter (at the stock exchange).

      Lamella, n. [L.] Scale, lamina, layer, coat, flake, coating, thin plate.

      Lamellar, a. Lamellate, lamellated, laminar, laminated, foliated, foliaceous, scaly, flaky, schistose.

      Lamellate, a. Lamellar.

      Lamellated, a. Lamellar.

      Lament, v. n. Mourn, grieve, weep, wail, moan, complain.

      Lament, v. a. Bewail, deplore, bemoan, mourn.

      Lament, n. 1. Wailing, moaning, moan, lamentation, plaint, complaint.

      2. Dirge, elegy, epicedium, mournful song, funeral song.

      Lamentable, a. 1. Deplorable, to be lamented.

      2. Mournful, wailing.

      Lamentation, n. Wailing, moaning, moan, plaint, complaint, lament, ululation, hubbubboo.

      Lamina, n. Scale, layer, coat, coating, lamella, thin plate.

      Laminar, n. Laminated.

      Laminated, a. Laminar, lamellar, lamellated.

      Lamm, v. a. [Low.] Beat, drub, thrash, maul, bruise, thwack, pommel, wallop.

      Lampoon, n. Pasquinade, satire, squib.

      Lampoon, v. a. Satirize, abuse, defame, slander, calumniate, lash.

      Lanate, a. Woolly.

      Lanated, a. Woolly.

      Lance, n. Spear, javelin.

      Lance, v. a. 1. Hurl, throw, launch, dart, send, fling, toss, pitch, jaculate, let fly.

      2. Pierce, cut with a lancet.

      Lance-shaped, a. Lanceform.

      Lanciform, a. Lance-shaped.

      Lancinate, v. a. Tear, rend, sever, mangle, lacerate, laniate, claw, tear to pieces.

      Land, n. 1. Ground, soil, earth.

      2. Region, country, district, tract.

      3. Real estate.

      Land, v. a. Disembark, put on shore, set on shore.

      Land, v. n. Disembark, debark, go on shore, come to land.

      Landing, n. 1. Coming to land.

      2. Landing-place.
