Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Название Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z
Автор произведения Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Год выпуска 2024

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also Jewellery.] Jewels, bijoutry, trinkets.

      Jewish, a. Hebrew, Judaic, Judaical.

      Jewry, n. Judea.

      Jews-pitch, n. Asphaltum.

      Jezebel, n. Beldam, hag, fury, ugly old woman, she-monster.

      Jiffy, n. [Colloquial.] Instant, moment, second, twinkling, trice, flash, twinkling of an eye.

      Jigger, n. 1. Throw, potter's wheel.

      2. (Ent.) Chigre (Pulex penetrans).

      Jiggumbob, n. [Low.] Trinket, toy, gimcrack, knickknack, bawble, gewgaw.

      Jilt, n. Coquette, flirt.

      Jilt, v. a. Trick or deceive (by playing the jilt).

      Jilt, v. n. Play the jilt.

      Jingle, v. n. [Written also Gingle.] Tinkle.

      Jingle, n. Tinkling, jingling, tintinabulation, jingling sound.

      Jingling, n. Jingle.

      Job, n. Piece of work.

      Job, v. n. Do job-work, work at jobs.

      Jobbernowl, n. [Low.] Simpleton, fool, dunce.

      Job-work, n. Piece-work.

      Jockey, n. 1. Horse-jockey, dealer in horses.

      2. Cheat, swindler, sharper, rogue, trickster, knave, impostor, blackleg, shark, slyboots.

      Jockey, v. a. Cheat, trick, deceive, gull, dupe, overreach, cozen, chouse, outwit, bamboozle, circumvent, delude, hoodwink, diddle, beguile, mislead, inveigle, gammon, humbug, impose upon.

      Jocose, a. Jocular, facetious, humorous, witty, waggish, droll, funny, comical, sportive, merry.

      Jocoseness, n. Jocularity.

      Jocular, a. Jocose.

      Jocularity, n. Jocoseness, facetiousness, waggishness, waggery, drollery, sportiveness, merriment, pleasantry, mirth, fun.

      Jocund, a. Joyous, joyful, merry, frolicsome, blithe, blithesome, sportive, jolly, playful, airy, lively, gay, debonair, buxom.

      Jocundity, n. Joyousness, joyfulness, cheerfulness, hilarity, sprightliness, exhilaration, liveliness, vivacity, sportfulness, frolicsomeness, blithsomeness, jocularity, gayety, merriment, mirth, good humor, high spirits, high glee.

      Jog, v. a. Push (gently), notify by a push.

      Jog, n. 1. Push, slight shake.

      2. Notch, denticulation, jag.

      Joggle, v. a. Shake (by hitting), jostle.

      Jog on, Trudge, lumber, travel slowly.

      Jog-trot, n. Slow pace, slow trot.

      John Bull, [Colloquial.] 1. English nation, England.

      2. Englishman.

      John-dory, n. Common dory (Zeus faber).

      Join, v. a. 1. Add, annex, attach, append.

      2. Connect, couple, combine, conjoin, link, cement, unite, unite together, join together.

      3. Adjoin, be connected with.

      4. Unite with, associate one's self with.

      Join, v. n. Associate, confederate, unite, be united, league.

      Joint, n. 1. Juncture, union.

      2. Seam, commissure.

      3. (Anat.) Articulation.

      4. (Bot.) Knot.

      5. (Bot.) Internode, space between two joints.

      Joint, a. United, combined, concerted.

      Joint, v. a. 1. (Carpentry.) Join, unite, fit together.

      2. Disjoint, divide (at the joints), cut up (as meat).

      Jointed, a. Articulated, with joints.

      Jointer, n. (Carpentry.) Jointing plane.

      Joint heir, Coheir.

      Jointing-plane, n. Jointer.

      Jointly, ad. Unitedly, together, conjointly, in conjunction.

      Joist, n. Small floor-timber.

      Joke, n. Jest, quip, quirk, crank, witticism, sally, jeu d'esprit.

      Joke, v. n. Jest, crack a joke, perpetrate a joke.

      Joker, n. Jester, wag, humorist.

      Jollification, n. [Colloquial.] Conviviality, revelry, festivity, carouse, carousal, spree, revel, compotation, potation, wassail, orgies, bacchanals, saturnalia, debauch, merry frolic, jolly time, drinking bout.

      Jollity, n. Merriment, gayety, mirth, fun, frolic, joviality, hilarity.

      Jolly, a. 1. Merry, joyous, joyful, gay, jovial, airy, mirthful, jocund, playful, frolicsome, sportive, gamesome, funny, facetious, jocular, waggish, sprightly, lively, jocund, wanton.

      2. Plump, stout, lusty, bouncing, portly, chubby, in good case.

      Jolt, v. n. Be shaken (as a carriage by passing over rough ground).

      Jolt, v. a. Shake (as a carriage does when passing over rough ground).

      Jolt, n. Shaking, jolting.

      Jolthead, n. Simpleton, fool, dunce.

      Jolting, n. Jolt, shaking.

      Jonathan, n. People of the United States, the United States as a nation.

      Jorden, n. Urinal, chamber-pot.

      Jostle, v. a. [Written also Justle.] 1. Collide, strike against, hit against.

      2. Shake (by hitting), joggle.

      Jot, n. Iota, tittle, whit, bit, grain, particle, atom, scrap, mite, ace, corpuscle, scintilla.

      Jot down, Record, state, note, chronicle, register, set down, take down, make a note of, make a memorandum of.

      Jotting, n. Memorandum.

      Journal, n. 1. Diary, daily register.

      2. Newspaper, magazine, periodical.

      Journalize, v. a. Record, register, note, chronicle, set down, jot down.

      Journey, n. Travel (by land), tour, excursion, trip, expedition.

      Journey, v. n. Travel, ramble, roam, rove, take a tour, make a tour, take a trip, make an excursion.

      Journeyman, n. 1. Day-laborer.

      2. Hired mechanic.

      Joust, n. Tilt.

      Joust, v. n. Tilt.

      Jove, n. (Myth.) Jupiter.

      Jovial, a. Merry, joyous, joyful, gay, airy, mirthful.

      Joviality, n. Merriment, gayety, mirth, fun, frolic, jollity, hilarity.

      Joy, n. 1. Gladness, delight, glee, exultation, ecstasy, rapture, ravishment, transport, beatitude, beatification.

      2. Happiness, felicity, bliss.

      3. Cause of gladness.

      Joy, v. n. Exult, rejoice, be glad, be delighted, be joyful.

      Joyful, a. Glad, joyous, merry, buoyant, happy, jocund, blithe, blithesome, jolly, jovial, delighted.

      Joyous, a. Glad, joyful.

      Jubilant, a. Rejoicing, exulting, triumphing, shouting with joy.

      Jubilee, n. Season of rejoicing.

      Judaic, a. Jewish, Hebrew.

      Judaical, a. Jewish, Hebrew.

      Judaism, n. Religion of the Jews, Jewish religion.

      Judcock, n. Jack-snipe (Scolopax gallinula), juddock.

      Juddock, n. Judcock.

      Judge, n. 1. Justice.

      2. Arbiter, arbitrator, umpire, referee.

      3. Critic, connoisseur.

      Judge, v. n. Decide, determine, conclude, form an opinion, pass an opinion, pass judgment,