
Все книги издательства Ingram

    Gas Biology Research in Clinical Practice

    Группа авторов

    The substantial biological importance of gaseous mediators in various physiological-pathological conditions has been realized only recently, but to date, the detailed mechanisms involved remain elusive. The publication at hand contains 16 overviews written by a panel of experts who summarize the current knowledge and provide fundamental insights into the roles of gaseous molecules in signal transduction in biological systems. The first part provides a comprehensive overview on gaseous mediators in health and disease. In the second part, the medical application of various molecules such as nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, acetone and phytoncide are discussed. Furthermore, articles on skin gas biology and Carbon-13 (13C), especially clinical applications of 13C-labeled substrate are included. This book provides valuable information not only for basic researchers in physiology and biochemistry, but also for gastroenterologists and clinicians who wish to learn more about the role of gaseous mediators.

    Histopathology of Chronic Constipation

    W.A. Meier-Ruge

    The symptom of chronic constipation is often caused by a series of intestinal diseases, which can be reliably diagnosed histopathologically by histochemical techniques and consequently treated by surgical intervention. The following publication is the second and completely revised edition of 'Pathology of Chronic Constipation in Pediatric and Adult Coloproctology' published in 2005, and introduces several new diseases and figures. It includes characteristics of classical and ultrashort Hirschsprung’s disease as well as total intestinal aganglionosis and hypoganglionosis. New diseases such as intestinal neuronal dysplasia, desmosis coli, leiomyopathy, architectural malformation, and stretching lesions of muscularis propria are critically discussed. Atrophic desmosis is also covered. This new and frequently observed degeneration of muscularis propria in Crohn’s disease, sigmoid diverticulitis, and other inflammatory intestinal diseases causes focal aperistalsis, frequently interpreted as scar stenosis. 'Histopathology of Chronic Constipation' provides a comprehensive overview of intestinal alterations which cause chronic constipation. It is therefore of special interest to diagnostic pathologists, clinicians, pediatric and abdominal surgeons, coloproctologists, and gastroenterologists.

    The Road to Good Nutrition

    Группа авторов

    This is a work of advocacy, whose prime objective is to inform people about the relationship between nutrition security and public health. It draws on the thinking and experience of a selected number of experts in the field of nutrition and public health. Collating up-to-the-minute information in a clear and accessible way, the book forms a ‘one-stop information source’, and paves the way for further, science-led publications in this field. ‘The Road to Good Nutrition’ puts the topic of nutrition security on the agenda of policy-makers, academics, private sector organizations and civil society, as well as of organizations dedicated to the nutrition space. It is also of interest to the educated lay reader who is generally well informed in matters of health, nutrition and sustainability.

    Knowing One's Medical Fate in Advance

    Группа авторов

    Modern medicine is now in a position to make advanced prognoses that chart the entire course of illness and recovery. Paradoxically, this is coupled with a new dimension of uncertainty for the patient, i.e. coming to terms with discovering they have an increased risk of a particular disease and deciding what appropriate steps to take. In this publication, renowned experts in their fields discuss these issues. The certainty and uncertainty of one’s fate are discussed from both methodological and epidemiological perspectives, using examples of diseases for which treatment and prognosis have dramatically changed. Despite profound insights into the human genome, personalized genetically tailored medicine still lies in the future. Religious, spiritual and philosophical dimensions are discussed, as are the ways in which they may help people cope with these new insights into their future, e.g. the promise of an afterlife. This publication aims to bridge the different fields dealing with this area by addressing the challenges faced and encouraging dialogue. It will be of interest to all readers who deal with ethical problems of prognosis, particularly in medicine, as well as to theologians and sociologists.

    Pearls and Pitfalls in Head and Neck Surgery

    Группа авторов

    In this unique volume, leading international experts share their experiences in the management of head and neck tumors, providing a guidebook for all surgeons dealing with head and neck neoplasms. Each chapter offers a concise description of useful 'pearls' and dangerous 'pitfalls' which must be avoided. Contributions cover topics from thyroid glands, neck metastases, and oral tumors to laryngeal, pharyngeal, and nasopharyngeal tumors, as well as salivary gland tumors, skull base tumors, and reconstruction surgery. In addition to frequent diseases which are encountered in everyday practice, some new therapeutic topics such as video-assisted thyroidectomy, robotic surgery, and management of the neck after organ preservation treatment are discussed. The 2nd edition has been extended by topical chapters of major practical interest including the latest findings and techniques. The new chapters are clearly indicated and can be recognized easily.

    Handbook of Clinical Gender Medicine

    Группа авторов

    Gender medicine is an important new field in health and disease. It is derived from top-quality research and encompasses the biological and social determinants that underlie the susceptibility to disease and its consequences. In the future, consideration of the role of gender will undoubtedly become an integral feature of all research and clinical care. Defining the role of gender in medicine requires a broad perspective on biology and diverse skills in biomedical and social sciences. When these scientific disciplines come together, a revolution in medical care is in the making. Covering twelve different areas of medicine, the practical and useful Handbook of Clinical Gender Medicine provides up-to-date information on the role of gender in the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of a wide range of common diseases.

    Chronotherapeutics for Affective Disorders

    M. Terman

    Light therapy' is established worldwide as the treatment of choice for seasonal affective disorder. It is also successfuly used in nonseasonal depression, as well as for many other psychiatric and neurologic illnesses, and in sleep medicine. ‘Wake therapy’ is the fastest antidepressant known. Imaging studies show that both methods share neurobiological substrates with antidepressants, but act much faster. 'Chronotherapeutics' – the combination of light and wake therapy – achieves rapid results and, by reducing residual symptoms, also minimises relapse. Written by three prominent clinical and research experts in biological rhythms, this manual aims to broaden knowledge and practical application of these non-pharmacologic interventions for bipolar and unipolar disorders. Clinical understanding is deepened by an explanation of the circadian timing system and sleep regulatory mechanisms which underlie the novel treatment strategy. The step-by-step guide and description of the interventions in centers throughout the world provides clear hands-on instructions, supported by a solid body of clinical research.
    The first edition of 'Chronotherapeutics for Affective Disorders' has kindled a network of psychiatrists and psychologists who are actively introducing these treatments for their inpatients and outpatients. This manual is also essential reading for primary care physicians, sleep medicine specialists and health care administrators.

    Value Merchants

    Nirmalya Kumar

    Do your salespeople feel under extreme pressure to retain accounts or gain new business at any cost? If so, you may be leaving big money on the table. Consider the integrated-circuit supplier representative who lost $500,000 of potential profit on a single transaction, just to «win» a deal that he would have closed anyway at the higher price. Do not make price concessions. Become a value merchant instead. In this authoritative book, James Anderson, Nirmalya Kumar, and James Narus explain how companies in business markets can use customer value management techniques to estimate the value of your market offerings, create value propositions that resonate with your customers, and maximize the return you will get on the superior value that you deliver. Drawing on extensive research and detailed case studies of companies like Sonoco, Tata Steel, and Quaker Chemical, Value Merchants will change the mindset and behavior of your executives, sales management, representatives, and marketers&#8212as well as your customers.

    Nihilisme og emancipation

    Gianni Vattimo

    I Nihilisme og emancipation forsoger Gianni Vattimo at gentAenke begreberne politik, etik og ret i den moderne verden, hvor uforanderlige principper er utAenkelige. Nietzsche og Heidegger har efterladt sig et metafysisk tomrum, hvor Gud er dod, og de absolutte ideologier er utrovAerdige. Udfordringen for nutidens filosoffer bliver derfor at opspore en teori omkring det moderne, som bygger pa hermeneutikkens uendelige fortolkningsmuligheder.Lov, ret og etik ma konstrueres igennem forhandlinger, demokrati og konsensus. Kun saledes undgas den polarisering, som truer med at opdele verden i supermarkedskulturen pa den ene side og fundametalismen pa den anden.Med Vattimos politisk-filosofiske tilgang konfronteres flere brandaktuelle temaer i bogen, bl.a. kulturernes herkomst, Occidentens undergang og Europas rolle i fremtidens verdenssamfund.Bogen indeholder, ud over en udforlig bibliografi, en introduktion til Gianni Vattimos tAenkning ved idehistoriker Jens Viggo Nielsen.


    Группа авторов

    Arktis. Et benhardt og iskoldt miljo, hvor dyr og planter gennem artusinder har tilpasset sig ekstreme forhold. Men Arktis er ogsa et sarbart miljo, der i de seneste artier har undergaet store forandringer. Temperaturen er steget markant, og havisen er skrumpet betragteligt. Kan den hojarktiske natur folge med sadanne Aendringer?I denne bog fortAeller 22 danske forskere om mere end 14 ars minutios overvagning af det hojarktiske okosystem i Nordostgronland. Med Forskningsstation Zackenberg som faglig og social ramme har forskerne siden 1995 malrettet arbejdet pa tvAers af videnskabelige fagomrader for at kortlAegge miljoet i en ca. 30 km2 stor dal og forsta klimaets betydning for det samlede okosystem.Historien om naturen og klimaAendringerne i Nordostgronland begynder med historien om etableringen af Forskningsstation Zackenberg og driften af stationen. Herefter folger en rAekke artikler, hvor observationerne bliver fremlagt og forklaret. Hvad sker der med jordmiljoet – med permafrost og kulstofomsAetning? Hvad spirer i plantedAekket og lever i soerne? Og hvordan reagerer trAekfugle, rovdyr og byttedyr, nar fodekAederne Aendrer sig? Dagbogsoptegnelser om forskernes liv og oplevelser fungerer som pauser imellem artiklerne, og bogen afsluttes med et samlet bud pa, hvordan fremtidens Arktis kunne komme til at se ud, hvis den globale opvarmning fortsAetter. Bogen indledes med et forord af Hans Kongelige Hojhed Kronprins Frederik.