This book is devoted exclusively to hyper- and hypoparathyroidism with a focus on clinical practice guidelines explained by experts in the field. The clinical, genetic, biochemical, and pharmacological aspects of the most common parathyroid conditions are discussed comprehensively. The 15 chapters review the various forms of hyperparathyroidism and hypoparathyroidism and present data derived from widely diverse sources. New therapeutic approaches for chronic hypoparathyroidism continue to pique interest in parathyroid diseases and show that more research must be done to optimize care. The aim of this book is to serve as a practical guide to clinical management of common parathyroid conditions and to disseminate knowledge useful to the clinic, both for specialists and general practitioners. Also, under- and postgraduates, specialist nurses, and non-experts in the field will find this book to be a valuable source of current information.
In this fourth volume of the popular series 'Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists' we once again delve into the minds of writers, painters, and poets in order to gain better insight on how neurological and psychiatric diseases can influence creativity. The issue of schizophrenia, the interaction between psychological instability and drug abuse, and the intricate association between organic wounds and shell-shock disorders are illustrated with the examples of Franz Kafka, Raymond Roussel, and Louis-Ferdinand Céline and their writings. Dementia has been specifically studied before, including in the previous volumes of Neurological Disorders in Famous Artists. It is revisited here in order to present the striking and well-documented case of Willem de Kooning, which inspired a new approach. Apart from issues that sometimes border on neuropsychiatry, purer neurological cases such as post-amputation limb pain (Arthur Rimbaud) or tabetic ataxia (Edouard Manet) are presented as well. Other fascinating life trajectories associated with cerebral or psychological changes include those of the writers Bjornsen, Tolstoi, Turgeniev, Mann, Ibsen, and Pavese.
Sexuell übertragbare Erkrankungen wie Syphilis und Co. treten seit einigen Jahren wieder deutlich häufiger auf. Ein gesundes Wissen zu diesem Thema gehört zum Führerschein des Lebens und ist der beste Schutz vor unangenehmen Überraschungen. Oder hätten Sie gewusst, vor welchen Erkrankungen auch Kondome nicht zuverlässig schützen? Anhand von Anekdoten und Beispielen aus vielen Sprechstunden gibt Dr. med. Peter Weisenseel Einblick in den Umgang mit sexuell übertragbaren Erkrankungen und deren Randgebieten: ohne moralischen Imperativ, dafür feinfühlig und mit charmantem Humor – damit das hängenbleibt, was soll, und das, was es zu vermeiden gilt, gar nicht erst haften bleibt. Für ein gutes Gefühl am Morgen danach.
As nutrition and development are closely intertwined in early childhood, this book brings together scientists, nutritionists, and psychologists to present a multidisciplinary approach. The first part examines how the biological systems of the body may contribute to healthy growth, looking at bones, muscles, and fat tissues and the optimal nutrition required for dynamic function. The second section contains updates on the latest research on dietary interventions in the areas of growth and body composition, looking at both obesity and stunting worldwide. The final part focuses on neurocognitive development in infancy and early childhood and the role of nutrients in supporting brain growth and function. Highlighting key areas of recent research and potential new fields to explore, this book is of interest for scientists, nutritionists, and psychologists alike.
The number of dialysis patients, and their ages, continues to increase globally. This creates major issues such as rising medical costs in an aging population, how to best manage end-of-life care, and how to train the various practitioners involved in dialysis care. After the US and China, Japan occupies 3rd place with regard to the number of dialysis patients and is also widely regarded as a world leader in dialysis. This book contains selected articles – organized into 4 chapters – that discuss recent advances in dialysis therapy in Japan. Chapter 1 presents insights into causes, risk factors, disease associations, and possible implications for management of dialysis patients. Chapter 2 examines recent progress in hemodialysis treatment, and chapter 3 focuses on developments in peritoneal dialysis. The final chapter concentrates on recent advances in apheresis and current trends in practice, among other topics. This book is aimed at nephrologists, physicians, urologists, nurses, clinical engineers, pharmacists, and nutritionists. It is a significant contribution to furthering the progress of dialysis therapy worldwide.
At present most intracranial gliomas are considered incurable with current treatment strategies, and the search for new modalities that may effectively control tumor growth continues. The chapters in this volume describe basic principles and therapeutic possibilities of several innovative techniques, including photodynamic therapy, laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy, stereotactic cryodestruction, high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation, boron neutron capture therapy, proton and carbon ion irradiation, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, gene therapy, local chemotherapy, and alternating electric fields therapy. Potential applications of extracellular vesicles and nanotechnology for management of gliomas are highlighted as well. Many of these methods have already demonstrated antitumor efficacy in clinical testing, whereas others are still under development. The materials presented in this book are mainly directed at clinicians treating patients with brain tumors, as well as clinical and basic researchers working in the field of neuro-oncology.
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a valid renal replacement therapy when incorporated in an overall integrated care programme for end-stage renal disease patients. Despite this fact, PD has not yet been established as a true long-term dialysis modality. This practical handbook offers sensible advice as well as detailed information on virtually all clinical and pathophysiological aspects of PD in a readily accessible format and explains the complexities of PD in a clear but still scientific and comprehensive way. Due to its handy size it fits in a white coat pocket of a nephrologist visiting a PD patient during rounds or in the outpatient ambulatory setting. Nephrologists, residents in nephrology and internal medicine, and all other health care workers – nurses, pharmacists, dieticians, intensivists, and medical students – involved with patients suffering from end-stage renal disease will find this book very helpful for understanding the scientific background of PD.
Pediatricians face many questions and challenges during patients’ transition from childhood to adulthood. Chronic diseases justify long-term medical, psychological, educational, and social management. The establishment of networks with adult endocrinologists is, therefore, very important to achieving optimal conditions for a successful transition period. In this book, leading experts discuss major public health issues such as diabetes and obesity. They also review genetic diseases, including Turner syndrome and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. All clinical cases are presented in a focused way to highlight any issues which might be discussed by the doctor with patients and family. Psychological approaches are debated as are proposals for defining specific tools to encourage autonomy during this life period. This book is a valuable tool and will be helpful in answering many questions for endocrinologists, adult and pediatric, dedicated to the long-term management of patients with chronic diseases.
Currently there is no reason, in most cases of cavitated caries lesions, to remove affected tissue. This book presents evidence-based research on the topic and provides assessments of diagnostic devices. It offers new insights into how a dentine carious cavity can be managed by either tissue removal or restoration. Methods for preserving dental tissue are presented and ample evidence highlights the need to seal with a quality restorative material. An update on how to conduct a randomized clinical trial is followed by a chapter on agreed upon terminology for supporting improved communication among oral health professionals around the world. This is a must-read for general practitioners, restorative specialists, dental students, and oral hygienists/therapists.