John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    The 2012 Pfeiffer Annual. Training

    Elaine Biech

    The Leader in Resources for Training & HR Professionals for the Past Four Decades For 40 years, The Pfeiffer Annuals have helped professionals in the workplace learning and performance field to stay ahead of their organizations' needs. The 2012 Pfeiffer Training Annual is no exception. It offers a hands-on guide to the latest thinking and approaches to training and development. To address the more-need-less-time dilemma, the Annual presents a «Learning in the Moment» theme, with valuable information on such practical topics as teamwork, communication, leadership, and emotional intelligence. ELAs are presented as complete, ready-to-use training designs. This year we are honored to have ELAs from training leaders you have come to depend on: Julie O'Mara, M.K. Key, Dennis Gilbert, Lou Russell, and Robert Alan Black. In the Instruments section Jean Barbazette shares an instructor skills survey that you will want to put to use immediately. Use the articles section for your own professional development or as a lecture resource within your training sessions. Must-haves in this section include articles by Homer Johnson, Zane Berge, and Gary Wise. The highlight of this Annual is Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick's article about how the Four Levels of Evaluation came about. You will be intrigued to learn how evaluation fits with the theme, identifying more than a dozen ways to evaluate learning in the moment. With the depth and breadth of resources, Annual content is entirely new each year, ensuring a steady stream of contemporary knowledge and tools. Use the Annual to stay on top of developments within the profession, dip into the content for a contribution that targets a specific performance need or to develop a complete program, and learn how others in the field are tackling the ever-increasing challenges of developing a capable, productive workforce. Discover more at

    Subcultural Theory. Traditions and Concepts

    J. Williams Patrick

    Subcultural phenomena continue to draw attention from many areas of contemporary society, including the news media, the marketing and fashion industries, concerned parents, religious, and other citizen groups, as well as academia. Research into these phenomena has spanned the humanities and social sciences, and the subcultural theories that underlie this work are similarly interdisciplinary. Subcultural Theory brings these diverse analytic issues together in a single text, offering readers a concise discussion of the major concepts and debates that have developed over more than eighty years of subcultural research, including style, stratification, resistance, identity, media and «post subcultures». The text emphasizes methods, concepts, and analysis rather than mere descriptions of individual subcultures, all the while ensuring readers will gain insight into past and present youthful subcultures, including mod, punk, hardcore, straightedge, messenger, goth, riot grrrl, hip-hop, skinhead, and extreme metal, among others. The book closes with an assessment of the subculture concept as a viable and useful sociological tool in comparison with other fields of study including social movements and fandom.

    English Translation and Classical Reception. Towards a New Literary History

    Stuart Gillespie

    English Translation and Classical Reception is the first genuine cross-disciplinary study bringing English literary history to bear on questions about the reception of classical literary texts, and vice versa. The text draws on the author’s exhaustive knowledge of the subject from the early Renaissance to the present. The first book-length study of English translation as a topic in classical reception Draws on the author’s exhaustive knowledge of English literary translation from the early Renaissance to the present Argues for a remapping of English literary history which would take proper account of the currently neglected history of classical translation, from Chaucer to the present Offers a widely ranging chronological analysis of English translation from ancient literatures Previously little-known, unknown, and sometimes suppressed translated texts are recovered from manuscripts and explored in terms of their implications for English literary history and for the interpretation of classical literature

    The Trainer's Handbook of Leadership Development. Tools, Techniques, and Activities

    Karen Lawson

    The Trainer's Handbook of Leadership Development offers facilitators, human resource professionals, and consultants a wide-variety of tools and techniques for developing leadership competencies and characteristics. Drawing on research from such giants in the leadership field as Warren Bennis, Ken Blanchard, James Kouzes, and Barry Posner, the book's thought-provoking activities are designed to create real and lasting behavior change. «The Trainer's Handbook of Leadership Development features the proven activities and tools that will involve and inspire participants to develop the skills and characteristics that will equip them to lead us into the future. Karen has brought together a powerful collection of tools, competency models, exercises, and training necessary for developing leaders in today's workplace. I recommend this book for anyone who is implementing a leadership development program within their organization. It could easily be used to build the entire program from scratch.»—Louis Carter, CEO, Best Practice Institute «What a gem of a book Karen Lawson has written! Drawing on research by leadership gurus, Karen presents 45 competencies and characteristics critical to leadership excellence. She mines each of these facets for a solid definition and the significance of each. Although many authors shy away from discussing leadership qualities such as authenticity and empathy, Karen deals with them directly. She presents activities that future leaders can use to explore personal leadership qualities. This book is 24kt gold. If you are a leadership development professional, this book is sure to become your gold standard when searching for creative yet practical ways to help develop others into outstanding leaders of the future.»—Elaine Biech, editor, The ASTD Leadership Handbook and author, The Business of Consulting «Developing the complex skills of leadership is critical for personal and organizational success. If you are responsible for helping others build these skills, this book deserves a spot on your bookshelf—or maybe your desk—because you will use it often!»—Kevin Eikenberry, author, Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time

    Sustainable Transportation Planning. Tools for Creating Vibrant, Healthy, and Resilient Communities

    Jeffrey Tumlin

    The Great American Dream of cruising down the parkway, zipping from here to there at any time has given way to a true nightmare that is destroying the environment, costing billions and deeply impacting our personal well-being. Getting from A to B has never been more difficult, expensive or miserable. It doesn't have to be this way. Jeffrey Tumlin's book Sustainable Transportation Planning offers easy-to-understand, clearly explained tips and techniques that will allow us to quite literally take back our roads. Essential reading for anyone who wants to drive our transportation system out of the gridlock. -Marianne Cusato, home designer and author of Get Your House Right: Architectural Elements to Use and Avoid ?The book is full of useful ideas on nearly every page.? ? Bill DiBennedetto of Triple Pundit As transportations-related disciplines of urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture, urban economics, and social policy have undergone major internal reform efforts in recent decades Written in clear, easy-to-follow language, this book provides planning practitioners with the tools they need to achieve their cities? economic development, social equity and ecological sustainability goals. Starting with detailed advice for improving each mode of transportation, the book offers guidance on balancing the needs of each mode against each other, whether on a downtown street, or a small town neighborhood, or a regional network.

    Teaching for Critical Thinking. Tools and Techniques to Help Students Question Their Assumptions

    Stephen Brookfield D.

    praise for previous books by stephen d. brookfield «Award-winning author Stephen Brookfield offers insight, inspiration, and down-to-earth advice to all teachers in settings as diverse as college, adult education, and secondary schools—on how to thrive on the unpredictability of classroom life.»—Better Teaching «The author [relates] some of his own personal experiences as an educator in encouraging critical thinking. His insight and honesty in relating these experiences is valuable and interesting.»—CBE Report «Brookfield's book will serve as an effective focus that can facilitate faculty in thinking critically about their work, their community, their relationships, not only individually but collaboratively.»—Teaching Sociology «He offers clear, jargon-free, and unpretentious guidance.» —Reference & Research Book News «The author is so darned good at finding and highlighting the key research.» —Training «Brookfield illustrates practically his major scholarly interest in this readable, innovative, and perceptive book on college teaching.»—Choice

    The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research. Tools and Techniques for Market Researchers

    Ray Poynter

    Drawing together the new techniques available to the market researcher into a single reference, The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research explores how these innovations are being used by the leaders in the field. This groundbreaking reference examines why traditional research is broken, both in theory and practice, and includes chapters on online research communities, community panels, blog mining, social networks, mobile research, e-ethnography, predictive markets, and DIY research. «This handbook fills a significant learning gap for the market research profession and Ray Poynter has once again proven that he is a guiding light. The practical and pragmatic advice contained within these pages will be relevant to new students of research, young researchers and experienced researchers that want to understand the basics of online and social media research. Ray’s views on 'how to be better with people' and ‘how to maximise response rates’ are vital clues that are likely to shape the future of market and social research.» —Peter Harris, National President, Australian Market and Social Research Society (AMSRS) «It's hard to imagine anyone better suited to covering the rapidly changing world of online research than Ray Poynter. In this book he shows us why. Whether you are new to online or a veteran interested in broadening your understanding of the full range of techniques—quant and qual—this book is for you.» —Reg Baker, President and Chief Operating Officer, Market Strategies International «Finally, a comprehensive handbook for practitioners, clients, suppliers and students that includes best practices, clear explanations, advice and cautionary warnings. This should be the research benchmark for online research for some time. Poynter proves he is the online market research guru.» —Cam Davis, Ph.D., former Dean and current instructor of the online market research course for the Canadian Marketing Research and Intelligence Association «Ray Poynter's comprehensive, authoritative, easy to read, and knowledgeable handbook has come to our rescue … it is a must read for anyone who needs to engage with customers or stakeholders in a creative, immediate and flexible way that makes maximum use of all the exciting, new technology now open to us. Market researchers need to know this stuff now. I can guarantee that anyone who buys the book will find it a compelling read: they will be constantly turning to the next page in order to find yet another nugget of insight from Ray’s tour de force.» —Dr David Smith, Director, DVL Smith Ltd; Professor, University of Hertfordshire, Business School

    Biopharmaceutics Modeling and Simulations. Theory, Practice, Methods, and Applications

    Kiyohiko Sugano

    A comprehensive introduction to using modeling and simulation programs in drug discovery and development Biopharmaceutical modeling has become integral to the design and development of new drugs. Influencing key aspects of the development process, including drug substance design, formulation design, and toxicological exposure assessment, biopharmaceutical modeling is now seen as the linchpin to a drug's future success. And while there are a number of commercially available software programs for drug modeling, there has not been a single resource guiding pharmaceutical professionals to the actual tools and practices needed to design and test safe drugs. A guide to the basics of modeling and simulation programs, Biopharmaceutics Modeling and Simulations offers pharmaceutical scientists the keys to understanding how they work and are applied in creating drugs with desired medicinal properties. Beginning with a focus on the oral absorption of drugs, the book discusses: The central dogma of oral drug absorption (the interplay of dissolution, solubility, and permeability of a drug), which forms the basis of the biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) The concept of drug concentration How to simulate key drug absorption processes The physiological and drug property data used for biopharmaceutical modeling Reliable practices for reporting results With over 200 figures and illustrations and a peerless examination of all the key aspects of drug research—including running and interpreting models, validation, and compound and formulation selection—this reference seamlessly brings together the proven practical approaches essential to developing the safe and effective medicines of tomorrow.

    Natural Ventilation of Buildings. Theory, Measurement and Design

    David Etheridge

    Natural ventilation is considered a prerequisite for sustainable buildings and is therefore in line with current trends in the construction industry. The design of naturally ventilated buildings is more difficult and carries greater risk than those that are mechanically ventilated. A successful result relies increasingly on a good understanding of the abilities and limitations of the theoretical and experimental procedures that are used for design. There are two ways to naturally ventilate a building: wind driven ventilation and stack ventilation. The majority of buildings employing natural ventilation rely primarily on wind driven ventilation, but the most efficient design should implement both types. Natural Ventilation of Buildings: Theory, Measurement and Design comprehensively explains the fundamentals of the theory and measurement of natural ventilation, as well as the current state of knowledge and how this can be applied to design. The book also describes the theoretical and experimental techniques to the practical problems faced by designers. Particular attention is given to the limitations of the various techniques and the associated uncertainties. Key features: Comprehensive coverage of the theory and measurement of natural ventilation Detailed coverage of the relevance and application of theoretical and experimental techniques to design Highlighting of the strengths and weaknesses of techniques and their errors and uncertainties Comprehensive coverage of mathematical models, including CFD Two chapters dedicated to design procedures and another devoted to the basic principles of fluid mechanics that are relevant to ventilation This comprehensive account of the fundamentals for natural ventilation design will be invaluable to undergraduates and postgraduates who wish to gain an understanding of the topic for the purpose of research or design. The book should also provide a useful source of reference for more experienced industry practitioners.

    Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes. Theory and Signal Processing Applications

    John Shynk J.

    Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes is a comprehensive textbook on probability theory for engineers that provides a more rigorous mathematical framework than is usually encountered in undergraduate courses. It is intended for first-year graduate students who have some familiarity with probability and random variables, though not necessarily of random processes and systems that operate on random signals. It is also appropriate for advanced undergraduate students who have a strong mathematical background. The book has the following features: Several appendices include related material on integration, important inequalities and identities, frequency-domain transforms, and linear algebra. These topics have been included so that the book is relatively self-contained. One appendix contains an extensive summary of 33 random variables and their properties such as moments, characteristic functions, and entropy. Unlike most books on probability, numerous figures have been included to clarify and expand upon important points. Over 600 illustrations and MATLAB plots have been designed to reinforce the material and illustrate the various characterizations and properties of random quantities. Sufficient statistics are covered in detail, as is their connection to parameter estimation techniques. These include classical Bayesian estimation and several optimality criteria: mean-square error, mean-absolute error, maximum likelihood, method of moments, and least squares. The last four chapters provide an introduction to several topics usually studied in subsequent engineering courses: communication systems and information theory; optimal filtering (Wiener and Kalman); adaptive filtering (FIR and IIR); and antenna beamforming, channel equalization, and direction finding. This material is available electronically at the companion website. Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes is the only textbook on probability for engineers that includes relevant background material, provides extensive summaries of key results, and extends various statistical techniques to a range of applications in signal processing.