Capitalism is the only complex system known to us that can provide an efficient and innovative economy, but the financial crisis has brought out the pernicious side of capitalism and shown that it remains dependent on the state to rescue it from its own deficiencies. Can capitalism be reshaped so that it is fit for society, or must we acquiesce to the neoliberal view that society will be at its best when markets are given free rein in all areas of life? The aim of this book is to show that the acceptance of capitalism and the market does not require us to accept the full neoliberal agenda of unrestrained markets, insecurity in our working lives, and neglect of the environment and of public services. In particular, it should not mean supporting the growing dominance of public life by corporate wealth. The world’s most successful mature economies are those that fully embrace both the discipline of the market and the need for protection against its negative outcomes. Indeed, a continuing, unresolved clash between these two forces is itself a major source of vitality and innovation for economy and society. But maintenance of that tension depends on the enduring strength of trade unions and other critical groups in civil society – a strength that is threatened by neoliberalism’s increasingly intolerant onward march. Outlining the principles for a renewed and more assertive social democracy, this timely and important book shows that real possibilities exist to create a better world than that which is being offered by the wealthy elites who dominate our public and private lives.
“Although the live-work concept is now accepted among progressive urban design and planning professionals, the specifics that define the term, and its application, remain sketchy. This encyclopedic work is sure to change that, providing the critical information that is needed by architects, planners and citizens.” -Peter Katz, Author, The New Urbanism, and Planning Director, Arlington County, Virginia Live-Work Planning and Design is the only comprehensive guide to the design and planning of live-work spaces for architects, designers, and urban planners. Readers will learn from built examples of live-work, both new construction and renovation, in a variety of locations. Urban planners, developers, and economic development staff will learn how various municipalities have developed and incorporated live-work within building codes and city plans. The author, whose pioneering website,, has been guiding practitioners and users of live-work since 1998, is the United States' leading expert on the subject.
Vor 200 Jahren wurde einer der gro?ten und bis heute umstrittenen Naturforscher geboren: Charles Darwin. Der Autor Wolfgang Schaumann schildert in seiner kritischen Wurdigung von Darwins Lebenswerk historische und hochst aktuelle Auseinandersetzungen mit Darwins revolutionarer Theorie zur Evolution der Arten, die erstmals im Jahre 1859 von ihm veroffentlicht wurde. In einem Spannungsbogen, der sich uber 150 Jahre hinzieht, lasst Schaumann den Leser miterleben, wie Darwins revolutionare Theorie allen gegen sie vorgebrachten Argumenten getrotzt hat und sich gegen samtliche Alternativtheorien immer wieder durchsetzen konnte. Spannend und lehrreich zugleich!
This is a compact but comprehensive guide to writing clearly and effectively in APA style. Demonstrates how to write objective scientific research papers using interesting prose Incorporates guidelines from the 6th edition of the APA publication manual Explores how to develop ideas, connect them to what others have written, and express them clearly Discusses the differences between written, oral, and poster presentations and offers instructions for applying APA style to each
This enlightening book makes visible the lives and works of women who played a critical role in the development of geography as an academic field. A rare and detailed analysis of the geographical work of 30 individual women geographers from 1850 to 1970 Includes oral histories from women who have held appointments in British universities since World War II Makes the work of women geographers visible and challenges the notion of pre 1970s geography as an overwhelmingly masculine field Makes an important contribution to debates about the theoretical and methodological framing of the historiography of geography
Design and Analysis of Composite Structures enables graduate students and engineers to generate meaningful and robust designs of complex composite structures. Combining analysis and design methods for structural components, the book begins with simple topics such as skins and stiffeners and progresses through to entire components of fuselages and wings. Starting with basic mathematical derivation followed by simplifications used in real-world design, Design and Analysis of Composite Structures presents the level of accuracy and range of applicability of each method. Examples taken from actual applications are worked out in detail to show how the concepts are applied, solving the same design problem with different methods based on different drivers (e.g. cost or weight) to show how the final configuration changes as the requirements and approach change. Provides a toolkit of analysis and design methods to most situations encountered in practice, as well as analytical frameworks and the means to solving them for tackling less frequent problems. Presents solutions applicable to optimization schemes without having to run finite element models at each iteration, speeding up the design process and allowing examination of several more alternatives than traditional approaches. Includes guidelines showing how decisions based on manufacturing considerations affect weight and how weight optimization may adversely affect the cost. Accompanied by a website at hosting lecture slides and solutions to the exercises for instructors.
Introduces number operators with a focus on the relationship between quantum mechanics and social science Mathematics is increasingly applied to classical problems in finance, biology, economics, and elsewhere. Quantum Dynamics for Classical Systems describes how quantum tools—the number operator in particular—can be used to create dynamical systems in which the variables are operator-valued functions and whose results explain the presented model. The book presents mathematical results and their applications to concrete systems and discusses the methods used, results obtained, and techniques developed for the proofs of the results. The central ideas of number operators are illuminated while avoiding excessive technicalities that are unnecessary for understanding and learning the various mathematical applications. The presented dynamical systems address a variety of contexts and offer clear analyses and explanations of concluded results. Additional features in Quantum Dynamics for Classical Systems include: Applications across diverse fields including stock markets and population migration as well as a unique quantum perspective on these classes of models Illustrations of the use of creation and annihilation operators for classical problems Examples of the recent increase in research and literature on the many applications of quantum tools in applied mathematics Clarification on numerous misunderstandings and misnomers while shedding light on new approaches in the field Quantum Dynamics for Classical Systems is an ideal reference for researchers, professionals, and academics in applied mathematics, economics, physics, biology, and sociology. The book is also excellent for courses in dynamical systems, quantum mechanics, and mathematical models.
A ground-breaking and practical treatment of probability and stochastic processes A Modern Theory of Random Variation is a new and radical re-formulation of the mathematical underpinnings of subjects as diverse as investment, communication engineering, and quantum mechanics. Setting aside the classical theory of probability measure spaces, the book utilizes a mathematically rigorous version of the theory of random variation that bases itself exclusively on finitely additive probability distribution functions. In place of twentieth century Lebesgue integration and measure theory, the author uses the simpler concept of Riemann sums, and the non-absolute Riemann-type integration of Henstock. Readers are supplied with an accessible approach to standard elements of probability theory such as the central limmit theorem and Brownian motion as well as remarkable, new results on Feynman diagrams and stochastic integrals. Throughout the book, detailed numerical demonstrations accompany the discussions of abstract mathematical theory, from the simplest elements of the subject to the most complex. In addition, an array of numerical examples and vivid illustrations showcase how the presented methods and applications can be undertaken at various levels of complexity. A Modern Theory of Random Variation is a suitable book for courses on mathematical analysis, probability theory, and mathematical finance at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. The book is also an indispensible resource for researchers and practitioners who are seeking new concepts, techniques and methodologies in data analysis, numerical calculation, and financial asset valuation. Patrick Muldowney, PhD, served as lecturer at the Magee Business School of the UNiversity of Ulster for over twenty years. Dr. Muldowney has published extensively in his areas of research, including integration theory, financial mathematics, and random variation.
A systematic and integrated approach to Cantor Sets and their applications to various branches of mathematics The Elements of Cantor Sets: With Applications features a thorough introduction to Cantor Sets and applies these sets as a bridge between real analysis, probability, topology, and algebra. The author fills a gap in the current literature by providing an introductory and integrated perspective, thereby preparing readers for further study and building a deeper understanding of analysis, topology, set theory, number theory, and algebra. The Elements of Cantor Sets provides coverage of: Basic definitions and background theorems as well as comprehensive mathematical details A biography of Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor, one of the most significant mathematicians of the last century Chapter coverage of fractals and self-similar sets, sums of Cantor Sets, the role of Cantor Sets in creating pathological functions, p-adic numbers, and several generalizations of Cantor Sets A wide spectrum of topics from measure theory to the Monty Hall Problem An ideal text for courses in real analysis, topology, algebra, and set theory for undergraduate and graduate-level courses within mathematics, computer science, engineering, and physics departments, The Elements of Cantor Sets is also appropriate as a useful reference for researchers and secondary mathematics education majors.
This book provides state-of-the-art coverage for making measurements on RF and Microwave Components, both active and passive. A perfect reference for R&D and Test Engineers, with topics ranging from the best practices for basic measurements, to an in-depth analysis of errors, correction methods, and uncertainty analysis, this book provides everything you need to understand microwave measurements. With primary focus on active and passive measurements using a Vector Network Analyzer, these techniques and analysis are equally applicable to measurements made with Spectrum Analyzers or Noise Figure Analyzers. The early chapters provide a theoretical basis for measurements complete with extensive definitions and descriptions of component characteristics and measurement parameters. The latter chapters give detailed examples for cases of cable, connector and filter measurements; low noise, high-gain and high power amplifier measurements, a wide range of mixer and frequency converter measurements, and a full examination of fixturing, de-embedding, balanced measurements and calibration techniques. The chapter on time-domain theory and measurements is the most complete treatment on the subject yet presented, with details of the underlying mathematics and new material on time domain gating. As the inventor of many of the methods presented, and with 30 years as a development engineer on the most modern measurement platforms, the author presents unique insights into the understanding of modern measurement theory. Key Features: Explains the interactions between the device-under-test (DUT) and the measuring equipment by demonstrating the best practices for ascertaining the true nature of the DUT, and optimizing the time to set up and measure Offers a detailed explanation of algorithms and mathematics behind measurements and error correction Provides numerous illustrations (e.g. block-diagrams for circuit connections and measurement setups) and practical examples on real-world devices, which can provide immediate benefit to the reader Written by the principle developer and designer of many of the measurement methods described This book will be an invaluable guide for RF and microwave R&D and test engineers, satellite test engineers, radar engineers, power amplifier designers, LNA designers, and mixer designers. University researchers and graduate students in microwave design and test will also find this book of interest.