Emerging markets are big news. But after the financial crisis, what does the future really hold for them? And what does this future mean for global business? George Magnus, one of the world's most respected economic analysts, is your guide through the challenges and opportunities for emerging markets and those doing business in them. This magisterial book looks in detail at China and India – the big players – and also less hyped but crucial markets, including Eastern European countries and Turkey. Magnus takes in his sweep everything from commodity prices to climate change, and from comparative advantage to demographic to provide a compelling analysis of what the future might look like – not just for emerging markets, but for investors, businesses and economies everywhere. Uprising is a must-read for anyone who cares about the future of the global economy.
Vom Denken der Technik oder wie Technik und Kultur die Welt verandern Wie eng Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften zusammenhangen, zeigt Karl Wilhelm Boddeker. In seiner geschichtlichen Betrachtung fokussiert sich Boddeker nicht auf allseits bekannte Beispiele wie die industrielle Revolution, sondern widmet sich vor allem auch brennenden und ungelosten Fragen der Gegenwart anhand der existenziellen Themen Wasser und Energie. Das Sachbuch ist nicht nur informativ, sondern auch aktuell und politisch. Eine zum Nach- und Umdenken anregende Lekture fur Naturwissenschaftler und alle interessierten Leser. Naturwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisgewinn und kulturelle Entwicklung Wasser und Energie sind Boddekers zentrale Themen. In den Kapiteln >Wasser – die unverbrauchbare Ressource< und >Energie – Woher, wohin, wofur, wie viel?< geht der Autor der ubergeordneten Frage nach, wie sich naturwissenschaftlichtechnischer Erkenntnisgewinn uberhaupt abspielt und wie er mit der kulturellen Entwicklung einhergeht. Galten Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften lange als strikte Gegensatze, zeigt Karl Wilhelm Boddeker hier in einem modernen Ansatz, wie eng Technik und Kultur eigentlich zusammenhangen und das Leben und Denken der Menschen beeinflussen.
Avoid becoming a #PRFail with a solid social media strategy Social Media Rules of Engagement guides you in the development of a bullet-proof social media strategy. You can manage any crisis effectively by having a plan before you actually need one—and by understanding and influencing your audience with military precision. This original, engaging, and informative text with case studies from the coalface offers you the tools you need to avoid scandal and media crises, and to learn how to leverage social media, big data, and influence in your communications strategies. Social media has established itself as a critical part of any external communications strategy—but the very nature of social media leads to crises that organisations are not always prepared to face. To execute an effective social media strategy, you need to build influence, while leveraging the data that supports a targeted approach. This innovative guide focuses on how to create a holistic social media strategy, and how to defend your organization from social media crisis. Develop a risk management strategy that protects your social media interactions around the clock Avoid common mistakes by reading case studies of business faux pas—and learning exactly what not to do in a crisis Cultivate influence both in the boardroom and on the information battlefield by defining your story and knowing your audience segments Leverage digital interactivity features to enrich the content in the book Social Media Rules of Engagement is an integral resource to guide your social strategy toward success.
Globalization is not new, nor is it a policy, it’s a process that has existed as long as man looked over the horizon, travelled and traded. It can’t be stopped but it can be slowed. It came to a grinding halt in August 1914 and the Marxist detour cost millions of lives and lost three generations their opportunity and hope in many countries. More wealth has been created in the past 60 years than in all of history. After the most successful decade of sustained economic growth in history, this progress is threatened. Extreme inequality, corruption and environmental degradation threaten the stability and legitimacy of many developing countries’ regimes. Anti-globalization and anti-capitalist campaigners’ confidence has been emboldened due to the present economic crisis. Protectionist rhetoric is growing as are the arguments to control and regulate markets. Leaders are meeting to discuss how to face these problems and create a new international architecture. How did we get to this position? What should we do? What is it that determines why some contemporary states are successful while others have failed? Saving Globalization departs from its analysis of the globalised economy in the twenty-first century to answer these question by tracing the development of what Moore considers to be ‘the big ideas of history’: democracy, independent courts, the separation of church and state, property rights, independent courts, a professional civil service, and civil society. Democratic capitalism has worked for most people. Why? It is a remarkable story, from the Greeks to the Geeks, encompassing technological progress and the corrections and contradictions between liberty and equality, technology, growth and the environment. In defence of the many virtues and opportunities that globalisation offers, Mike Moore makes the case for a fresh and new approach to our international Institutions and for domestic policies that promote equity and fairness. The book controversially attacks the new enemies of reason and evidence. The threats now come from all sides, especially workers in developed countries who fear for their jobs. Mike Moore is a political practitioner turned theoretician.
Emanuel Derman was a quantitative analyst (Quant) at Goldman Sachs, one of the financial engineers whose mathematical models became crucial for Wall Street. The reliance investors put on such quantitative analysis was catastrophic for the economy, setting off the ongoing string of financial crises that began with the mortgage market in 2007 and continues through today. Here Derman looks at why people – bankers in particular – still put so much faith in these models, and why it's a terrible mistake to do so. Though financial models imitate the style of physics and employ the language of mathematics, ultimately they deal with human beings. There is a fundamental difference between the aims and potential achievements of physics and those of finance. In physics, theories aim for a description of reality; in finance, at best, models can shoot only for a simplistic and very limited approximation to it. When we make a model involving human beings, we are trying to force the ugly stepsister's foot into Cinderella's pretty glass slipper. It doesn't fit without cutting off some of the essential parts. Physicists and economists have been too enthusiastic to acknowledge the limits of their equations in the sphere of human behavior–which of course is what economics is all about. Models.Behaving.Badly includes a personal account of Derman's childhood encounters with failed models–the oppressions of apartheid and the utopia of the kibbutz. He describes his experience as a physicist on Wall Street, the models quants generated, the benefits they brought and the problems, practical and ethical, they caused. Derman takes a close look at what a model is, and then highlights the differences between the successes of modeling in physics and its failures in economics. Describing the collapse of the subprime mortgage CDO market in 2007, Derman urges us to stop the naïve reliance on these models, and offers suggestions for mending them. This is a fascinating, lyrical, and very human look behind the curtain at the intersection between mathematics and human nature.
John Zinkin's new book on Challenges in Implementing Corporate Governance is a welcome addition for board members and senior management on how to improve corporate governance in the post-crisis period. John correctly identifies that most boards on underperforming companies have three elements of failure: a lack of proper understanding of the business and its strategy; a total lack of appreciation of both the strategic and systemic risks created by new product markets; and a total failure by boards to ensure that the incentive structures for top management reflect long-term needs rather than short-term profits, thereby putting the company's future at risk. John has written a useful and practical handbook that is a must read for all board members on how to improve corporate governance. —Datuk Seri Panglima Andrew Sheng, Chief Adviser, China Banking Regulatory Commission and the Boards of the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority , Sime Darby Berhad and Khazanah Nasional «This timely book will interest those wanting to improve corporate governance and risk management. It should also appeal to anyone curious about what caused banks to fail in a number of markets in recent times, and the values which led to this failure. In considering principles which are essential to good governance, ACCA recognizes that corporate governance evolves and improves over time. We accept that organizations in different sectors and across the world operate in diverse environments in terms of culture, regulation, legislation and enforcement. What is appropriate, in terms of governance, for one type of organization will not be appropriate to all organizations. John Zinkin’s book seeks to address this challenge, analyzing the essential cultural and behavioral issues which sit at the heart of the challenges.» —Paul Moxey, Head of Risk Management and Corporate Governance, Association of Chartered Certified Accountants «A scholarly combination of practical guidelines and strategic vision.» —Lady Sylvia Jay CBE, Vice-Chairman, L'Oreal UK; Independent Director, Alcatel-Lucent, Compagnie de Saint Gobain, Lazard Limited and Carrefour «This is a highly topical and timely publication. Globally, the crisis that has gripped the financial services sector following the failure of well known global banks in recent years has focused attention on corporate governance. To restore confidence in the financial services sector is a long-term goal and effective corporate governance, together with the closely associated topic of risk management, has gripped not only governments and banks, but the public too. In this book, John Zinkin clearly asserts that financial institutions need to exert their responsibilities beyond their shareholders and far more into the wider group of stakeholders, including employees and wider society. In considering issues globally, John provides a book that is not only thought-provoking but pragmatic and useful at a time when stakeholders in our banks need to see real change in transparent, practical ways from those charged with governing our banks.» —Ruth Martin, Managing Director, The Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment
Written by an award-winning author, this well-organized and comprehensive introduction to global Christianity illuminates the many ways the world's Christians live their faith today. Covers the entire globe: Africa, Asia, and Latin America as well as Europe, North America, and the Pacific Provides impartial, in-depth descriptions of the world's four major Christian traditions: Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, and Pentecostal/Charismatic Utilizes the best available sources to produce an up-to-date profile of demographic trends in the Christian population Blends history, sociology, anthropology, and theology to create a rich, multi-layered analysis of the world Christian movement Features clear maps and 4-color illustrations throughout the volume
Practical, easy-to-follow advice that saves lives Based on the author's thirty years of hands-on experience working in the field of industrial fuel systems and combustion equipment safety, this book integrates safety codes with practical, tested, and proven guidance that makes it viable to specify, operate, and maintain industrial fuel and combustion systems as safely as possible. Readers will learn about fuels, piping, combustion, controls, and risks from more than fifty «real-life stories» the author has integrated into each chapter so one can immediately see and understand the concepts presented. The incidents depicted resulted in forty-six deaths, hundreds of serious injuries, and billions of dollars in losses. Each example is followed by lessons learned, helping readers understand what could have been done to avoid the disaster or minimize the resulting destruction of life and property. The book begins with an introductory chapter that presents key concepts in industrial fuel and combustion systems safety. Next, chapters cover such topics as: Combustion and natural gas piping basics Gas supply system issues Gas piping repairs and cleaning Fuel trains and combustion equipment Boilers and their unique risks Controlling combustion risks: people, policy, equipment The final two chapters address risks related to facilities outside of the United States, as well as business contingency planning related to fuels and combustion equipment. The last chapter explains how to plan for and then respond quickly and effectively to fuel or combustion system incidents. Filled with practical, easy-to-follow advice that saves lives, Fuel and Combustion Systems Safety is an essential reference for everyone from equipment operators and maintenance personnel to corporate risk managers and global safety directors.
NanoInnovation: What Every Manager Needs to Know is the most comprehensive book written to-date on innovative technologies and applications in the field of nanotechnology. Author Michael Tomczyk conducted more than 150 interviews with nano-insiders to present the inside story of scientific discoveries, research breakthroughs, and commercial products and applications that are already changing our lives, thanks to the remarkable ability to manipulate atoms and molecules at the nanoscale.
If higher education is to fulfill its vital social mission, new department leaders must be prepared for their positions and get up to speed on the basics quickly, educating themselves about the role and continuing to learn on the job. In this second edition of his classic resource, Don Chu outlines the proven ideas and strategies new department chairs need in order to do their jobs well. Thoroughly revised and updated, The Department Chair Primer contains information that addresses the current pressures and challenges in higher education and offers practical suggestions for responding to them. Filled with illustrative examples, the book gets straight to the heart of challenges and issues. Each chapter details a particular problem, includes a brief introduction to the topic, and provides tips on how to deal with the situation. Covering a wealth of topics, The Department Chair Primer Explores the chair's role as department leader Offers suggestions for handling stress and conflict Includes information on budgeting, resource management, and development Contains strategies for professional development, people management, and working with challenging personnel Presents ideas for handling department communications, student development, and strategic positioning Written in a concise and accessible manner, The Department Chair Primer is an ideal resource for the busy new department chair.