John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Building Software for Simulation. Theory and Algorithms, with Applications in C++

    James Nutaro J.

    A unique guide to the design and implementation of simulation software This book offers a concise introduction to the art of building simulation software, collecting the most important concepts and algorithms in one place. Written for both individuals new to the field of modeling and simulation as well as experienced practitioners, this guide explains the design and implementation of simulation software used in the engineering of large systems while presenting the relevant mathematical elements, concept discussions, and code development. The book approaches the topic from the perspective of Zeigler's theory of modeling and simulation, introducing the theory's fundamental concepts and showing how to apply them to engineering problems. Readers will learn five necessary skills for building simulations of complicated systems: Working with fundamental abstractions for simulating dynamic systems Developing basic simulation algorithms for continuous and discrete event models Combining continuous and discrete event simulations into a coherent whole Applying strategies for testing a simulation Understanding the theoretical foundations of the modeling constructs and simulation algorithms The central chapters of the book introduce, explain, and demonstrate the elements of the theory that are most important for building simulation tools. They are bracketed by applications to robotics, control and communications, and electric power systems; these comprehensive examples clearly illustrate how the concepts and algorithms are put to use. Readers will explore the design of object-oriented simulation programs, simulation using multi-core processors, and the integration of simulators into larger software systems. The focus on software makes this book particularly useful for computer science and computer engineering courses in simulation that focus on building simulators. It is indispensable reading for undergraduate and graduate students studying modeling and simulation, as well as for practicing scientists and engineers involved in the development of simulation tools.

    Introduction to Sociological Theory, eTextbook. Theorists, Concepts, and their Applicability to the Twenty-First Century

    Michele Dillon

    Combining carefully chosen primary quotes with extensive discussion and everyday illustrative examples, this book provides an in-depth introduction to classical and contemporary theory. Uses a wide range of newspaper examples to illustrate the relevance to sociological theory Contains excerpts from theorists’ primary texts Includes chapter-specific glossaries of all theoretical concepts discussed in the book Short biographies and historical timelines of significant events provide context to various theorists’ ideas Incorporates a range of pedagogical features Supporting website includes multiple choice and essay questions, PowerPoint slides, a quotation bank, and other background materials Visit for additional student and instructor resources.

    Climate Adaptation Governance in Cities and Regions. Theoretical Fundamentals and Practical Evidence

    Jorg Knieling

    Global climate change creates new challenges in particular for cities and regions. As centres of human activity they are especially vulnerable to climate change impacts. Adapting to a changing climate requires dealing with multiple uncertainties and complexity in order to allow proactive action. Therefore, cities and regions around the globe face the challenge of exploring flexible and innovative forms of governance which have to address specific local or regional vulnerabilities and build capacity to accommodate future change. This raises questions about the roles of stakeholders, the involvement of citizens, the composition and use of formal and informal instruments as well as the implementation of different forms of organization and regulation at the local and regional level. This book provides case studies from cities and regions all around the world. It analyses climate change adaptation from a perspective of organizing, administering and implementing local and regional adaptation strategies and measures. It looks into actors, actor-constellations, institutions and networks of climate adaptation. And, it provides the reader with knowledge about good practices and experiences to be transferred for solving adaptation challenges in cities and regions around the globe.

    Internet Fraud Casebook. The World Wide Web of Deceit

    Joseph Wells T.

    Real case studies on Internet fraud written by real fraud examiners Internet Fraud Casebook: The World Wide Web of Deceit is a one-of-a-kind collection of actual cases written by the fraud examiners who investigated them. These stories were hand-selected from hundreds of submissions and together form a comprehensive, enlightening and entertaining picture of the many types of Internet fraud in varied industries throughout the world. Each case outlines how the fraud was engineered, how it was investigated, and how perpetrators were brought to justice Topics included are phishing, on-line auction fraud, security breaches, counterfeiting, and others Other titles by Wells: Fraud Casebook, Principles of Fraud Examination, and Computer Fraud Casebook This book reveals the dangers of Internet fraud and the measures that can be taken to prevent it from happening in the first place.

    Management and Welfare of Farm Animals. The UFAW Farm Handbook

    John Webster

    Through successive editions, Management and Welfare of Farm Animals has gained international recognition as a classic introductory textbook for students of agriculture and veterinary science. Conceived by the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW), the book has always sought to promote the humane treatment of livestock within the practical business context of modern farming. Now fully revised and updated, this fifth edition remains the most comprehensive and accessible guide available. Three animal groups appear here for the first time (game birds, South American camelids, and ostriches), and a chapter on horses has also been restored. Throughout, the book offers clear advice for the humane management of all major farmed species in the primary context of large-scale food production. However, this edition also takes full account of consumer demand (and legal requirements) for alternative farming methods and enhanced welfare standards, whether in conventional agriculture or the smallest of ‘hobby' farms. Brand new chapters reflect fresh understanding of welfare science, ethics, and the role of society in ensuring the best possible farm conditions. It remains an indispensable resource for students, and for all those seeking to promote animal welfare. Published as a part of the prestigious Wiley-Blackwell – UFAW Animal Welfare series. UFAW, founded 1926, is an internationally recognised, independent, scientific and educational animal welfare charity. For full details of all titles available in the UFAW series, please visit

    Engage. The Trainer's Guide to Learning Styles

    Jeanine O'Neill-Blackwell

    Discover Your Training Style Strengths and Build Your Skills with Online Tools, Videos, and More «A superb book that gives learning and development professionals in every industry an automatic must-read. This book is filled with wisdom and insight as well as clear analytic models and real actionable concrete steps.» – Bruce Tulgan, author of It's OK to Be the Boss and Managing Generation X «Engage takes the innovation of 4MAT® and looks at it through the lens of the trainer. An engaging learning experience itself, Engage is full of interactive assessments, links to videos, and foolproof action plans and ideas designed to transform any learning event into a dynamic learning experience.»– Shelley Barnes, executive director, Field Education/Program Development, Aveda Corporation For any trainer who needs easy-to-apply strategies that are grounded in solid research, Engage offers a hands-on guide to understanding learning styles. It includes a four-step model for engaging all learning styles in any learning situation. The book integrates both the art and research-based science of strong instructional design reaching all learning styles with activities, tricks, and tips that are proven to boost skills quickly. Filled with illustrative examples and online companion resources, the book explores the brain research that lays the foundation for the book's 4MAT® model and includes activities and strategies that can be applied for each step in the process. Engage also gives the reader access to an online version of the 4MAT® Training Style Inventory. The results of the assessment give a strengths score in four key training roles.

    As Free and as Just as Possible. The Theory of Marxian Liberalism

    Jeffrey Reiman

    Grafting the Marxian idea that private property is coercive onto the liberal imperative of individual liberty, this new thesis from one of America's foremost intellectuals conceives a revised definition of justice that recognizes the harm inflicted by capitalism's hidden coercive structures. Maps a new frontier in moral philosophy and political theory Distills a new concept of justice that recognizes the iniquities of capitalism Synthesis of elements of Marxism and Liberalism will interest readers in both camps Direct and jargon-free style opens these complex ideas to a wide readership

    Unrecognized States. The Struggle for Sovereignty in the Modern International System

    Nina Caspersen

    Unrecognized states are places that do not exist in international politics; they are state-like entities that have achieved de facto independence, but have failed to gain widespread international recognition. Since the Cold-War, unrecognized states have been involved in conflicts over sovereign statehood in the Balkans, the former Soviet Union, South Asia, the Horn of Africa, and the South Pacific; some of which elicited major international crises and intervention, including the use of armed force. Yet they remain subject to many myths and simplifications. Drawing on a number of contemporary and historical cases, from Nagorno Karabakh and Somaliland to Taiwan, this timely new book provides a comprehensive analysis of unrecognized states. It examines their origins, the factors that enable them to survive and explores their likely future trajectories. But it is not just a book about unrecognized states; it is a book about sovereignty and statehood; one which does not shy way from addressing crucial issues such as how these anomalies survive in a system of sovereign states and how the context of non-recognition affects their attempts to build effective state-like entities. Ideal for students and scholars of global politics, peace and conflict studies, Unrecognized States offers a much needed and engaging account of the development of unrecognized states in the modern international system.

    American Wheels, Chinese Roads. The Story of General Motors in China

    Michael Dunne J.

    How could one company—General Motors—meet disaster on one continent and achieve explosive growth on another at the very same time? While General Motors was hurtling towards bankruptcy in 2009, GM’s subsidiary in China was setting new sales and profit records. This book reveals how extraordinary people, remarkable decisions and surprising breaks made triumph in China possible for General Motors. It also shows just how vulnerable that winning track record remains. No small part of GM’s success in China springs from its management of shifting business and political relationships. In China, the government makes the rules for—and competes in—the auto industry. GM’s business partner, the City of Shanghai, is both an ally and a competitor. How does such an unnatural relationship work on a day-to-day basis? Where will it go on the future? General Motors also engages in constant battles with other global and Chinese car makers for the hearts of demanding Chinese consumers. Dunne gives us rare glimpses into the mindsets and behavior of this new moneyed set, the worlds newest class of wealthy consumers. China is already the number one car market in the world. During the next ten years, China will export millions of cars and trucks globally, including to the United States. American Wheels, Chinese Roads presents readers with fascinating illustrations of what to expect when Chinese cars, companies, and business people arrive on our shores.

    Walter Benjamin and the Media. The Spectacle of Modernity

    Jaeho Kang

    Walter Benjamin (1892-1940), one of the most original and perceptive thinkers of the twentieth century, offered a unique insight into the profound impact of the media on modern society. Jaeho Kang’s book offers a lucid introduction to Benjamin’s theory of the media and its continuing relevance today. The book provides a systematic and close reading of Benjamin’s critical and provocative writings on the intersection between media – from print to electronic – and modern experience, with reference to the information industry, the urban spectacle, and the aesthetic politics. Bringing Benjamin’s thought into a critical constellation with contemporary media theorists such as Marshall McLuhan and Jean Baudrillard, the book helps students understand the implications of Benjamin’s work for media studies today and how they can apply his distinctive ideas to contemporary media culture. Kang’s book leads to a fresh appreciation of Benjamin’s work and new insight into critical theoretical approaches to media. The book will be of particular interest to students and researchers not only in media and communication studies but also in cultural studies, film studies and social theory, who are seeking a readable overview of Benjamin’s rich yet complex writings.