CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
The first part of this book (Chapters 1 and 2) provides an introduction and discusses basic concepts. Chapter 3 deals with the use of the basic human senses for identifying hazards. Chapter 4 deals with different classes and categories of hazards. Chapter 5 deals with techniques and methodologies for identifying and evaluating hazards. Chapter 6 deals with making risk based decisions. Chapter 7 deals with follow-up and call to action. Chapter 8 deals with learning and continuous improvement. The Appendices provide references, case studies, hazard presentations and additional pictures. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology explains nanotechnology to an audience that does not necessarily have a scientific background. It covers all aspects, including the new areas of biomedical applications and the use of nanotechnology to probe the «quantum vacuum.» After discussing the present state of the art in nanotechnology, the book makes estimates of where these technologies are going and what will be possible in the future.
Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret the key assessment instruments used by forensic psychologists Mental health professionals are frequently called on to perform forensic assessments for a wide variety of court cases. To use these instruments properly, professionals need an authoritative source of advice and guidance on how to administer, score, and interpret them. Now fully revised and in a second edition, Essentials of Forensic Psychological Assessment is that source. The Second Edition is completely updated to reflect current research and theory in the field, including the most recent codes and standards published by the American Psychological Association. In addition, this volume offers updated coverage of the most frequently used instruments in forensic psychological assessments, including the MMPI®-2 and MMPI-2-RF, PAI®, Rorschach®, ASPECT, and various neuropsychological assessment instruments. Like all the volumes in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, this book is designed to help busy mental health practitioners, and those in training, quickly acquire the knowledge and skills they need to make optimal use of major psychological assessment instruments. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as test questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered. Written by a noted forensic psychologist, the Second Edition offers in-depth coverage of maltreatment and domestic violence, as well as the assessment of recidivism, fitness to stand trial, civil commitment, substance abuse assessment, custody evaluations, personal injury assessments, and many other aspects of forensic mental health practice.
Praise for Doing Therapy with Children and Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome «Providing an explanation of Asperger's based on a review of scientific research, Richard Bromfield describes how the characteristics of the syndrome affect the person's thoughts and experiences throughout childhood. Psychotherapy based on the practices described in this book will change the destiny of children and adults with Asperger Syndrome to one of greater connectivity to themselves and others. This should become the primary text for pshchotherapists working with children and adolescents with Asperger's.» —Tony Attwood, PhD, author of The Complete Guide to Asperger's Syndrome «Dr. Blomfield generously shares his wisdom and experience in this very accessible, honest, and often moving book. Any clinician who reads it in its entirely—or even selects a chapter or two at random—will no doubt discover new paths to take their most complex and challenging clients and gain a greater appreciation for those with Asperger Syndrome. Bromfield gives us all a window into a world that is hard to describe, impossible to imagine, but needs and deserves to be understood.» —Naomi Angoff Chedd, LMHC, Autism Specialist and coauthor of Replays Cutting-edge guidance for effective treatment of children and adolescents with Asperger Syndrome Diagnoses of Asperger Syndrome in children and adolescents are on the rise, and while some clinicians have training and experience in this area, most do not. Using vivid case material, Doing Therapy with Children and Adolescent with Asperger Syndrome offers clinicians the guidance they need to treat the young people they endeavor to help.
Discusses chiral separations and offers guidance for selecting the optimum method for desired results Chiral separations represent the most intriguing and, by some measures, most difficultseparations of chemical compounds. This book provides researchers and students an under-standing of chiral separations and offers a convenient route to selecting the best separation method, saving considerable time and cost in product development. Considering chiral separations in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industries, as well as for food applications, Dr. Ahuja provides insights into a broad range of topics. Opening with a broad overview of chiral separations, regulatory considerations in drug product development, and basic issues in method development, the book: Covers a variety of modern methods such as gas chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography, and capillary electrophoresis Deals with the impact of chirality on the biological activity of small and large molecules Provides detailed information on useful chiral stationary phases (CSPs) for HPLC Includes handy information on selection of an appropriate CSP, including mechanistic studies Offers strategies for fast method development with HPLC, SFC, and CE Discusses preparatory methods utilized in the pharmaceutical industry With in-depth discussions of the current state of the field as well as suggestions to assist future developments, Chiral Separation Methods for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Products is an essential text for laboratory investigators, managers, and regulators who are involved in chiral separations in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as students preparing for careers in these fields.
This book describes the way that pharmaceutical projects and programs are currently managed, and offers views from many highly experienced practitioners from within the industry on future directions for drug program management. The book integrates portfolio, program, and project management processes as fundamental for effective and efficient drug product development. Contributing expert authors provide their view of how the projectization approach can be taken forward by the drug industry over the coming years.
THE HANDBOOK OF NONPROFIT GOVERNANCE From BoardSource comes The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance. This comprehensive resource explores the overarching question of governance within nonprofit organizations and addresses the roles, structures, and practices of an effective nonprofit. The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance covers the topics that are of most importance to those charged with creating and sustaining effective leadership, including building a board; succession planning; policies; financial oversight; fundraising; planning; strategic planning processes; risk management; and evaluation of the board, CEO, and organization. Praise for The Handbook of Nonprofit Governance «This is the first book I've found that covers the topic of governance from A to Z. I know what I'll be assigning the students in my governance class as a textbook next semester!» —TERRIE TEMKIN, founding principal, CoreStrategies for Nonprofits, Inc. «BoardSource has prepared an exceptional resource for nonprofit boards and leaders. This comprehensive volume offers timely and relevant information about board work and governance, including practical tools and resources that will be valuable to all types of nonprofits.» —DAVID O. RENZ, chair, department of public affairs; Beth K. Smith/Missouri Chair in Nonprofit Leadership; and director, Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership; University of Missouri, Kansas City «If you are involved in nonprofit organizations, and if you ever have doubts about how they are best run, this is the book for you-and BoardSource is the place to turn.» —FISHER HOWE, consultant, Lavender/Howe & Associates, and author, The Nonprofit Leadership Team BoardSource (formerly the National Center for Nonprofit Boards) is the premier resource for practical information, tools and best practices, training, and leadership development for board members of nonprofit organizations worldwide.
The Definitive reference on the important role fathers play in child development today Edited by Dr. Michael Lamb—the recognized authority on the role of fathers in child development, The Role of the Father in Child Development, Fifth Edition brings together contributions from international experts on each subject to provide a thorough and current summary of the state of fatherhood across cultures, classes, economic systems, and family formations. This classic guide offers a single-source reference for the most recent findings and beliefs related to fathers and fatherhood. This thoroughly updated new edition provides the latest material on topics such as: The effects of divorce Fathers from low-income backgrounds Stepfathers’ lives: exploring social context and interpersonal complexity Social policy Gay fathers Fatherhood and masculinity The definitive book on when, why, and how fathers matter to their children and families, The Role of the Father in Child Development, Fifth Edition is an essential reference for all mental health professionals who endeavor to understand and support fathers in becoming positive influences in their children’s development.
Presents the state of the technology, from fundamentals to new materials and applications Today's electronic devices, computers, solar cells, printing, imaging, copying, and recording technology, to name a few, all owe a debt to our growing understanding of the photophysics and photochemistry of polymeric materials. This book draws together, analyzes, and presents our current understanding of polymer photochemistry and photophysics. In addition to exploring materials, mechanisms, processes, and properties, the handbook also highlights the latest applications in the field and points to new developments on the horizon. Photochemistry and Photophysics of Polymer Materials is divided into seventeen chapters, including: Optical and luminescent properties and applications of metal complex-based polymers Photoinitiators for free radical polymerization reactions Photovoltaic polymer materials Photoimaging and lithographic processes in polymers Photostabilization of polymer materials Photodegradation processes in polymeric materials Each chapter, written by one or more leading experts and pioneers in the field, incorporates all the latest findings and developments as well as the authors' own personal insights and perspectives. References guide readers to the literature for further investigation of individual topics. Together, the contributions represent a series of major developments in the polymer world in which light and its energy have been put to valuable use. Not only does this reference capture our current state of knowledge, but it also provides the foundation for new research and the development of new materials and new applications.
The Blackwell Companion to Maritime Economics presents comprehensive and in-depth coverage of the entire scope of issues relating to shipping and port economics. Unprecedented survey of maritime economics provides full coverage of shipping and port economics In depth examinations offer an up-to-date study of the field including all facets of shipping, ports, logistics, and maintenance and topical discussion on security and environmental problems Presents original theories relating to theories for maritime carriers and ports Features contributions from the most respected international specialists in the field